CASL2SPASS.hs revision 5ea0d62951bb02a11498060bdc36ca037812eafd
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Klaus L�ttich and Uni Bremen 2005
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable (imports Logic.Logic)
The translating comorphism from CASL to SPASS.
{- todo
- implement translation of Sort_gen_ax (FORMULA f) as goals
(s. below for a sketch)
module Comorphisms.CASL2SPASS where
-- Debuging and Warning
import Debug.Trace
import Control.Exception
import Logic.Logic as Logic
import Logic.Comorphism
import Common.AS_Annotation
import Common.Id
import Common.Result
import Common.PrettyPrint
import qualified Common.Lib.Map as Map
import qualified Common.Lib.Set as Set
import qualified Common.Lib.Rel as Rel
import Data.List as List
import Data.Maybe
import CASL.Logic_CASL
import CASL.AS_Basic_CASL
import CASL.Sublogic
import qualified CASL.Sign as CSign
import CASL.Morphism
import CASL.Quantification
import CASL.Overload
import CASL.Utils
import CASL.Inject
import SPASS.Sign as SPSign
import SPASS.Logic_SPASS
import SPASS.Translate
-- | The identity of the comorphism
data CASL2SPASS = CASL2SPASS deriving (Show)
-- | SPASS theories
type SPASSTheory = (SPSign.Sign,[Named SPTerm])
-- | A data type for storing the type of a CASL Id
data CType = CSort
| CPred CSign.PredType
| COp CSign.OpType
deriving (Eq,Ord,Show)
-- | CASL Ids with Types mapped to SPIdentifier
type IdType_SPId_Map = Map.Map Id (Map.Map CType SPIdentifier)
-- | specialized lookup for IdType_SPId_Map
lookupSPId :: Id -> CType -> IdType_SPId_Map ->
Maybe SPIdentifier
lookupSPId i t m = maybe Nothing (\ m' -> Map.lookup t m') (Map.lookup i m)
-- | specialized insert (with error) for IdType_SPId_Map
insertSPId :: Id -> CType ->
SPIdentifier ->
IdType_SPId_Map ->
insertSPId i t spid m =
Map.insertWith (Map.unionWith err) i (Map.insert t spid Map.empty) m
where err = error ("CASL2SPASS: for Id \""++show i ++
"\" the type \""++ show t ++
"\" can't be mapped to different SPASS identifiers")
-- | specialized elems into a set for IdType_SPId_Map
elemsSPId_Set :: IdType_SPId_Map -> Set.Set SPIdentifier
elemsSPId_Set = Map.fold (\ m res -> Set.union res
(Set.fromList (Map.elems m)))
-- extended signature translation
type SignTranslator f e = CSign.Sign f e -> e -> SPASSTheory -> SPASSTheory
-- extended signature translation for CASL
sigTrCASL :: SignTranslator () ()
sigTrCASL _ _ = id
-- extended formula translation
type FormulaTranslator f e =
CSign.Sign f e -> IdType_SPId_Map -> f -> SPTerm
-- extended formula translation for CASL
formTrCASL :: FormulaTranslator () ()
formTrCASL _ _ = error "CASL2SPASS: No extended formulas allowed in CASL"
instance Language CASL2SPASS -- default definition is okay
instance Comorphism CASL2SPASS
CASL CASL.Sublogic.CASL_Sublogics
CASL.Morphism.Symbol CASL.Morphism.RawSymbol ()
SPASS () () SPTerm () ()
SPASSMorphism () () () where
sourceLogic _ = CASL
sourceSublogic _ = CASL_SL
{ sub_features = LocFilSub,
has_part = False,
cons_features = SortGen { emptyMapping = True,
onlyInjConstrs = False},
has_eq = True,
has_pred = True,
which_logic = FOL
targetLogic _ = SPASS
targetSublogic _ = ()
map_theory _ = transTheory sigTrCASL formTrCASL
map_morphism CASL2SPASS mor = do
(sig1,_) <- map_sign CASL2SPASS (Logic.dom CASL mor)
(sig2,_) <- map_sign CASL2SPASS (cod CASL mor)
inclusion SPASS sig1 sig2
map_sentence _ sign =
