CommonLogic2CommonLogic.hs revision b3138d7e20d2d6dd26a325b844a8b21b0ecbb602
707a4b48578109589b887a7a1ae0bf079d2ce684Christian Maeder{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, TypeSynonymInstances #-}
e9458b1a7a19a63aa4c179f9ab20f4d50681c168Jens Elkner{- |
707a4b48578109589b887a7a1ae0bf079d2ce684Christian MaederModule : $Header$
707a4b48578109589b887a7a1ae0bf079d2ce684Christian MaederDescription : Comorphism from CommonLogic to CommonLogic
707a4b48578109589b887a7a1ae0bf079d2ce684Christian MaederCopyright : (c) Eugen Kuksa, Uni Bremen 2011
707a4b48578109589b887a7a1ae0bf079d2ce684Christian MaederLicense : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
707a4b48578109589b887a7a1ae0bf079d2ce684Christian Maeder
707a4b48578109589b887a7a1ae0bf079d2ce684Christian MaederMaintainer :
707a4b48578109589b887a7a1ae0bf079d2ce684Christian MaederStability : experimental (not complete: typleclass-instances missing)
707a4b48578109589b887a7a1ae0bf079d2ce684Christian MaederPortability : non-portable (via Logic.Logic)
707a4b48578109589b887a7a1ae0bf079d2ce684Christian Maeder
707a4b48578109589b887a7a1ae0bf079d2ce684Christian MaederTranslating comorphism from CommonLogic to CommonLogic in order to eliminate
707a4b48578109589b887a7a1ae0bf079d2ce684Christian Maedermodules.
707a4b48578109589b887a7a1ae0bf079d2ce684Christian Maeder
707a4b48578109589b887a7a1ae0bf079d2ce684Christian Maeder-}
707a4b48578109589b887a7a1ae0bf079d2ce684Christian Maeder
707a4b48578109589b887a7a1ae0bf079d2ce684Christian Maeder
707a4b48578109589b887a7a1ae0bf079d2ce684Christian Maedermodule Comorphisms.CommonLogic2CommonLogic (
707a4b48578109589b887a7a1ae0bf079d2ce684Christian Maeder CommonLogic2CommonLogic (..)
707a4b48578109589b887a7a1ae0bf079d2ce684Christian Maeder , eliminateModules
707a4b48578109589b887a7a1ae0bf079d2ce684Christian Maeder )
707a4b48578109589b887a7a1ae0bf079d2ce684Christian Maeder where
4cc271fa22221d0d20cf303553f86c4e3b1a56e4Christian Maeder
707a4b48578109589b887a7a1ae0bf079d2ce684Christian Maederimport qualified Data.Set as Set
707a4b48578109589b887a7a1ae0bf079d2ce684Christian Maederimport CommonLogic.Tools
707a4b48578109589b887a7a1ae0bf079d2ce684Christian Maederimport Common.Id
707a4b48578109589b887a7a1ae0bf079d2ce684Christian Maeder
707a4b48578109589b887a7a1ae0bf079d2ce684Christian Maederimport Logic.Logic as Logic
707a4b48578109589b887a7a1ae0bf079d2ce684Christian Maederimport Logic.Comorphism
707a4b48578109589b887a7a1ae0bf079d2ce684Christian Maeder
707a4b48578109589b887a7a1ae0bf079d2ce684Christian Maederimport Common.ProofTree
707a4b48578109589b887a7a1ae0bf079d2ce684Christian Maederimport Common.Result
4cc271fa22221d0d20cf303553f86c4e3b1a56e4Christian Maederimport qualified Common.AS_Annotation as AS_Anno
4cc271fa22221d0d20cf303553f86c4e3b1a56e4Christian Maeder
4cc271fa22221d0d20cf303553f86c4e3b1a56e4Christian Maeder-- Common Logic
707a4b48578109589b887a7a1ae0bf079d2ce684Christian Maederimport CommonLogic.AS_CommonLogic
