CspCASL2IsabelleHOL.hs revision 72aaab1105e454ec9f49103874cd8006dc2a358c
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : embedding from CspCASL to Isabelle-HOL
Copyright : (c) Andy Gimblett, Liam O'Reilly and Markus Roggenbach, Swansea University 2008
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer : csliam@swansea.ac.uk
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable (imports Logic.Logic)
The comorphism from CspCASL to Isabelle-HOL.
module Comorphisms.CspCASL2IsabelleHOL where
import CASL.AS_Basic_CASL
import qualified CASL.Inject as CASLInject
import qualified CASL.Sign as CASLSign
import Common.AS_Annotation
import Common.Result
import qualified Comorphisms.CASL2PCFOL as CASL2PCFOL
import qualified Comorphisms.CASL2SubCFOL as CASL2SubCFOL
import qualified Comorphisms.CFOL2IsabelleHOL as CFOL2IsabelleHOL
import Comorphisms.CFOL2IsabelleHOL(IsaTheory)
import CspCASL.Logic_CspCASL
import CspCASL.AS_CspCASL
import CspCASL.SignCSP
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Isabelle.IsaConsts as IsaConsts
import Isabelle.IsaSign as IsaSign
import Isabelle.IsaProof
import Isabelle.Logic_Isabelle
import Logic.Logic
import Logic.Comorphism
-- | The identity of the comorphism
data CspCASL2IsabelleHOL = CspCASL2IsabelleHOL deriving (Show)
instance Language CspCASL2IsabelleHOL -- default definition is okay
instance Comorphism CspCASL2IsabelleHOL
CspCASL ()
() () ()
Isabelle () () IsaSign.Sentence () ()
IsabelleMorphism () () () where
sourceLogic CspCASL2IsabelleHOL = CspCASL
sourceSublogic CspCASL2IsabelleHOL = ()
targetLogic CspCASL2IsabelleHOL = Isabelle
mapSublogic _cid _sl = Just ()
map_theory CspCASL2IsabelleHOL = transCCTheory
map_morphism = mapDefaultMorphism
map_sentence CspCASL2IsabelleHOL sign = transCCSentence sign
has_model_expansion CspCASL2IsabelleHOL = False
is_weakly_amalgamable CspCASL2IsabelleHOL = False
isInclusionComorphism CspCASL2IsabelleHOL = True
-- Functions for translating CspCasl theories and sentences to IsabelleHOL
transCCTheory :: (CspCASLSign, [Named CspCASLSentence]) -> Result IsaTheory
transCCTheory ccTheory =
let ccSign = fst ccTheory
-- ccSens = snd ccTheory
caslSign = ccSig2CASLSign ccSign
casl2pcfol = (map_theory CASL2PCFOL.CASL2PCFOL)
pcfol2cfol = (map_theory CASL2SubCFOL.defaultCASL2SubCFOL)
cfol2isabelleHol = (map_theory CFOL2IsabelleHOL.CFOL2IsabelleHOL)
sortList = Set.toList(CASLSign.sortSet caslSign)
-- fakeType = Type {typeId = "Fake_Type" , typeSort = [], typeArgs =[]}
in do -- Remove Subsorting from the CASL part of the CspCASL specification
translation1 <- casl2pcfol (caslSign,[])
-- Next Remove partial functions
translation2 <- pcfol2cfol translation1
-- Next Translate to IsabelleHOL code
translation3 <- cfol2isabelleHol translation2
-- Next add the preAlpabet construction to the IsabelleHOL code
return $ addInstansanceOfEquiv
$ addJustificationTheorems sortList
$ addEqFun sortList
$ addManyCompareWithFun ccSign
$ addPreAlphabet sortList
$ addWarning
$ translation3
-- This is not implemented in a sensible way yet
transCCSentence :: CspCASLSign -> CspCASLSentence -> Result IsaSign.Sentence
transCCSentence _ s =
do return (mkSen (Const (mkVName (show s)) (Disp (Type "byeWorld" [] []) TFun Nothing)))
