CASL2TopSort.inline.hs revision 83e814d7ac048930de2fe34b5b23d883654a1777
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Klaus Luettich, Uni Bremen 2002-2004
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
Coding out subsorting into unary predicates.
New concept for proving Ontologies.
module Comorphisms.CASL2TopSort (CASL2TopSort(..)) where
import Control.Exception (assert)
import Data.Maybe
import Data.List
import Logic.Logic
import Logic.Comorphism
import Common.AS_Annotation
import Common.Id
import Common.ProofTree
import Common.Result
import qualified Common.Lib.Rel as Rel
import CASL.Logic_CASL
import CASL.AS_Basic_CASL
import CASL.Utils
import CASL.Sign
import CASL.Morphism
import CASL.Sublogic as SL
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
-- | The identity of the comorphism
data CASL2TopSort = CASL2TopSort deriving Show
instance Language CASL2TopSort where
language_name CASL2TopSort = "CASL2PCFOLTopSort"
instance Comorphism CASL2TopSort
CASL CASL_Sublogics
Symbol RawSymbol ProofTree
CASL CASL_Sublogics
Symbol RawSymbol ProofTree where
sourceLogic CASL2TopSort = CASL
sourceSublogic CASL2TopSort =
{ sub_features = LocFilSub
, cons_features = SortGen
{ emptyMapping = True
, onlyInjConstrs = True }}
targetLogic CASL2TopSort = CASL
mapSublogic CASL2TopSort sub =
if sub `isSubElem` sourceSublogic CASL2TopSort
then Just $
sub { sub_features = NoSub -- subsorting is coded out
, cons_features = NoSortGen -- special Sort_gen_ax is coded out
, which_logic = max Horn (which_logic sub)
, has_eq = True -- was in the original targetLogic
-- may be avoided through predications of sort-preds
-- with the result terms of functions instead of formulas like:
-- forall x : T . bot = x => a(x)
-- better: . a(bot)
, has_pred = True }
-- subsorting is coded out and
-- special Sort_gen_ax are coded out
else Nothing
map_theory CASL2TopSort = mkTheoryMapping transSig transSen
map_morphism CASL2TopSort mor = do
let trSig = fmap fst . transSig
sigSour <- trSig $ msource mor
sigTarg <- trSig $ mtarget mor
return mor
{ msource = sigSour
, mtarget = sigTarg }
map_sentence CASL2TopSort = transSen
map_symbol CASL2TopSort = Set.singleton . id
data PredInfo = PredInfo { topSort_PI :: SORT
, directSuperSorts_PI :: Set.Set SORT
, predicate_PI :: PRED_NAME
} deriving (Show, Ord, Eq)
type SubSortMap = Map.Map SORT PredInfo
generateSubSortMap :: Rel.Rel SORT
-> Map.Map Id (Set.Set PredType)
-> Result SubSortMap
generateSubSortMap sortRels pMap =
let disAmbMap m = disAmbPred m
disAmbPred v = if (predicate_PI v) `Map.member` pMap
then disAmbPred' (1::Int) v'
else v
where v' = add "_s" v
disAmbPred' x v1 =
if (predicate_PI v1) `Map.member` pMap
then disAmbPred' (x+1) (add (show x) v')
else v1
add s v1 = v1 {predicate_PI =
case predicate_PI v1 of
Id ts is ps ->
assert (not (null ts))
(Id (init ts ++
[(last ts) {tokStr =
tokStr (last ts)++s}
]) is ps)
mR = (Rel.flatSet .
