CASL2TopSort.inline.hs revision ad270004874ce1d0697fb30d7309f180553bb315
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Klaus L�ttich, Uni Bremen 2002-2004
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
Coding out subsorting into unary predicates.
New concept for proving Ontologies.
module Comorphisms.CASL2TopSort (CASL2TopSort(..)) where
import Control.Exception (assert)
import Data.Maybe
import Data.List
import Logic.Logic
import Logic.Comorphism
import Common.Id
import Common.Result
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Common.Lib.Rel as Rel
import Common.AS_Annotation
import Common.SetUtils
import CASL.Logic_CASL
import CASL.AS_Basic_CASL
import CASL.Utils
import CASL.Sign
import CASL.Morphism
import CASL.Sublogic as SL
import CASL.Inject (injName)
-- | The identity of the comorphism
data CASL2TopSort = CASL2TopSort deriving (Show)
instance Language CASL2TopSort -- default definition is okay
instance Comorphism CASL2TopSort
CASL CASL_Sublogics
Symbol RawSymbol ()
CASL CASL_Sublogics
Symbol RawSymbol () where
sourceLogic CASL2TopSort = CASL
sourceSublogic CASL2TopSort =
{ sub_features = LocFilSub,
cons_features = SortGen { emptyMapping = True,
onlyInjConstrs = True}
targetLogic CASL2TopSort = CASL
mapSublogic CASL2TopSort sub =
sub { sub_features = NoSub -- subsorting is coded out
, cons_features = NoSortGen -- special Sort_gen_ax is coded out
, which_logic = max Horn (which_logic sub)
, has_eq = True -- was in the original targetLogic
, has_pred = True}
-- subsorting is coded out and
-- special Sort_gen_ax are coded out
map_theory CASL2TopSort = mkTheoryMapping transSig transSen
map_morphism CASL2TopSort mor =
let rsigSour = trSig $ msource mor
rsigTarg = trSig $ mtarget mor
in case rsigSour of
Result diags1 mrs ->
case rsigTarg of
Result diags2 mrt
| isJust mrs && isJust mrt ->
Result (diags1++diags2) (Just
(mor { msource = fromJust mrs
, mtarget = fromJust mrt }))
| otherwise ->
(Result (diags1++diags2) Nothing)
where trSig sig = case transSig sig of
Result dias mr ->
Result dias (maybe Nothing
(Just . fst)
map_sentence CASL2TopSort = transSen
map_symbol CASL2TopSort = Set.singleton . id
data PredInfo = PredInfo { topSort_PI :: SORT
, directSuperSorts_PI :: Set.Set SORT
, predicate_PI :: PRED_NAME
} deriving (Show, Ord, Eq)
type SubSortMap = Map.Map SORT PredInfo
generateSubSortMap :: Rel.Rel SORT
-> Result SubSortMap
generateSubSortMap sortRels pMap =
let disAmbMap m = disAmbPred m
disAmbPred v = if (predicate_PI v) `Map.member` pMap
then disAmbPred' (1::Int) v'
else v
where v' = add "_s" v
disAmbPred' x v1 =
if (predicate_PI v1) `Map.member` pMap
then disAmbPred' (x+1) (add (show x) v')
else v1
add s v1 = v1 {predicate_PI =
case predicate_PI v1 of
Id ts is ps ->
assert (not (null ts))
(Id (init ts ++
[(last ts) {tokStr =
tokStr (last ts)++s}
]) is ps)
mR = (Rel.flatSet .