-- Functions for adding the PreAlphabet datatype to an Isabelle theory
-- Add the PreAlphabet (built from a list of sorts) to an Isabelle theory
addPreAlphabet :: [SORT] -> IsaTheory -> IsaTheory
addPreAlphabet sortList isaTh =
let preAlphabetDomainEntry = mkPreAlphabetDE sortList
in updateDomainTab preAlphabetDomainEntry isaTh
-- Make a PreAlphabet Domain Entry from a list of sorts
mkPreAlphabetDE :: [SORT] -> DomainEntry
mkPreAlphabetDE sorts =
(Type {typeId = preAlphabetS, typeSort = [isaTerm], typeArgs = []},
map (\sort ->
(mkVName (mkPreAlphabetConstructor sort), [Type {typeId = convertSort2String sort,
typeSort = [isaTerm],
typeArgs = []}])
) sorts
-- Functions for adding the eq functions and the compare_with functions to an Isabelle theory
-- Adds the eq function to an Isabelle theory using a list of sorts
addEqFun :: [SORT] -> IsaTheory -> IsaTheory
addEqFun sortList isaTh =
let preAlphabetType = Type {typeId = preAlphabetS , typeSort = [], typeArgs =[]}
eqtype = mkFunType preAlphabetType $ mkFunType preAlphabetType boolType
isaThWithConst = addConst eqS eqtype isaTh
mkEq sort =
let x = mkFree "x"
lhs = termAppl (conDouble eqS) (termAppl (conDouble (mkPreAlphabetConstructor sort)) x)
rhs = termAppl (conDouble (mkCompareWithFunName sort)) x
in binEq lhs rhs
eqs = map mkEq sortList
in addPrimRec eqs isaThWithConst
-- Add many compare_with functions for a given list sorts to an Isabelle theory
-- We need to know about the casl signature to pass to the addCompareWithFun function
addManyCompareWithFun :: CspCASLSign -> IsaTheory -> IsaTheory
addManyCompareWithFun ccSign isaTh =
let sortList = Set.toList(CASLSign.sortSet ccSign)
in foldl (addCompareWithFun ccSign) isaTh sortList
-- Add a single compare_with function for a given sort to an Isabelle theory
-- We need to know about the casl signature to work out the RHS of the equations
addCompareWithFun :: CspCASLSign -> IsaTheory -> SORT -> IsaTheory
addCompareWithFun ccSign isaTh sort =
let sortList = Set.toList(CASLSign.sortSet ccSign)
preAlphabetType = Type {typeId = preAlphabetS , typeSort = [], typeArgs =[]}
sortType = Type {typeId = convertSort2String sort, typeSort = [], typeArgs =[]}
funName = mkCompareWithFunName sort
funType = mkFunType sortType $ mkFunType preAlphabetType boolType
isaThWithConst = addConst funName funType isaTh
sortSuperSet = CASLSign.supersortsOf sort ccSign
mkEq sort' =
let x = mkFree "x"
y = mkFree "y"
sort'Constructor = mkPreAlphabetConstructor sort'
lhs = termAppl lhs_a lhs_b
lhs_a = termAppl (conDouble funName) x
lhs_b = termAppl (conDouble (sort'Constructor)) y
sort'SuperSet =CASLSign.supersortsOf sort' ccSign
commonSuperList = Set.toList $ Set.intersection sortSuperSet sort'SuperSet
-- If there are no tests then the rhs=false else combine all tests using binConj
rhs = if (null allTests) then false else foldr1 binConj allTests
-- The tests produce a list of equations for each test
-- Test 1 = test equality at: current sort vs current sort
-- Test 2 = test equality at: current sort vs super sorts
-- Test 3 = test equality at: super sorts vs current sort
-- Test 4 = test equality at: super sorts vs super sorts
