HasCASL2Haskell.hs revision 3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleInstances, MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : translating program equations to Haskell
Copyright : (c) Christian Maeder, Uni Bremen 2004-2005
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer : Christian.Maeder@dfki.de
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable
The embedding comorphism from HasCASL to Haskell.
module Comorphisms.HasCASL2Haskell where
import Logic.Logic
import Logic.Comorphism
import Data.List ((\\))
import Common.Id
import Common.Result
import Common.AS_Annotation
import Common.GlobalAnnotations
import Common.ExtSign
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import HasCASL.As
import HasCASL.AsUtils
import HasCASL.Builtin
import HasCASL.DataAna
import HasCASL.Le as HC
import HasCASL.Logic_HasCASL
import HasCASL.Sublogic
import Haskell.Logic_Haskell as HS
import Haskell.HatParser hiding (TypeInfo, Kind)
import Haskell.HatAna
import Haskell.TranslateId
-- | The identity of the comorphism
data HasCASL2Haskell = HasCASL2Haskell deriving Show
instance Language HasCASL2Haskell -- default definition is okay
instance Comorphism HasCASL2Haskell
HasCASL Sublogic
BasicSpec Sentence SymbItems SymbMapItems
HC.Symbol HC.RawSymbol ()
Haskell ()
HsDecls (TiDecl PNT) () ()
HS.Symbol HS.RawSymbol () where
sourceLogic HasCASL2Haskell = HasCASL
sourceSublogic HasCASL2Haskell = noSubtypes
targetLogic HasCASL2Haskell = Haskell
mapSublogic HasCASL2Haskell _ = Just ()
map_sentence HasCASL2Haskell = mapSingleSentence
map_theory HasCASL2Haskell = mapTheory
isInclusionComorphism HasCASL2Haskell = True
mapSingleSentence :: Env -> Sentence -> Result (TiDecl PNT)
mapSingleSentence sign sen = do
(_, l) <- mapTheory (sign, [makeNamed "" sen])
case l of
[] -> fail "sentence was not translated"
[s] -> return $ sentence s
_ -> do (_, o) <- mapTheory (sign, [])
case l \\ o of
[] -> fail "not a new sentence"
[s] -> return $ sentence s
_ -> fail "several sentences resulted"
mapTheory :: (Env, [Named Sentence]) -> Result (Sign, [Named (TiDecl PNT)])
mapTheory (sig, csens) = do
let hs = translateSig sig
ps = concatMap (translateSentence sig) csens
cs = cleanSig hs ps
(_, ExtSign hsig _, sens) <-
hatAna (HsDecls (cs ++ map sentence ps),
emptySign, emptyGlobalAnnos)
return (diffSign hsig preludeSign,
filter (not . preludeEntity . getHsDecl . sentence) sens)
-- former file UniqueId
-- | Generates distinct names for overloaded function identifiers.
distinctOpIds :: Int -> [(Id, [OpInfo])] -> [(Id, OpInfo)]
distinctOpIds n l = case l of
[] -> []
(i, info) : idInfoList ->
case info of
[] -> distinctOpIds 2 idInfoList
[hd] -> (i, hd) : distinctOpIds 2 idInfoList
hd : tl -> (newName i n, hd) :
distinctOpIds (n + 1) ((i, tl) : idInfoList)
-- | Adds a number to the name of an identifier.
newName :: Id -> Int -> Id
newName (Id tlist idlist poslist) n =
Id (tlist ++ [mkSimpleId $ '0' : show n]) idlist poslist
-- | Searches for the real name of an overloaded identifier.
findUniqueId :: Env -> Id -> TypeScheme -> Maybe (Id, OpInfo)
findUniqueId env uid ts =
let l = Set.toList $ Map.findWithDefault Set.empty uid $ assumps env
fit :: Int -> [OpInfo] -> Maybe (Id, OpInfo)
fit n tl =
case tl of
[] -> Nothing
oi : rt -> if ts == opType oi then
Just (if null rt then uid else newName uid n, oi)
else fit (n + 1) rt
in fit 2 l
-- former TranslateAna file
{- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Translation of an HasCASL-Environement
----------------------------------------------------------------------- -}
{- | Converts an abstract syntax of HasCASL (after the static analysis)
to the top datatype of the abstract syntax of haskell. -}
translateSig :: Env -> [HsDecl]
translateSig env =
concatMap (translateTypeInfo env) (Map.toList $ typeMap env)
++ concatMap translateAssump (distinctOpIds 2 $ Map.toList
$ Map.map Set.toList $ assumps env)
{- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Translation of types
----------------------------------------------------------------------- -}
-- | Converts one type to a data or type declaration in Haskell.