Rel.partSet (\ x y -> Rel.member x y sortRels &&
Rel.member y x sortRels))
(Rel.mostRight sortRels)
toPredInfo k e =
let ts = case filter (\pts -> Rel.member k pts sortRels)
$ Set.toList mR of
[x] -> x
_ -> error "CASL2TopSort.generateSubSortMap.toPredInfo"
in PredInfo { topSort_PI = ts
, directSuperSorts_PI = Set.difference e mR
, predicate_PI = k }
initMap = Map.filterWithKey (\k _ -> not (Set.member k mR))
(Map.mapWithKey toPredInfo
(Rel.toMap (Rel.intransKernel sortRels)))
in return (disAmbMap initMap)
-- | Finds Top-sort(s) and transforms for each top-sort all subsorts
-- into unary predicates. All predicates typed with subsorts are now
-- typed with the top-sort and axioms reflecting the typing are
-- generated. The operations are treated analogous. Axioms are
-- generated that each generated unary predicate must hold on at least
-- one element of the top-sort.
transSig :: Sign () e -> Result (Sign () e, [Named (FORMULA ())])
transSig sig
| Rel.null (sortRel sig) = hint (sig, [])
"CASL2TopSort.transSig: Signature is unchanged (no subsorting present)"
| otherwise = do
subSortMap <- generateSubSortMap (sortRel sig) (predMap sig)
let (dias2, newPredMap) = Map.mapAccum ( \ ds (un, ds1) -> (ds ++ ds1, un))
[] $ Map.unionWithKey repError (transPredMap subSortMap
$ predMap sig) $ newPreds subSortMap
Result dias2 $ Just ()
axs <- generateAxioms subSortMap (predMap sig) (opMap sig)
return (sig
{ sortSet = Set.fromList (map topSort_PI $ Map.elems subSortMap)
`Set.union` (sortSet sig `Set.difference` Map.keysSet subSortMap)
, sortRel = Rel.empty
, opMap = transOpMap subSortMap (opMap sig)
, assocOps= transOpMap subSortMap (assocOps sig)
, predMap = newPredMap
}, axs ++ symmetryAxioms subSortMap (sortRel sig))
repError k (v1, d1) (v2, d2) =
(Set.union v1 v2,
Diag Warning
("CASL2TopSort.transSig: generating " ++
"overloading: Predicate " ++ show k ++
" gets additional type(s): " ++ show v2) nullRange
: d1 ++ d2 )
newPreds mp =
foldr (\ pI nm -> Map.insert (predicate_PI pI)
(PredType [topSort_PI pI]),[]) nm)
Map.empty (Map.elems mp)
transPredMap :: SubSortMap -> Map.Map PRED_NAME (Set.Set PredType)
-> Map.Map PRED_NAME (Set.Set PredType, [Diagnosis])
transPredMap subSortMap = ( \ s -> ( transType s, []))
where transType t = t
{ predArgs = map ( \ s -> maybe s topSort_PI
$ Map.lookup s subSortMap) $ predArgs t }
transOpMap :: SubSortMap -> Map.Map OP_NAME (Set.Set OpType)
-> Map.Map OP_NAME (Set.Set OpType)
transOpMap subSortMap = (tidySet . transType)
where tidySet s = Set.fold joinPartial s s
where joinPartial t@(OpType {opKind = Partial})
| t {opKind = Total} `Set.member` s = Set.delete t
| otherwise = id
joinPartial _ = id
transType t =
t { opArgs = map lkp (opArgs t)
, opRes = lkp (opRes t)}
lkp = (\s -> maybe s topSort_PI (Map.lookup s subSortMap))
procOpMapping :: SubSortMap
-> OP_NAME -> Set.Set OpType
-> Result [Named (FORMULA ())] -> Result [Named (FORMULA ())]
procOpMapping subSortMap opName set r = do
al <- r
profMap <- mkProfMapOp opName subSortMap set
return $ al ++ Map.foldWithKey procProfMapOpMapping [] profMap
procProfMapOpMapping :: [SORT] -> (OpKind, Set.Set [Maybe PRED_NAME])
