CASL2PCFOL.inline.hs revision ce8b15da31cd181b7e90593cbbca98f47eda29d6
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Zicheng Wang, Uni Bremen 2002-2004
Licence : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENCE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
Coding out subsorting (SubPCFOL= -> PCFOL=),
following Chap. III:3.1 of the CASL Reference Manual
predicate_monotonicity (wie function_monotonicty)
treat inj(u_i) separately
module Comorphisms.CASL2PCFOL where
--import Test
import Logic.Logic
import Logic.Comorphism
import Common.Id
import qualified Common.Lib.Map as Map
import qualified Common.Lib.Set as Set
import qualified Common.Lib.Rel as Rel
import Common.AS_Annotation
import CASL.Logic_CASL
import CASL.AS_Basic_CASL
import CASL.Sign
import CASL.Morphism
import CASL.Sublogic
import List (nub,delete)
import Common.ListUtils
import Data.List
-- | The identity of the comorphism
data CASL2PCFOL = CASL2PCFOL deriving (Show)
instance Language CASL2PCFOL -- default definition is okay
instance Comorphism CASL2PCFOL
CASL CASL_Sublogics
Symbol RawSymbol ()
CASL CASL_Sublogics
Symbol RawSymbol () where
sourceLogic CASL2PCFOL = CASL
sourceSublogic CASL2PCFOL = CASL_SL
{ has_sub = True,
has_part = True,
has_cons = True,
has_eq = True,
has_pred = True,
which_logic = FOL
targetLogic CASL2PCFOL = CASL
targetSublogic CASL2PCFOL = CASL_SL
{ has_sub = False, -- subsorting is coded out
has_part = True,
has_cons = True,
has_eq = True,
has_pred = True,
which_logic = FOL
map_sign CASL2PCFOL sig =
let e = encodeSig sig in Just (e, generateAxioms sig)
map_morphism CASL2PCFOL = Just . id
map_sentence CASL2PCFOL sig = Just . f2Formula
map_symbol CASL2PCFOL = Set.single . id
-- | Add injection, projection and membership symbols to a signature
encodeSig :: Sign f e -> Sign f e
encodeSig sig = sig {sortRel=newsortRel,opMap=priopMap,predMap=newpredMap}
trivial=[(x,x)|x<-(fst(unzip(Rel.toList(sortRel sig))))++ snd(unzip(Rel.toList(sortRel sig)))]
relList=Rel.toList(sortRel sig)++nub(trivial) --[(SORT,SORT)]
newsortRel=Rel.fromList([]) --Rel SORT
total (s, s') = OpType {opKind=Total,opArgs=[s],opRes=s'}
partial (s, s') = OpType {opKind=Partial,opArgs=[s'],opRes=s}
setinjOptype= Set.fromList(map total relList)
setproOptype= Set.fromList (map partial relList)
injopMap=Map.insert inj setinjOptype (opMap sig)
priopMap=Map.insert pro setproOptype (injopMap)
inj=mkId[mkSimpleId "_inj"]
pro=mkId[mkSimpleId "_proj"]
predList= nub(fst(unzip (relList)))
udupredList=[(x,Set.toList(supersortsOf x sig))|x<-predList]
oldpredMap=predMap sig
pred x = PredType {predArgs=x}
newList [ ] = [ ]
newList (x:xs) = [[x]]++(newList xs)
new1List (x,y) = (x,(newList y))
nList = map new1List udupredList
predSet x = Set.fromList(map pred x)
eleminsert m (x,y) = Map.insert (Id [mkSimpleId "_elem_"] [x] []) (predSet y) (m)
newpredMap = foldl (eleminsert) (oldpredMap) (nList)
generateAxioms :: Sign f e -> [Named (FORMULA f)]
generateAxioms sig =
([inlineAxioms CASL
" sorts s < s' \
\ op inj : s->s' \
\ forall x,y:s . inj(x)=e=inj(y) => x=e=y %(ga_embedding_injectivity)% "++
inlineAxioms CASL
" sort s< s' \
\ op pr : s'->?s ; inj:s->s' \
\ forall x:s . pr(inj(x))=e=x %(projection)% " ++
inlineAxioms CASL
" sort s<s' \
\ op pr : s'->?s \
\ forall x,y:s'. pr(x)=e=pr(y)=>x=e=y %(projection_transitivity)% " ++
inlineAxioms CASL
" sort s \
\ op inj : s->s \
\ forall x:s . inj(x)=e=x %(identity)%" ++
inlineAxioms CASL
" sort s<s' \
\ op pr : s' -> ?s \
\ forall x:s . x in s <=>def(pr(x)) %(mebership)%"
| (s,s') <- rel2List]++
[inlineAxioms CASL
" sort s<s';s'<s'' \
\ op inj:s'->s'' ; inj: s->s' ; inj:s->s'' \
\ forall x:s . inj(inj(x))=e=inj(x) %(transitive)% "
|(s,s')<-rel2List,s''<-Set.toList(supersortsOf s' sig)] ++
--s_i -> w_i
[inlineAxioms CASL