Rel.partSet (\ x y -> Rel.member x y sortRels &&
Rel.member y x sortRels))
(Rel.mostRight sortRels)
toPredInfo k e =
let ts = case Set.filter (\pts -> Rel.member k pts sortRels) mR of
s -> assert (isSingleton s) (head (Set.toList s))
in PredInfo { topSort_PI = ts
, directSuperSorts_PI = Set.difference e mR
, predicate_PI = k }
initMap = Map.filterWithKey (\k _ -> not (Set.member k mR))
(Map.mapWithKey toPredInfo
(Rel.toMap (Rel.intransKernel sortRels)))
in return (disAmbMap initMap)
-- | Finds Top-sort(s) and transforms for each top-sort all subsorts
-- into unary predicates. All predicates typed with subsorts are now
-- typed with the top-sort and axioms reflecting the typing are
-- generated. The operations are treated analogous. Axioms are
-- generated that each generated unary predicate must hold on at least
-- one element of the top-sort.
transSig :: Sign () e -> Result (Sign () e, [Named (FORMULA ())])
transSig sig
| Rel.null (sortRel sig) =
Result [Diag Hint (
"CASL2TopSort.transSig: Signature is unchanged (no subsorting present)"
) nullRange] (Just (sig,[]))
| otherwise =
case generateSubSortMap (sortRel sig) (predMap sig) of
Result dias m_subSortMap ->
maybe (Result dias Nothing)
(\ subSortMap -> -- trace (show subSortMap) $
let (dias2,newPredMap) =
Map.mapAccum (\ds (un,ds1) -> (ds++ds1,un)) [] $
Map.unionWithKey repError
(transPredMap subSortMap (predMap sig))
(newPreds subSortMap)
(Result dias3 maxioms) =
generateAxioms subSortMap (predMap sig) (opMap sig)
dias' = dias ++ dias2 ++ dias3
in maybe (Result dias' Nothing)
(\axs -> Result dias' $ Just $
(sig { sortSet =
Set.fromList (map topSort_PI
(Map.elems subSortMap))
(sortSet sig `Set.difference`
Rel.keysSet subSortMap)
, sortRel = Rel.empty
, opMap = transOpMap subSortMap (opMap sig)
, assocOps= transOpMap subSortMap (assocOps sig)
, predMap = newPredMap
},axs ++ symmetryAxioms subSortMap (sortRel sig)))
repError k (v1,d1) (v2,d2) =
(Set.union v1 v2,
(Diag Warning
("CASL2TopSort.transSig: generating "++
"overloading: Predicate "++show k++
" gets additional type(s): "++show v2) nullRange)
:d1++d2 )
newPreds mp =
foldr (\ pI nm -> Map.insert (predicate_PI pI)
(PredType [topSort_PI pI]),[]) nm)
where transType t = t { predArgs = map (\s -> maybe s topSort_PI
(Map.lookup s subSortMap))
(predArgs t)}
where tidySet s = Set.fold joinPartial s s
where joinPartial t@(OpType {opKind = Partial})
| t {opKind = Total} `Set.member` s = Set.delete t
| otherwise = id
joinPartial _ = id
transType t =
t { opArgs = map lkp (opArgs t)
, opRes = lkp (opRes t)}
lkp = (\s -> maybe s topSort_PI (Map.lookup s subSortMap))
procOpMapping :: SubSortMap
-> OP_NAME -> Set.Set OpType
-> Result [Named (FORMULA ())] -> Result [Named (FORMULA ())]
procOpMapping subSortMap opName set r@(Result ds1 mal) =
case mkProfMapOp opName subSortMap set of
Result ds2 (Just profMap) ->
-- trace (show profMap)
(maybe r
(\al ->
Result (ds1++ds2)
(Just (al ++ Map.foldWithKey
[] profMap))) mal)
Result ds2 Nothing -> Result (ds1++ds2) Nothing
