CSMOF2CASL.hs revision bf8877d598d8afb4892e6b8f9e5abd77f3230cca
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleInstances #-}
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : Coding CSMOF into CASL
Copyright : (c) Daniel Calegari Universidad de la Republica, Uruguay 2013
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer : dcalegar@fing.edu.uy
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
module Comorphisms.CSMOF2CASL
) where
import Logic.Logic
import Logic.Comorphism
import Common.DefaultMorphism
import CSMOF.Logic_CSMOF as CSMOF
import CSMOF.As as CSMOFAs
import CSMOF.Sign as CSMOF
import CASL.Logic_CASL
import CASL.AS_Basic_CASL as C
import CASL.Sublogic
import CASL.Sign as C
import CASL.Morphism as C
import Common.AS_Annotation
import Common.GlobalAnnotations
import Common.Id
import Common.ProofTree
import Common.Result
import qualified Common.Lib.Rel as Rel
import qualified Common.Lib.MapSet as MapSet
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Map as Map
-- | lid of the morphism
data CSMOF2CASL = CSMOF2CASL deriving Show
instance Language CSMOF2CASL -- default is ok
instance Comorphism CSMOF2CASL
sourceLogic CSMOF2CASL = CSMOF
sourceSublogic CSMOF2CASL = ()
targetLogic CSMOF2CASL = CASL
mapSublogic CSMOF2CASL _ = Just $ caslTop
{ has_part = False
, sub_features = LocFilSub
, cons_features = SortGen True True }
map_theory CSMOF2CASL = mapTheory
map_sentence CSMOF2CASL s = return . mapSen (mapSign s)
map_morphism CSMOF2CASL = mapMor
-- map_symbol CSMOF2CASL _ = Set.singleton . mapSym
is_model_transportable CSMOF2CASL = True
has_model_expansion CSMOF2CASL = True
is_weakly_amalgamable CSMOF2CASL = True
isInclusionComorphism CSMOF2CASL = True
mapTheory :: (CSMOF.Sign, [Named CSMOF.Sen]) -> Result (CASLSign, [Named CASLFORMULA])
mapTheory (s, ns) = let cs = mapSign s in
return (cs, map (mapNamed $ mapSen cs) ns ++ sentences cs)
mapSign :: CSMOF.Sign -> CASLSign
mapSign s =
sorts = getSorts (types s) (typeRel s)
ops = getOperations (instances s)
predd = getPredicates (properties s)
sent = getSentencesRels (links s) (instances s)
sentDisEmb = getSortGen (typeRel s) (abstractClasses s) (types s) (instances s)
noConfBetOps = getNoConfusionBetweenSets (instances s) (typeRel s)
{ sortRel = sorts
, revSortRel = Just $ Rel.fromList (map revertOrder (Rel.toList sorts))
, emptySortSet = Set.empty
, opMap = ops
, assocOps = MapSet.empty
, predMap = fst predd
, varMap = Map.empty
, sentences = snd predd ++ sent ++ sentDisEmb ++ noConfBetOps
, declaredSymbols = Set.empty
, envDiags = []
, annoMap = MapSet.empty
, globAnnos = emptyGlobalAnnos
, extendedInfo = ()
getSorts :: Set.Set TypeClass -> Rel.Rel TypeClass -> Rel.Rel SORT
getSorts setC relC =
let relS = Set.fold (insertSort . name) Rel.empty setC
in foldr (insertPair) relS (Rel.toList relC)
insertSort :: String -> Rel.Rel SORT -> Rel.Rel SORT
insertSort s relS = Rel.insertPair (stringToId s) (stringToId s) relS
insertPair :: (TypeClass,TypeClass) -> Rel.Rel SORT -> Rel.Rel SORT
insertPair (t1,t2) relS = Rel.insertPair (stringToId $ name t1) (stringToId $ name t2) relS
revertOrder :: (SORT,SORT) -> (SORT,SORT)
revertOrder (a,b) = (b,a)