allTests = concat [test1, test2, test3, test4]
test1 = if (sort == sort') then [binEq x y] else []
test2 = if (Set.member sort sort'SuperSet)
then [binEq x (termAppl (getInjection sort' sort) y)]
else []
test3 = if (Set.member sort' sortSuperSet)
then [binEq (termAppl (getInjection sort sort') x) y]
else []
test4 = if (null commonSuperList) then [] else map test4_atSort commonSuperList
test4_atSort s = binEq (termAppl (getInjection sort s) x)
(termAppl (getInjection sort' s) y)
in binEq lhs rhs
eqs = map mkEq sortList
in addPrimRec eqs isaThWithConst
-- Functions for producing the Justification theorems
-- Add all justification theorems to an Isabelle Theory
-- We need to know the number of sorts
addJustificationTheorems :: [SORT] -> IsaTheory -> IsaTheory
addJustificationTheorems sorts isaTh = addTransitivityTheorem sorts
$ addInjectivityTheorems
$ addDecompositionTheorems
$ addSymmetryTheorem sorts
$ addReflexivityTheorem
$ isaTh
-- Add the reflexivity theorem and proof to an Isabelle Theory
addReflexivityTheorem :: IsaTheory -> IsaTheory
addReflexivityTheorem isaTh =
let name = reflexivityTheoremS
x = mkFree "x"
thmConds = []
thmConcl = termAppl (termAppl (conDouble eqS) x) x
proof' = IsaProof {
proof = [Apply (Induct "x"),
Apply Auto],
end = Done
in addThreomWithProof name thmConds thmConcl proof' isaTh
-- Add the symmetry theorem and proof to an Isabelle Theory
-- We need to know the number of sorts
addSymmetryTheorem :: [SORT] -> IsaTheory -> IsaTheory
addSymmetryTheorem sorts isaTh =
let numSorts = length(sorts)
name = symmetryTheoremS
x = mkFree "x"
y = mkFree "y"
thmConds = [termAppl (termAppl (conDouble eqS) x) y]
thmConcl = termAppl (termAppl (conDouble eqS) y) x
inductY = concat $ map (\i -> [Prefer (i*numSorts+1), Apply (Induct "y")]) [0..(numSorts-1)]
proof' = IsaProof {
proof = [Apply (Induct "x")] ++ inductY ++ [Apply Auto],
end = Done
in addThreomWithProof name thmConds thmConcl proof' isaTh
-- Add the injectivity theorems and proofs which are deduced from the
-- embedding_Injectivity axioms from the translation CASL2PCFOL;
addInjectivityTheorems :: IsaTheory -> IsaTheory
addInjectivityTheorems isaTh = isaTh
-- Add the decomposition theorems and proofs which are deduced from the
-- transitivity axioms from the translation CASL2PCFOL;
addDecompositionTheorems :: IsaTheory -> IsaTheory
addDecompositionTheorems isaTh = isaTh
-- Add the transitivity theorem and proof to an Isabelle Theory
-- We need to know the number of sorts
addTransitivityTheorem :: [SORT] -> IsaTheory -> IsaTheory
addTransitivityTheorem sorts isaTh =
let numSorts = length(sorts)
name = transitivityS
x = mkFree "x"
y = mkFree "y"
z = mkFree "z"
thmConds = [termAppl (termAppl (conDouble eqS) x) y, termAppl (termAppl (conDouble eqS) y) z]
thmConcl = termAppl (termAppl (conDouble eqS) x) z
inductY = concat $ map (\i -> [Prefer (i*numSorts+1), Apply (Induct "y")]) [0..(numSorts-1)]
inductZ = concat $ map (\i -> [Prefer (i*numSorts+1), Apply (Induct "z")]) [0..((numSorts^(2::Int))-1)]
proof' = IsaProof {
proof = [Apply (Induct "x")] ++ inductY ++ inductZ ++ [Apply Auto],
end = Sorry
in addThreomWithProof name thmConds thmConcl proof' isaTh