translateTypeInfo :: Env -> (Id, TypeInfo) -> [HsDecl]
translateTypeInfo env (tid, info) =
let hsname = mkHsIdent UpperId tid
hsTyName = hsTyCon hsname
mkTp = foldl hsTyApp hsTyName
k = typeKind info
loc = toProgPos $ posOfId tid
ddecl = hsDataDecl loc
[] -- empty HsContext
(mkTp $ kindToTypeArgs 1 k)
[HsConDecl loc [] [] hsname []]
in case typeDefn info of
NoTypeDefn -> case Set.toList $ superTypes info of
[] -> [ddecl]
j : _ -> [typeSynonym loc hsTyName $ TypeName j k 0]
AliasTypeDefn ts ->
[hsTypeDecl loc (mkTp $ getAliasArgs ts) $ getAliasType ts]
DatatypeDefn de -> [sentence $ translateDt env de]
_ -> [] -- ignore others
isSameId :: Id -> Type -> Bool
isSameId tid (TypeName tid2 _ _) = tid == tid2
isSameId _tid _ty = False
typeSynonym :: SrcLoc -> HsType -> Type -> HsDecl
typeSynonym loc hsname = hsTypeDecl loc hsname . translateType
kindToTypeArgs :: Int -> RawKind -> [HsType]
kindToTypeArgs i k = case k of
ClassKind _ -> []
FunKind _ _ kr ps -> hsTyVar (mkSName ('a' : show i)
$ toProgPos ps)
: kindToTypeArgs (i + 1) kr
getAliasArgs :: Type -> [HsType]
getAliasArgs ty = case ty of
TypeAbs v t _ -> getArg v : getAliasArgs t
ExpandedType _ t -> getAliasArgs t
KindedType t _ _ -> getAliasArgs t
_ -> []
getArg :: TypeArg -> HsType
getArg = hsTyVar . mkHsIdent LowerId . getTypeVar
getAliasType :: Type -> HsType
getAliasType ty = case ty of
TypeAbs _ t _ -> getAliasType t
ExpandedType _ t -> getAliasType t
KindedType t _ _ -> getAliasType t
_ -> translateType ty
-- | Translation of an alternative constructor for a datatype definition.
translateAltDefn :: Env -> DataPat -> AltDefn
-> [HsConDecl HsType [HsType]]
translateAltDefn env dp (Construct muid ts p _) = case muid of
Just uid -> let loc = toProgPos $ posOfId uid
sc = getConstrScheme dp p ts
-- resolve overloading
(c, ui) = translateId env uid sc
in case c of
UpperId -> -- no existentials, no context
[HsConDecl loc [] [] ui $
map (HsBangedType . translateType) ts]
_ -> error "HasCASL2Haskell.translateAltDefn"
Nothing -> []
translateDt :: Env -> DataEntry -> Named HsDecl
translateDt env de@(DataEntry _ i _ args _ alts) =
let dp@(DataPat _ j _ _ _) = toDataPat de
loc = toProgPos $ posOfId i
hsname = mkHsIdent UpperId j
hsTyName = hsTyCon hsname
tp = foldl hsTyApp hsTyName $ map getArg args
(makeNamed ("ga_" ++ showId j "") $ hsDataDecl loc
[] -- empty HsContext
tp (concatMap (translateAltDefn env dp)
$ Set.toList alts)
derives) { isDef = True }
{- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Translation of functions
----------------------------------------------------------------------- -}
{- | Converts one distinct named function in HasCASL to the corresponding
haskell declaration.
Generates a definition (Prelude.undefined) for functions that are not
defined in HasCASL. -}
translateAssump :: (Id, OpInfo) -> [HsDecl]
translateAssump (i, opinf) =
let fname = mkHsIdent LowerId i
loc = toProgPos $ posOfId i
res = hsTypeSig loc
[fname] []
$ translateTypeScheme $ opType opinf
in case opDefn opinf of
ConstructData _ -> [] -- wrong case!
_ -> [res, functionUndef loc fname]
{- | Translation of the result type of a typescheme to a haskell type.