getPredicates :: Set.Set PropertyT -> (PredMap,[Named (FORMULA f)])
getPredicates props = Set.fold (insertPredicate) (MapSet.empty,[]) props
insertPredicate :: PropertyT -> (PredMap,[Named (FORMULA f)]) -> (PredMap,[Named (FORMULA f)])
insertPredicate prop (predM,form) =
sort1 = stringToId $ name $ sourceType prop
sort2 = stringToId $ name $ targetType prop
pname1 = stringToId $ targetRole prop
ptype1 = PredType $ sort1 : [sort2]
pname2 = stringToId $ sourceRole prop
ptype2 = PredType $ sort2 : [sort1]
nam = "equiv_" ++ targetRole prop ++ "_" ++ sourceRole prop
varsD = [Var_decl [(mkSimpleId "x")] sort2 nullRange, Var_decl [(mkSimpleId "y")] sort1 nullRange]
sentRel = C.Relation
(C.Predication (C.Qual_pred_name pname2 (Pred_type [sort2,sort1] nullRange) nullRange)
(C.Qual_var (mkSimpleId "x") sort2 nullRange : [C.Qual_var (mkSimpleId "y") sort1 nullRange])
(C.Predication (C.Qual_pred_name pname1 (Pred_type [sort1,sort2] nullRange) nullRange)
(C.Qual_var (mkSimpleId "y") sort1 nullRange : [C.Qual_var (mkSimpleId "x") sort2 nullRange])
sent = Quantification Universal varsD sentRel nullRange
-- MapSet does not allows repeated elements, but predicate names can be repeated
-- (this must be corrected by creating a more complex ID)
if sourceRole prop == "_"
then (MapSet.insert pname1 ptype1 predM, form)
else if targetRole prop == "_"
then (MapSet.insert pname2 ptype2 predM, form)
else (MapSet.insert pname1 ptype1 $ MapSet.insert pname2 ptype2 predM, (makeNamed nam sent) : form)
getOperations :: Map.Map String TypeClass -> OpMap
getOperations ops = foldr (insertOperations) MapSet.empty (Map.toList ops)
insertOperations :: (String,TypeClass) -> OpMap -> OpMap
insertOperations (na,tc) opM =
opName = stringToId na
opType = OpType Total [] (stringToId $ name tc)
MapSet.insert opName opType opM
getSentencesRels :: Set.Set LinkT -> Map.Map String TypeClass -> [Named (CASLFORMULA)]
getSentencesRels linkk ops = completenessOfRelations linkk ops
completenessOfRelations :: Set.Set LinkT -> Map.Map String TypeClass -> [Named (CASLFORMULA)]
completenessOfRelations linkk ops =
let ordLinks = getLinksByProperty linkk
in foldr ((++) . (createComplFormula ops)) [] (Map.toList ordLinks)
createComplFormula :: Map.Map String TypeClass -> (String,[LinkT]) -> [Named (CASLFORMULA)]
createComplFormula ops (nam,linksL) =
varA = mkSimpleId "x"
varB = mkSimpleId "y"
case linksL of
[] -> []
(LinkT _ _ pr) : _ -> let
sorA = stringToId $ name $ sourceType pr
sorB = stringToId $ name $ targetType pr
varsD = [Var_decl [varA] sorA nullRange, Var_decl [varB] sorB nullRange]
sent = C.Relation
(C.Predication (C.Qual_pred_name (stringToId $ targetRole pr) (Pred_type [sorA,sorB] nullRange) nullRange)
(C.Qual_var varA sorA nullRange
: [C.Qual_var varB sorB nullRange])
(Junction Dis (foldr ((:) . (getPropHold ops varA sorA varB sorB)) [] linksL) nullRange)
sentQuan = Quantification Universal varsD sent nullRange
[makeNamed ("compRel_" ++ nam) sentQuan]
getPropHold :: Map.Map String TypeClass -> VAR -> SORT -> VAR -> SORT -> LinkT -> CASLFORMULA
getPropHold ops varA sorA varB sorB lin =
souObj = Map.lookup (sourceVar lin) ops
tarObj = Map.lookup (targetVar lin) ops
typSou = case souObj of
Nothing -> sourceVar lin -- if happens then is an error
