CASL2Skolem.hs revision 2954f6dd519742dd6d6dd8de6f3e5902ed6c07ab
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleInstances #-}
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : skolemization as an institution comorphism
Copyright : (c) Mihai Codescu, 2016
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable (imports Logic.Comorphism)
removing existential quantifiers from every formula
module Comorphisms.CASL2Skolem where
import Logic.Logic
import Logic.Comorphism
import CASL.Logic_CASL
import CASL.AS_Basic_CASL
import CASL.Sign
import CASL.Morphism
import CASL.Sublogic as SL hiding (bottom)
import CASL.Induction
import CASL.Quantification
import CASL.ToDoc
import Common.Result
import Common.Id
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Common.AS_Annotation
import Common.ProofTree
import qualified Common.Lib.MapSet as MapSet
import qualified Common.Lib.Rel as Rel
import Data.List(partition)
import Debug.Trace
data CASL2Skolem = CASL2Skolem deriving Show
instance Language CASL2Skolem where
language_name CASL2Skolem = "CASL2Skolem"
instance Comorphism CASL2Skolem
CASL CASL_Sublogics
Symbol RawSymbol ProofTree
CASL CASL_Sublogics
Symbol RawSymbol ProofTree where
sourceLogic CASL2Skolem = CASL
sourceSublogic CASL2Skolem = SL.caslTop --TODO
targetLogic CASL2Skolem = CASL
mapSublogic CASL2Skolem sl = Just sl -- TODO
map_theory CASL2Skolem = mapTheory
map_morphism CASL2Skolem = error "nyi"
map_sentence CASL2Skolem _ _ = error "nyi"
map_symbol CASL2Skolem _ = Set.singleton . id
has_model_expansion CASL2Skolem = True -- check
is_weakly_amalgamable CASL2Skolem = True --check
mapTheory :: (CASLSign, [Named CASLFORMULA]) -> Result (CASLSign, [Named CASLFORMULA])
mapTheory (sig, nsens) = do
let sens = map sentence nsens
(_, nsig, sens') = foldl (\(n, nsig0, sens0) sen ->
let (n', nsig', sen1) = skolemize n [] sig nsig0 $ miniscoping sig $ negationNormalForm sen
in (n', nsig', sen1:sens0)) (0, emptySign (), []) sens
sig' = uniteCASLSign sig nsig
return (sig', map (makeNamed "") sens')
-- variable renaming
-- such that they are all distinct
-- skipped this step for now, we don't get overlaps when translating from OWL
mkSkolemFunction :: Int -> Id
mkSkolemFunction x =
genName $ "sk_f" ++ show x
-- replace each variable from an argument list vars
-- in a sentence sen'
-- with a new skolem function of arguments in a list fVars
-- the names are generated starting with a given number
replaceBoundVars :: [(VAR, SORT)] -> [(VAR, SORT)] -> Int -> CASLFORMULA -> (CASLSign, CASLFORMULA)
replaceBoundVars vars fVars n sen = trace ("vars:" ++ show vars ++ "fVars:" ++ show fVars ++ "n:" ++ show n) $ let
-- for each variable that occurs free in sen, generate a new skolem function name
fNames = map (mkSkolemFunction . snd) $ zip fVars $ [n..]
-- for each such name, its arguments will be the types of vars and the result, the corresponding sort in fVars
otypes = map (\x -> Op_type Total (map snd vars) x nullRange) $ map snd fVars
-- now create the operation symbols with names in fNames and arity in otypes
osyms = map (\(x, y) -> Qual_op_name x y nullRange) $ zip fNames otypes
-- the arguments are the outer variables
args = map (\(v,s) -> Qual_var v s nullRange) vars
-- now create the term gn_sk_k(outerVariables)
tms = map (\os -> Application os args nullRange) osyms
substs = map (\((a,b),c) -> (a,b,c)) $ zip fVars tms
sen' = foldl (\f (v,s,t)-> substitute v s t f) sen substs
sign' = (emptySign ()) {
sortRel = foldl (\r x -> Rel.insertKey x r) Rel.empty $ map snd $ vars ++ fVars,
opMap = foldl (\m (f,o) -> MapSet.insert f (toOpType o) m) MapSet.empty $ zip fNames otypes
in (sign', sen')
-- skolemization:
-- exists x H =>
-- H(f(y_1,...,y_n)/x)
-- where y_1, ..., y_n are free in exists x H
-- f is a new function symbol of arity n
skolemize :: Int -> [(VAR, SORT)] -> CASLSign -> CASLSign -> CASLFORMULA -> (Int, CASLSign, CASLFORMULA)
skolemize n outerFreeVars osig nsig sen = case sen of