Uses 'translateType'. -}
translateTypeScheme :: TypeScheme -> HsType
translateTypeScheme (TypeScheme _ t _) =
translateType t
-- | Translation of types (e.g. product type, type application ...).
translateType :: Type -> HsType
translateType t = case getTypeAppl t of
(TypeName tid _ n, tyArgs) -> let num = length tyArgs in
if n == 0 then
if tid == unitTypeId && null tyArgs then
hsTyCon $ mkSName "Bool" $ toProgPos $ getRange t
else if tid == lazyTypeId && num == 1 then
translateType $ head tyArgs
else if isArrow tid && num == 2 then
let [t1, t2] = tyArgs in
hsTyFun (translateType t1) (translateType t2)
else if isProductId tid && num > 1 then
hsTyTuple loc0 $ map translateType tyArgs
else foldl hsTyApp (hsTyCon $ mkHsIdent UpperId tid)
$ map translateType tyArgs
else foldl hsTyApp (hsTyVar $ mkHsIdent LowerId tid)
$ map translateType tyArgs
_ -> error "translateType"
toProgPos :: Range -> SrcLoc
toProgPos p = if isNullRange p then loc0
else let Range (SourcePos n l c : _) = p
in SrcLoc n (1000 + (l - 1) * 80 + c) l c
mkSName :: String -> SrcLoc -> SN HsName
mkSName = SN . UnQual
mkHsIdent :: IdCase -> Id -> SN HsName
mkHsIdent c i = mkSName (translateIdWithType c i) $ toProgPos $ posOfId i
translateId :: Env -> Id -> TypeScheme -> (IdCase, SN HsName)
translateId env uid sc =
let oid = findUniqueId env uid sc
mkUnQual :: IdCase -> Id -> (IdCase, SN HsName)
mkUnQual c j = (c, mkHsIdent c j)
in case oid of
Just (i, oi) -> if isConstructor oi then mkUnQual UpperId i
else mkUnQual LowerId i
_ -> mkUnQual LowerId uid -- variable
-- | Converts a term in HasCASL to an expression in haskell
translateTerm :: Env -> Term -> HsExp
translateTerm env t =
let loc = toProgPos $ getRange t
in case t of
QualVar (VarDecl v ty _ _) ->
let (c, i) = translateId env v $ simpleTypeScheme ty in
case c of
LowerId -> rec $ HsId $ HsVar i
_ -> error "translateTerm: variable with UpperId"
QualOp _ (PolyId uid _ _) sc _ _ _ -> let
{- The identifier 'uid' may have been renamed. To find its new name,
the typescheme 'ts' is tested for unifiability with the
typeschemes of the assumps. If an identifier is found, it is used
as HsVar or HsCon. -}
mkPHsVar s = rec $ HsPId $ HsVar $ mkSName s loc
mkHsVar s = rec $ HsId $ HsVar $ mkSName s loc
mkHsCon s = rec $ HsId $ HsCon $ mkSName s loc
mkUncurry s = rec $ HsApp (mkHsVar "uncurry") (mkHsVar s)
mkErr s = expUndef loc $ s ++ pp loc
hTrue = mkHsCon "True"
a = mkHsVar "a"
b = mkHsVar "b"
c = mkHsVar "c"
vs2 = [mkPHsVar "a", mkPHsVar "b"]
vs3 = vs2 ++ [mkPHsVar "c"]
pat2 = [rec $ HsPTuple loc vs2]
pat3 = [rec $ HsPTuple loc vs3]
mkLam2 x y = rec $ HsParen $ rec $ HsLambda pat2 $ rec $ HsIf x y hTrue
mkLam3 x y = rec $ HsParen $ rec $ HsLambda pat3 $ rec $ HsIf x y c
in if uid == botId then mkErr "bottom at "
else if uid == trueId then hTrue
else if uid == falseId then mkHsCon "False"
else if uid == notId || uid == negId then mkHsVar "not"
else if uid == defId then rec $ HsRightSection
(HsVar $ mkSName "seq" loc) hTrue
else if uid == orId then mkUncurry "||"
else if uid == andId then mkUncurry "&&"
else if elem uid [eqId, eqvId, exEq] then
mkErr "equality at "
else if uid == implId then mkLam2 a b
else if uid == infixIf then mkLam2 b a
else if uid == whenElse then mkLam3 b a
else if uid == ifThenElse then mkLam3 a b
else let (cs, ui) = translateId env uid sc
in rec $ HsId $ case cs of
UpperId -> HsCon ui
LowerId -> HsVar ui
ApplTerm t1 t2 _ ->
rec $ HsApp (translateTerm env t1) $ translateTerm env t2
TupleTerm ts _ -> rec $ HsTuple (map (translateTerm env) ts)
TypedTerm t1 tqual _ty _ -> -- check for global types later
case tqual of
InType -> expUndef loc $ show tqual
_ -> translateTerm env t1
QuantifiedTerm qu _vars _t1 _ -> expUndef loc $ show qu
LambdaTerm pats _part t1 _ ->
rec $ HsLambda
(map (translatePattern env) pats)
(translateTerm env t1)
CaseTerm t1 progeqs _ ->
rec $ HsCase (translateTerm env t1)
(map (translateCaseProgEq env) progeqs)
LetTerm _ progeqs t1 _ ->
rec $ HsLet (map (translateLetProgEq env) progeqs)
(translateTerm env t1)
_ -> error ("translateTerm: unexpected term: " ++ show t)
-- | Conversion of patterns form HasCASL to haskell.
