Copyright : (c) Christian Maeder, Uni Bremen 2004 - 2005
Maintainer :
Portability : non-portable
The embedding comorphism from HasCASL to Haskell.
-- | The identity of the comorphism
data HasCASL2Haskell = HasCASL2Haskell deriving Show
instance Language HasCASL2Haskell -- default definition is okay
instance Comorphism HasCASL2Haskell
HasCASL HasCASL_Sublogics
BasicSpec Sentence SymbItems SymbMapItems
HsDecls (TiDecl PNT) () ()
sourceLogic HasCASL2Haskell = HasCASL
sourceSublogic HasCASL2Haskell = top
targetLogic HasCASL2Haskell = Haskell
targetSublogic HasCASL2Haskell = ()
map_morphism HasCASL2Haskell mor = do
(sig1,_) <- map_sign HasCASL2Haskell (dom HasCASL mor)
(sig2,_) <- map_sign HasCASL2Haskell (cod HasCASL mor)
inclusion Haskell sig1 sig2
map_sentence HasCASL2Haskell = mapSingleSentence
map_theory HasCASL2Haskell = mapTheory
-- former FromHasCASL file
mapSingleSentence :: Env -> Sentence -> Result (TiDecl PNT)
mapSingleSentence sign sen = do
(_, l) <- mapTheory (sign, [NamedSen "" True sen])
[] -> fail "sentence was not translated"
[s] -> return $ sentence s
_ -> do (_, o) <- mapTheory (sign, [])
[] -> fail "not a new sentence"
[s] -> return $ sentence s
_ -> fail "several sentences resulted"
mapTheory :: (Env, [Named Sentence]) -> Result (Sign, [Named (TiDecl PNT)])
mapTheory (sig, csens) = do
let hs = translateSig sig
ps = concatMap (translateSentence sig) csens
hatAna (HsDecls (cs ++ map sentence ps),
emptySign, emptyGlobalAnnos)
return (diffSign hsig preludeSign,
filter (not . preludeEntity . getHsDecl . sentence) sens)
-- former TranslateAna file
-- Translation of an HasCASL-Environement
-- | Converts an abstract syntax of HasCASL (after the static analysis)
-- to the top datatype of the abstract syntax of haskell.
translateSig :: Env -> [HsDecl]
(concat $ map (translateTypeInfo env) $
Map.toList $ typeMap env)
++ (concatMap translateAssump $ distinctOpIds 2 $
Map.toList $ assumps env)
-- | Converts one type to a data or type declaration in Haskell.
translateTypeInfo :: Env -> (TypeId, TypeInfo) -> [HsDecl]
translateTypeInfo env (tid,info) =
let hsname = mkHsIdent UpperId tid
hsTyName = hsTyCon hsname
mkTp l = foldl hsTyApp hsTyName l
loc = toProgPos $ posOfId tid
(mkTp $ kindToTypeArgs 1 $ typeKind info)
[HsConDecl loc [] [] hsname []]
NoTypeDefn -> case superTypes info of
[si] -> if isSameId tid si then [ddecl] else
[typeSynonym loc hsTyName si]
si : _ -> [typeSynonym loc hsTyName si]
[hsTypeDecl loc (mkTp $ getAliasArgs ts) $ getAliasType ts]
[hsTypeDecl loc (mkTp $ getAliasArgs ts) $ getAliasType ts]
DatatypeDefn de -> [sentence $ translateDt env de]
isSameId :: TypeId -> Type -> Bool
isSameId tid (TypeName tid2 _ _) = tid == tid2
isSameId _tid _ty = False
typeSynonym :: SrcLoc -> HsType -> Type -> HsDecl
typeSynonym loc hsname ty =
hsTypeDecl loc hsname (translateType ty)
kindToTypeArgs :: Int -> Kind -> [HsType]
kindToTypeArgs i k = case k of
ClassKind _ rk -> kindToTypeArgs i rk
Downset _ _ rk _ -> kindToTypeArgs i rk
FunKind _ kr _ -> (hsTyVar $ mkSName ("a" ++ show i)
: kindToTypeArgs (i+1) kr
Intersection l _ -> if null l then []
else kindToTypeArgs i $ head l
ExtKind ek _ _ -> kindToTypeArgs i ek
getAliasArgs :: TypeScheme -> [HsType]
getAliasArgs (TypeScheme arglist _ _) =
getArg :: TypeArg -> HsType
getArg (TypeArg tid _ _ _) = hsTyVar $ mkHsIdent LowerId tid
getAliasType :: TypeScheme -> HsType
getAliasType (TypeScheme _ t _) = translateType t
-- | Translation of an alternative constructor for a datatype definition.