707a4b48578109589b887a7a1ae0bf079d2ce684Christian Maederimport qualified CommonLogic.Logic_CommonLogic as Logic
4cc271fa22221d0d20cf303553f86c4e3b1a56e4Christian Maederimport qualified CommonLogic.Sign as Sign
707a4b48578109589b887a7a1ae0bf079d2ce684Christian Maederimport qualified CommonLogic.Symbol as Symbol
707a4b48578109589b887a7a1ae0bf079d2ce684Christian Maederimport qualified CommonLogic.Morphism as Mor
bb5022629cd054caa569bf15e366a9977ab011ceChristian Maederimport qualified CommonLogic.Sublogic as Sl
4cc271fa22221d0d20cf303553f86c4e3b1a56e4Christian Maeder
707a4b48578109589b887a7a1ae0bf079d2ce684Christian Maederdata CommonLogic2CommonLogic = CommonLogic2CommonLogic deriving Show
707a4b48578109589b887a7a1ae0bf079d2ce684Christian Maeder
707a4b48578109589b887a7a1ae0bf079d2ce684Christian Maederinstance Language CommonLogic2CommonLogic where
707a4b48578109589b887a7a1ae0bf079d2ce684Christian Maeder language_name CommonLogic2CommonLogic = "CommonLogic2CommonLogic"
707a4b48578109589b887a7a1ae0bf079d2ce684Christian Maeder
707a4b48578109589b887a7a1ae0bf079d2ce684Christian Maederinstance Comorphism
707a4b48578109589b887a7a1ae0bf079d2ce684Christian Maeder CommonLogic2CommonLogic -- comorphism
707a4b48578109589b887a7a1ae0bf079d2ce684Christian Maeder Logic.CommonLogic -- lid domain
707a4b48578109589b887a7a1ae0bf079d2ce684Christian Maeder Sl.CommonLogicSL -- sublogics codomain
707a4b48578109589b887a7a1ae0bf079d2ce684Christian Maeder BASIC_SPEC -- Basic spec domain
707a4b48578109589b887a7a1ae0bf079d2ce684Christian Maeder TEXT_MRS -- sentence domain
707a4b48578109589b887a7a1ae0bf079d2ce684Christian Maeder SYMB_ITEMS -- symb_items
707a4b48578109589b887a7a1ae0bf079d2ce684Christian Maeder SYMB_MAP_ITEMS -- symbol map items domain
707a4b48578109589b887a7a1ae0bf079d2ce684Christian Maeder Sign.Sign -- signature domain
707a4b48578109589b887a7a1ae0bf079d2ce684Christian Maeder Mor.Morphism -- morphism domain
707a4b48578109589b887a7a1ae0bf079d2ce684Christian Maeder Symbol.Symbol -- symbol domain
707a4b48578109589b887a7a1ae0bf079d2ce684Christian Maeder Symbol.Symbol -- rawsymbol domain
707a4b48578109589b887a7a1ae0bf079d2ce684Christian Maeder ProofTree -- proof tree codomain
707a4b48578109589b887a7a1ae0bf079d2ce684Christian Maeder Logic.CommonLogic -- lid domain
707a4b48578109589b887a7a1ae0bf079d2ce684Christian Maeder Sl.CommonLogicSL -- sublogics codomain
707a4b48578109589b887a7a1ae0bf079d2ce684Christian Maeder BASIC_SPEC -- Basic spec domain
707a4b48578109589b887a7a1ae0bf079d2ce684Christian Maeder TEXT_MRS -- sentence domain
707a4b48578109589b887a7a1ae0bf079d2ce684Christian Maeder SYMB_ITEMS -- symb_items
707a4b48578109589b887a7a1ae0bf079d2ce684Christian Maeder SYMB_MAP_ITEMS -- symbol map items domain
707a4b48578109589b887a7a1ae0bf079d2ce684Christian Maeder Sign.Sign -- signature domain
707a4b48578109589b887a7a1ae0bf079d2ce684Christian Maeder Mor.Morphism -- morphism domain