Just tSou -> name tSou
typTar = case tarObj of
Nothing -> targetVar lin -- if happens then is an error
Just tTar -> name tTar
eqA = Equation (Qual_var varA sorA nullRange)
(Application (Qual_op_name (stringToId (sourceVar lin))
(Op_type Total [] (stringToId typSou) nullRange)
nullRange) [] nullRange)
eqB = Equation (Qual_var varB sorB nullRange)
(Application (Qual_op_name (stringToId (targetVar lin))
(Op_type Total [] (stringToId typTar) nullRange)
nullRange) [] nullRange)
Junction Con (eqA : [eqB]) nullRange
getLinksByProperty :: Set.Set LinkT -> Map.Map String [LinkT]
getLinksByProperty linkk =
let elems = Set.elems linkk
in foldr (getByProperty) Map.empty elems
getByProperty :: LinkT -> Map.Map String [LinkT] -> Map.Map String [LinkT]
getByProperty lin mapL =
prope = CSMOF.property lin
nameLook = sourceRole prope ++ name (sourceType prope) ++ targetRole prope ++ name (targetType prope)
setProp = Map.lookup nameLook mapL
case setProp of
Nothing -> Map.insert nameLook [lin] (Map.delete nameLook mapL)
Just s -> Map.insert nameLook (lin : s) (Map.delete nameLook mapL)
getSortGen :: Rel.Rel TypeClass -> Set.Set TypeClass -> Set.Set TypeClass -> Map.Map String TypeClass -> [Named (CASLFORMULA)]
getSortGen typpR absCl typCl inst = disjointEmbedding absCl typpR ++ sortGeneration inst ++
sortGenerationNonAbstractSuperClasses typpR typCl absCl inst
-- free type de superclases que no son abstract
sortGenerationNonAbstractSuperClasses :: Rel.Rel TypeClass -> Set.Set TypeClass -> Set.Set TypeClass -> Map.Map String TypeClass -> [Named (CASLFORMULA)]
sortGenerationNonAbstractSuperClasses typpR typCl absCl inst =
ordObj = foldr (orderByClass) Map.empty (Map.toList inst)
nonAbsClasses = getNonAbstractClasess absCl typCl
nonAbsClassesWChilds = filter (\x -> not (null (snd x))) (Set.fold ((:) . (getSubClasses typpR)) [] nonAbsClasses)
childObjects = foldr ((:) . (getClassSubObjects ordObj)) [] nonAbsClassesWChilds -- [(TypeClass,[String])]
foldr ((:) . (toSortConstraintNonAbsClass inst)) [] childObjects
-- Takes the objects, and a class with its child classes and returns the descendent objects of such class
getClassSubObjects :: Map.Map TypeClass [String] -> (TypeClass,[TypeClass]) -> (TypeClass,[String])
getClassSubObjects objs (tc, subCl) =
let objTC = findObjectInMap objs tc
(tc, objTC ++ (foldr ((++) . (findObjectInMap objs)) [] subCl))
findObjectInMap :: Map.Map TypeClass [String] -> TypeClass -> [String]
findObjectInMap objs tc =
case Map.lookup tc objs of
Nothing -> []
Just objsTC -> objsTC
getNonAbstractClasess :: Set.Set TypeClass -> Set.Set TypeClass -> Set.Set TypeClass
getNonAbstractClasess absCl classes = Set.difference classes absCl
getSubClasses :: Rel.Rel TypeClass -> TypeClass -> (TypeClass,[TypeClass])
getSubClasses typpR tc =
let subCla = map (fst) (filter (isParent tc) (Rel.toList typpR))
rec = foldr ((++) . snd . (getSubClasses typpR)) [] subCla
in (tc, subCla ++ rec)
isParent :: TypeClass -> (TypeClass,TypeClass) -> Bool
isParent tc (_,tc2) = tc == tc2
toSortConstraintNonAbsClass :: Map.Map String TypeClass -> (TypeClass, [String]) -> Named (CASLFORMULA)
toSortConstraintNonAbsClass inst (tc,lisObj) =
sor = stringToId $ name tc
