partitioning.clf revision 9fc726ee81f01ddb1a25cfc6eac7f2f88ef28e58
(cl-module partitioning.clif
(cl-imports weak-tripartite.clif)
(cl-comment 'A line is incident with a unique plane.')
(forall (x y z)
(if (and (line x)
(plane y)
(plane z)
(in x y)
(in x z))
(= y z)))
(cl-comment 'A line is incident with at most two points.')
(forall (x y z w)
(if (and (line x)
(point y)
(point z)
(point w)
(in y x)
(in z x)
(in w x))
(or (= w z)
(= w y))))
(forall (x)
(if (line x)
(exists (y z)
(and (point y)
(point z)
(in y x)
(in z x)))))