707a4b48578109589b887a7a1ae0bf079d2ce684Christian Maeder Symbol.Symbol -- symbol domain
707a4b48578109589b887a7a1ae0bf079d2ce684Christian Maeder Symbol.Symbol -- rawsymbol domain
707a4b48578109589b887a7a1ae0bf079d2ce684Christian Maeder ProofTree -- proof tree codomain
707a4b48578109589b887a7a1ae0bf079d2ce684Christian Maeder where
sourceLogic CommonLogic2CommonLogic = Logic.CommonLogic
sourceSublogic CommonLogic2CommonLogic =
targetLogic CommonLogic2CommonLogic = Logic.CommonLogic
mapSublogic CommonLogic2CommonLogic = Just . mapSub
map_theory CommonLogic2CommonLogic = mapTheory
map_morphism CommonLogic2CommonLogic = mapMor
map_sentence CommonLogic2CommonLogic = mapSentence
--hasCommonLogic2CommonLogic_model_expansion = True -- TODO: check if it is really True
mapSub :: Sl.CommonLogicSL -> Sl.CommonLogicSL
mapSub = id
mapMor :: Mor.Morphism -> Result Mor.Morphism
mapMor mor = return mor
mapSentence :: Sign.Sign -> TEXT_MRS -> Result TEXT_MRS
mapSentence _ txt = return $ eliminateModules txt
mapTheory :: (Sign.Sign, [AS_Anno.Named TEXT_MRS])
-> Result (Sign.Sign, [AS_Anno.Named TEXT_MRS])
mapTheory (srcSign, srcTexts) =
return (srcSign,
map ((uncurry AS_Anno.makeNamed) . elimModSnd . senAndName) srcTexts)
where senAndName :: AS_Anno.Named TEXT_MRS -> (String, TEXT_MRS)
senAndName t = (AS_Anno.senAttr t, AS_Anno.sentence t)
elimModSnd :: (String, TEXT_MRS) -> (String, TEXT_MRS)
elimModSnd (s, t) = (s, eliminateModules t)
-- | Result is a CL-equivalent text without modules
eliminateModules :: TEXT_MRS -> TEXT_MRS
eliminateModules (txt,mrs) =
(Text [Sentence (me_text newName [] txt)] nullRange, mrs)
where (newName, _) = freeName ("x", 0) (indvC_text txt)
-- NOTE: ignores importations
me_text :: NAME -> [NAME] -> TEXT -> SENTENCE
me_text newName modules txt =
case txt of
Text phrs _ -> me_phrases newName modules $ filter nonImportation phrs
Named_text _ t _ -> me_text newName modules t
where nonImportation p = case p of
Importation _ -> False
_ -> True
-- Table 2: R5a - R5b, ignoring importations and comments
me_phrases :: NAME -> [NAME] -> [PHRASE] -> SENTENCE
me_phrases newName modules phrs =
case length phrs of
1 -> me_phrase newName modules $ head phrs
_ -> Bool_sent (
Conjunction (
map (me_phrase newName modules) (filter mod_sen phrs)
) nullRange
where mod_sen p = case p of
Module _ -> True
Sentence _ -> True
_ -> False
-- | converts comment-texts to comment-sentences
me_phrase :: NAME -> [NAME] -> PHRASE -> SENTENCE
me_phrase newName modules p =
case p of
Module m -> me_module newName modules m
Sentence s -> me_sentence newName modules s
Comment_text c txt r -> Comment_sent c (me_text newName modules txt) r
Importation _ -> undefined
me_sentence :: NAME -> [NAME] -> SENTENCE -> SENTENCE
me_sentence newName modules sen =
if null modules then sen else -- this keeps the sentence simple
case sen of
Bool_sent bs _ -> Bool_sent (me_boolsent newName modules bs) nullRange
Quant_sent qs _ -> Quant_sent (me_quantsent newName modules qs) nullRange
