CASL2IsabelleHOL.hs revision 38f350357e92da312d2c344352180b3dc5c1fc8a
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Till Mossakowski and Uni Bremen 2003
Licence : All rights reserved.
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable (imports Logic.Logic)
The embedding comorphism from CASL to Isabelle-HOL.
module Comorphisms.CASL2IsabelleHOL where
import Logic.Logic
import Logic.Comorphism
import Common.Id
import qualified Common.Lib.Map as Map
import Common.Lib.Set as Set
import Data.Dynamic
import Data.List
import Common.PrettyPrint
import Common.AS_Annotation (Named, mapNamedM)
import CASL.Logic_CASL
import CASL.AS_Basic_CASL
import CASL.Sublogic
import CASL.Sign
import CASL.Morphism
-- Isabelle
import Isabelle.IsaSign as IsaSign
import Isabelle.Logic_Isabelle
-- | The identity of the comorphism
data CASL2IsabelleHOL = CASL2IsabelleHOL deriving (Show)
instance Language CASL2IsabelleHOL -- default definition is okay
tycon_CASL2IsabelleHOL :: TyCon
tycon_CASL2IsabelleHOL = mkTyCon "G_sign"
instance Typeable CASL2IsabelleHOL where
typeOf _ = mkAppTy tycon_CASL2IsabelleHOL []
instance Comorphism CASL2IsabelleHOL
CASL CASL.Sublogic.CASL_Sublogics
CASL.Morphism.Symbol CASL.Morphism.RawSymbol ()
Isabelle () () IsaSign.Sentence () ()
() () () () where
sourceLogic _ = CASL
sourceSublogic _ = CASL_SL
{ has_sub = False, -- no subsorting yet ...
has_part = False, -- no partiality yet ...
has_cons = True,
has_eq = True,
has_pred = True,
which_logic = FOL
targetLogic _ = Isabelle
targetSublogic _ = ()
map_sign _ = transSignature
--map_morphism _ morphism1 -> Maybe morphism2
map_sentence _ sign phi =
Just $ Sentence {senTerm = transFORMULA sign phi}
--map_symbol :: cid -> symbol1 -> Set symbol2
------------------------------ Ids ---------------------------------
-- drop special characters from Ids
transChar :: Char -> String
transChar '[' = "__"
transChar ']' = "__"
transChar x = [x]
transString :: String -> String
transString = concat . map transChar
showIsa :: Id -> String
showIsa = transString . flip showPretty ""
showIsaSid :: SIMPLE_ID -> String
showIsaSid = transString . flip showPretty ""
-- disambiguation of overloaded ids
showIsaI :: Id -> Int -> String
showIsaI ident i = showIsa ident ++ "__" ++ show i
---------------------------- Signature -----------------------------
transSignature :: CASL.Sign.Sign
-> Maybe(IsaSign.Sign,[Named IsaSign.Sentence])
transSignature sign =
baseSig = "HOL",
tsig = emptyTypeSig
{tycons = Set.fold (\s -> Map.insert (showIsa s) 0)
Map.empty (sortSet sign)},
constTab = Map.foldWithKey insertOps
(Map.foldWithKey insertPreds
(predMap sign))
(opMap sign),
syn = () },
[] ) -- for now, no sentences
insertOps op ts m =
if Set.size ts == 1
then Map.insert (showIsa op) (transOpType (Set.findMin ts)) m
foldl (\m1 (t,i) -> Map.insert (showIsaI op i) (transOpType t) m1) m
(zip (Set.toList ts) [1..size ts])
insertPreds pred ts m =
if Set.size ts == 1
then Map.insert (showIsa pred) (transPredType (Set.findMin ts)) m
foldl (\m1 (t,i) -> Map.insert (showIsaI pred i) (transPredType t) m1) m
(zip (Set.toList ts) [1..size ts])
transSort :: SORT -> Typ
transSort s = Type(showIsa s,[])
transOpType :: OpType -> Typ
transOpType ot = map transSort (opArgs ot) ---> transSort (opRes ot)
transPredType :: PredType -> Typ
transPredType pt = map transSort (predArgs pt) ---> boolType
------------------------------ Formulas ------------------------------
transVar :: VAR -> String
transVar = showIsaSid
flatVAR_DECL (Var_decl vlist s _) = map (\v -> (v,s)) vlist
flatVAR_DECLs :: [VAR_DECL] -> [(VAR, SORT)]
