CommonLogic2IsabelleHOL.hs revision 3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleInstances #-}
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : direct comorphism from CommonLogic to Isabelle-HOL
Copyright : (c) Soeren Schulze, Uni Bremen 2012
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : experimental
Portability : non-portable (imports Logic.Logic)
A direct comorphism from CommonLogic to Isabelle-HOL, passing arguments as
native Isabelle lists.
module Comorphisms.CommonLogic2IsabelleHOL where
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Logic.Logic
import Logic.Comorphism
import Common.ProofTree
import Common.Result
import Common.AS_Annotation as AS_Anno
import qualified Common.Id as Id
import Common.GlobalAnnotations (emptyGlobalAnnos)
import qualified CommonLogic.Logic_CommonLogic as ClLogic
import qualified CommonLogic.AS_CommonLogic as ClBasic
import qualified CommonLogic.Sign as ClSign
import qualified CommonLogic.Symbol as ClSymbol
import qualified CommonLogic.Morphism as ClMor
import qualified CommonLogic.Sublogic as ClSl
import CommonLogic.ModuleElimination
import Isabelle.IsaSign hiding (qname)
import Isabelle.IsaConsts
import Isabelle.Logic_Isabelle
import Isabelle.Translate
data CommonLogic2IsabelleHOL = CommonLogic2IsabelleHOL deriving Show
instance Language CommonLogic2IsabelleHOL where
language_name CommonLogic2IsabelleHOL = "CommonLogic2Isabelle"
instance Comorphism
CommonLogic2IsabelleHOL -- comorphism
ClLogic.CommonLogic -- lid domain
ClSl.CommonLogicSL -- sublogics codomain
ClBasic.BASIC_SPEC -- Basic spec domain
ClBasic.TEXT_META -- sentence domain
ClBasic.SYMB_ITEMS -- symbol items domain
ClBasic.SYMB_MAP_ITEMS -- symbol map items domain
ClSign.Sign -- signature domain
ClMor.Morphism -- morphism domain
ClSymbol.Symbol -- symbol domain
ClSymbol.Symbol -- rawsymbol domain
ProofTree -- proof tree codomain
Isabelle -- lid codomain
() -- sublogics codomain [none]
() -- Basic spec codomain [none]
Sentence -- sentence codomain
() -- symbol items codomain [none]
() -- symbol map items codomain [none]
Sign -- signature codomain
IsabelleMorphism -- morphism codomain
() -- symbol codomain [none]
() -- rawsymbol codomain [none]
() -- proof tree domain [none]
sourceLogic CommonLogic2IsabelleHOL = ClLogic.CommonLogic
sourceSublogic CommonLogic2IsabelleHOL =
targetLogic CommonLogic2IsabelleHOL = Isabelle
map_theory CommonLogic2IsabelleHOL = mapTheory
map_sentence CommonLogic2IsabelleHOL = mapSentence
has_model_expansion CommonLogic2IsabelleHOL = True
is_weakly_amalgamable CommonLogic2IsabelleHOL = True
isInclusionComorphism CommonLogic2IsabelleHOL = True
mapSentence :: ClSign.Sign -> ClBasic.TEXT_META -> Result Sentence
mapSentence sig = return . mkSen . transTextMeta sig
mapTheory :: (ClSign.Sign, [AS_Anno.Named ClBasic.TEXT_META])
-> Result (Sign, [AS_Anno.Named Sentence])
mapTheory (sig, namedTextMetas) =
return (mapSig sig, ax_that : map (transNamed sig) namedTextMetas)
individualS :: String
individualS = "individual"
individualT :: Typ
individualT = mkSType individualS
ax_that :: AS_Anno.Named Sentence
ax_that = makeNamed "Ax_that" $ forceSimp $ mkSen $
termAppl (conDouble "ALL") (Abs senTrm s NotCont)
where s = binEqv senTrm
relSymb (termAppl (con thatSymb) senTrm) (nilPT NotCont))
senTrm = conDouble "sen"
forceSimp sen = sen { isSimp = True }
type RENAMES = Map.Map String VName
mkIndName :: String -> VName
mkIndName name = mkIsaConstT True emptyGlobalAnnos (-1)
(Id.stringToId name) Main_thy Set.empty
addRenames :: RENAMES -> [String] -> RENAMES
addRenames = foldr
(\ k m -> let k' = unclash k m
v = mkIndName k' in
Map.insert k v $ Map.insert k' v m)
where unclash k m = if Map.member k m
then unclash ("X_" ++ k) m
else k
makeRenames :: [String] -> RENAMES
makeRenames = addRenames Map.empty
basicRenames :: ClSign.Sign -> RENAMES
basicRenames sig = addRenames
(Map.fromList [("rel", relSymb), ("fun", funSymb),
("that", thatSymb)])
(map (Id.tokStr . Id.idToSimpleId)
( Set.toList (ClSign.sequenceMarkers sig)
++ Set.toList (ClSign.discourseNames sig)))
rename :: RENAMES -> String -> VName
rename rn s = fromMaybe (error $ "Symbol " ++ show s ++ "not found") $
Map.lookup s rn
mapSig :: ClSign.Sign -> Sign
mapSig sig = emptySign {
tsig = emptyTypeSig {
arities = Map.singleton individualS [(isaTerm, [])]
constTab = Map.insert relSymb
(mkCurryFunType [individualT, mkListType individualT] boolType) $
Map.insert funSymb
(mkCurryFunType [individualT, mkListType individualT] individualT) $
Map.insert thatSymb
(mkCurryFunType [boolType] individualT) $
Map.union (Map.fromList
(map ((\ name -> (rename rn name, individualT)) .
