Sublogic.hs revision e9458b1a7a19a63aa4c179f9ab20f4d50681c168
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{- |
Module : ./CommonLogic/Sublogic.hs
Description : Sublogics for CommonLogic
Copyright : (c) Eugen Kuksa, Uni Bremen 2011
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : experimental
Portability : non-portable (via Logic.Logic)
Sublogics for CommonLogic
module CommonLogic.Sublogic
( sl_basic_spec -- determine sublogic for basic spec
, CLTextType (..) -- types of CommonLogic texts
, CommonLogicSL (..) -- sublogics for CommonLogic
, sublogics_max -- join of sublogics
, top -- FullCommonLogic
, bottom -- Propositional
, propsl -- Propositional
, folsl -- FirstOrderLogic
, fullclsl -- FullCommonLogic
, sublogics_all -- all sublogics
, sublogics_name -- name of sublogics
, sl_sig -- sublogic for a signature
, sl_sym -- sublogic for symbols
, sl_mor -- sublogic for morphisms
, sl_symmap -- sublogic for symbol map items
, sl_symitems -- sublogic for symbol items
, sublogic_text -- sublogic for a text
, sublogic_name -- sublogic for a text
, prSymbolM
, prSig
, prMor
, prSymMapM
, prSymItemsM
, prName
, prBasicSpec
import CommonLogic.Tools
import Data.Data
import Data.Function
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import CommonLogic.AS_CommonLogic
import Common.AS_Annotation (Annoted (..))
import CommonLogic.Sign
import CommonLogic.Symbol
import CommonLogic.Morphism
{- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
datatypes --
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -}
-- | types of sublogics
data CLTextType =
Propositional -- ^ Text without quantifiers
| FirstOrder -- ^ Text in First Order Logic
| Impredicative
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Enum, Bounded, Typeable)
-- for comparison of sublogics use the Ord instance
-- | sublogics for CommonLogic
data CommonLogicSL = CommonLogicSL
{ format :: CLTextType -- Structural restrictions
, compact :: Bool
} deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Typeable)
-- | all sublogics
sublogics_all :: [CommonLogicSL]
sublogics_all =
[ CommonLogicSL t c
| t <- [minBound .. maxBound]
, c <- [True, False]
{- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Special elements in the Lattice of logics --
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -}
-- | Greates sublogc: FullCommonLogic
top :: CommonLogicSL
top = CommonLogicSL maxBound False
-- | Smallest sublogic: Propositional
bottom :: CommonLogicSL
bottom = CommonLogicSL minBound True
fullclsl :: CommonLogicSL
fullclsl = top
-- | Compact as Sublogic
impsl :: CommonLogicSL
impsl = top { compact = True }
-- | FirstOrder as Sublogic
folsl :: CommonLogicSL
folsl = bottom {format = FirstOrder}
-- | Propositional as Sublogic
propsl :: CommonLogicSL
propsl = bottom {format = Propositional}
{- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
join and max --
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -}
-- | Yields the greater sublogic
sublogics_max :: CommonLogicSL -> CommonLogicSL -> CommonLogicSL
sublogics_max s1 s2 = CommonLogicSL (on max format s1 s2) (on min compact s1 s2)
{- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Helpers --
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -}
-- compute sublogics from a list of sublogics
comp_list :: [CommonLogicSL] -> CommonLogicSL
comp_list = foldl sublogics_max bottom
{- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Functions to compute minimal sublogic for a given element, these work --
by recursing into all subelements --
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -}
-- | determines the sublogic for a complete text
sublogic_text :: CommonLogicSL -> TEXT -> CommonLogicSL
sublogic_text cs t = sl_text (prd_text t) cs t
-- | determines the sublogic for symbol map items
sl_symmap :: CommonLogicSL -> SYMB_MAP_ITEMS
-> CommonLogicSL
sl_symmap cs _ = cs
