Parse_CLIF.hs revision d53747c386354ff7db8629dfdf20f44a7c4d715d
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : Parser of common logic interchange format
Copyright : (c) Karl Luc, DFKI Bremen 2010
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
Parser of common logic interchange format
Ref. Common Logic ISO/IEC IS 24707:2007(E)
module CommonLogic.Parse_CLIF where
import qualified Common.AnnoState as AnnoState
import qualified Common.AS_Annotation as Annotation
import CommonLogic.AS_CommonLogic
import Common.Id as Id
import Common.Lexer as Lexer
import CommonLogic.Lexer_CLIF
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec as Parsec
-- | parser for cltext
cltext :: CharParser st TEXT
cltext = do
nt <- try namedtext
return nt
<|> do
t <- text
return t
namedtext :: CharParser st TEXT
namedtext = parens $ do
n <- name
t <- text
return $ Named_text n t nullRange
<|> do
n <- name
return $ Named_text n (Text [] nullRange) nullRange
text :: CharParser st TEXT
text = do
phr <- many1 phrase
return $ Text phr nullRange
-- remove the try
-- keys set here to prevent try in more complex parser to get the right
-- error message in ex. the following text
phrase :: CharParser st PHRASE
phrase = do
try (string "(cl-module")
m <- pModule
return $ Module m
<|> do
try (string "(cl-imports")
i <- importation
return $ Importation i
<|> do
try (string "(cl-comment")
(c,t) <- comment <?> "comment: 3"
return $ Comment_text c t nullRange
<|> do
s <- sentence
return $ Sentence s
-- | parser for module
pModule :: CharParser st MODULE --TODO: parse exclusion lists
pModule = do
-- clModuleKey
t <- identifier
txt <- text
return $ Mod t txt nullRange
<|> do
-- clModuleKey
t <- identifier -- TODO
return $ Mod t (Text [] nullRange) nullRange
importation :: CharParser st IMPORTATION
importation = do
-- clImportsKey
n <- identifier
return $ Imp_name n
comment :: CharParser st (COMMENT, TEXT)
comment = do
-- clCommentKey <?> "nothing"
qs <- quotedstring <|> enclosedname
-- t <- text <?> "Text" -- TODO empty Text
return $ (Comment qs nullRange, Text [] nullRange)
<|> do
-- clCommentKey
qs <- quotedstring <|> enclosedname
return $ (Comment qs nullRange, (Text [] nullRange))
-- | parser for sentences
sentence :: CharParser st SENTENCE
sentence = parens $ do
at <- atom <?> "predicate"
return $ Atom_sent at $ Range $ rangeSpan at
<|> do
c <- andKey
s <- many sentence -- joinRanges with s = []?
return $ Bool_sent (Conjunction s) $ Range $ joinRanges [rangeSpan c,
rangeSpan s]
<|> do
c <- orKey
s <- many sentence
return $ Bool_sent (Disjunction s) $ Range $ joinRanges [rangeSpan c,
rangeSpan s]
<|> do
c <- notKey
s <- sentence
return $ Bool_sent (Negation s) $ Range $ joinRanges [rangeSpan c,
rangeSpan s]
<|> do
c <- try iffKey -- with try? yes.
s1 <- sentence
s2 <- sentence
return $ Bool_sent (Biconditional s1 s2) $ Range $ joinRanges [rangeSpan c,
rangeSpan s1, rangeSpan s1]
<|> do
c <- ifKey
s1 <- sentence
s2 <- sentence
return $ Bool_sent (Implication s1 s2) $ Range $ joinRanges [rangeSpan c,
rangeSpan s1, rangeSpan s1]
<|> do
c <- forallKey
bs <- parens bindingseq
s <- sentence
return $ Quant_sent (Universal bs s) $ Range $ joinRanges [rangeSpan c,
rangeSpan bs, rangeSpan s]
<|> do
c <- existsKey
bs <- parens bindingseq
s <- sentence
return $ Quant_sent (Existential bs s) $ Range $ joinRanges [rangeSpan c,
rangeSpan s]
bindingseq :: CharParser st [NAME_OR_SEQMARK]
bindingseq = many $ do
s <- seqmark -- fix seqmark parser for one
return $ SeqMark s
<|> do
n <- identifier
return $ Name n
atom :: CharParser st ATOM
atom = do
Lexer.pToken $ string "="
t1 <- term
t2 <- term
return $ Equation t1 t2
<|> do
t <- term
ts <- many termseq
return $ Atom t ts
term :: CharParser st TERM
term = do
t <- identifier
return $ Name_term t
<|> do
parens $ do
t <- term
ts <- many1 termseq -- many1?