procProfMapOpMapping :: [SORT] -> (FunKind,Set.Set [Maybe PRED_NAME])
-> [Named (FORMULA ())] -> [Named (FORMULA ())]
procProfMapOpMapping sl (kind,spl) =
(genSenName "o" opName (length sl))
(genOpEquation kind opName)
sl spl
symmetryAxioms :: SubSortMap -> Rel.Rel SORT -> [Named (FORMULA ())]
symmetryAxioms ssMap sortRels =
let symSets = Rel.sccOfClosure sortRels
mR = Rel.mostRight sortRels
symTopSorts symSet = not (Set.null (Set.intersection mR symSet))
xVar = mkSimpleId "x"
updateLabel ts symS [sen] =
sen { senName = show ts++senName sen++show symS }
updateLabel _ _ _ = error "CASL2TopSort.symmetryAxioms"
toAxioms symSet =
[updateLabel ts symS (inlineAxioms CASL
"sort ts pred symS:ts\n\
\forall xVar : ts\n\
\. symS(xVar) %(_symmetric_with_)%")
| s<-(Set.toList(Set.difference symSet mR)),
let ts = lkupTop ssMap s,
let symS = fromJust (lkupPRED_NAME ssMap s)]
in concatMap toAxioms (filter symTopSorts symSets)
-> Result [Named (FORMULA ())]
generateAxioms subSortMap pMap oMap =
-- generate argument restrictions for operations
case Map.foldWithKey (procOpMapping subSortMap) (return []) oMap of
Result dias m_opAxs -> maybe (Result dias Nothing)
(\axs -> -- trace (show dias) $
Result dias
(Just (reverse hi_axs ++
reverse p_axs ++
reverse axs)))
where p_axs =
-- generate argument restrictions for predicates
Map.foldWithKey (\ pName set al ->
case mkProfMapPred subSortMap set of
profMap ->
-- trace (show profMap)
(al ++ Map.foldWithKey
(\sl -> genArgRest
(genSenName "p" pName (length sl))
(genPredication pName)
[] profMap))
[] pMap
hi_axs =
-- generate subclass_of axioms derived from subsorts
-- and non-emptyness axioms
Map.fold (\ (PredInfo { topSort_PI = ts
, predicate_PI = subS
, directSuperSorts_PI = set
}) al ->
let supPreds =
map (\ s ->
maybe (error ("CASL2TopSort: genAxioms:"++
" impossible happend: "++show s))
predicate_PI (Map.lookup s subSortMap))
(Set.toList set)
x = mkSimpleId "x"
in al ++ zipWith (\sen supS -> sen { senName = show subS++
senName sen++
show supS })
(concat [inlineAxioms CASL
"sort ts\n\
\pred subS,supS: ts\n\
\ forall x : ts . subS(x) =>\n\
\ supS(x) %(_subclassOf_)%"|supS<-supPreds]
) supPreds ++
map (\sen -> sen { senName = show subS ++
senName sen})
(concat [inlineAxioms CASL
"sort ts\n\
\pred subS: ts \n\
\. exists x:ts . \n\
\ subS(x) %(_non_empty)%"])
) [] subSortMap
mkProfMapPred :: SubSortMap -> Set.Set PredType
where seperate pt = Rel.setInsert (pt2topSorts pt) (pt2preds pt)
pt2topSorts = map (lkupTop ssm) . predArgs
pt2preds = map (lkupPRED_NAME ssm) . predArgs
mkProfMapOp :: OP_NAME -> SubSortMap -> Set.Set OpType
where seperate ot r@(Result dias mmap) =
maybe r
(\ mp -> Result dias'
(Map.insertWith (\ (k1,s1) (k2,s2) ->
(min k1 k2,Set.union s1 s2))
(pt2topSorts joinedList)
Set.singleton (pt2preds joinedList))
where joinedList = opArgs ot ++ [opRes ot]
fKind = opKind ot
dias' = if fKind == Partial
then dias ++
[Diag Warning
("Please, check if operation \""++
show opName ++
"\" is still partial as intended,\
\ since a joining of types could\
\ have made it total!!")
