CASL2SubCFOL.hs revision 3a2de7e5a3c5da0a96c9563617ab332685a41ced
4b8d88eb610aa1e0bb6ec632f792744b3d6b5f22jeff.schenk{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, TypeSynonymInstances #-}
4b8d88eb610aa1e0bb6ec632f792744b3d6b5f22jeff.schenk{- |
4b8d88eb610aa1e0bb6ec632f792744b3d6b5f22jeff.schenkModule : $Header$
4b8d88eb610aa1e0bb6ec632f792744b3d6b5f22jeff.schenkDescription : coding out partiality
4b8d88eb610aa1e0bb6ec632f792744b3d6b5f22jeff.schenkCopyright : (c) Zicheng Wang, C.Maeder Uni Bremen 2002-2009
4b8d88eb610aa1e0bb6ec632f792744b3d6b5f22jeff.schenkLicense : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
4b8d88eb610aa1e0bb6ec632f792744b3d6b5f22jeff.schenkMaintainer :
4b8d88eb610aa1e0bb6ec632f792744b3d6b5f22jeff.schenkStability : provisional
4b8d88eb610aa1e0bb6ec632f792744b3d6b5f22jeff.schenkPortability : non-portable (imports Logic.Comorphism)
4b8d88eb610aa1e0bb6ec632f792744b3d6b5f22jeff.schenkCoding out partiality (SubPCFOL= -> SubCFOL=) while keeping subsorting.
4b8d88eb610aa1e0bb6ec632f792744b3d6b5f22jeff.schenkWithout unique bottoms sort generation axioms are not allowed.
4b8d88eb610aa1e0bb6ec632f792744b3d6b5f22jeff.schenkThen we have (SubPFOL= -> SubFOL=).
4b8d88eb610aa1e0bb6ec632f792744b3d6b5f22jeff.schenkmodule Comorphisms.CASL2SubCFOL where
4b8d88eb610aa1e0bb6ec632f792744b3d6b5f22jeff.schenkimport Logic.Logic
4b8d88eb610aa1e0bb6ec632f792744b3d6b5f22jeff.schenkimport Logic.Comorphism
4b8d88eb610aa1e0bb6ec632f792744b3d6b5f22jeff.schenkimport CASL.Logic_CASL
4b8d88eb610aa1e0bb6ec632f792744b3d6b5f22jeff.schenkimport CASL.AS_Basic_CASL
4b8d88eb610aa1e0bb6ec632f792744b3d6b5f22jeff.schenkimport CASL.Sign
4b8d88eb610aa1e0bb6ec632f792744b3d6b5f22jeff.schenkimport CASL.Morphism
4b8d88eb610aa1e0bb6ec632f792744b3d6b5f22jeff.schenkimport CASL.Sublogic as SL hiding (bottom)
4b8d88eb610aa1e0bb6ec632f792744b3d6b5f22jeff.schenkimport CASL.Fold
4b8d88eb610aa1e0bb6ec632f792744b3d6b5f22jeff.schenkimport CASL.Project
4b8d88eb610aa1e0bb6ec632f792744b3d6b5f22jeff.schenkimport CASL.Simplify
4b8d88eb610aa1e0bb6ec632f792744b3d6b5f22jeff.schenkimport Common.Id
4b8d88eb610aa1e0bb6ec632f792744b3d6b5f22jeff.schenkimport Common.DocUtils
4b8d88eb610aa1e0bb6ec632f792744b3d6b5f22jeff.schenkimport qualified Data.Map as Map
4b8d88eb610aa1e0bb6ec632f792744b3d6b5f22jeff.schenkimport qualified Data.Set as Set
4b8d88eb610aa1e0bb6ec632f792744b3d6b5f22jeff.schenkimport qualified Common.Lib.Rel as Rel
4b8d88eb610aa1e0bb6ec632f792744b3d6b5f22jeff.schenkimport qualified Common.Lib.MapSet as MapSet
4b8d88eb610aa1e0bb6ec632f792744b3d6b5f22jeff.schenkimport Common.AS_Annotation
4b8d88eb610aa1e0bb6ec632f792744b3d6b5f22jeff.schenkimport Common.ProofUtils
4b8d88eb610aa1e0bb6ec632f792744b3d6b5f22jeff.schenkimport Common.ProofTree
4b8d88eb610aa1e0bb6ec632f792744b3d6b5f22jeff.schenkimport Common.Utils