-> [Named (FORMULA ())] -> [Named (FORMULA ())]
procProfMapOpMapping sl (kind, spl) = genArgRest
(genSenName "o" opName $ length sl) (genOpEquation kind opName) sl spl
symmetryAxioms :: SubSortMap -> Rel.Rel SORT -> [Named (FORMULA ())]
symmetryAxioms ssMap sortRels =
let symSets = Rel.sccOfClosure sortRels
mR = Rel.mostRight sortRels
symTopSorts symSet = not (Set.null (Set.intersection mR symSet))
xVar = mkSimpleId "x"
updateLabel ts symS [sen] =
reName ( \ s -> show ts ++ s ++ show symS) sen
updateLabel _ _ _ = error "CASL2TopSort.symmetryAxioms"
toAxioms symSet =
[updateLabel ts symS (inlineAxioms CASL
"sort ts pred symS:ts\n\
\forall xVar : ts\n\
\. symS(xVar) %(_symmetric_with_)%")
| s<-(Set.toList(Set.difference symSet mR)),
let ts = lkupTop ssMap s,
let symS = fromJust (lkupPRED_NAME ssMap s)]
in concatMap toAxioms (filter symTopSorts symSets)
generateAxioms :: SubSortMap -> Map.Map PRED_NAME (Set.Set PredType)
-> Map.Map OP_NAME (Set.Set OpType)
-> Result [Named (FORMULA ())]
generateAxioms subSortMap pMap oMap = do
-- generate argument restrictions for operations
axs <- Map.foldWithKey (procOpMapping subSortMap) (return []) oMap
return $ reverse hi_axs ++ reverse p_axs ++ reverse axs
where p_axs =
-- generate argument restrictions for predicates
Map.foldWithKey (\ pName set al ->
al ++ Map.foldWithKey
( \ sl -> genArgRest
(genSenName "p" pName $ length sl)
(genPredication pName)
[] (mkProfMapPred subSortMap set))
[] pMap
hi_axs =
-- generate subclass_of axioms derived from subsorts
-- and non-emptyness axioms
Map.fold (\ prdInf al ->
let ts = topSort_PI prdInf
subS = predicate_PI prdInf
set = directSuperSorts_PI prdInf
supPreds =
map (\ s ->
maybe (error ("CASL2TopSort: genAxioms:" ++
" impossible happend: " ++ show s))
predicate_PI $ Map.lookup s subSortMap)
$ Set.toList set
x = mkSimpleId "x"
in al ++ zipWith ( \ sen supS ->
reName ( \ s -> show subS ++ s
++ show supS) sen)
(concat [inlineAxioms CASL
"sort ts\n\
\pred subS,supS: ts\n\
\ forall x : ts . subS(x) =>\n\
\ supS(x) %(_subclassOf_)%"|supS<-supPreds]
) supPreds ++
map ( \ sen -> reName (show subS ++) sen)
(concat [inlineAxioms CASL
"sort ts\n\
\pred subS: ts \n\
\. exists x:ts . \n\
\ subS(x) %(_non_empty)%"])
) [] subSortMap
mkProfMapPred :: SubSortMap -> Set.Set PredType
-> Map.Map [SORT] (Set.Set [Maybe PRED_NAME])
mkProfMapPred ssm = Set.fold seperate Map.empty
where seperate pt = Rel.setInsert (pt2topSorts pt) (pt2preds pt)
pt2topSorts = map (lkupTop ssm) . predArgs
pt2preds = map (lkupPRED_NAME ssm) . predArgs
mkProfMapOp :: OP_NAME -> SubSortMap -> Set.Set OpType
-> Result (Map.Map [SORT] (OpKind, Set.Set [Maybe PRED_NAME]))
mkProfMapOp opName ssm = Set.fold seperate (return Map.empty)
where seperate ot r = do
mp <- r
Result dias' $ Just ()
return $ Map.insertWith ( \ (k1, s1) (k2, s2) ->
(min k1 k2, Set.union s1 s2))
(pt2topSorts joinedList)
(fKind, Set.singleton $ pt2preds joinedList) mp
where joinedList = opArgs ot ++ [opRes ot]
fKind = opKind ot
dias' = if fKind == Partial
then [Diag Warning
("Please, check if operation \"" ++
show opName ++
"\" is still partial as intended,\
\ since a joining of types could\
\ have made it total!!")