else dias
pt2topSorts = map (lkupTop ssm)
pt2preds = map (lkupPRED_NAME ssm)
lkupTop :: SubSortMap -> SORT -> SORT
lkupTop ssm s = maybe s topSort_PI (Map.lookup s ssm)
lkupPRED_NAME :: SubSortMap -> SORT -> Maybe PRED_NAME
lkupPRED_NAME ssm s =
maybe Nothing (Just . predicate_PI) (Map.lookup s ssm)
genArgRest :: String
-> ([SORT] -> [TERM f] -> FORMULA f)
-- ^ generates from a list of variables
-- either the predication or function equation
-> [SORT] -> (Set.Set [Maybe PRED_NAME])
-> [Named (FORMULA f)] -> [Named (FORMULA f)]
genArgRest sen_name genProp sl spl fs =
let vars = genVars sl
mquant = genQuantification (genProp sl (map toSortTerm vars))
vars spl
maybe fs ( \ quant -> mapNamed (const quant) (emptyName sen_name)
: fs) mquant
-- | generate a predication with qualified pred name
genPredication :: PRED_NAME -> [SORT] -> [TERM f] -> FORMULA f
genPredication pName sl ts =
Predication (Qual_pred_name pName
(Pred_type sl nullRange) nullRange)
genOpEquation :: FunKind -> OP_NAME -> [SORT] -> [TERM f] -> FORMULA f
genOpEquation kind opName sl terms =
Strong_equation sortedFunTerm resTerm nullRange
where sortedFunTerm =
Sorted_term (Application
(Qual_op_name opName
opType nullRange)
opType = case kind of
Partial -> Op_type Partial argSorts resSort nullRange
Total -> Op_type Total argSorts resSort nullRange
argTerms = init terms
resTerm = last terms
argSorts = init sl
resSort = last sl
genVars :: [SORT] -> [TERM f]
genVars = zipWith toVarTerm varSymbs
where varSymbs = map mkSimpleId
(map (:[]) "xyzuwv"++
map (\i -> 'v':show i) [(1::Int)..])
genSenName :: Show a => String -> a -> Int -> String
genSenName suff symbName arity =
"arg_rest_"++ show symbName++'_':suff++'_':show arity
genQuantification :: FORMULA f -- ^ either the predication or
-- function equation
-> [TERM f] -- ^ Qual_vars
-> (Set.Set [Maybe PRED_NAME])
-> Maybe (FORMULA f)
genQuantification prop vars spl =
-- trace (show vds) $
maybe Nothing (\dis ->
Just (Quantification Universal vds
(Implication prop
True nullRange) nullRange))
(genDisjunction vars spl)
where vds = reverse (foldl toVarDecl [] vars)
-- toVarDecl :: [VAR_DECL] -> TERM f -> [VAR_DECL]
toVarDecl [] (Qual_var n s _) = [Var_decl [n] s nullRange]
toVarDecl xxs@((Var_decl l s1 _):xs) (Qual_var n s _)
| s1 == s = Var_decl (l++[n]) s1 nullRange:xs
| otherwise = Var_decl [n] s nullRange:xxs
toVarDecl _ _ =
error "CASL2TopSort.toVarDecl: can only handle Qual_var"
genDisjunction :: [TERM f] -- ^ Qual_vars
-> (Set.Set [Maybe PRED_NAME])
-> Maybe (FORMULA f)
genDisjunction vars spn
| isSingleton spn =
case disjs of
[] -> Nothing
[x] -> Just x
_ -> error "CASL2TopSort.genDisjunction: this cannot happen"
| null disjs = Nothing
| otherwise = Just (Disjunction disjs nullRange)
where disjs = foldl genConjunction [] (Set.toList spn)
genConjunction acc pns
| null conjs = acc
| otherwise = (Conjunction (reverse conjs) nullRange):acc
where conjs = foldl genPred [] (zip vars pns)
-- genPred :: TERM f -> PRED_NAME -> FORMULA f
genPred acc (v@(Qual_var _ s _),mpn) =
maybe acc (\pn -> genPredication pn [s] [v]:acc) mpn
genPred _ _ =
error "CASL2TopSort.genPred: can only handle Qual_var"
partitionArity arity set
| otherwise = case Set.partition
(\ x -> length (predArgs x) == arity) set of
(tt,ff) -> Map.insert arity (Set.toList tt)
(partitionArity (arity-1) ff)
combineTypes :: SubSortMap -> Map.Map Int [PredType]
combineTypes subSortMap =
Map.mapWithKey (\ arity types ->
foldr (\ t sl -> zipWith ins (predArgs t) sl)
(replicate arity Map.empty) types)
where ins so mp = maybe mp
(\v -> Rel.setInsert (topSort_PI v) so mp)
(Map.lookup so subSortMap)
-- | Each membership test of a subsort is transformed to a predication
-- of the corresponding unary predicate. Variables quantified over a
-- subsort yield a premise to the quantified formula that the
-- corresponding predicate holds. All typings are adjusted according
-- to the subsortmap and sort generation constraints are translated to
-- disjointness axioms.