4b8d88eb610aa1e0bb6ec632f792744b3d6b5f22jeff.schenk-- | determine the need for bottom constants
4b8d88eb610aa1e0bb6ec632f792744b3d6b5f22jeff.schenkdata FormulaTreatment =
4b8d88eb610aa1e0bb6ec632f792744b3d6b5f22jeff.schenk NoMembershipOrCast
4b8d88eb610aa1e0bb6ec632f792744b3d6b5f22jeff.schenk | FormulaDependent
4b8d88eb610aa1e0bb6ec632f792744b3d6b5f22jeff.schenk | SubsortBottoms
4b8d88eb610aa1e0bb6ec632f792744b3d6b5f22jeff.schenk | AllSortBottoms
4b8d88eb610aa1e0bb6ec632f792744b3d6b5f22jeff.schenk deriving Show
4b8d88eb610aa1e0bb6ec632f792744b3d6b5f22jeff.schenk-- | a case selector for formula treatment
4b8d88eb610aa1e0bb6ec632f792744b3d6b5f22jeff.schenktreatFormula :: FormulaTreatment -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a
4b8d88eb610aa1e0bb6ec632f792744b3d6b5f22jeff.schenktreatFormula g a b c d = case g of
4b8d88eb610aa1e0bb6ec632f792744b3d6b5f22jeff.schenk NoMembershipOrCast -> a
4b8d88eb610aa1e0bb6ec632f792744b3d6b5f22jeff.schenk FormulaDependent -> b
4b8d88eb610aa1e0bb6ec632f792744b3d6b5f22jeff.schenk SubsortBottoms -> c
4b8d88eb610aa1e0bb6ec632f792744b3d6b5f22jeff.schenk AllSortBottoms -> d
{- | The identity of the comorphism depending on parameters.
'NoMembershipOrCast' reject membership test or cast to non-bottom sorts.
. 'FormulaDependent' creates a formula dependent signature translation.
'SubsortBottoms' creates bottoms for all proper subsorts. -}
{ uniqueBottom :: Bool -- ^ removes free types
, formulaTreatment :: FormulaTreatment
-- ^ deal with membership tests and casts
} deriving Show
{- | create unique bottoms, sorts with bottom depend on membership
and casts in theory sentences. -}
defaultCASL2SubCFOL = CASL2SubCFOL True FormulaDependent
instance Language CASL2SubCFOL where
language_name (CASL2SubCFOL _ m) = "CASL2SubCFOL"
++ treatFormula m (show m) "" (show m) (show m)
instance Comorphism CASL2SubCFOL
CASL CASL_Sublogics
Symbol RawSymbol ProofTree
CASL CASL_Sublogics
Symbol RawSymbol ProofTree where
sourceLogic (CASL2SubCFOL _ _) = CASL
sourceSublogic (CASL2SubCFOL b _) =
if b then SL.caslTop else SL.caslTop { cons_features = NoSortGen }
targetLogic (CASL2SubCFOL _ _) = CASL
mapSublogic (CASL2SubCFOL _ _) sl = Just $ if has_part sl then sl
{ has_part = False -- partiality is coded out
, has_pred = True
, which_logic = max Horn $ which_logic sl
, has_eq = True} else sl
map_theory (CASL2SubCFOL b m) (sig, sens) =
let fbsrts = Set.unions $ map (botFormulaSorts . sentence) sens
bsrts = sortsWithBottom m sig fbsrts
sens1 = generateAxioms b bsrts sig
sens2 =
map (mapNamed (simplifyFormula id . codeFormula b bsrts)) sens
in case m of
| not $ Set.null $ Set.difference fbsrts bsrts ->
fail "CASL2SubCFOL: unexpected membership test or cast"
_ -> return
( encodeSig bsrts sig