-- | determines the sublogic for a morphism
sl_mor :: CommonLogicSL -> Morphism -> CommonLogicSL
sl_mor cs _ = cs
-- | determines the sublogic for a Signature
sl_sig :: CommonLogicSL -> Sign -> CommonLogicSL
sl_sig cs _ = cs
-- | determines the sublogic for symbols
sl_sym :: CommonLogicSL -> Symbol -> CommonLogicSL
sl_sym cs _ = cs
-- | determines sublogic for texts, given predicates of the super-text
sl_text :: Set.Set NAME -> CommonLogicSL -> TEXT -> CommonLogicSL
sl_text prds cs t =
case t of
Text ps _ -> sl_phrases prds cs ps
Named_text _ nt _ -> sl_text prds cs nt
-- | determines sublogic for phrases, given predicates of the super-text
sl_phrases :: Set.Set NAME -> CommonLogicSL -> [PHRASE] -> CommonLogicSL
sl_phrases prds cs ps = foldl sublogics_max cs $ map (sl_phrase prds cs) ps
-- | determines sublogic for a single phrase, given predicates of the super-text
sl_phrase :: Set.Set NAME -> CommonLogicSL -> PHRASE -> CommonLogicSL
sl_phrase prds cs p =
case p of
Module m -> sl_module prds cs m
Sentence s -> sl_sentence prds cs s
Importation i -> sl_importation prds cs i
Comment_text _ t _ -> sl_text prds cs t
-- | determines sublogic for a module, given predicates of the super-text
sl_module :: Set.Set NAME -> CommonLogicSL -> MODULE -> CommonLogicSL
sl_module prds cs m =
case m of
Mod _ t _ -> sl_text prds cs t
Mod_ex _ _ t _ -> sl_text prds cs t
-- | determines sublogic for a sentence, given predicates of the super-text
sl_sentence :: Set.Set NAME -> CommonLogicSL -> SENTENCE -> CommonLogicSL
sl_sentence prds cs sen =
case sen of
Quant_sent q vs is _ -> sl_quantSent prds cs q vs is
Bool_sent b _ -> sl_boolSent prds cs b
Atom_sent a _ -> sl_atomSent prds cs a
Comment_sent _ s _ -> sl_sentence prds cs s
Irregular_sent s _ -> sl_sentence prds cs s
-- | determines the sublogic for importations (importations are ignored)
sl_importation :: Set.Set NAME -> CommonLogicSL -> IMPORTATION
-> CommonLogicSL
sl_importation _ cs _ = cs
{- | determines the sublogic for quantified sentences,
given predicates of the super-text -}
sl_quantSent :: Set.Set NAME -> CommonLogicSL
-> CommonLogicSL
sl_quantSent prds cs _ noss s =
comp_list $ folsl : sl_sentence prds cs s
: map (sl_nameOrSeqmark prds cs) noss
{- | determines the sublogic for boolean sentences,
given predicates of the super-text -}
sl_boolSent :: Set.Set NAME -> CommonLogicSL -> BOOL_SENT -> CommonLogicSL
sl_boolSent prds cs b =
case b of
Junction _ ss -> comp_list $ map (sl_sentence prds cs) ss
Negation s -> sl_sentence prds cs s
BinOp _ s1 s2 ->
sublogics_max (sl_sentence prds cs s1) (sl_sentence prds cs s2)
{- | determines the sublogic for atoms,
given predicates of the super-text -}
sl_atomSent :: Set.Set NAME -> CommonLogicSL -> ATOM -> CommonLogicSL
sl_atomSent prds cs a =
case a of
Equation t1 t2 ->
comp_list $ folsl : map (sl_term prds cs) [t1, t2]
Atom t [] -> sl_term prds cs t
Atom t tseq -> slAppl prds cs t tseq
slAppl :: Set.Set NAME -> CommonLogicSL -> TERM -> [TERM_SEQ] -> CommonLogicSL
slAppl prds cs t tseq = comp_list
$ (if isNameTerm t then folsl else impsl)
: sl_term prds cs t : map (sl_termSeq prds cs) tseq
-- check for a curried name application
isNameTerm :: TERM -> Bool
isNameTerm term = case term of
Name_term _ -> True
Comment_term t _ _ -> isNameTerm t
Funct_term t _ _ -> isNameTerm t
That_term {} -> False
{- | determines the sublogic for NAME_OR_SEQMARK,
given predicates of the super-text -}
sl_nameOrSeqmark :: Set.Set NAME -> CommonLogicSL -> NAME_OR_SEQMARK
-> CommonLogicSL
sl_nameOrSeqmark prds cs nos =
case nos of
Name n -> sl_quantName prds cs n
SeqMark _ -> cs { compact = False }
{- | determines the sublogic for names which are next to a quantifier,
given predicates of the super-text -}
sl_quantName :: Set.Set NAME -> CommonLogicSL -> NAME -> CommonLogicSL
sl_quantName prds _ n = if Set.member n prds then impsl else folsl
{- | determines the sublogic for names,