transSen :: (Show f) => Sign f e -> FORMULA f -> Result (FORMULA f)
transSen sig f
| Rel.null (sortRel sig) =
Result [Diag Hint (
"CASL2TopSort.transSen: Sentence is unchanged (no subsorting present)"
) nullRange] (Just f)
| otherwise =
case (generateSubSortMap (sortRel sig)
(predMap sig)) of
Result d Nothing -> Result d Nothing
Result d (Just ssm) ->
case mapSen ssm f of
Result d2 jf -> Result (d++d2) jf
mapSen :: SubSortMap -> FORMULA f -> Result (FORMULA f)
mapSen ssMap f =
case f of
Sort_gen_ax cs _ ->
genEitherAxiom ssMap cs
_ -> return $ mapSen1 ssMap f
mapSen1 :: SubSortMap -> FORMULA f -> FORMULA f
mapSen1 subSortMap f =
case f of
Conjunction fl pl -> Conjunction (map (mapSen1 subSortMap) fl) pl
Disjunction fl pl -> Disjunction (map (mapSen1 subSortMap) fl) pl
Implication f1 f2 b pl ->
Implication (mapSen1 subSortMap f1) (mapSen1 subSortMap f2) b pl
Equivalence f1 f2 pl ->
Equivalence (mapSen1 subSortMap f1) (mapSen1 subSortMap f2) pl
Negation f1 pl -> Negation (mapSen1 subSortMap f1) pl
tr@(True_atom _) -> tr
fa@(False_atom _) -> fa
Quantification q vdl f1 pl ->
Quantification q (map updateVarDecls vdl) (mapSen1 subSortMap f1) pl
Membership t s pl ->
let t' = mapTerm subSortMap t
in maybe (Membership t' s pl)
(\pn -> genPredication pn [lkupTop subSortMap s]
(lkupPRED_NAME subSortMap s)
Existl_equation t1 t2 pl ->
Existl_equation (mapTerm subSortMap t1) (mapTerm subSortMap t2) pl
Strong_equation t1 t2 pl ->
Strong_equation (mapTerm subSortMap t1) (mapTerm subSortMap t2) pl
Definedness t pl ->
Definedness (mapTerm subSortMap t) pl
Predication psy tl pl ->
Predication (updatePRED_SYMB psy) (map (mapTerm subSortMap) tl) pl
ExtFORMULA f1 -> ExtFORMULA f1 -- ExtFORMULA stays as it is
_ ->
error "CASL2TopSort.mapSen1"
where updateVarDecls (Var_decl vl s pl) =
Var_decl vl (lkupTop subSortMap s) pl
updatePRED_SYMB (Pred_name _) =
error "CASL2TopSort.mapSen: got untyped predication"
updatePRED_SYMB (Qual_pred_name pn (Pred_type sl pl') pl) =
Qual_pred_name pn
(Pred_type (map (lkupTop subSortMap) sl) pl') pl
mapTerm :: SubSortMap -> TERM f -> TERM f
mapTerm ssMap t =
case t of
Qual_var v s pl -> Qual_var v (lTop s) pl
Application osy tl pl ->
Application (updateOP_SYMB osy) (map (mapTerm ssMap) tl) pl
Sorted_term t1 s pl ->
Sorted_term (mapTerm ssMap t1) (lTop s) pl
-- casts are discarded due to missing subsorting
Cast t1 _ _ -> mapTerm ssMap t1
Conditional t1 f t2 pl ->