varA = Var_decl [(mkSimpleId "x")] sor nullRange
sent = Junction Dis (foldr ((:) . (getEqualityVarObject sor inst)) [] lisObj) nullRange
constr = Quantification Universal [varA] sent nullRange
makeNamed ("sortGenCon_" ++ name tc) constr
getEqualityVarObject :: SORT -> Map.Map String TypeClass -> String -> CASLFORMULA
getEqualityVarObject sor inst obj =
let oTyp = case Map.lookup obj inst of
Nothing -> stringToId obj -- If happens, there is an error
Just ob -> stringToId $ name ob
Equation (Qual_var (mkSimpleId "x") sor nullRange)
(Application (Qual_op_name (stringToId obj)
(Op_type Total [] oTyp nullRange)
nullRange) [] nullRange)
-- Sorts are generated as a free type of object functions
sortGeneration :: Map.Map String TypeClass -> [Named (CASLFORMULA)]
sortGeneration inst =
ordObj = foldr (orderByClass) Map.empty (Map.toList inst)
noJunk = foldr ((:) . toSortConstraint) [] (Map.toList ordObj)
mapFilterJust :: [Maybe a] -> [a]
mapFilterJust list =
case list of
[] -> []
a : rest -> case a of
Nothing -> mapFilterJust rest
Just el -> el : mapFilterJust rest
orderByClass :: (String,TypeClass) -> Map.Map TypeClass [String] -> Map.Map TypeClass [String]
orderByClass (ob,tc) mapTC =
case Map.lookup tc mapTC of
Nothing -> Map.insert tc [ob] mapTC
Just listObj -> Map.insert tc (ob : listObj) (Map.delete tc mapTC)
getNoConfusionBetweenSets :: Map.Map String TypeClass -> Rel.Rel TypeClass -> [Named (CASLFORMULA)]
getNoConfusionBetweenSets inst relC =
let ordObj = Map.toList $ foldr (orderByClass) Map.empty (Map.toList inst)
in mapFilterJust $ foldr ((:) . getNoConfusionBSetsAxiom ordObj relC) [] ordObj
getNoConfusionBSetsAxiom :: [(TypeClass, [String])] -> Rel.Rel TypeClass -> (TypeClass, [String]) -> Maybe (Named (CASLFORMULA))
getNoConfusionBSetsAxiom ordObj relC (tc,lisObj) =
case lisObj of
[] -> Nothing
_ : _ -> let
filteredObj = removeUntilType tc ordObj
diffForm = foldr ((++) . (diffOfRestConstants (tc,lisObj) relC)) [] filteredObj
case diffForm of
[] -> Nothing
_ : _ -> let constr = Junction Con diffForm nullRange
in Just $ makeNamed ("noConfusion_" ++ name tc) constr
removeUntilType :: TypeClass -> [(TypeClass, [String])] -> [(TypeClass, [String])]
removeUntilType tc lis =
case lis of
[] -> []
(tc2,lisObj2) : rest -> if tc == tc2
then (tc2,lisObj2) : rest
else removeUntilType tc rest
diffOfRestConstants :: (TypeClass, [String]) -> Rel.Rel TypeClass -> (TypeClass, [String]) -> [CASLFORMULA]
diffOfRestConstants (tc1,lisObj1) relC (tc2,lisObj2) =
case tc1 == tc2 of
True -> foldr ((++) . (diffOfRestOps tc1 lisObj1)) [] lisObj1
False -> case haveCommonSort tc1 tc2 relC of
True -> concat $ map (diffOfRestOpsDiffSort (tc1,lisObj1) tc2) lisObj2
False -> []
haveCommonSort :: TypeClass -> TypeClass -> Rel.Rel TypeClass -> Bool
haveCommonSort t1 t2 relT =
let succT1 = superSorts relT t1
succT2 = superSorts relT t2
in not $ Set.null $ Set.intersection succT1 succT2
-- This is the non exported function reachable in Rel
superSorts :: Rel.Rel TypeClass -> TypeClass -> Set.Set TypeClass
superSorts relT tc = Set.fold reach Set.empty $ Rel.succs relT tc where
reach e s = if Set.member e s then s
else Set.fold reach (Set.insert e s) $ Rel.succs relT e
