CommonLogic2CommonLogic.hs revision 8247c2f9606497ccfc5b4d10b3fcb07d8c0f6074
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, TypeSynonymInstances #-}
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : Comorphism from CommonLogic to CommonLogic
Copyright : (c) Eugen Kuksa, Uni Bremen 2011
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : experimental (not complete: typleclass-instances missing)
Portability : non-portable (via Logic.Logic)
Translating comorphism from CommonLogic to CommonLogic in order to eliminate
module Comorphisms.CommonLogic2CommonLogic (
CommonLogic2CommonLogic (..)
, eliminateModules
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import CommonLogic.Tools
import Common.Id
import Logic.Logic as Logic
import Logic.Comorphism
import Common.ProofTree
import Common.Result
import qualified Common.AS_Annotation as AS_Anno
-- Common Logic
import CommonLogic.AS_CommonLogic
import qualified CommonLogic.Logic_CommonLogic as Logic
import qualified CommonLogic.Sign as Sign
import qualified CommonLogic.Symbol as Symbol
import qualified CommonLogic.Morphism as Mor
import qualified CommonLogic.Sublogic as Sl
data CommonLogic2CommonLogic = CommonLogic2CommonLogic deriving Show
instance Language CommonLogic2CommonLogic where
language_name CommonLogic2CommonLogic = "CommonLogic2CommonLogic"
instance Comorphism
CommonLogic2CommonLogic -- comorphism
Logic.CommonLogic -- lid domain
Sl.CommonLogicSL -- sublogics codomain
BASIC_SPEC -- Basic spec domain
TEXT_MRS -- sentence domain
SYMB_ITEMS -- symb_items
SYMB_MAP_ITEMS -- symbol map items domain
Sign.Sign -- signature domain
Mor.Morphism -- morphism domain
Symbol.Symbol -- symbol domain
Symbol.Symbol -- rawsymbol domain
ProofTree -- proof tree codomain
Logic.CommonLogic -- lid domain
Sl.CommonLogicSL -- sublogics codomain
BASIC_SPEC -- Basic spec domain
TEXT_MRS -- sentence domain
SYMB_ITEMS -- symb_items
SYMB_MAP_ITEMS -- symbol map items domain
Sign.Sign -- signature domain
Mor.Morphism -- morphism domain
Symbol.Symbol -- symbol domain
Symbol.Symbol -- rawsymbol domain
ProofTree -- proof tree codomain
sourceLogic CommonLogic2CommonLogic = Logic.CommonLogic
sourceSublogic CommonLogic2CommonLogic =
targetLogic CommonLogic2CommonLogic = Logic.CommonLogic
mapSublogic CommonLogic2CommonLogic = Just . mapSub
map_theory CommonLogic2CommonLogic = mapTheory
map_morphism CommonLogic2CommonLogic = mapMor
map_sentence CommonLogic2CommonLogic = mapSentence
--hasCommonLogic2CommonLogic_model_expansion = True -- TODO: check if it is really True
mapSub :: Sl.CommonLogicSL -> Sl.CommonLogicSL
mapSub = id
mapMor :: Mor.Morphism -> Result Mor.Morphism
mapMor mor = return mor
mapSentence :: Sign.Sign -> TEXT_MRS -> Result TEXT_MRS
mapSentence _ txt = return $ eliminateModules txt
mapTheory :: (Sign.Sign, [AS_Anno.Named TEXT_MRS])
-> Result (Sign.Sign, [AS_Anno.Named TEXT_MRS])
mapTheory (srcSign, srcTexts) =
return (srcSign,
map ((uncurry AS_Anno.makeNamed) . elimModSnd . senAndName) srcTexts)
where senAndName :: AS_Anno.Named TEXT_MRS -> (String, TEXT_MRS)
senAndName t = (AS_Anno.senAttr t, AS_Anno.sentence t)
elimModSnd :: (String, TEXT_MRS) -> (String, TEXT_MRS)
elimModSnd (s, t) = (s, eliminateModules t)
-- | Result is a CL-equivalent text without modules
eliminateModules :: TEXT_MRS -> TEXT_MRS
eliminateModules (Text_mrs (txt,mrs)) =
Text_mrs (Text [Sentence (me_text newName [] txt)] nullRange, mrs)
where (newName, _) = freeName ("x", 0) (indvC_text txt)
-- NOTE: ignores importations
me_text :: NAME -> [NAME] -> TEXT -> SENTENCE
me_text newName modules txt =
case txt of
Text phrs _ -> me_phrases newName modules $ filter nonImportation phrs
Named_text _ t _ -> me_text newName modules t
where nonImportation p = case p of
Importation _ -> False
_ -> True
-- Table 2: R5a - R5b, ignoring importations and comments
me_phrases :: NAME -> [NAME] -> [PHRASE] -> SENTENCE
