CASL2PCFOL.inline.hs revision a14767aeac3e78ed100f5b75e210ba563ee10dba
{- |
Module : $Header$
Descripzion : coding out subsorting
Copyright : (c) Zicheng Wang, C.Maeder Uni Bremen 2002-2005
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
Coding out subsorting (SubPCFOL= -> PCFOL=),
following Chap. III:3.1 of the CASL Reference Manual
module Comorphisms.CASL2PCFOL where
import Logic.Logic
import Logic.Comorphism
import Data.List
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Common.Lib.Rel as Rel
import Common.AS_Annotation
import Common.Id
import Common.ProofTree
import CASL.Logic_CASL
import CASL.AS_Basic_CASL
import CASL.Sign
import CASL.Morphism
import CASL.Sublogic as Sublogic
import CASL.Inject
import CASL.Project
import CASL.Monoton
-- | The identity of the comorphism
data CASL2PCFOL = CASL2PCFOL deriving (Show)
instance Language CASL2PCFOL -- default definition is okay
instance Comorphism CASL2PCFOL
CASL CASL_Sublogics
Symbol RawSymbol ProofTree
CASL CASL_Sublogics
Symbol RawSymbol ProofTree where
sourceLogic CASL2PCFOL = CASL
sourceSublogic CASL2PCFOL = Sublogic.caslTop
targetLogic CASL2PCFOL = CASL
mapSublogic CASL2PCFOL sl = Just $
if has_sub sl then -- subsorting is coded out
sl { sub_features = NoSub
, has_part = True
, which_logic = max Horn
$ which_logic sl
, has_eq = True}
else sl
map_theory CASL2PCFOL = mkTheoryMapping ( \ sig ->
let e = encodeSig sig in
return (e, map (mapNamed $ injFormula id) (monotonicities sig)
++ generateAxioms sig))
(map_sentence CASL2PCFOL)
map_morphism CASL2PCFOL mor = return
(mor { msource = encodeSig $ msource mor,
mtarget = encodeSig $ mtarget mor })
-- other components need not to be adapted!
map_sentence CASL2PCFOL _ = return . f2Formula
map_symbol CASL2PCFOL = Set.singleton . id
has_model_expansion CASL2PCFOL = True
is_weakly_amalgamable CASL2PCFOL = True
-- | Add injection, projection and membership symbols to a signature
encodeSig :: Sign f e -> Sign f e
encodeSig sig
= if Rel.null rel then sig else
sig{sortRel = Rel.empty, opMap = projOpMap}
rel = sortRel sig
total (s, s') = OpType{opKind = Total, opArgs = [s], opRes = s'}
partial (s, s') = OpType{opKind = if Rel.member s' s rel
then Total
else Partial, opArgs = [s'], opRes = s}
setinjOptype = total $ Rel.toSet rel
setprojOptype = partial $ Rel.toSet rel
injOpMap = Set.fold (\ t -> addOpTo (uniqueInjName $ toOP_TYPE t) t)
(opMap sig) setinjOptype
projOpMap = Set.fold (\ t -> addOpTo (uniqueProjName $ toOP_TYPE t) t)
injOpMap setprojOptype
-- membership predicates are coded out
generateAxioms :: Sign f e -> [Named (FORMULA ())]
generateAxioms sig = map (mapNamed $ renameFormula id) $ concat $
[inlineAxioms CASL
" sorts s, s' \
\ op inj : s->s' \
\ forall x,y:s . inj(x)=e=inj(y) => x=e=y %(ga_embedding_injectivity)% "
++ inlineAxioms CASL
" sort s, s' \
\ op pr : s'->?s \
\ forall x,y:s'. pr(x)=e=pr(y)=>x=e=y %(ga_projection_injectivity)% "
++ inlineAxioms CASL
" sort s, s' \
\ op pr : s'->?s ; inj:s->s' \
\ forall x:s . pr(inj(x))=e=x %(ga_projection)% "
| s <- sorts,
s' <- realSupers s]
++ [inlineAxioms CASL
" sort s, s', s'' \
\ op inj:s'->s'' ; inj: s->s' ; inj:s->s'' \
\ forall x:s . inj(inj(x))=e=inj(x) %(ga_transitivity)% "
| s <- sorts,
s' <- realSupers s,
s'' <- realSupers s',
s'' /= s]
++ [inlineAxioms CASL
" sort s, s' \
\ op inj:s->s' ; inj: s'->s \
\ forall x:s . inj(inj(x))=e=x %(ga_identity)% "
| s <- sorts,
s' <- realSupers s,
Set.member s $ supersortsOf s' sig]
x = mkSimpleId "x"
y = mkSimpleId "y"
inj = injName
pr = projName
realSupers so = Set.toList $ supersortsOf so sig
sorts = Set.toList $ sortSet sig
f2Formula :: FORMULA f -> FORMULA f
f2Formula = projFormula Partial id . injFormula id