return . mapSen formTrCASL sign
map_symbol _ _ = error "CASL2SPASS.map_symbol"
---------------------------- Signature -----------------------------
transFuncMap :: IdType_SPId_Map ->
CSign.Sign e f ->
(FuncMap, IdType_SPId_Map)
transFuncMap idMap sign =
Map.foldWithKey toSPOpType (Map.empty,idMap) (CSign.opMap sign)
where toSPOpType iden typeSet (fm,im)
| Set.null typeSet =
error ("CASL2SPASS: empty sets are not allowed in OpMaps: "
++ show iden)
| Set.size typeSet == 1 =
let oType = head (Set.toList typeSet)
sid' = sid fm oType
in (Map.insert sid' (Set.singleton (transOpType oType)) fm,
insertSPId iden (COp oType) sid' im)
| otherwise =
case partOverload (leqF sign)
(partArities (length . CSign.opArgs) typeSet) of
(overl,diffs) ->
Set.fold insOIdSet
(Set.fold insOId (fm,im) diffs)
-- 2.a with the union of all singleton sets
-- and those that are not in overloading
-- relation use old strategy
-- 2.b check the other sets with overloadRelation
-- those with overloadRelation stay in one set
-- with one identifier
-- leqF :: Sign f e -> OpType -> OpType -> Bool
where insOId typ (fm',im') =
let sid' = sid fm' typ
in (Map.insert sid'
(Set.singleton (transOpType typ)) fm',
insertSPId iden (COp typ) sid' im')
insOIdSet tset (fm',im') =
let sid' = sid fm' (Set.findMax tset)
in (Map.insert sid' ( transOpType tset) fm',
Set.fold (\ x y ->
insertSPId iden (COp x) sid' y)
im' tset)
sid fma t = disSPOId (COp t) (transId iden)
(uType (transOpType t))
(Set.union (Map.keysSet fma)
(elemsSPId_Set idMap))
uType t = fst t ++ [snd t]
-- 1. devide into sets with different arities
partArities :: (Ord a) => (a -> Int) -> Set.Set a -> Set.Set (Set.Set a)
partArities len = part 0 Set.empty
where part i acc s
| Set.null s = acc
| otherwise =
case Set.partition (\ x -> len x == i) s of
(ar_i,rest) ->
part (i+1) (if Set.null ar_i
then acc
else Set.insert ar_i acc) rest
partOverload :: (Ord a) => (a -> a -> Bool)
-> Set.Set (Set.Set a)
-> (Set.Set (Set.Set a), Set.Set a)
partOverload leq = Set.fold part (Set.empty,Set.empty)
where part s (overl,diffs)
| Set.null s = (overl,diffs)
| Set.size s == 1 = (overl,Set.union diffs s)
| otherwise =
case Set.deleteFindMin s of
(x,s') ->
case Set.partition (\ y -> leq x y) s' of
(ov,rest) ->
if Set.null ov
then part rest (overl,Set.insert x diffs)
else part rest
(Set.insert (Set.insert x ov) overl,
transPredMap :: IdType_SPId_Map ->
CSign.Sign e f ->
(PredMap, IdType_SPId_Map)
transPredMap idMap sign =
Map.foldWithKey toSPPredType (Map.empty,idMap) (CSign.predMap sign)
where toSPPredType iden typeSet (fm,im)
| Set.null typeSet =
error ("CASL2SPASS: empty sets are not allowed in PredMaps: "
++ show iden)
| Set.size typeSet == 1 =
let pType = head (Set.toList typeSet)
sid' = sid fm pType
in (Map.insert sid' (Set.singleton (transPredType pType)) fm,
insertSPId iden (CPred pType) sid' im)
| otherwise =
case partOverload (leqP sign)
(partArities (length . CSign.predArgs) typeSet) of
(overl,diffs) ->
Set.fold insOIdSet
(Set.fold insOId (fm,im) diffs)
where insOId pType (fm',im') =
let sid' = sid fm' pType
predType = transPredType pType
in (Map.insert sid' (Set.singleton predType) fm',
insertSPId iden (CPred pType) sid' im')
insOIdSet tset (fm',im') =
let sid' = sid fm' (Set.findMax tset)
in (Map.insert sid' ( transPredType tset) fm',
Set.fold (\ x y ->
insertSPId iden (CPred x) sid' y)
im' tset)
sid fma t = disSPOId (CPred t) (transId iden)