" sort s'<s ; s''<s ; w'_i ; w''_i ; w_i; w_j \
\ op f:w'_i->s' ; f:w''_i->s'' ; inj: s' -> s ; inj: s''->s ; inj: w_i->w'_i ; inj:w_i -> w''_i \
\ var u_j : w_i \
\ forall u_i : w_i . inj((op f:w'_i->s')(inj(u_j)))=inj((op f:w''_i->s'')(inj(u_j))) %(function_monotonicity)%"
|(f,l)<- ftTL,t1<-l,t2<-l,length(opArgs t1)==length(opArgs t2),
t1<t2,let w'=(opArgs t1),let w''=(opArgs t2),let s'=(opRes t1),let s''=(opRes t2),
s<-Set.toList(supersortsOf s' sig),s1<-Set.toList(supersortsOf s'' sig),s1==s,
w<- permute (map (findsubsort sig) (zip w' w'')),
let u = [mkSimpleId ("u"++show i) | i<-[1..length w]] ]++
[inlineAxioms CASL
" sort w'_i ; w''_i ; w_i \
\ pred p: w'_i; pred p: w''_i; inj:w_i->w'_i; inj:w_i->w''_i \
\ forall v_i:w_i . (pred p:w'_i)(inj(v_i))=(pred p:w''_i)(inj(v_i)) %(predicate_monotonicity)%"
|(f,l)<-pred2List,t1<-l,t2<-l, length(predArgs t1)==length(predArgs t2),
t1<t2,let w'=(predArgs t1),let w''=(predArgs t2),
w<- permute (map (findsubsort sig) (zip w' w'')),
let v = [mkSimpleId ("v"++show i) | i<-[1..length w]] ])
x = mkSimpleId "x"
y = mkSimpleId "y"
inj = mkId [mkSimpleId "_inj"]
pr=mkId [mkSimpleId "_pr"]
gaem_inj=mkId [mkSimpleId "ga_embedding_injectivity"]
pr_trans=mkId [mkSimpleId "_pr_trans"]
indentity=mkId [mkSimpleId "_indentity"]
membership=mkId[mkSimpleId "_membership"]
functionmono=mkId[mkSimpleId "_function_monotonicity"]
predmono=mkId[mkSimpleId "_predicate_monotonicity"]
rel2List=Rel.toList(sortRel sig)
pred2List = map (\(x,y)->(x,Set.toList y)) (Map.toList(predMap sig))
findsubsort sig (x,y) = [s|s<-Set.toList(subsortsOf x sig),s1<-Set.toList(subsortsOf y sig),s1==s]
ftTL= step1 sig --[(Id,[OpType])]
step1::Sign f e ->[(Id,[OpType])]
step1 sig =map (\(x,y) -> (x,Set.toList y)) (Map.toList(opMap sig))
{- recursively go through the formula
similar to CASL2Modal.hs
replace Membership by: Predication of "_elem_s"
replace Cast by: Application of "_pr"
encodeFORMULA :: [Named (FORMULA f)] -> [Named (FORMULA f)]
encodeFORMULA [ ] = [ ]
encodeFORMULA l = map nf2NFormula l
f2Formula::FORMULA f->FORMULA f
f2Formula f = case f of
Quantification q vs frm ps ->Quantification q vs (f2Formula frm) ps
Conjunction fs ps -> Conjunction (map f2Formula fs) ps
Disjunction fs ps -> Disjunction (map f2Formula fs) ps
Implication f1 f2 b ps ->Implication (f2Formula f1) (f2Formula f2) b ps
Equivalence f1 f2 ps -> Equivalence (f2Formula f1) (f2Formula f2) ps
Negation frm ps -> Negation (f2Formula frm) ps
True_atom ps -> True_atom ps
False_atom ps -> False_atom ps
Existl_equation t1 t2 ps -> Existl_equation (t2term t1) (t2term t2) ps
Strong_equation t1 t2 ps -> Strong_equation (t2term t1) (t2term t2) ps
Predication pn as qs -> Predication pn (map t2term as) qs
Definedness t ps -> Definedness (t2term t) ps
Membership t ty ps -> Predication (Qual_pred_name (membership (ty)) (spos2PT t ps) ([]) ) [t2term t] ps
Sort_gen_ax constrs isFree -> Sort_gen_ax constrs isFree
_ -> error "FORMULA"
membership::SORT -> Id
membership t =Id [mkSimpleId "_membership"] [t] []
spos2PT::TERM f -> [Pos] -> PRED_TYPE
spos2PT f pos =(Pred_type [(term2SSort f)] pos)
t2term::TERM f-> TERM f
t2term t = case t of
Qual_var v ty ps -> Qual_var v ty ps
Application opsym as qs -> Application opsym (map t2term as) qs
Sorted_term trm ty ps -> Sorted_term (t2term trm) ty ps
Cast trm ty ps -> Application (projection trm ty) [t2term trm] ps
Conditional t1 f t2 ps ->
Conditional (t2term t1) f (t2term t2) ps
_ -> error "TERM"
projection::TERM f -> SORT -> OP_SYMB
projection f s = (Qual_op_name pr (Partial_op_type [(term2SSort f)] s []) [])
pr=mkId [mkSimpleId "_pr"]
term2SSort::TERM f -> SORT
term2SSort t = case t of
Sorted_term trm ty ps -> ty
_ ->mkId[mkSimpleId ""]
nf2NFormula::Named (FORMULA f) -> Named (FORMULA f)
nf2NFormula nf = nf{
sentence=(f2Formula (sentence nf))