-- Function to add preAlphabet as an equivalence relation to an Isabelle theory
addInstansanceOfEquiv :: IsaTheory -> IsaTheory
addInstansanceOfEquiv isaTh =
let preAlphabetSort = [IsaClass preAlphabetS]
eqvSort = [IsaClass eqvS]
eqvProof = IsaProof [] (By (Other "intro_classes"))
equivSort = [IsaClass equivS]
equivProof = IsaProof [Apply (Other "intro_classes"),
Apply (Other "unfold preAlphabet_sim_def"),
Apply (Other "rule eq_refl"),
Apply (Other "rule eq_trans, auto"),
Apply (Other "rule eq_symm, simp")]
x = mkFree "x"
y = mkFree "y"
defLhs = termAppl x (termAppl (conDouble simS) y)
defRhs = termAppl (termAppl (conDouble eqS) x) y
in addInstanceOf [preAlphabetSort] equivSort equivProof
$ addDef preAlphabetSimDefS defLhs defRhs
$ addInstanceOf [preAlphabetSort] eqvSort eqvProof
$ isaTh
-- Function to help keep strings consistent
eqS :: String
eqS = "eq"
preAlphabetS :: String
preAlphabetS = "PreAlphabet"
reflexivityTheoremS :: String
reflexivityTheoremS = "eq_refl"
symmetryTheoremS :: String
symmetryTheoremS = "eq_symm"
transitivityS :: String
transitivityS = "eq_trans"
preAlphabetSimDefS :: String
preAlphabetSimDefS = "preAlphabet_sim_def"
simS :: String
simS = "\\<sim>"
-- String for the name of the axiomatic type class of equivalence relations part 1
eqvS :: String
eqvS = "eqv"
-- String for the name of the axiomatic type class of equivalence relations part 2
equivS :: String
equivS = "equiv"
-- This is NOT A GOOD way to do this function
-- Return the injection name of the injection from one sort to another
getInjection :: SORT -> SORT -> Term
getInjection s s' =
let t = CASLSign.toOP_TYPE(CASLSign.OpType{CASLSign.opKind = Total,
CASLSign.opArgs = [s],
CASLSign.opRes = s'})
injName = show $ CASLInject.uniqueInjName t
--in conDouble $ "X_" ++ (show $ CASLInject.uniqueInjName t)
replace string c s1 = concat (map (\x -> if x==c then s1 else [x]) string)
in Const {
termName= VName {
new = ("X_" ++ injName),
altSyn = Just (AltSyntax ((replace injName '_' "'_") ++ "/'(_')") [3] 999)
termType = Hide {
typ = Type {
typeId ="dummy",
typeSort = [IsaClass "type"],
typeArgs = []
kon = NA,
arit= Nothing
-- Convert a SORT to a string
convertSort2String :: SORT -> String
convertSort2String s = show s
-- Function that returns the constructor of PreAlphabet for a given sort
mkPreAlphabetConstructor :: SORT -> String
mkPreAlphabetConstructor sort = "C_" ++ (show sort)
-- Function that takes a sort and outputs a the function name for the
-- corresponing compare_with function
mkCompareWithFunName :: SORT -> String
mkCompareWithFunName sort = ("compare_with_" ++ (show sort))
-- Functions for manipulating an Isabelle theory
-- Add a single constant to the signature of an Isabelle theory
addConst :: String -> Typ -> IsaTheory -> IsaTheory
addConst cName cType isaTh =
let isaTh_sign = fst isaTh
isaTh_sen = snd isaTh
isaTh_sign_ConstTab = constTab isaTh_sign
isaTh_sign_ConstTabUpdated = Map.insert (mkVName cName) cType isaTh_sign_ConstTab
isaTh_sign_updated = isaTh_sign {constTab = isaTh_sign_ConstTabUpdated}
in (isaTh_sign_updated, isaTh_sen)
-- Add a primrec defintion to the sentences of an Isabelle theory
addPrimRec :: [Term] -> IsaTheory -> IsaTheory
addPrimRec terms isaTh =