diffOfRestOpsDiffSort :: (TypeClass, [String]) -> TypeClass -> String -> [CASLFORMULA]
diffOfRestOpsDiffSort (tc1,lisObj1) tc2 objName = concat $ map (diffOpsDiffSorts tc2 objName tc1) lisObj1
diffOpsDiffSorts :: TypeClass -> String -> TypeClass -> String -> [CASLFORMULA]
diffOpsDiffSorts tc2 objName2 tc1 objName1 = [Negation (Equation
(Application (Qual_op_name (stringToId objName1)
(Op_type Total [] (stringToId $ name tc1) nullRange)
[] nullRange)
(Application (Qual_op_name (stringToId objName2)
(Op_type Total [] (stringToId $ name tc2) nullRange)
[] nullRange)
diffOfRestOps :: TypeClass -> [String] -> String -> [CASLFORMULA]
diffOfRestOps tc lisObj objName =
let lis = removeUntil lisObj objName
in concat $ map (diffOps tc objName) lis
removeUntil :: [String] -> String -> [String]
removeUntil lis str =
case lis of
[] -> []
a : rest -> if a == str
then rest
else removeUntil rest str
diffOps :: TypeClass -> String -> String -> [CASLFORMULA]
diffOps tc objName1 objName2 =
if not (objName1 == objName2)
then [Negation (Equation
(Application (Qual_op_name (stringToId objName1)
(Op_type Total [] (stringToId $ name tc) nullRange)
nullRange) [] nullRange)
(Application (Qual_op_name (stringToId objName2)
(Op_type Total [] (stringToId $ name tc) nullRange)
nullRange) [] nullRange)
else []
toSortConstraint :: (TypeClass, [String]) -> Named (CASLFORMULA)
toSortConstraint (tc,lisObj) =
sor = stringToId $ name tc
simplCon = Constraint sor (foldr ((:) . toConstraint sor) [] lisObj) sor
constr = Sort_gen_ax [simplCon] True
makeNamed ("sortGenCon_" ++ name tc) constr
toConstraint :: Id -> String -> (OP_SYMB, [Int])
toConstraint sor obName =
let obj = stringToId obName
(Qual_op_name obj (Op_type Total [] sor nullRange) nullRange,[])
-- Each abstract class is the disjoint embedding of it subsorts
disjointEmbedding :: Set.Set TypeClass -> Rel.Rel TypeClass -> [Named (CASLFORMULA)]
disjointEmbedding absCl rel =
injSyms = map (\ (s, t) -> (Qual_op_name (mkUniqueInjName (stringToId $ name s) (stringToId $ name t))
(Op_type Total [(stringToId $ name s)] (stringToId $ name t) nullRange) nullRange,[]))
$ Rel.toList
$ Rel.irreflex rel
resType _ ((Op_name _),_) = False
resType s ((Qual_op_name _ t _),_) = res_OP_TYPE t == s
collectOps s = Constraint (stringToId $ name s) (filter (resType (stringToId $ name s)) injSyms) (stringToId $ name s)
sortList = Set.toList absCl
constrs = map collectOps sortList
[makeNamed "disjEmbedd" (Sort_gen_ax constrs True)]
mapSen :: CASLSign -> CSMOF.Sen -> CASLFORMULA
mapSen sig (Sen con car cot) = -- trueForm
case cot of
EQUAL -> let
minC = minConstraint con car (predMap sig)
maxC = maxConstraint con car (predMap sig)
Junction Con (minC : [maxC]) nullRange
LEQ -> maxConstraint con car (predMap sig)
GEQ -> minConstraint con car (predMap sig)
minConstraint :: MultConstr -> Integer -> PredMap -> CASLFORMULA
minConstraint con int predM =
predTypes = MapSet.lookup (stringToId $ getRole con) predM -- Set PredType
souVars = generateVars "x" 1
tarVars = generateVars "y" int
correctPredType = Set.fold (getCorrectPredType con) [] predTypes
souVarDec = Var_decl souVars (head (predArgs (head correctPredType))) nullRange