x -> x -- Table 2: R1a - R2b
-- Table 2: R2a - R2e
me_boolsent :: NAME -> [NAME] -> BOOL_SENT -> BOOL_SENT
me_boolsent newName modules bs =
case bs of
Conjunction sens -> Conjunction $ map me_sen_mod sens
Disjunction sens -> Disjunction $ map me_sen_mod sens
Negation sen -> Negation $ me_sen_mod sen
Implication s1 s2 -> Implication (me_sen_mod s1) (me_sen_mod s2)
Biconditional s1 s2 -> Biconditional (me_sen_mod s1) (me_sen_mod s2)
where me_sen_mod = me_sentence newName modules --TODO: check whether dn stays the same
-- Table 2: R3a - R3b
me_quantsent :: NAME -> [NAME] -> QUANT_SENT -> QUANT_SENT
me_quantsent newName modules qs =
case qs of
Universal noss sen -> Universal noss (
Bool_sent (Implication
(anticedent modules noss)
(me_sentence newName modules sen)
) nullRange)
Existential noss sen -> Existential noss (
Bool_sent (Implication
(anticedent modules noss)
(me_sentence newName modules sen)
) nullRange)
anticedent :: [NAME] -> [NAME_OR_SEQMARK] -> SENTENCE
anticedent modules noss =
case length modules of
1 -> anticedent1 (head modules) noss
_ -> Bool_sent (Conjunction (map (flip anticedent1 noss) modules)) nullRange
anticedent1 :: NAME -> [NAME_OR_SEQMARK] -> SENTENCE
anticedent1 m noss =
Atom_sent (Atom (Name_term m) (map nos2termseq noss)) nullRange
nos2termseq :: NAME_OR_SEQMARK -> TERM_SEQ
nos2termseq nos = case nos of
Name n -> Term_seq $ Name_term n
SeqMark s -> Seq_marks s
-- Table 2 R4
me_module :: NAME -> [NAME] -> MODULE -> SENTENCE
me_module newName modules m =
case m of
Mod n t _ -> Bool_sent (Conjunction (
(me_text newName (n:modules) t)
: (ex_conj newName (n:modules))
: (map (ex_conj_indvC newName (n:modules)) $ Set.elems $ indvC_text t)
)) nullRange
Mod_ex n excl t _ -> Bool_sent (Conjunction (
(me_text newName (n:modules) t)
: (ex_conj newName (n:modules))
: (map (ex_conj_indvC newName (n:modules)) $ Set.elems $ indvC_text t)
++ (map (not_ex_conj_excl newName (n:modules)) excl)
)) nullRange
-- Table 2 R4: each line in the conjunction
ex_conj :: NAME -> [NAME] -> SENTENCE
ex_conj n modules =
Quant_sent (Existential [Name n] (Bool_sent ( Conjunction (
map (modNameToPredicate n) modules
)) nullRange)) nullRange
-- Table 2 R4: each line with indvC-elements in the conjunction
ex_conj_indvC :: NAME -> [NAME] -> NAME -> SENTENCE
ex_conj_indvC n modules c =
Quant_sent (Existential [Name n] (Bool_sent ( Conjunction (
(Atom_sent (Equation (Name_term n) (Name_term c)) nullRange)
: map (modNameToPredicate n) modules
)) nullRange)) nullRange
-- Table 2 R4: each line with excluded elements in the conjunction
not_ex_conj_excl :: NAME -> [NAME] -> NAME -> SENTENCE
not_ex_conj_excl n modules c =
Bool_sent (Negation (ex_conj_indvC n modules c)) nullRange
-- Table 2 R4: makes a Predicate out of the module name
modNameToPredicate :: NAME -> NAME -> SENTENCE
modNameToPredicate n m =
Atom_sent (Atom (Name_term m) [Term_seq (Name_term n)]) nullRange
-- what if the module name already occurs as a predicate?