translatePattern :: Env -> Term -> HsPat
translatePattern env pat = case pat of
QualVar (VarDecl v ty _ _) ->
if show v == "_" then rec HsPWildCard else
let (c, i) = translateId env v $ simpleTypeScheme ty
in case c of
LowerId -> rec $ HsPId $ HsVar i
_ -> error ("unexpected constructor as variable: " ++ show v)
QualOp _ (PolyId uid _ _) sc _ _ _ ->
let (_, ui) = translateId env uid sc
in rec $ HsPApp ui []
ApplTerm p1 p2 _ ->
let tp = translatePattern env p1
a = translatePattern env p2
in case struct tp of
HsPApp u os -> rec $ HsPParen $ rec $ HsPApp u (os ++ [a])
HsPParen (Pat (HsPApp u os)) ->
rec $ HsPParen $ rec $ HsPApp u (os ++ [a])
_ -> error ("problematic application pattern " ++ show pat)
TupleTerm pats _ ->
rec $ HsPTuple (toProgPos $ getRange pat)
$ map (translatePattern env) pats
TypedTerm _ InType _ _ -> error "translatePattern InType"
TypedTerm p _ _ty _ -> translatePattern env p
-- the type is implicit
AsPattern (VarDecl v ty _ _) p _ ->
let (c, i) = translateId env v $ simpleTypeScheme ty
hp = translatePattern env p
in case c of
LowerId -> rec $ HsPAsPat i hp
_ -> error ("unexpected constructor as @-variable: " ++ show v)
_ -> error ("translatePattern: unexpected pattern: " ++ show pat)
-- | Translation of a program equation of a case term in HasCASL
translateCaseProgEq :: Env -> ProgEq -> HsAlt HsExp HsPat [HsDecl]
translateCaseProgEq env (ProgEq pat t ps) =
HsAlt (toProgPos ps)
(translatePattern env pat)
(HsBody (translateTerm env t))
-- | Translation of a program equation of a let term in HasCASL
translateLetProgEq :: Env -> ProgEq -> HsDecl
translateLetProgEq env (ProgEq pat t ps) =
hsPatBind (toProgPos ps)
(translatePattern env pat)
(HsBody (translateTerm env t))
-- | Translation of a toplevel program equation
translateProgEq :: Env -> ProgEq -> HsDecl
translateProgEq env (ProgEq pat t _) =
let loc = toProgPos $ getRange pat in case getAppl pat of
Just (uid, sc, args) ->
let (_, ui) = translateId env uid sc
in hsFunBind loc [HsMatch loc ui
(map (translatePattern env) args) -- [HsPat]
(HsBody $ translateTerm env t) -- HsRhs
Nothing -> error ("translateLetProgEq: no toplevel id: " ++ show pat)
-- | remove dummy decls given by sentences
cleanSig :: [HsDecl] -> [Named HsDecl] -> [HsDecl]
cleanSig ds sens =
let dds = foldr ( \ nd l -> case basestruct $ sentence nd of
Just (HsDataDecl _ _ n _ _) -> n : l
_ -> l) [] sens
funs = foldr ( \ nd l -> case basestruct $ sentence nd of
Just (HsFunBind _ (HsMatch _ n _ _ _ : _)) -> n : l
_ -> l) [] sens
in filter ( \ hs -> case basestruct hs of
Just (HsDataDecl _ _ n _ _) -> n `notElem` dds
Just (HsTypeDecl _ n _) -> n `notElem` dds
Just (HsFunBind _ (HsMatch _ n _ _ _ : _)) -> n `notElem` funs
_ -> True)
expUndef :: SrcLoc -> String -> HsExp
expUndef loc = rec . HsApp (rec $ HsId $ HsVar $ mkSName "error" loc)
. rec . HsLit loc . HsString
{- For the definition of an undefined function.
Takes the name of the function as argument. -}
functionUndef :: SrcLoc -> SN HsName -> HsDecl
functionUndef loc s =
hsFunBind loc [HsMatch loc s [] -- hsPatBind loc (rec $ HsPId $ HsVar s)
(HsBody $ expUndef loc $ pp s)
translateSentence :: Env -> Named Sentence -> [Named HsDecl]
translateSentence env sen = case sentence sen of
DatatypeSen dt -> map (translateDt env) dt
ProgEqSen _ _ pe -> [sen { sentence = translateProgEq env pe }]
_ -> []
derives :: [SN HsName]
derives = [] -- map (fakeSN . UnQual) ["Show", "Eq", "Ord"]