(transPredType t)
(Set.union (Map.keysSet fma)
(elemsSPId_Set idMap))
disSPOId :: CType -> SPIdentifier -> [SPIdentifier] ->
Set.Set SPIdentifier -> SPIdentifier
disSPOId cType sid ty idSet
| checkIdentifier sid && not (lkup sid) = sid
| not (lkup asid) = asid
| otherwise = addType asid 1
where asid = sid ++ case cType of
CSort -> ""
CVar _ -> ""
x -> '_':show (length ty - (case x of
COp _ -> 1
_ -> 0))
lkup x = Set.member x idSet
addType res n =
let nres = asid ++ '_':fc n
in if nres == res
then error ("CASL2SPASS: cannot calculate unambigous id for "++sid)
else if not (lkup nres)
then nres
else addType nres (n+1)
fc n = concatMap (take n) ty
transOpType :: CSign.OpType -> ([SPIdentifier],SPIdentifier)
transOpType ot = (map transId (CSign.opArgs ot), transId (CSign.opRes ot))
transPredType :: CSign.PredType -> [SPIdentifier]
transPredType pt = map transId (CSign.predArgs pt)
integrateGenerated :: (PrettyPrint f, PosItem f) =>
IdType_SPId_Map -> [Named (FORMULA f)] ->
SPSign.Sign ->
Result (IdType_SPId_Map, SPSign.Sign, [Named SPTerm])
integrateGenerated idMap genSens sign
| null genSens = return (idMap,sign,[])
| otherwise =
case partition isAxiom genSens of
(genAxs,genGoals) ->
case makeGenGoals idMap genGoals of
(newPredsMap,idMap',goalsAndSentences) ->
-- makeGens must not invent new sorts
case makeGens idMap' genAxs of
Result dias mv ->
maybe (Result dias Nothing)
(\ (spSortMap_makeGens,newOpsMap,idMap'') ->
let spSortMap' =
Map.union spSortMap_makeGens (SPSign.sortMap sign)
in assert (Map.size spSortMap' ==
Map.size (SPSign.sortMap sign))
(Result dias
(Just (idMap'',
sign { sortMap = spSortMap'
, funcMap =
Map.union (funcMap sign)
, predMap =
Map.union (predMap sign)
mkInjSentences idMap' newOpsMap++
makeGenGoals :: IdType_SPId_Map -> [Named (FORMULA f)]
-> (PredMap, IdType_SPId_Map, [Named SPTerm])
makeGenGoals idMap nfs
| null nfs = (Map.empty,idMap,[])
| otherwise =
trace "CASL2SPASS: Warning: Sort_gen_ax as goals not implemented, yet."
{- implementation sketch:
- invent new predicate P that is supposed to hold on
every x in the (freely) generated sort.
- generate formulas with this predicate for each constructor.
- recursive constructors hold if the predicate holds on the variables
- prove forall x . P(x)
implementation is postponed as this translation does not produce
only one goal, but additional symbols, axioms and a goal
makeGens :: (PrettyPrint f, PosItem f) =>
IdType_SPId_Map -> [Named (FORMULA f)]
-> Result (SortMap, FuncMap, IdType_SPId_Map)
makeGens idMap fs =
case foldl makeGen (return (Map.empty,idMap,[])) fs of
Result ds mv ->
maybe (Result ds Nothing)
(\ (opMap,idMap',pairs) ->
Result ds
(Just (foldr (uncurry Map.insert)
Map.empty pairs,
makeGen :: (PrettyPrint f, PosItem f) =>
Result (FuncMap, IdType_SPId_Map, [(SPIdentifier,Maybe Generated)])
-> Named (FORMULA f)
-> Result (FuncMap, IdType_SPId_Map, [(SPIdentifier,Maybe Generated)])
makeGen r@(Result ods omv) nf = maybe (Result ods Nothing) process omv where
process (oMap,iMap,rList) = case sentence nf of
Sort_gen_ax constrs free ->
if null mp then (case mapAccumL makeGenP (oMap,iMap) srts of
((oMap',iMap'),genPairs) ->
Result ods (Just (oMap',iMap',rList++genPairs)))
else mkError "Non injective sort mappings cannot \
\be translated to SPASS" (sentence nf)
where (srts,ops,mp) = recover_Sort_gen_ax constrs
hasTheSort s (Qual_op_name _ ot _) = s == res_OP_TYPE ot