Conditional (mapTerm ssMap t1) (mapSen1 ssMap f) (mapTerm ssMap t2) pl
_ ->
error "CASL2TopSort.mapTerm"
where lTop = lkupTop ssMap
updateOP_SYMB (Op_name _) =
error "CASL2TopSort.mapTerm: got untyped application"
updateOP_SYMB (Qual_op_name on ot pl) =
Qual_op_name on (updateOP_TYPE ot) pl
updateOP_TYPE (Op_type fk sl s pl) =
Op_type fk (map lTop sl) (lTop s) pl
genEitherAxiom :: SubSortMap -> [Constraint] -> Result (FORMULA f)
genEitherAxiom ssMap =
genConjunction . (\ (_,osl,_) -> osl) . recover_Sort_gen_ax
where genConjunction osl =
let (injOps,constrs) = partition isInjOp osl
groupedInjOps = groupBy sameTarget $ sortBy compTarget injOps
in if null constrs
then case groupedInjOps of
[] -> Result [Diag Error
"No injective operation found" nullRange]
[xs@(x:_)] -> Result [] (Just (genQuant x (genImpl xs)))
xs@((x:_):_) ->
Result [] (Just (genQuant x (Conjunction
(map genImpl xs) nullRange)))
_ -> error "CASL2TopSort.genEitherAxiom.groupedInjOps"
else Result [Diag Error
("CASL2TopSort: Cannot handle \
\datatype constructors; only subsort \
\embeddings are allowed with free and \
\generated types!") nullRange] Nothing
isInjOp ops =
case ops of
Op_name _ -> error "CASL2TopSort.genEitherAxiom.isInjObj"
Qual_op_name on _ _ -> on == injName
resultSort (Qual_op_name _ (Op_type _ _ t _) _) = t
resultSort _ = error "CASL2TopSort.genEitherAxiom.resultSort"
argSort (Qual_op_name _ (Op_type _ [x] _ _) _) = x
argSort _ = error "CASL2TopSort.genEitherAxiom.argSort"
compTarget x1 x2 = compare (resultSort x1) (resultSort x2)
sameTarget x1 x2 = compTarget x1 x2 == EQ
lTop = lkupTop ssMap
varName = mkSimpleId "x"
mkVarTerm qon =
Sorted_term (Qual_var varName s nullRange) s nullRange
where s = lTop (resultSort qon)
mkVarDecl qon =
Var_decl [varName] (lTop (resultSort qon)) nullRange
genQuant qon f = Quantification Universal [mkVarDecl qon] f nullRange
genImpl [] = error "No OP_SYMB found"
genImpl xs@(x:_) =
assert (lTop (resultSort x) == lTop (argSort x))
(if (resultSort x) == lTop (resultSort x)
then genDisj xs
else Implication (genProp x) (genDisj xs) True nullRange)
genProp qon = genPredication (lPredName (resultSort qon))
[lTop (resultSort qon)]
[mkVarTerm qon]
lPredName s = maybe (error ("CASL2TopSort.genEitherAxiom: \
\No PRED_NAME for \""++show s
++"\" found!"))
(lkupPRED_NAME ssMap s)
genDisj qons = Disjunction (map genPred qons) nullRange
genPred qon = genPredication (lPredName (argSort qon))
[lTop (resultSort qon)]
[mkVarTerm qon]