let isaTh_sign = fst isaTh
isaTh_sen = snd isaTh
recDef = RecDef {keyWord = primrecS, senTerms = [terms]}
namedRecDef = (makeNamed "what_does_this_word_do?" recDef) {isAxiom = False, isDef = True}
in (isaTh_sign, isaTh_sen ++ [namedRecDef])
-- Add a DomainEntry to the domain tab of a signature of an Isabelle Theory
updateDomainTab :: DomainEntry -> IsaTheory -> IsaTheory
updateDomainTab domEnt isaTh =
let isaTh_sign = fst isaTh
isaTh_sen = snd isaTh
isaTh_sign_domTab = domainTab isaTh_sign
isaTh_sign_updated = isaTh_sign {domainTab = (isaTh_sign_domTab ++ [[domEnt]])}
in (isaTh_sign_updated, isaTh_sen)
-- Add a theorem with proof to an Isabelle theory
addThreomWithProof :: String -> [Term] -> Term -> IsaProof -> IsaTheory -> IsaTheory
addThreomWithProof name conds concl proof' isaTh =
let isaTh_sign = fst isaTh
isaTh_sen = snd isaTh
sen = if (null conds)
then ((mkSen concl) {thmProof = Just proof'})
else ((mkCond conds concl) {thmProof = Just proof'})
namedSen = (makeNamed name sen) {isAxiom = False}
in (isaTh_sign, isaTh_sen ++ [namedSen])
-- Function to add an instance of command to an Isabelle theory
addInstanceOf :: [Sort] -> Sort -> IsaProof -> IsaTheory -> IsaTheory
addInstanceOf args res pr isaTh =
let isaTh_sign = fst isaTh
isaTh_sen = snd isaTh
sen = Instance "liam" args res pr
namedSen = (makeNamed "" sen)
in (isaTh_sign, isaTh_sen ++ [namedSen])
-- Function to add a def command to an Isabelle theory
addDef :: String -> Term -> Term -> IsaTheory -> IsaTheory
addDef name lhs rhs isaTh =
let isaTh_sign = fst isaTh
isaTh_sen = snd isaTh
sen = ConstDef (IsaEq lhs rhs)
namedSen = (makeNamed name sen)
in (isaTh_sign, isaTh_sen ++ [namedSen])
-- Code below this line is junk
-- Add a warning to an Isabelle theory
addWarning :: IsaTheory -> IsaTheory
addWarning isaTh =
let fakeType = Type {typeId = "Fake_Type" , typeSort = [], typeArgs =[]}
in addConst "Warning_this_is_not_a_stable_or_meaningful_translation" fakeType isaTh
-- Add a string version of the abstract syntax of an Isabelle theory to itself
addDebug :: IsaTheory -> IsaTheory
addDebug isaTh =
let isaTh_sign = fst(isaTh)
isaTh_sens = snd(isaTh)
sensType = Type {typeId = show isaTh_sens , typeSort = [], typeArgs =[]}
signType = Type {typeId = show isaTh_sign , typeSort = [], typeArgs =[]}
in addConst "debug_isaTh_sens" sensType
$ addConst "debug_isaTh_sign" signType
$ isaTh
addMR2 :: IsaTheory -> IsaTheory
addMR2 isaTh =
let fakeType = Type {typeId = "Fake_Type" , typeSort = [], typeArgs =[]}
isaTh_sign = fst isaTh
isaTh_sign_tsig = tsig isaTh_sign
myabbrs = abbrs isaTh_sign_tsig
abbrsNew = Map.insert "Liam" (["MR2"], fakeType) myabbrs
isaTh_sign_updated = isaTh_sign {tsig = (isaTh_sign_tsig {abbrs =abbrsNew}) }
in (isaTh_sign_updated, snd isaTh)
addMR3 :: IsaTheory -> IsaTheory
addMR3 isaTh =
let fakeType = Type {typeId = "Fake_Type" , typeSort = [], typeArgs =[]}
fakeType2 = Type {typeId = "Fake_Type2" , typeSort = [], typeArgs =[]}
isaTh_sign = fst isaTh
isaTh_sen = snd isaTh
x = mkFree "x"
y = mkFree "y"
eq' = binEq x y
set = SubSet x fakeType2 eq'
sen = TypeDef fakeType set (IsaProof [] Sorry)
namedSen = (makeNamed "tester" sen)
in (isaTh_sign, isaTh_sen ++ [namedSen])