else []
pt2topSorts = map (lkupTop ssm)
pt2preds = map (lkupPRED_NAME ssm)
lkupTop :: SubSortMap -> SORT -> SORT
lkupTop ssm s = maybe s topSort_PI (Map.lookup s ssm)
lkupPRED_NAME :: SubSortMap -> SORT -> Maybe PRED_NAME
lkupPRED_NAME ssm s = maybe Nothing (Just . predicate_PI) (Map.lookup s ssm)
genArgRest :: String
-> ([SORT] -> [TERM f] -> FORMULA f)
-- ^ generates from a list of variables
-- either the predication or function equation
-> [SORT] -> (Set.Set [Maybe PRED_NAME])
-> [Named (FORMULA f)] -> [Named (FORMULA f)]
genArgRest sen_name genProp sl spl fs =
let vars = genVars sl
mquant = genQuantification (genProp sl $ map toSortTerm vars) vars spl
in maybe fs ( \ quant -> mapNamed (const quant) (makeNamed "" sen_name)
: fs) mquant
-- | generate a predication with qualified pred name
genPredication :: PRED_NAME -> [SORT] -> [TERM f] -> FORMULA f
genPredication pName sl ts = Predication (Qual_pred_name pName
(Pred_type sl nullRange) nullRange) ts nullRange
genOpEquation :: OpKind -> OP_NAME -> [SORT] -> [TERM f] -> FORMULA f
genOpEquation kind opName sl terms =
Strong_equation sortedOpTerm resTerm nullRange
where sortedOpTerm = Sorted_term (Application (Qual_op_name opName
opType nullRange) argTerms nullRange) resSort nullRange
opType = Op_type kind argSorts resSort nullRange
argTerms = init terms
resTerm = last terms
argSorts = init sl
resSort = last sl
genVars :: [SORT] -> [TERM f]
genVars = zipWith toVarTerm varSymbs
where varSymbs = map mkSimpleId
(map (: []) "xyzuwv" ++ map ( \ i -> 'v' : show i) [(1::Int)..])
genSenName :: Show a => String -> a -> Int -> String
genSenName suff symbName arity =
"arg_rest_" ++ show symbName ++ '_' : suff ++ '_' : show arity
genQuantification :: FORMULA f -- ^ either the predication or
-- function equation
-> [TERM f] -- ^ Qual_vars
-> (Set.Set [Maybe PRED_NAME])
-> Maybe (FORMULA f)
genQuantification prop vars spl = do
dis <- genDisjunction vars spl
return $ Quantification Universal vds
(Implication prop dis True nullRange) nullRange
where vds = reverse (foldl toVarDecl [] vars)
toVarDecl :: [VAR_DECL] -> TERM f -> [VAR_DECL]
toVarDecl [] (Qual_var n s _) = [Var_decl [n] s nullRange]
toVarDecl xxs@(Var_decl l s1 _ : xs) (Qual_var n s _)
| s1 == s = Var_decl (l ++ [n]) s1 nullRange:xs
| otherwise = Var_decl [n] s nullRange : xxs
toVarDecl _ _ =
error "CASL2TopSort.toVarDecl: can only handle Qual_var"
genDisjunction :: [TERM f] -- ^ Qual_vars
-> (Set.Set [Maybe PRED_NAME])
-> Maybe (FORMULA f)
genDisjunction vars spn
| Set.size spn == 1 =
case disjs of
[] -> Nothing
[x] -> Just x
_ -> error "CASL2TopSort.genDisjunction: this cannot happen"
| null disjs = Nothing
| otherwise = Just (Disjunction disjs nullRange)
where disjs = foldl genConjunction [] (Set.toList spn)
genConjunction acc pns
| null conjs = acc
| otherwise = (Conjunction (reverse conjs) nullRange):acc
where conjs = foldl genPred [] (zip vars pns)
genPred acc (v@(Qual_var _ s _), mpn) =
maybe acc (\ pn -> genPredication pn [s] [v]:acc) mpn
genPred _ _ =
error "CASL2TopSort.genPred: can only handle Qual_var"
-- | Each membership test of a subsort is transformed to a predication
-- of the corresponding unary predicate. Variables quantified over a
-- subsort yield a premise to the quantified formula that the
-- corresponding predicate holds. All typings are adjusted according
-- to the subsortmap and sort generation constraints are translated to
-- disjointness axioms.