, nameAndDisambiguate $ sens1 ++ sens2)
map_morphism (CASL2SubCFOL _ m) mor@Morphism {msource = src, mtarget = tar}
= return
mor { msource = encodeSig (sortsWithBottom m src Set.empty) src
, mtarget = encodeSig (sortsWithBottom m tar Set.empty) tar
, op_map = (\ (i, _) -> (i, Total)) $ op_map mor }
map_sentence (CASL2SubCFOL b m) sig sen = let
fbsrts = botFormulaSorts sen
bsrts = sortsWithBottom m sig fbsrts
in case m of
| not $ Set.null $ Set.difference fbsrts bsrts ->
fail $ "CASL2SubCFOL: unexpected membership test or cast:\n"
++ showDoc sen ""
_ -> return $ simplifyFormula id $ codeFormula b bsrts sen
map_symbol (CASL2SubCFOL _ _) _ s =
Set.singleton s { symbType = totalizeSymbType $ symbType s }
has_model_expansion (CASL2SubCFOL _ _) = True
is_weakly_amalgamable (CASL2SubCFOL _ _) = True
totalizeSymbType :: SymbType -> SymbType
totalizeSymbType t = case t of
OpAsItemType ot -> OpAsItemType $ mkTotal ot
_ -> t
sortsWithBottom :: FormulaTreatment -> Sign f e -> Set.Set SORT -> Set.Set SORT
sortsWithBottom m sig formBotSrts =
let bsrts = treatFormula m Set.empty formBotSrts
(Rel.keysSet $ sortRel sig) (sortSet sig)
ops = MapSet.elems $ opMap sig
-- all supersorts inherit the same bottom element
allSortsWithBottom s =
Set.unions $ s : map (`supersortsOf` sig) (Set.toList s)
resSortsOfPartialFcts =
allSortsWithBottom . Set.union bsrts
. opRes $ Set.filter isPartial ops
collect given =
let more = allSortsWithBottom . opRes $ Set.filter
(any (`Set.member` given) . opArgs) ops
in if Set.isSubsetOf more given then given
else collect $ Set.union more given
in collect resSortsOfPartialFcts
defPred :: Id
defPred = genName "defined"
defined :: TermExtension f => Set.Set SORT -> TERM f -> Range -> FORMULA f
defined bsorts t ps = let s = sortOfTerm t in
if Set.member s bsorts then Predication
(Qual_pred_name defPred (Pred_type [s] nullRange) nullRange) [t] ps
else True_atom ps
defVards :: TermExtension f => Set.Set SORT -> [VAR_DECL] -> FORMULA f
defVards bs = conjunct . concatMap (defVars bs)
defVars :: TermExtension f => Set.Set SORT -> VAR_DECL -> [FORMULA f]
defVars bs (Var_decl vns s _) = map (defVar bs s) vns
defVar :: TermExtension f => Set.Set SORT -> SORT -> Token -> FORMULA f
defVar bs s v = defined bs (Qual_var v s nullRange) nullRange
totalizeOpSymb :: OP_SYMB -> OP_SYMB
totalizeOpSymb o = case o of
Qual_op_name i (Op_type _ args res ps) qs ->
Qual_op_name i (Op_type Total args res ps) qs
_ -> o
addBottomAlt :: Constraint -> Constraint
addBottomAlt c = let t = Op_type Total [] (newSort c) nullRange in c
{opSymbs = opSymbs c ++ [(Qual_op_name (uniqueBotName t) t nullRange, [])]}
argSorts :: Constraint -> Set.Set SORT
argSorts c = Set.unions $ map (argsOpSymb . fst) $ opSymbs c
where argsOpSymb op = case op of
Qual_op_name _ ot _ -> Set.fromList $ args_OP_TYPE ot