Quantification Existential vdecls sen1 _ -> let
vars = flatVAR_DECLs vdecls
(n', nsig', sen') = skolemize n outerFreeVars osig nsig sen1
--fVars = freeVars osig sen'
n'' = n' + (length vars)
(nsig0, sen'') = replaceBoundVars outerFreeVars vars n sen'
nsig'' = uniteCASLSign nsig' nsig0
in (n'', nsig'', sen'')
Quantification q vars sen1 _ -> let (n', nsig', sen') = skolemize n (outerFreeVars ++ flatVAR_DECLs vars) osig nsig sen1 in
(n', nsig', Quantification q vars sen' nullRange)
Junction j sens _ -> let
(n', nsig', sens') = foldl (\(x, nsig0, sens0) s -> let (y, nsig1, s') = skolemize x outerFreeVars osig nsig0 s
in (y, uniteCASLSign nsig1 nsig0, s':sens0))
(n, nsig, []) sens
in (n', nsig', Junction j sens' nullRange)
Relation sen1 rel sen2 _ -> let
(n', nsig', sen') = skolemize n outerFreeVars osig nsig sen1
(n'', nsig'', sen'') = skolemize n' outerFreeVars osig nsig' sen2
in (n'', nsig'', Relation sen' rel sen'' nullRange)
Negation sen1 _ -> let (n', nsig', sen') = skolemize n outerFreeVars osig nsig sen1 in
(n', nsig', Negation sen' nullRange)
x -> (n, nsig, x)
-- nnf, implemented recursively
negationNormalForm :: CASLFORMULA -> CASLFORMULA
negationNormalForm sen = case sen of
Quantification q vars qsen _ -> Quantification q vars (negationNormalForm qsen) nullRange
Junction j sens _ -> Junction j (map negationNormalForm sens) nullRange
Relation sen1 Implication sen2 _ -> let sen1' = negationNormalForm $ Negation (negationNormalForm sen1) nullRange
sen2' = negationNormalForm sen2
in Junction Dis [sen1', sen2'] nullRange
Relation sen1 RevImpl sen2 _ -> let sen2' = negationNormalForm $ Negation (negationNormalForm sen2) nullRange
sen1' = negationNormalForm sen1
in Junction Dis [sen1', sen2'] nullRange
Relation sen1 Equivalence sen2 _ -> let sen1' = Relation sen1 Implication sen2 nullRange
sen2' = Relation sen2 Implication sen1 nullRange
in negationNormalForm $ Junction Con [sen1', sen2'] nullRange
Negation (Negation sen' _) _ -> negationNormalForm sen'
Negation (Junction Con sens _) _ -> Junction Dis (map (\x -> negationNormalForm $ Negation x nullRange) sens) nullRange
Negation (Junction Dis sens _) _ -> Junction Con (map (\x -> negationNormalForm $ Negation x nullRange) sens) nullRange
Negation (Quantification Unique_existential _vars _sen _) _-> error "nyi"
Negation (Quantification q vars qsen _) _ -> Quantification (dualQuant q) vars (negationNormalForm $ Negation qsen nullRange) nullRange
x -> x
-- miniscoping:
-- Qx(G and F) => QxG and F
-- Qx(G or F) => QxG or F
-- forall x (G and H) => (forall x G) and (forall x H)
-- exists x (G or H) => (exists x G) or (exists x H)
-- where x occurs freely in G, H
-- but not in F
miniscoping sig sen = case sen of
Quantification q vdecls (Junction j sens _) _ ->
vars = Set.fromList $ flatVAR_DECLs vdecls
(sensVarsFree, sensNoVars) = partition (\s -> let svars = freeVars sig s in (svars /= Set.difference svars vars)) sens
sensVarsFree' = map (miniscoping sig) sensVarsFree
sensNoVars' = map (miniscoping sig) sensNoVars
in case (q, j) of
(Existential, Con) ->
Junction Con ((Quantification Existential vdecls (Junction Con sensVarsFree' nullRange) nullRange):sensNoVars')
(Existential, Dis) ->
Junction Dis ((map (\s -> Quantification Existential vdecls s nullRange) sensVarsFree') ++ sensNoVars') nullRange
(Universal, Con) ->
Junction Con ((map (\s -> Quantification Universal vdecls s nullRange) sensVarsFree') ++ sensNoVars') nullRange
(Universal, Dis) ->
Junction Dis ((Quantification Universal vdecls (Junction Dis sensVarsFree' nullRange) nullRange):sensNoVars') nullRange
_ -> error "miniscoping nyi for exists uniquely"
Quantification q vdecls qsen _ -> Quantification q vdecls (miniscoping sig qsen) nullRange
Junction j sens _ -> Junction j (map (miniscoping sig) sens) nullRange
Relation sen1 rel sen2 _ -> Relation (miniscoping sig sen1) rel (miniscoping sig sen2) nullRange
Negation nsen _ -> Negation (miniscoping sig nsen) nullRange
x -> x