transSen :: (Show f) => Sign f e -> FORMULA f -> Result (FORMULA f)
transSen sig f
| Rel.null (sortRel sig) =
Result [Diag Hint (
"CASL2TopSort.transSen: Sentence is unchanged (no subsorting present)"
) nullRange] (Just f)
| otherwise = do
ssm <- generateSubSortMap (sortRel sig)(predMap sig)
mapSen ssm f
mapSen :: SubSortMap -> FORMULA f -> Result (FORMULA f)
mapSen ssMap f =
case f of
Sort_gen_ax cs _ ->
genEitherAxiom ssMap cs
_ -> return $ mapSen1 ssMap f
mapSen1 :: SubSortMap -> FORMULA f -> FORMULA f
mapSen1 subSortMap f =
case f of
Conjunction fl pl -> Conjunction (map (mapSen1 subSortMap) fl) pl
Disjunction fl pl -> Disjunction (map (mapSen1 subSortMap) fl) pl
Implication f1 f2 b pl ->
Implication (mapSen1 subSortMap f1) (mapSen1 subSortMap f2) b pl
Equivalence f1 f2 pl ->
Equivalence (mapSen1 subSortMap f1) (mapSen1 subSortMap f2) pl
Negation f1 pl -> Negation (mapSen1 subSortMap f1) pl
tr@(True_atom _) -> tr
fa@(False_atom _) -> fa
Quantification q vdl f1 pl ->
Quantification q (map updateVarDecls vdl)
(relativize q vdl (mapSen1 subSortMap f1)) pl
Membership t s pl ->
let t' = mapTerm subSortMap t
in maybe (Membership t' s pl)
(\pn -> genPredication pn [lkupTop subSortMap s]
(lkupPRED_NAME subSortMap s)
Existl_equation t1 t2 pl ->
Existl_equation (mapTerm subSortMap t1) (mapTerm subSortMap t2) pl
Strong_equation t1 t2 pl ->
Strong_equation (mapTerm subSortMap t1) (mapTerm subSortMap t2) pl
Definedness t pl ->
Definedness (mapTerm subSortMap t) pl
Predication psy tl pl ->
Predication (updatePRED_SYMB psy) (map (mapTerm subSortMap) tl) pl
ExtFORMULA f1 -> ExtFORMULA f1 -- ExtFORMULA stays as it is
_ ->
error "CASL2TopSort.mapSen1"
where updateVarDecls (Var_decl vl s pl) =
Var_decl vl (lkupTop subSortMap s) pl
updatePRED_SYMB (Pred_name _) =
error "CASL2TopSort.mapSen: got untyped predication"
updatePRED_SYMB (Qual_pred_name pn (Pred_type sl pl') pl) =
Qual_pred_name pn
(Pred_type (map (lkupTop subSortMap) sl) pl') pl
-- relativize quantifiers using predicates coding sorts
-- universal? the use implication
relativize Universal vdl f1 =
if null vdl then f1
else Implication (mkVarPreds vdl) f1 True nullRange
-- existential or unique-existential? then use conjuction
relativize _ vdl f1 =
if null vdl then f1
else Conjunction [mkVarPreds vdl,f1] nullRange
mkVarPreds [v] = mkVarPred v
mkVarPreds vdl = Conjunction (map mkVarPred vdl) nullRange
mkVarPred (Var_decl [v] s _) = mkVarPred1 s v
mkVarPred (Var_decl vs s _) =
Conjunction (map (mkVarPred1 s) vs) nullRange
mkVarPred1 s v =
let sTop = lkupTop subSortMap s
p = lkupPRED_NAME subSortMap s
in case p of
-- no subsort? then no relativization
Nothing -> True_atom nullRange
Just p1 -> genPredication p1 [sTop] [Qual_var v s nullRange]
mapTerm :: SubSortMap -> TERM f -> TERM f