flatVAR_DECLs = concat . map flatVAR_DECL
quantify q (v,t) phi =
Const (qname q,dummyT) `App` Abs (transVar v,transSort t,phi)
qname Universal = "All"
qname Existential = "Ex"
qname Unique_existential = "Ex1"
binConj phi1 phi2 =
Const("op &",dummyT) `App` phi1 `App` phi2
binDisj phi1 phi2 =
Const("op |",dummyT) `App` phi1 `App` phi2
binImpl phi1 phi2 =
Const("op -->",dummyT) `App` phi1 `App` phi2
binEq phi1 phi2 =
Const("op =",dummyT) `App` phi1 `App` phi2
transOP_SYMB _ (Op_name op) = showIsa op
transOP_SYMB sign (Qual_op_name op ot _) =
case (do ots <- Map.lookup op (opMap sign)
if Set.size ots == 1 then return $ showIsa op
else do i <- elemIndex (toOpType ot) (Set.toList ots)
return $ showIsaI op i) of
Just str -> str
Nothing -> showIsa op
transPRED_SYMB _ (Pred_name p) = showIsa p
transPRED_SYMB sign (Qual_pred_name p pt _) =
case (do pts <- Map.lookup p (predMap sign)
if Set.size pts == 1 then return $ showIsa p
else do i <- elemIndex (toPredType pt) (Set.toList pts)
return $ showIsaI p i) of
Just str -> str
Nothing -> showIsa p
transFORMULA :: CASL.Sign.Sign -> FORMULA -> Term
transFORMULA sign (Quantification quant vdecl phi _) =
foldr (quantify quant) (transFORMULA sign phi) (flatVAR_DECLs vdecl)
transFORMULA sign (Conjunction phis _) =
foldl1 binConj (map (transFORMULA sign) phis)
transFORMULA sign (Disjunction phis _) =
foldl1 binDisj (map (transFORMULA sign) phis)
transFORMULA sign (Implication phi1 phi2 _) =
binImpl (transFORMULA sign phi1) (transFORMULA sign phi2)
transFORMULA sign (Equivalence phi1 phi2 _) =
binEq (transFORMULA sign phi1) (transFORMULA sign phi2)
transFORMULA sign (Negation phi _) =
Const ("Not",dummyT) `App` (transFORMULA sign phi)
transFORMULA sign (Negation phi _) =
Const ("Not",dummyT) `App` (transFORMULA sign phi)
transFORMULA sign (True_atom _) =
Const ("True",dummyT)
transFORMULA sign (False_atom _) =
Const ("False",dummyT)
transFORMULA sign (Predication psymb args _) =
foldl App (Const (transPRED_SYMB sign psymb,dummyT))
(map (transTERM sign) args)
transFORMULA sign (Definedness t _) =
Const ("True",dummyT)
transFORMULA sign (Existl_equation t1 t2 _) =
Const ("op =",dummyT) `App` (transTERM sign t1) `App` (transTERM sign t2)
transFORMULA sign (Strong_equation t1 t2 _) =
Const ("op =",dummyT) `App` (transTERM sign t1) `App` (transTERM sign t2)
transFORMULA sign (Membership t1 s _) =
error "No translation for membership"
transFORMULA sign (Sort_gen_ax sorts ops) =
error "No translation for sort generation constraints"
transFORMULA sign (Mixfix_formula _) =
error "No translation for mixfix formulas"
transFORMULA sign (Unparsed_formula _ _) =
error "No translation for unparsed formulas"
transTERM sign (Qual_var v s _) =
Free(transVar v,dummyT)
transTERM sign (Application opsymb args _) =
foldl App (Const (transOP_SYMB sign opsymb,dummyT))
(map (transTERM sign) args)
transTERM sign (Sorted_term t s _) =
transTERM sign t
transTERM sign (Cast t s _) =
transTERM sign t
transTERM sign (Conditional t1 phi t2 _) =
Const ("If",dummyT) `App` (transFORMULA sign phi)
`App` (transTERM sign t1)
`App` (transTERM sign t2)
transTERM sign (Simple_id v) =
Free(transVar v,dummyT)
--error "No translation for undisambigated identifier"
transTERM sign (Unparsed_term _ _) =
error "No translation for unparsed terms"
transTERM sign (Mixfix_qual_pred _) =
error "No translation for mixfix terms"
transTERM sign (Mixfix_term _) =
error "No translation for mixfix terms"
transTERM sign (Mixfix_token _) =
error "No translation for mixfix terms"
transTERM sign (Mixfix_sorted_term _ _) =
error "No translation for mixfix terms"