return $ Funct_term t ts $ Range $ joinRanges [rangeSpan t
, rangeSpan ts]
termseq :: CharParser st TERM_SEQ
termseq = do
x <- seqmark
return $ Seq_marks $ x
<|> do
t <- term
return $ Term_seq t
-- | Toplevel parser for basic specs
basicSpec :: AnnoState.AParser st BASIC_SPEC
basicSpec =
fmap Basic_spec (AnnoState.annosParser parseBasicItems)
<|> (Lexer.oBraceT >> Lexer.cBraceT >> return (Basic_spec []))
-- function to parse different syntaxes
-- parsing: axiom items with dots, clif sentences, clif text
-- first getting only the sentences
parseBasicItems :: AnnoState.AParser st BASIC_ITEMS
parseBasicItems = parseAxItems
<|> try parseSentences
<|> parseClText
-- parseClText
parseSentences :: AnnoState.AParser st BASIC_ITEMS
parseSentences = do
xs <- many1 aFormula
return $ Axiom_items xs
-- FIX
parseClText :: AnnoState.AParser st BASIC_ITEMS
parseClText = do
tx <- cltext
return $ Axiom_items (senToAn (senOfText tx))
parseClText :: AnnoState.AParser st BASIC_ITEMS
parseClText = do
tx <- pModule
return $ Axiom_items (senToAn (ps tx))
ps (Mod _ tx _) = senOfText tx
ps (Mod_ex _ _ _ _) = []
senToAn :: [SENTENCE] -> [Annotation.Annoted SENTENCE]
senToAn x = map (\y -> Annotation.Annoted y nullRange [] []) x
senOfText :: TEXT -> [SENTENCE]
senOfText (Text phr _) = foldl (sen2) [] phr
senOfText (Named_text _ t _) = senOfText t
sen2 s p = case p of
Sentence x -> s ++ [x]
Module m -> case m of
Mod _ t _ -> s ++ (senOfText t)
Mod_ex _ _ t _ -> s ++ (senOfText t) -- TODO
Comment_text _ t _ -> s ++ (senOfText t)
_ -> s -- TODO importation
-- if (isSen p) then (s ++ [senOfPhr p]) else s
senOfPhr (Sentence s) = s
-- senOfPhr (Module m) = case m of
-- Mod name text id ->
-- Mod_ex name names text id ->
senOfPhr _ = Atom_sent (Atom (Name_term (Token "empty" nullRange)) [])
isSen :: PHRASE -> Bool
isSen (Sentence _) = True
isSen _ = False
-- | parser for Axiom_items
parseAxItems :: AnnoState.AParser st BASIC_ITEMS
parseAxItems = do
d <- AnnoState.dotT
(fs, ds) <- aFormula `Lexer.separatedBy` AnnoState.dotT
(_, an) <- AnnoState.optSemi
let _ = Id.catRange (d : ds)
ns = init fs ++ [Annotation.appendAnno (last fs) an]
return $ Axiom_items ns
-- | Toplevel parser for formulae
aFormula :: AnnoState.AParser st (Annotation.Annoted SENTENCE)
aFormula = do
AnnoState.allAnnoParser sentence
-- | collect all the names and sequence markers
symbItems :: GenParser Char st NAME
symbItems = do
return (Token "x" nullRange)