me_phrases newName modules phrs =
case length phrs of
1 -> me_phrase newName modules $ head phrs
_ -> Bool_sent (
Conjunction (
map (me_phrase newName modules) (filter mod_sen phrs)
) nullRange
where mod_sen p = case p of
Module _ -> True
Sentence _ -> True
_ -> False
-- | converts comment-texts to comment-sentences
me_phrase :: NAME -> [NAME] -> PHRASE -> SENTENCE
me_phrase newName modules p =
case p of
Module m -> me_module newName modules m
Sentence s -> me_sentence newName modules s
Comment_text c txt r -> Comment_sent c (me_text newName modules txt) r
Importation _ -> undefined
me_sentence :: NAME -> [NAME] -> SENTENCE -> SENTENCE
me_sentence newName modules sen =
if null modules then sen else -- this keeps the sentence simple
case sen of
Bool_sent bs _ -> Bool_sent (me_boolsent newName modules bs) nullRange
Quant_sent qs _ -> Quant_sent (me_quantsent newName modules qs) nullRange
x -> x -- Table 2: R1a - R2b
-- Table 2: R2a - R2e
me_boolsent :: NAME -> [NAME] -> BOOL_SENT -> BOOL_SENT
me_boolsent newName modules bs =
case bs of
Conjunction sens -> Conjunction $ map me_sen_mod sens
Disjunction sens -> Disjunction $ map me_sen_mod sens
Negation sen -> Negation $ me_sen_mod sen
Implication s1 s2 -> Implication (me_sen_mod s1) (me_sen_mod s2)
Biconditional s1 s2 -> Biconditional (me_sen_mod s1) (me_sen_mod s2)
where me_sen_mod = me_sentence newName modules --TODO: check whether dn stays the same
-- Table 2: R3a - R3b
me_quantsent :: NAME -> [NAME] -> QUANT_SENT -> QUANT_SENT
me_quantsent newName modules qs =
case qs of
Universal noss sen -> Universal noss (
Bool_sent (Implication
(anticedent modules noss)
(me_sentence newName modules sen)
) nullRange)
Existential noss sen -> Existential noss (
Bool_sent (Implication
(anticedent modules noss)
(me_sentence newName modules sen)
) nullRange)
anticedent :: [NAME] -> [NAME_OR_SEQMARK] -> SENTENCE
anticedent modules noss =
case length modules of
1 -> anticedent1 (head modules) noss
_ -> Bool_sent (Conjunction (map (flip anticedent1 noss) modules)) nullRange
anticedent1 :: NAME -> [NAME_OR_SEQMARK] -> SENTENCE
anticedent1 m noss =
Atom_sent (Atom (Name_term m) (map nos2termseq noss)) nullRange
nos2termseq :: NAME_OR_SEQMARK -> TERM_SEQ
nos2termseq nos = case nos of
Name n -> Term_seq $ Name_term n
SeqMark s -> Seq_marks s
-- Table 2 R4
me_module :: NAME -> [NAME] -> MODULE -> SENTENCE
me_module newName modules m =
case m of
Mod n t _ -> Bool_sent (Conjunction (
(me_text newName (n:modules) t)
: (ex_conj newName (n:modules))
: (map (ex_conj_indvC newName (n:modules)) $ Set.elems $ indvC_text t)
)) nullRange
Mod_ex n excl t _ -> Bool_sent (Conjunction (
(me_text newName (n:modules) t)
: (ex_conj newName (n:modules))
: (map (ex_conj_indvC newName (n:modules)) $ Set.elems $ indvC_text t)
++ (map (not_ex_conj_excl newName (n:modules)) excl)
)) nullRange
-- Table 2 R4: each line in the conjunction
ex_conj :: NAME -> [NAME] -> SENTENCE
ex_conj n modules =
Quant_sent (Existential [Name n] (Bool_sent ( Conjunction (
map (modNameToPredicate n) modules
)) nullRange)) nullRange
-- Table 2 R4: each line with indvC-elements in the conjunction
ex_conj_indvC :: NAME -> [NAME] -> NAME -> SENTENCE
ex_conj_indvC n modules c =
Quant_sent (Existential [Name n] (Bool_sent ( Conjunction (
(Atom_sent (Equation (Name_term n) (Name_term c)) nullRange)
: map (modNameToPredicate n) modules
)) nullRange)) nullRange
-- Table 2 R4: each line with excluded elements in the conjunction
not_ex_conj_excl :: NAME -> [NAME] -> NAME -> SENTENCE
not_ex_conj_excl n modules c =
Bool_sent (Negation (ex_conj_indvC n modules c)) nullRange
-- Table 2 R4: makes a Predicate out of the module name
modNameToPredicate :: NAME -> NAME -> SENTENCE
modNameToPredicate n m =
Atom_sent (Atom (Name_term m) [Term_seq (Name_term n)]) nullRange
-- what if the module name already occurs as a predicate?