translateAltDefn :: Env -> DataPat -> [TypeArg] -> IdMap -> AltDefn
-> [HsConDecl HsType [HsType]]
translateAltDefn env dt args im (Construct muid origTs p _) =
let ts = map (mapType im) origTs in
Just uid -> let loc = toProgPos $ posOfId uid
sc = TypeScheme args (getConstrType dt p ts) []
(c, ui) = translateId env uid sc
UpperId -> -- no existentials, no context
[HsConDecl loc [] [] ui $
map (HsBangedType . translateType) ts]
translateDt :: Env -> DataEntry -> Named HsDecl
translateDt env (DataEntry im i _ args alts) =
loc = toProgPos $ posOfId i
hsname = mkHsIdent UpperId j
hsTyName = hsTyCon hsname
tp = foldl hsTyApp hsTyName $ map getArg args
NamedSen ("ga_" ++ showId j "") True $
(concatMap (translateAltDefn env (j, args, star)
-- Translation of functions
-- | Converts one distinct named function in HasCASL to the corresponding
translateAssump :: (Id, OpInfo) -> [HsDecl]
translateAssump (i, opinf) =
let fname = mkHsIdent LowerId i
loc = toProgPos $ posOfId i
$ translateTypeScheme $ opType opinf
ConstructData _ -> [] -- wrong case!
_ -> [res, functionUndef loc fname]
-- | Translation of the result type of a typescheme to a haskell type.
translateTypeScheme :: TypeScheme -> HsType
translateTypeScheme (TypeScheme _ t _) =
-- | Translation of types (
e.g. product type, type application ...).
translateType :: Type -> HsType
FunType t1 _arr t2 _ -> hsTyFun (translateType t1) (translateType t2)
ProductType tlist ps -> hsTyTuple (toProgPos ps)
$ map translateType tlist
LazyType lt _ -> translateType lt
KindedType kt _kind _ -> translateType kt
TypeAppl t1 t2 -> if isPredType t1 then
hsTyFun (translateType t2) boolType
else hsTyApp (translateType t1) (translateType t2)
if tid == unitTypeId then boolType
else if tid == logId then
hsTyFun boolType boolType
else hsTyCon $ mkHsIdent UpperId tid
else hsTyVar $ mkHsIdent LowerId tid
_ -> error ("translateType: unexpected type: " ++ show t)
where boolType = hsTyCon $ mkSName "Bool" $ toProgPos $ get_pos t
isPredType ty = case ty of
TypeName tid _ n -> n == 0 && tid == predTypeId
toProgPos :: [Pos] -> SrcLoc
toProgPos p = if null p then loc0 else let SourcePos n l c = head p
in SrcLoc n (1000 + (l-1) * 80 + c) l c
mkSName :: String -> SrcLoc -> SN HsName
mkSName s p = SN (UnQual s) p
mkHsIdent :: IdCase -> Id -> SN HsName
mkHsIdent c i = mkSName (translateIdWithType c i) $ toProgPos $ posOfId i
translateId :: Env -> Id -> TypeScheme -> (IdCase, SN HsName)
let oid = findUniqueId env uid sc
mkUnQual :: IdCase -> Id -> (IdCase, SN HsName)
mkUnQual c j = (c, mkHsIdent c j)
Just (i, oi) -> if isConstructor oi then mkUnQual UpperId i
_ -> mkUnQual LowerId uid -- variable
-- | Converts a term in HasCASL to an expression in haskell
translateTerm :: Env -> Term -> HsExp
let loc = toProgPos $ get_pos t
QualVar (VarDecl v ty _ _) ->
let (c, i) = translateId env v $ simpleTypeScheme ty in
LowerId -> rec $ HsId $ HsVar i
_ -> error "translateTerm: variable with UpperId"
QualOp _ (InstOpId uid _ _) sc _ -> let
-- The identifier 'uid' may have been renamed. To find its new name,
-- the typescheme 'ts' is tested for unifiability with the
-- typeschemes of the assumps. If an identifier is found, it is used
mkPHsVar s = rec $ HsPId $ HsVar $ mkSName s loc
mkHsVar s = rec $ HsId $ HsVar $ mkSName s loc
mkHsCon s = rec $ HsId $ HsCon $ mkSName s loc
mkUncurry s = rec $ HsApp (mkHsVar "uncurry") (mkHsVar s)
mkErr s = expUndef loc $ s ++ pp loc
vs2 = [mkPHsVar "a", mkPHsVar "b"]
vs3 = vs2 ++ [mkPHsVar "c"]
pat2 = [rec $ HsPTuple loc vs2]
pat3 = [rec $ HsPTuple loc vs3]
mkLam2 x y = rec $ HsParen $ rec $ HsLambda pat2 $ rec $ HsIf x y hTrue
mkLam3 x y = rec $ HsParen $ rec $ HsLambda pat3 $ rec $ HsIf x y c
in if uid == botId then mkErr "bottom at "
else if uid == trueId then hTrue
else if uid == falseId then mkHsCon "False"
else if uid == notId || uid == negId then mkHsVar "not"
else if uid == defId then rec $ HsRightSection
(HsVar $ mkSName "seq" loc) hTrue
else if uid == orId then mkUncurry "||"
else if uid == andId then mkUncurry "&&"
else if uid == eqId || uid == eqvId || uid == exEq then
else if uid == implId then mkLam2 a b
else if uid == infixIf then mkLam2 b a
else if uid == whenElse then mkLam3 b a
else if uid == ifThenElse then mkLam3 a b
else let (cs, ui) = translateId env uid sc
in rec $ HsId $ case cs of
rec $ HsApp (translateTerm env t1) $ translateTerm env t2
TupleTerm ts _ -> rec $ HsTuple (map (translateTerm env) ts)
TypedTerm t1 tqual _ty _ -> -- check for global types later
InType -> expUndef loc $ show tqual
_ -> translateTerm env t1
QuantifiedTerm qu _vars _t1 _ -> expUndef loc $ show qu
LambdaTerm pats _part t1 _ ->
(map (translatePattern env) pats)
rec $ HsCase (translateTerm env t1)
(map (translateCaseProgEq env) progeqs)
LetTerm _ progeqs t1 _ ->
rec $ HsLet (map (translateLetProgEq env) progeqs)
_ -> error ("translateTerm: unexpected term: " ++ show t)
-- | Conversion of patterns form HasCASL to haskell.
