CoCASL2IsabelleHOL.hs revision 97018cf5fa25b494adffd7e9b4e87320dae6bf47
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Till Mossakowski and Uni Bremen 2003
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable (imports Logic.Logic)
The embedding comorphism from CoCASL to Isabelle-HOL.
{- todo:
encoding of cofreeness
modal formulas
module Comorphisms.CoCASL2IsabelleHOL where
import Logic.Logic as Logic
import Logic.Comorphism
import CoCASL.Logic_CoCASL
import CoCASL.CoCASLSign
import CoCASL.StatAna
import CASL.AS_Basic_CASL
import CASL.Morphism
import Comorphisms.CASL2IsabelleHOL
-- Isabelle
import Isabelle.IsaSign as IsaSign
import Isabelle.IsaConsts
import Isabelle.Logic_Isabelle
import Debug.Trace
import Data.List
-- | The identity of the comorphism
data CoCASL2IsabelleHOL = CoCASL2IsabelleHOL deriving (Show)
instance Language CoCASL2IsabelleHOL -- default definition is okay
instance Comorphism CoCASL2IsabelleHOL
CASL.Morphism.Symbol CASL.Morphism.RawSymbol ()
Isabelle () () IsaSign.Sentence () ()
IsabelleMorphism () () () where
sourceLogic CoCASL2IsabelleHOL = CoCASL
sourceSublogic CoCASL2IsabelleHOL = ()
targetLogic CoCASL2IsabelleHOL = Isabelle
targetSublogic CoCASL2IsabelleHOL = ()
map_theory CoCASL2IsabelleHOL = transTheory sigTrCoCASL formTrCoCASL
map_morphism CoCASL2IsabelleHOL mor = do
(sig1,_) <- map_sign CoCASL2IsabelleHOL (Logic.dom CoCASL mor)
(sig2,_) <- map_sign CoCASL2IsabelleHOL (cod CoCASL mor)
inclusion Isabelle sig1 sig2
map_sentence CoCASL2IsabelleHOL sign =
return . mapSen formTrCoCASL sign
map_symbol CoCASL2IsabelleHOL _ = error "CoCASL2IsabelleHOL.map_symbol"
-- | extended signature translation for CoCASL
sigTrCoCASL :: SignTranslator C_FORMULA CoCASLSign
sigTrCoCASL _ _ = id
conjs :: [Term] -> Term
conjs l = if null l then true else foldr1 binConj l
-- | extended formula translation for CoCASL
formTrCoCASL :: FormulaTranslator C_FORMULA CoCASLSign
formTrCoCASL sign (CoSort_gen_ax sorts ops _) =
foldr (quantifyIsa "All") phi (predDecls++[("u",ts),("v",ts)])
ts = transSort $ head sorts
-- phi expresses: all bisimulations are the equality
phi = prems `binImpl` concls
-- indices and predicates for all involved sorts
indices = [0..length sorts - 1]
predDecls = zip [rvar i | i<-indices] (map binPred sorts)
binPred s = let s' = transSort s in mkCurryFunType [s',s'] boolType
-- premises: all relations are bisimulations
prems = conjs (map prem (zip sorts indices))
{- generate premise for s, where s is the i-th sort
for all x,y of that sort,
if all sel_j(x) R_j sel_j(y), where sel_j ranges over the selectors for s
then x R y
here, R_i is the relation for the result type of sel_j, or the equality
prem (s,i) =
let -- get all selectors with first argument sort s
sels = filter isSelForS ops
isSelForS (Qual_op_name _ t _) = case args_OP_TYPE t of
(s1:_) -> s1 == s
_ -> False
isSelForS _ = False
premSel opsymb@(Qual_op_name _n t _) =
let -- get extra parameters of the selectors
args = tail $ args_OP_TYPE t
indicesArgs = [1..length args]
res = res_OP_TYPE t
-- variables for the extra parameters
varDecls = zip [xvar j | j <- indicesArgs] (map transSort args)
-- the selector ...
--(c) top = Const (transOP_SYMB sign opsymb) noType isaTerm
topC = Const (transOP_SYMB sign opsymb) noType
-- applied to x and extra parameter vars
appFold = foldl ( \ t1 t2 -> App t1 t2 NotCont)
rhs = appFold (App topC (var "x") NotCont)
(map (var . xvar) indicesArgs)
-- applied to y and extra parameter vars
lhs = appFold (App topC (var "y") NotCont)
(map (var . xvar) indicesArgs)
chi = -- is the result of selector non-observable?
if res `elem` sorts
-- then apply corresponding relation
then App (App (var $
rvar $ maybe (error "CoCASL2Isabelle.premSel.chi") id
$ findIndex (==res) sorts)
rhs NotCont) lhs NotCont
-- else use equality
else binEq rhs lhs
in foldr (quantifyIsa "All") chi varDecls
premSel _ = error "CoCASL2Isabelle.premSel"
prem1 = conjs (map premSel sels)
concl1 = App (App (var $ rvar i) (var "x") NotCont) (var "y") NotCont
psi = concl1 `binImpl` prem1
typS = transSort s
in foldr (quantifyIsa "All") psi [("x",typS),("y",typS)]
-- conclusion: all relations are the equality
concls = conjs (map concl (zip sorts indices))
concl (_,i) = binImpl (App (App (var $ rvar i) (var "u") NotCont)
(var "v") NotCont)
(binEq (var "u") (var "v"))
formTrCoCASL _sign (BoxOrDiamond _ _mod _phi _) =
trace "WARNING: ignoring modal forumla"
$ true