tarVarDec = Var_decl tarVars (last (predArgs (head correctPredType))) nullRange
if int > 1
then Quantification Universal [souVarDec] (Quantification
(Junction Con ((generateVarDiff tarVarDec) :
[(generateProp souVarDec tarVarDec (stringToId $ getRole con))]) nullRange)
else Quantification Universal [souVarDec] (Quantification
(generateProp souVarDec tarVarDec (stringToId $ getRole con))
) nullRange
getCorrectPredType :: MultConstr -> PredType -> [PredType] -> [PredType]
getCorrectPredType con pt ptLis =
case (stringToId $ name (CSMOF.getType con)) == head (predArgs pt) of
True -> pt : ptLis
False -> ptLis
generateVars :: String -> Integer -> [VAR]
generateVars varRoot int =
case int of
1 -> [mkSimpleId (varRoot ++ "_" ++ show int)]
n -> mkSimpleId (varRoot ++ "_" ++ show int) : generateVars varRoot (n-1)
generateVarDiff :: VAR_DECL -> CASLFORMULA
generateVarDiff (Var_decl vars sor _) = Junction Con (foldr ((++) . diffOfRest sor vars) [] vars) nullRange
diffOfRest :: SORT -> [VAR] -> VAR -> [CASLFORMULA]
diffOfRest sor vars var = map (diffVar sor var) vars
diffVar :: SORT -> VAR -> VAR -> CASLFORMULA
diffVar sor var1 var2 =
if not (var1 == var2)
then Negation (Equation
(Qual_var var1 sor nullRange)
(Qual_var var2 sor nullRange)
else trueForm
generateProp :: VAR_DECL -> VAR_DECL -> Id -> CASLFORMULA
generateProp (Var_decl varD sort _) (Var_decl varD2 sort2 _) rol =
Junction Con (map (createPropRel (head varD) sort rol sort2) varD2) nullRange
createPropRel :: VAR -> SORT -> Id -> SORT -> VAR -> CASLFORMULA
createPropRel souVar sor rol sor2 tarVar =
Predication (C.Qual_pred_name rol (Pred_type [sor,sor2] nullRange) nullRange)
((Qual_var souVar sor nullRange):[Qual_var tarVar sor2 nullRange]) nullRange
maxConstraint :: MultConstr -> Integer -> PredMap -> CASLFORMULA
maxConstraint con int predM =
predTypes = MapSet.lookup (stringToId $ getRole con) predM -- Set PredType
souVars = generateVars "x" 1
tarVars = generateVars "y" (int + 1)
correctPredType = Set.fold (getCorrectPredType con) [] predTypes
souVarDec = Var_decl souVars (head (predArgs (head correctPredType))) nullRange
tarVarDec = Var_decl tarVars (last (predArgs (head correctPredType))) nullRange
Quantification Universal (souVarDec : [tarVarDec])
(Junction Con [generateProp souVarDec tarVarDec (stringToId $ getRole con)] nullRange)
(Junction Dis (generateExEqual tarVarDec) nullRange)
generateExEqual :: VAR_DECL -> [CASLFORMULA]
generateExEqual (Var_decl varD sor _) = generateExEqualList varD sor
generateExEqualList :: [VAR] -> SORT -> [CASLFORMULA]
generateExEqualList vars sor =
case vars of
[] -> []
v : rest -> (generateExEqualVar rest sor v) ++ (generateExEqualList rest sor)
generateExEqualVar :: [VAR] -> SORT -> VAR -> [CASLFORMULA]
generateExEqualVar vars sor var =
foldr ((++) . (\el -> if el == var
then []
else [Equation (Qual_var var sor nullRange) Strong (Qual_var el sor nullRange) nullRange]))
[] vars
-- | Translation of morphisms
mapMor :: CSMOF.Morphism -> Result CASLMor
mapMor m = return C.Morphism
{ msource = mapSign $ domOfDefaultMorphism m
, mtarget = mapSign $ codOfDefaultMorphism m
, sort_map = Map.empty
, op_map = Map.empty
, pred_map = Map.empty
, extended_map = ()
-- mapSym :: CSMOF.Symbol -> C.Symbol