translatePattern :: Env -> Pattern -> HsPat
translatePattern env pat = case pat of
QualVar (VarDecl v ty _ _) ->
if show v == "_" then rec HsPWildCard else
let (c, i) = translateId env v $ simpleTypeScheme ty
LowerId -> rec $ HsPId $ HsVar i
_ -> error ("unexpected constructor as variable: " ++ show v)
QualOp _ (InstOpId uid _t _p) sc _ ->
let (_, ui) = translateId env uid sc
let tp = translatePattern env p1
a = translatePattern env p2
HsPApp u os -> rec $ HsPParen $ rec $ HsPApp u (os ++ [a])
HsPParen (Pat (HsPApp u os)) ->
rec $ HsPParen $ rec $ HsPApp u (os ++ [a])
_ -> error ("problematic application pattern " ++ show pat)
rec $ HsPTuple (toProgPos $ get_pos pat)
$ map (translatePattern env) pats
TypedTerm _ InType _ _ -> error "translatePattern InType"
TypedTerm p _ _ty _ -> translatePattern env p
AsPattern (VarDecl v ty _ _) p _ ->
let (c, i) = translateId env v $ simpleTypeScheme ty
hp = translatePattern env p
LowerId -> rec $ HsPAsPat i hp
_ -> error ("unexpected constructor as @-variable: " ++ show v)
_ -> error ("translatePattern: unexpected pattern: " ++ show pat)
-- | Translation of a program equation of a case term in HasCASL
translateCaseProgEq :: Env -> ProgEq -> HsAlt HsExp HsPat [HsDecl]
translateCaseProgEq env (ProgEq pat t ps) =
(translatePattern env pat)
(HsBody (translateTerm env t))
-- | Translation of a program equation of a let term in HasCASL
translateLetProgEq :: Env -> ProgEq -> HsDecl
translateLetProgEq env (ProgEq pat t ps) =
(translatePattern env pat)
(HsBody (translateTerm env t))
-- | Translation of a toplevel program equation
translateProgEq :: Env -> ProgEq -> HsDecl
translateProgEq env (ProgEq pat t _) =
let loc = toProgPos $ posOfTerm pat in case getAppl pat of
let (_, ui) = translateId env uid sc
in hsFunBind loc [HsMatch loc ui
(map (translatePattern env) args) -- [HsPat]
(HsBody $ translateTerm env t) -- HsRhs
Nothing -> error ("translateLetProgEq: no toplevel id: " ++ show pat)
-- | remove dummy decls given by sentences
cleanSig :: [HsDecl] -> [Named HsDecl] -> [HsDecl]
let dds = foldr ( \ nd l -> case basestruct $ sentence nd of
Just (HsDataDecl _ _ n _ _) -> n : l
funs = foldr ( \ nd l -> case basestruct $ sentence nd of
Just (HsFunBind _ (HsMatch _ n _ _ _ : _)) -> n : l
in filter ( \ hs -> case basestruct hs of
Just (HsDataDecl _ _ n _ _) -> n `notElem` dds
Just (HsTypeDecl _ n _) -> n `notElem` dds
Just (HsFunBind _ (HsMatch _ n _ _ _ : _)) -> n `notElem` funs
expUndef :: SrcLoc -> String -> HsExp
expUndef loc s = rec $ HsApp (rec $ HsId $ HsVar $ mkSName "error" loc)
$ rec $ HsLit loc $ HsString s
-- For the definition of an undefined function.
-- Takes the name of the function as argument.
functionUndef :: SrcLoc -> SN HsName -> HsDecl
hsFunBind loc [HsMatch loc s [] -- hsPatBind loc (rec $ HsPId $ HsVar s)
(HsBody $ expUndef loc $ pp s)
translateSentence :: Env -> Named Sentence -> [Named HsDecl]
translateSentence env sen = case sentence sen of
DatatypeSen dt -> map (translateDt env) dt
ProgEqSen _ _ pe -> [sen { sentence = translateProgEq env pe }]
derives = [] -- map (fakeSN . UnQual) ["Show", "Eq", "Ord"]