Id.tokStr . Id.idToSimpleId) $ Set.toList $
ClSign.discourseNames sig))
(map ((\ name -> (rename rn name, mkListType individualT)) .
Id.tokStr . Id.idToSimpleId) $ Set.toList $
ClSign.sequenceMarkers sig))
where rn = basicRenames sig
relSymb, funSymb, thatSymb :: VName
relSymb = mkIsaConstT True emptyGlobalAnnos 2
(Id.stringToId "rel")
Main_thy Set.empty
funSymb = mkIsaConstT False emptyGlobalAnnos 2
(Id.stringToId "fun")
Main_thy Set.empty
thatSymb = mkIsaConstT False emptyGlobalAnnos 1
(Id.stringToId "that")
Main_thy Set.empty
quantify :: RENAMES -> ClBasic.QUANT -> String -> Term -> Term
quantify rn q v s = termAppl (conDouble $ qname q)
(Abs (con $ rename rn v) s NotCont)
where qname ClBasic.Universal = allS
qname ClBasic.Existential = exS
transTextMeta :: ClSign.Sign -> ClBasic.TEXT_META -> Term
transTextMeta sig = transText renames . ClBasic.getText . eliminateModules
where renames = basicRenames sig
transNamed :: ClSign.Sign -> AS_Anno.Named ClBasic.TEXT_META
-> AS_Anno.Named Sentence
transNamed sig = AS_Anno.mapNamed $ mkSen . transTextMeta sig
transText :: RENAMES -> ClBasic.TEXT -> Term
transText rn txt = case txt of
ClBasic.Text phrs _ ->
let phrs' = filter nonImport phrs
in if null phrs' then true
else foldl1 binConj (map (transPhrase rn) phrs')
ClBasic.Named_text _ t _ -> transText rn t
where nonImport p = case p of
ClBasic.Importation _ -> False
_ -> True
transPhrase :: RENAMES -> ClBasic.PHRASE -> Term
transPhrase rn phr = case phr of
ClBasic.Module _ -> error "transPhase: \"module\" found"
ClBasic.Sentence s -> transSen rn s
ClBasic.Importation _ -> error "transPhase: \"import\" found"
ClBasic.Comment_text _ t _ -> transText rn t
transTerm :: RENAMES -> ClBasic.TERM -> Term
transTerm rn trm = case trm of
ClBasic.Name_term name -> con $ rename rn (Id.tokStr name)
ClBasic.Funct_term op args _ -> applyTermSeq funSymb rn op args
ClBasic.Comment_term t _ _ -> transTerm rn t
ClBasic.That_term sen _ -> termAppl (con thatSymb) (transSen rn sen)
transNameOrSeqmark :: ClBasic.NAME_OR_SEQMARK -> String
transNameOrSeqmark ts = Id.tokStr $ case ts of
ClBasic.Name name -> name
ClBasic.SeqMark seqm -> seqm
transTermSeq :: RENAMES -> ClBasic.TERM_SEQ -> Term
transTermSeq rn ts = case ts of
ClBasic.Term_seq trm -> (termAppl . termAppl (conC consV))
(transTerm rn trm) (nilPT NotCont)
ClBasic.Seq_marks seqm -> con $ rename rn (Id.tokStr seqm)
{- applicable for a non-empty argument list where only the last argument
(or none) is a seqmark -}
transArgsSimple :: RENAMES -> [ClBasic.TERM_SEQ] -> Maybe Term
transArgsSimple rn tss =
(\ ts trm ->
do trm' <- trm
case ts of
ClBasic.Term_seq clTrm ->
Just $ (termAppl . termAppl (conC consV)) (transTerm rn clTrm) trm'
_ -> Nothing)
(Just $ transTermSeq rn $ last tss)
(init tss)
transArgs :: RENAMES -> [ClBasic.TERM_SEQ] -> Term
transArgs rn tss = case (tss, transArgsSimple rn tss) of
([], _) -> nilPT NotCont
(_, Just trm) -> trm
(_, Nothing) -> foldr1 (termAppl . termAppl (con appendV))
(map (transTermSeq rn) tss)
applyTermSeq :: VName -> RENAMES -> ClBasic.TERM -> [ClBasic.TERM_SEQ] -> Term
applyTermSeq metaSymb rn clTrm clArgs = binVNameAppl metaSymb trm args
where trm = transTerm rn clTrm
args = transArgs rn clArgs
transSen :: RENAMES -> ClBasic.SENTENCE -> Term
transSen rn sen = case sen of
ClBasic.Bool_sent bs _ -> case bs of
ClBasic.Negation s -> termAppl notOp (transSen rn s)
ClBasic.Junction j ss ->
if null ss then true
else foldr1 (case j of ClBasic.Conjunction -> binConj
ClBasic.Disjunction -> binDisj)
(map (transSen rn) ss)
ClBasic.BinOp j s1 s2 ->
(case j of ClBasic.Implication -> binImpl
ClBasic.Biconditional -> binEqv)
(transSen rn s1) (transSen rn s2)
ClBasic.Quant_sent q bs s _ -> foldr (quantify rn' q) (transSen rn' s) varNames
where rn' = addRenames rn varNames
varNames = map transNameOrSeqmark bs
ClBasic.Atom_sent at _ -> case at of
ClBasic.Equation t1 t2 -> binEq (transTerm rn t1) (transTerm rn t2)
ClBasic.Atom p args -> applyTermSeq relSymb rn p args
ClBasic.Comment_sent _ s _ -> transSen rn s
ClBasic.Irregular_sent s _ -> transSen rn s