_ -> error "argSorts"
totalizeConstraint :: Set.Set SORT -> Constraint -> Constraint
totalizeConstraint bsrts c =
(if Set.member (newSort c) bsrts then addBottomAlt else id)
c { opSymbs = map ( \ (o, is) -> (totalizeOpSymb o, is)) $ opSymbs c }
botType :: SORT -> OpType
botType = sortToOpType
-- | Add projections to the signature
encodeSig :: Set.Set SORT -> Sign f e -> Sign f e
encodeSig bsorts sig = if Set.null bsorts then sig else
sig { opMap = projOpMap, predMap = newpredMap } where
newTotalMap = mkTotal $ opMap sig
botOpMap = Set.fold (\ bt -> addOpTo (uniqueBotName $ toOP_TYPE bt) bt)
newTotalMap $ botType bsorts
defType x = PredType {predArgs = [x]}
defTypes = defType bsorts
newpredMap = MapSet.update (const defTypes) defPred $ predMap sig
rel = sortRel sig
total (s, s') = mkTotOpType [s'] s
setprojOptype = total $ Set.filter ( \ (s, _) ->
Set.member s bsorts) $ Rel.toSet rel
projOpMap = Set.fold (\ t -> addOpTo (uniqueProjName $ toOP_TYPE t) t)
botOpMap setprojOptype
-- | Make the name for the non empty axiom from s to s' to s''
mkNonEmptyAxiomName :: SORT -> String
mkNonEmptyAxiomName = mkAxNameSingle "nonEmpty"
-- | Make the name for the not defined bottom axiom
mkNotDefBotAxiomName :: SORT -> String
mkNotDefBotAxiomName = mkAxNameSingle "notDefBottom"
-- | Make the name for the totality axiom
mkTotalityAxiomName :: OP_NAME -> String
mkTotalityAxiomName f = "ga_strictness_" ++ show f
generateAxioms :: Bool -> Set.Set SORT -> Sign f e -> [Named (FORMULA ())]
generateAxioms uniqBot bsorts sig = concatMap (\ s -> let
vx = mkVarDeclStr "x" s
xt = toQualVar vx
hasBot = Set.member s bsorts
prj z = projectUnique Total nullRange z s
df z = defined bsorts z nullRange
in concatMap (\ s' ->
[makeNamed (mkAxName "total_projection_injectivity" s' s)
$ let xv = mkVarDeclStr "x" s'
yv = mkVarDeclStr "y" s'
tx = toQualVar xv
ty = toQualVar yv
px = prj tx
py = prj ty
epxy = mkStEq px py
-- forall x,y:s' . d(pr(x)) /\\ d(pr(y)) /\\ pr(x)=pr(y) => x=y
in mkForall [xv, yv]
$ mkImpl (if hasBot then conjunct [df px, df py, epxy]
else epxy) $ mkStEq tx ty
-- forall x:s . d(x) => pr(x)=x
, makeNamed (mkAxName "total_projection" s' s)
$ let eq = mkStEq (prj $ Sorted_term xt s' nullRange) xt
in mkForall [vx]
$ if hasBot then mkImpl (df xt) eq else eq]) (minSupers s)
-- exists x:s . d(x)
++ [makeNamed (mkNonEmptyAxiomName s)
$ Quantification Existential [vx] (df xt) nullRange
| hasBot]
++ [makeNamed (mkNotDefBotAxiomName s)
$ let bty = toOP_TYPE $ botType s
bt = mkAppl (mkQualOp (uniqueBotName bty) bty) []
in if uniqBot then
-- forall x:s . not d(x) <=> x=bottom
mkForall [vx]
$ mkEqv (mkNeg $ df xt) $ mkStEq xt bt
else mkNeg $ df bt -- not d(bottom)
| hasBot]) sortList
++ filter (not . is_True_atom . sentence)
(map (mapNamed $ simplifyFormula id)
$ map (\ (f, typ) ->