hasTheSort _ _ = error "CASL2SPASS.hasTheSort"
mkGen = Just . Generated free . map fst
makeGenP (opMap,idMap) s = ((newOpMap, newIdMap),
(s', mkGen cons))
where ((newOpMap,newIdMap),cons) =
mapAccumL mkInjOp (opMap,idMap) ops_of_s
ops_of_s = List.filter (hasTheSort s) ops
s' = maybe (error "CASL2SPASS.makeGen: No mapping \
\found for '"++show s++"'") id
(lookupSPId s CSort idMap)
_ -> r
mkInjOp :: (FuncMap, IdType_SPId_Map)
-> ((FuncMap,IdType_SPId_Map),
mkInjOp (opMap,idMap) qo@(Qual_op_name i ot _) =
if i == injName && isNothing lsid
then ((Map.insert i' (Set.singleton (transOpType ot')) opMap,
insertSPId i (COp ot') i' idMap),
(i', transOpType ot'))
else ((opMap,idMap),
(maybe err id lsid,
transOpType ot'))
where i' = disSPOId (COp ot') (transId i)
(utype (transOpType ot')) usedNames
ot' = CSign.toOpType ot
lsid = lookupSPId i (COp ot') idMap
usedNames = Map.keysSet opMap
err = error ("CASL2SPASS.mkInjOp: Cannot find SPId for '"++
show qo++"'")
utype t = fst t ++ [snd t]
mkInjOp _ _ = error "CASL2SPASS.mkInjOp: Wrong constructor!!"
mkInjSentences :: IdType_SPId_Map
-> FuncMap
-> [Named SPTerm]
mkInjSentences idMap = Map.foldWithKey genInjs []
where genInjs k tset fs = Set.fold (genInj k) fs tset
genInj k (args,res) fs =
assert (length args == 1)
(SPQuantTerm SPForall [typedVarTerm var (head args)]
(compTerm SPEqual
[compTerm (spSym k)
[simpTerm (spSym var)],
simpTerm (spSym var)])))
{senName = newName k (head args) res} : fs)
var = fromJust (find (\ x -> not (Set.member x usedIds))
("x":["x"++show i | i <- [(1::Int)..]]))
newName o a r = "ga_"++o++'_':a++'_':r++"_id"
usedIds = elemsSPId_Set idMap
transSign :: CSign.Sign f e ->
transSign sign = (SPSign.emptySign { sortRel = transId (CSign.sortRel sign)
, sortMap = spSortMap
, funcMap = fMap
, predMap = pMap
where (spSortMap,idMap) =
Set.fold (\ i (sm,im) ->
let sid = disSPOId CSort (transId i)
[take 20 (cycle "So")]
(Map.keysSet sm)
in (Map.insert sid Nothing sm,
insertSPId i CSort sid im))
(CSign.sortSet sign)
(fMap,idMap') = transFuncMap idMap sign
(pMap,idMap'') = transPredMap idMap' sign
nonEmptySortSens :: SortMap -> [Named SPTerm]
nonEmptySortSens =
Map.foldWithKey (\ s _ res -> extSen s:res) []
where extSen s =
(emptyName (SPQuantTerm SPExists [varTerm]
(compTerm (spSym s) [varTerm])))
{senName = "ga_non_empty_sort_"++s}
where varTerm = simpTerm (spSym (newVar s))
newVar s = fromJust (find (\ x -> x /= s)
("x":["x"++show i | i <- [(1::Int)..]]))
transTheory :: (PrettyPrint f, PosItem f,Eq f) =>
SignTranslator f e
-> FormulaTranslator f e
-> (CSign.Sign f e, [Named (FORMULA f)])
-> Result SPASSTheory
transTheory trSig trForm (sign,sens) =
fmap (trSig sign (CSign.extendedInfo sign))
(case transSign (foldl insInjOps sign genAxs) of
(tSign,idMap) ->
do (idMap',tSign',sentencesAndGoals) <-
integrateGenerated idMap genSens tSign
return (tSign',
sentencesAndGoals ++
nonEmptySortSens (sortMap tSign') ++
map (mapNamed (transFORM sign idMap' trForm)) realSens))
where (genSens,realSens) =
partition (\ s -> case (sentence s) of
Sort_gen_ax _ _ -> True
_ -> False) sens
(genAxs,_) = partition isAxiom genSens
insInjOps sig s =
case sentence s of
(Sort_gen_ax constrs _) ->
case recover_Sort_gen_ax constrs of
(_,ops,mp) -> assert (null mp) (insertInjOps sig ops)
f -> assert (trace ("CASL.Inject.insertInjOps: Formula: \""
++showPretty f "\" slipped throug filter.")