mapTerm ssMap t = case t of
Qual_var v s pl -> Qual_var v (lTop s) pl
Application osy tl pl ->
Application (updateOP_SYMB osy) (map (mapTerm ssMap) tl) pl
Sorted_term t1 s pl ->
Sorted_term (mapTerm ssMap t1) (lTop s) pl
-- casts are discarded due to missing subsorting
Cast t1 _ _ -> mapTerm ssMap t1
Conditional t1 f t2 pl ->
Conditional (mapTerm ssMap t1) (mapSen1 ssMap f) (mapTerm ssMap t2) pl
_ ->
error "CASL2TopSort.mapTerm"
where lTop = lkupTop ssMap
updateOP_SYMB (Op_name _) =
error "CASL2TopSort.mapTerm: got untyped application"
updateOP_SYMB (Qual_op_name on ot pl) =
Qual_op_name on (updateOP_TYPE ot) pl
updateOP_TYPE (Op_type fk sl s pl) =
Op_type fk (map lTop sl) (lTop s) pl
genEitherAxiom :: SubSortMap -> [Constraint] -> Result (FORMULA f)
genEitherAxiom ssMap =
genConjunction . (\ (_, osl, _) -> osl) . recover_Sort_gen_ax
where genConjunction osl =
let (injOps,constrs) = partition isInjOp osl
groupedInjOps = groupBy sameTarget $ sortBy compTarget injOps
in if null constrs
then case groupedInjOps of
[] -> fatal_error "No injective operation found" nullRange
[xs@(x : _)] -> return $ genQuant x $ genImpl xs
((x : _) : _) -> return $ genQuant x
$ Conjunction (map genImpl groupedInjOps) nullRange
_ -> error "CASL2TopSort.genEitherAxiom.groupedInjOps"
else Result [Diag Error
("CASL2TopSort: Cannot handle \
\datatype constructors; only subsort \
\embeddings are allowed with free and \
\generated types!") nullRange] Nothing
isInjOp ops =
case ops of
Op_name _ -> error "CASL2TopSort.genEitherAxiom.isInjObj"
Qual_op_name on _ _ -> isInjName on
resultSort (Qual_op_name _ (Op_type _ _ t _) _) = t
resultSort _ = error "CASL2TopSort.genEitherAxiom.resultSort"
argSort (Qual_op_name _ (Op_type _ [x] _ _) _) = x
argSort _ = error "CASL2TopSort.genEitherAxiom.argSort"
compTarget x1 x2 = compare (resultSort x1) (resultSort x2)
sameTarget x1 x2 = compTarget x1 x2 == EQ
lTop = lkupTop ssMap
varName = mkSimpleId "x"
mkVarTerm qon =
Sorted_term (Qual_var varName s nullRange) s nullRange
where s = lTop $ resultSort qon
mkVarDecl qon =
Var_decl [varName] (lTop (resultSort qon)) nullRange
genQuant qon f = Quantification Universal [mkVarDecl qon] f nullRange
genImpl [] = error "No OP_SYMB found"
genImpl xs@(x:_) =
assert (lTop (resultSort x) == lTop (argSort x))
(if (resultSort x) == lTop (resultSort x)
then genDisj xs
else Implication (genProp x) (genDisj xs) True nullRange)
genProp qon = genPredication (lPredName (resultSort qon))
[lTop (resultSort qon)]
[mkVarTerm qon]
lPredName s = maybe (error $
"CASL2TopSort.genEitherAxiom: No PRED_NAME for \""
++ shows s "\" found!") id $ lkupPRED_NAME ssMap s
genDisj qons = Disjunction (map genPred qons) nullRange
genPred qon = genPredication (lPredName $ argSort qon)
[lTop $ resultSort qon] [mkVarTerm qon]