let vs = map (\ (s, i) -> mkVarDeclStr ("x_" ++ show i) s)
$ number $ opArgs typ
in makeNamed (mkTotalityAxiomName f)
-- forall x_i:s_i . d f(x_1, ..., x_n) {<}=> d x_1 /\\ ... /\\ d x_n
$ mkForall vs
$ (if isTotal typ then mkEqv else mkImpl)
(defined bsorts
(mkAppl (mkQualOp f $ toOP_TYPE $ mkTotal typ)
$ map toQualVar vs) nullRange)
$ defVards bsorts vs) opList
++ map (\ (p, typ) ->
let vs = map (\ (s, i) -> mkVarDeclStr ("x_" ++ show i) s)
$ number $ predArgs typ
in makeNamed ("ga_predicate_strictness_" ++ show p)
-- forall x_i:s_i . p(x_1, ..., x_n) => d x_1 /\\ ... /\\ d x_n
$ mkForall vs
$ mkImpl
(Predication (Qual_pred_name p (toPRED_TYPE typ) nullRange)
(map toQualVar vs) nullRange)
$ defVards bsorts vs) predList)
rel1 = Rel.transClosure $ sortRel sig
sccs = Rel.sccOfClosure rel1
rel2 = Rel.transReduce $ Rel.collaps sccs rel1
isos so = Set.insert so $ Set.unions $ filter (Set.member so) sccs
minSupers so = Set.toList $ Set.delete so $ Set.union (isos so)
$ Set.unions $ map isos $ Set.toList $ Rel.succs rel2 so
sortList = Set.toList bsorts
opList = mapSetToList $ opMap sig
predList = mapSetToList $ predMap sig
codeRecord :: TermExtension f => Bool -> Set.Set SORT -> (f -> f)
-> Record f (FORMULA f) (TERM f)
codeRecord uniBot bsrts mf = (mapRecord mf)
{ foldQuantification = \ _ q vs qf ps ->
case q of
Universal ->
Quantification q vs (Implication (defVards bsrts vs) qf True ps) ps
_ -> Quantification q vs (Conjunction [defVards bsrts vs, qf] ps) ps
, foldDefinedness = const $ defined bsrts
, foldExistl_equation = \ _ t1 t2 ps ->
Conjunction [Strong_equation t1 t2 ps,
defined bsrts t1 ps] ps
, foldMembership = \ _ t s ps ->
defined bsrts (projectUnique Total ps t s) ps
, foldSort_gen_ax = \ _ cs b -> if uniBot then
Sort_gen_ax (map (totalizeConstraint bsrts) cs)
$ Set.null (Set.intersection bsrts
$ Set.fromList $ map newSort cs) && b
else error "SubPFOL2SubFOL: unexpected Sort_gen_ax"
, foldApplication = const $ Application . totalizeOpSymb
, foldCast = \ _ t s ps -> projectUnique Total ps t s }
codeFormula :: Bool -> Set.Set SORT -> FORMULA () -> FORMULA ()
codeFormula b bsorts = foldFormula (codeRecord b bsorts $ error "CASL2SubCFol")
codeTerm :: Bool -> Set.Set SORT -> TERM () -> TERM ()
codeTerm b bsorts = foldTerm (codeRecord b bsorts $ error "CASL2SubCFol")
-- | find sorts that need a bottom in membership formulas and casts
botSorts :: (f -> Set.Set SORT) -> Record f (Set.Set SORT) (Set.Set SORT)
botSorts mf = (constRecord mf Set.unions Set.empty)
{ foldMembership = \ _ _ s _ -> Set.singleton s
, foldCast = \ _ _ s _ -> Set.singleton s }
botFormulaSorts :: FORMULA f -> Set.Set SORT
botFormulaSorts = foldFormula (botSorts $ const Set.empty)
botTermSorts :: TERM f -> Set.Set SORT
botTermSorts = foldTerm (botSorts $ const Set.empty)