True) sig
------------------------------ Formulas ------------------------------
transOP_SYMB :: IdType_SPId_Map -> OP_SYMB -> SPIdentifier
transOP_SYMB idMap qo@(Qual_op_name op ot _) =
maybe (error ("CASL2SPASS.transOP_SYMB: unknown op: " ++ show qo))
id (lookupSPId op (COp (CSign.toOpType ot)) idMap)
transOP_SYMB _ (Op_name _) = error "CASL2SPASS: unqualified operation"
transPRED_SYMB :: IdType_SPId_Map -> PRED_SYMB -> SPIdentifier
transPRED_SYMB idMap qp@(Qual_pred_name p pt _) =
maybe (error ("CASL2SPASS.transPRED_SYMB: unknown pred: " ++ show qp))
id (lookupSPId p (CPred (CSign.toPredType pt)) idMap)
transPRED_SYMB _ (Pred_name _) = error "CASL2SPASS: unqualified predicate"
-- |
-- Translate the quantifier
quantify :: QUANTIFIER -> SPQuantSym
quantify q =
case q of
Universal -> SPForall
Existential -> SPExists
Unique_existential ->
error "CASL2SPASS: no translation for existential quantification."
transVarTup :: (Set.Set SPIdentifier,IdType_SPId_Map) ->
((Set.Set SPIdentifier,IdType_SPId_Map),
(SPIdentifier,SPIdentifier)) -- ^ ((new set of used Ids,new map of Ids to original Ids),(var as sp_Id,sort as sp_Id))
transVarTup (usedIds,idMap) (v,s) =
((Set.insert sid usedIds,insertSPId vi (CVar s) sid idMap)
, (sid,spSort))
where spSort = maybe (error ("CASL2SPASS: translation of sort \""++
showPretty s "\" not found"))
id (lookupSPId s CSort idMap)
vi = simpleIdToId v
sid = disSPOId (CVar s) (transId vi)
["_Va_"++ showPretty s "_Va"]
typedVarTerm :: SPIdentifier -> SPIdentifier -> SPTerm
typedVarTerm spVar spSort = compTerm (spSym spSort) [simpTerm (spSym spVar)]
spSym :: SPIdentifier -> SPSymbol
spSym = SPCustomSymbol
compTerm :: SPSymbol -> [SPTerm] -> SPTerm
compTerm = SPComplexTerm
simpTerm :: SPSymbol -> SPTerm
simpTerm = SPSimpleTerm
mkConj :: SPTerm -> SPTerm -> SPTerm
mkConj t1 t2 = compTerm SPAnd [t1,t2]
mkDisj :: SPTerm -> SPTerm -> SPTerm
mkDisj t1 t2 = compTerm SPOr [t1,t2]
mkEq :: SPTerm -> SPTerm -> SPTerm
mkEq t1 t2 = compTerm SPEqual [t1,t2]
mapSen :: (Eq f,PrettyPrint f) => FormulaTranslator f e
-> CSign.Sign f e -> FORMULA f -> SPTerm
mapSen trForm sign phi = transFORM sign (snd (transSign sign)) trForm phi
transFORM :: (Eq f,PrettyPrint f) => CSign.Sign f e
-> IdType_SPId_Map -> FormulaTranslator f e
-> FORMULA f -> SPTerm
transFORM sign i tr phi = transFORMULA sign i tr phi'
where phi' = codeOutConditionalF id
(codeOutUniqueExtF id (\ _ -> id) phi)
transFORMULA :: (PrettyPrint f) =>
CSign.Sign f e ->
IdType_SPId_Map -> FormulaTranslator f e
-> FORMULA f -> SPTerm
transFORMULA sign idMap tr (Quantification qu vdecl phi _) =
SPQuantTerm (quantify qu)
(transFORMULA sign idMap' tr phi)
where ((_,idMap'),vList) =
mapAccumL (\ acc e -> let (acc',e') = transVarTup acc e
in (acc', (uncurry typedVarTerm) e'))
(sidSet,idMap) (flatVAR_DECLs vdecl)
sidSet = elemsSPId_Set idMap
transFORMULA sign idMap tr (Conjunction phis _) =
if null phis then SPSimpleTerm SPTrue
else foldl1 mkConj (map (transFORMULA sign idMap tr) phis)