given predicates of the super-text -}
sl_name :: Set.Set NAME -> CommonLogicSL -> NAME -> CommonLogicSL
sl_name _ = sublogic_name
{- | determines the sublogic for names,
ignoring predicates -}
sublogic_name :: CommonLogicSL -> NAME -> CommonLogicSL
sublogic_name _ _ = propsl
{- | determines the sublogic for terms,
given predicates of the super-text -}
sl_term :: Set.Set NAME -> CommonLogicSL -> TERM -> CommonLogicSL
sl_term prds cs term =
case term of
Name_term n -> sl_name prds cs n
Funct_term t tseq _ -> slAppl prds cs t tseq
Comment_term t _ _ -> sl_term prds cs t
That_term {} -> impsl
{- | determines the sublogic for term sequences,
given predicates of the super-text -}
sl_termSeq :: Set.Set NAME -> CommonLogicSL -> TERM_SEQ -> CommonLogicSL
sl_termSeq prds cs tseq =
case tseq of
Term_seq t -> sl_termInSeq prds cs t
Seq_marks _ -> cs { compact = False }
{- | determines the sublogic for names,
given predicates of the super-text -}
sl_nameInTermSeq :: Set.Set NAME -> CommonLogicSL -> NAME -> CommonLogicSL
sl_nameInTermSeq prds _ n = if Set.member n prds then impsl else propsl
{- | determines the sublogic for terms inside of a term-sequence,
given predicates of the super-text -}
sl_termInSeq :: Set.Set NAME -> CommonLogicSL -> TERM -> CommonLogicSL
sl_termInSeq prds cs term =
case term of
Name_term n -> sl_nameInTermSeq prds cs n
Funct_term t tseq _ ->
comp_list $ folsl : sl_term prds cs t : map (sl_termSeq prds cs) tseq
Comment_term t _ _ -> sl_term prds cs t
That_term {} -> impsl
-- | determines sublogic for basic items
sl_basic_items :: CommonLogicSL -> BASIC_ITEMS -> CommonLogicSL
sl_basic_items cs (Axiom_items axs) = comp_list $ map
(\ Annoted {item = tm} ->
uncurry (`sl_text` cs) $ getPreds $ getText tm
) axs
where getPreds :: TEXT -> (Set.Set NAME, TEXT)
getPreds txt = (prd_text txt, txt)
-- | determines sublogic for basic spec
sl_basic_spec :: CommonLogicSL -> BASIC_SPEC -> CommonLogicSL
sl_basic_spec cs (Basic_spec spec) =
comp_list $ map (sl_basic_items cs . item) spec
-- | determines sublogc for symb items
sl_symitems :: CommonLogicSL -> SYMB_ITEMS -> CommonLogicSL
sl_symitems _ (Symb_items noss _) =
comp_list $ map (sl_nameOrSeqmark Set.empty bottom) noss
{- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Conversion functions to String --
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -}
-- | String representation of a Sublogic
sublogics_name :: CommonLogicSL -> String
sublogics_name f = show (format f) ++ if compact f then "" else "Seq"
{- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Projections to sublogics --
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -}
-- | projection of a symbol to a sublogic
prSymbolM :: CommonLogicSL -> Symbol -> Maybe Symbol
prSymbolM _ = Just
prSymItemsM :: CommonLogicSL -> SYMB_ITEMS -> Maybe SYMB_ITEMS
prSymItemsM cs si@(Symb_items noss r) = case format cs of
Impredicative -> Just si
_ -> Just $ Symb_items (filter isName noss) r
where isName nos = case nos of
Name _ -> True
_ -> False
-- | projection of a signature to a sublogic
prSig :: CommonLogicSL -> Sign -> Sign
prSig _ = id
-- | projection of a morphism to a sublogic
prMor :: CommonLogicSL -> Morphism -> Morphism
prMor _ mor = mor
-- | projection of symb map items to a sublogic
prSymMapM :: CommonLogicSL
prSymMapM _ = Just
-- | projection of a name to a sublogic
prName :: CommonLogicSL -> NAME -> Maybe NAME
prName _ = Just
{- | filters all TEXTs inside the BASIC_SPEC of which the sublogic is less than
or equal to @cs@ -}
prBasicSpec :: CommonLogicSL -> BASIC_SPEC -> BASIC_SPEC
prBasicSpec cs (Basic_spec items) = Basic_spec $ map (maybeLE cs) items
maybeLE :: CommonLogicSL -> Annoted BASIC_ITEMS -> Annoted BASIC_ITEMS
maybeLE cs = fmap $ \ (Axiom_items i) -> Axiom_items $ filter (isSL_LE cs) i
isSL_LE :: CommonLogicSL -> Annoted TEXT_META -> Bool
isSL_LE cs at = sublogic_text bottom (getText $ item at) <= cs