transFORMULA sign idMap tr (Disjunction phis _) =
if null phis then SPSimpleTerm SPFalse
else foldl1 mkDisj (map (transFORMULA sign idMap tr) phis)
transFORMULA sign idMap tr (Implication phi1 phi2 _ _) =
compTerm SPImplies [transFORMULA sign idMap tr phi1,
transFORMULA sign idMap tr phi2]
transFORMULA sign idMap tr (Equivalence phi1 phi2 _) =
compTerm SPEquiv [transFORMULA sign idMap tr phi1,
transFORMULA sign idMap tr phi2]
transFORMULA sign idMap tr (Negation phi _) =
compTerm SPNot [transFORMULA sign idMap tr phi]
transFORMULA _sign _idMap _tr (True_atom _) = SPSimpleTerm SPTrue
transFORMULA _sign _idMap _tr (False_atom _) = SPSimpleTerm SPFalse
transFORMULA sign idMap tr (Predication psymb args _) =
compTerm (spSym (transPRED_SYMB idMap psymb))
(map (transTERM sign idMap tr) args)
transFORMULA sign idMap tr (Existl_equation t1 t2 _)
| term_sort t1 == term_sort t2 =
mkEq (transTERM sign idMap tr t1) (transTERM sign idMap tr t2)
transFORMULA sign idMap tr (Strong_equation t1 t2 _)
| term_sort t1 == term_sort t2 =
mkEq (transTERM sign idMap tr t1) (transTERM sign idMap tr t2)
transFORMULA sign idMap tr (ExtFORMULA phi) = tr sign idMap phi
transFORMULA _ _ _ (Definedness _ _) = SPSimpleTerm SPTrue -- totality assumed
transFORMULA sign idMap tr (Membership t s _) =
maybe (error ("CASL2SPASS.tF: no SPASS Id found for \""++
showPretty s "\""))
(\si -> compTerm (spSym si) [transTERM sign idMap tr t])
(lookupSPId s CSort idMap)
transFORMULA _ _ _ (Sort_gen_ax _ _) =
error "CASL2SPASS.transFORMULA: Sort generation constraints not\
\ supported at this point!"
transFORMULA _ _ _ f =
error ("CASL2SPASS.transFORMULA: unknown FORMULA '"++show f++"'")
transTERM :: (PrettyPrint f) =>
CSign.Sign f e ->
IdType_SPId_Map -> FormulaTranslator f e
-> TERM f -> SPTerm
transTERM _sign idMap _tr (Qual_var v s _) =
maybe (error ("CASL2SPASS.tT: no SPASS Id found for \""++showPretty v "\""))
(simpTerm . spSym) (lookupSPId (simpleIdToId v) (CVar s) idMap)
transTERM sign idMap tr (Application opsymb args _) =
compTerm (spSym (transOP_SYMB idMap opsymb))
(map (transTERM sign idMap tr) args)
transTERM _sign _idMap _tr (Conditional _t1 _phi _t2 _) =
error "CASL2SPASS.transTERM: Conditional terms must be coded out."
transTERM sign idMap tr t'@(Sorted_term t s _)
| term_sort t == s = recRes
| otherwise =
assert (trace ("Please check sorted term: '"++showPretty t' ""++
"' with sorts '"++show (term_sort t)++
"' <= '"++show s++"'")
(Set.member (term_sort t) (CSign.subsortsOf s sign)))
where recRes = transTERM sign idMap tr t
transTERM sign idMap tr t'@(Cast t s _)
| term_sort t == s = recRes
| otherwise =
assert (trace ("Please check cast term: '"++showPretty t' ""++
"' with sorts '"++show s++
"' <= '"++show (term_sort t)++"'")
(Set.member s (CSign.subsortsOf (term_sort t) sign)))
where recRes = transTERM sign idMap tr t
transTERM _sign _idMap _tr t =
error ("CASL2SPASS.transTERM: unknown TERM '"++show t++"'")