Parse_CLIF.hs revision b33ebea4ee4a11837d425552e399430a31654d6b
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : Parser of common logic interchange format
Copyright : (c) Karl Luc, DFKI Bremen 2010, Eugen Kuksa and Uni Bremen 2011
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
Parser of common logic interchange format
Ref. Common Logic ISO/IEC IS 24707:2007(E)
module CommonLogic.Parse_CLIF where
import qualified Common.AnnoState as AnnoState
import qualified Common.AS_Annotation as Annotation
import CommonLogic.AS_CommonLogic as AS
import Common.Id as Id
import Common.Lexer as Lexer
import Data.Either (lefts, rights)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified CommonLogic.Tools as Tools
import CommonLogic.Lexer_CLIF
import CommonLogic.Parse_Symbols (intNameOrSeqMark)
import CommonLogic.Parse_Metarelations
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec as Parsec
-- | parser for getText
cltext :: CharParser st TEXT_META
cltext = do
nt <- try namedtext
return $ tm nt
<|> do
t <- text
return $ tm t
where tm :: TEXT -> TEXT_META
tm t = Text_meta { AS.getText = t
, metarelation = metarelations t
, nondiscourseNames = Nothing
namedtext :: CharParser st TEXT
namedtext = parens $ do
n <- name
t <- text
return $ Named_text n t nullRange
<|> do
n <- name
return $ Named_text n (Text [] nullRange) nullRange
text :: CharParser st TEXT
text = do
phr <- many1 phrase --was many1 (not as in standard)
return $ Text phr nullRange
-- remove the try
-- keys set here to prevent try in more complex parser to get the right
-- error message in ex. the following text
phrase :: CharParser st PHRASE
phrase = do
try (oParenT >> clModuleKey)
m <- pModule
return $ Module m
<|> do
try (oParenT >> clImportsKey)
i <- importation
return $ Importation i
<|> do
try (oParenT >> clCommentKey)
c <- quotedstring <|> enclosedname
t <- comment_txt <?> "comment: 3"
return $ Comment_text (Comment c nullRange) t nullRange
<|> do
s <- sentence
return $ Sentence s
comment_txt :: CharParser st TEXT
comment_txt = do
t <- try text
return $ t
<|> do
return $ Text [] nullRange
-- | parser for module
pModule :: CharParser st MODULE
pModule = do
t <- identifier
(exs,txt) <- pModExcl
case exs of
[] -> return $ Mod t txt nullRange
_ -> return $ Mod_ex t exs txt nullRange
-- | parser for
pModExcl :: CharParser st ([NAME], TEXT)
pModExcl = do
try (oParenT >> clExcludesKey)
exs <- many identifier
txt <- text
return (exs, txt)
<|> do
txt <- text
return ([], txt)
importation :: CharParser st IMPORTATION
importation = do
-- clImportsKey
n <- identifier
return $ Imp_name n
-- | parser for sentences
sentence :: CharParser st SENTENCE
sentence = parens $ do
ck <- try clCommentKey
c <- quotedstring <|> enclosedname
s <- sentence
return $ Comment_sent (Comment c $ Range $ rangeSpan c) s
$ Range $ joinRanges [rangeSpan ck, rangeSpan c, rangeSpan s]
<|> do
t0 <- try rolesetTerm
nts <- many rolesetNT
return $ rolesetSentence t0 nts
<|> do
at <- atom <?> "predicate"
return $ Atom_sent at $ Range $ rangeSpan at
<|> do
c <- andKey
s <- many sentence -- joinRanges with s = []?
return $ Bool_sent (Conjunction s) $ Range $ joinRanges [rangeSpan c,
rangeSpan s]
<|> do
c <- orKey
s <- many sentence
return $ Bool_sent (Disjunction s) $ Range $ joinRanges [rangeSpan c,
rangeSpan s]
<|> do
c <- notKey
s <- sentence
return $ Bool_sent (Negation s) $ Range $ joinRanges [rangeSpan c,
rangeSpan s]
<|> do
c <- try iffKey
s1 <- sentence
s2 <- sentence
return $ Bool_sent (Biconditional s1 s2) $ Range $ joinRanges [rangeSpan c,
rangeSpan s1, rangeSpan s1]
<|> do
c <- ifKey
s1 <- sentence
s2 <- sentence
return $ Bool_sent (Implication s1 s2) $ Range $ joinRanges [rangeSpan c,
rangeSpan s1, rangeSpan s1]
<|> do
c <- forallKey
quantsent1 True c
<|> do
c <- existsKey
quantsent1 False c
quantsent1 :: Bool -> Token -> CharParser st SENTENCE
quantsent1 t c = do
g <- identifier
quantsent2 t c $ Just g -- Quant_sent using syntactic sugar
quantsent2 t c Nothing -- normal Quant_sent
quantsent2 :: Bool -> Token -> Maybe NAME -> CharParser st SENTENCE
quantsent2 t c mg = do
bl <- parens boundlist
s <- sentence
return $ quantsent3 t mg (rights bl) (lefts bl) s
$ Range $ joinRanges [rangeSpan c, rangeSpan s]
quantsent3 :: Bool -> Maybe NAME -> [NAME_OR_SEQMARK]
quantsent3 t mg bs ((n,trm):nts) s rn = -- Quant_sent using syntactic sugar
let functerm = case n of
Name nm -> Atom (Funct_term trm [Term_seq $ Name_term nm] nullRange) []
SeqMark sqm -> Atom (Funct_term trm [Seq_marks sqm] nullRange) []
in case t of
True -> Quant_sent (Universal [n] $ quantsent3 t mg bs nts (
Bool_sent (Implication (Atom_sent functerm rn) s) rn
) rn) rn
False -> Quant_sent (Universal [n] $ quantsent3 t mg bs nts (
Bool_sent (Conjunction [Atom_sent functerm rn, s]) rn
) rn) rn
quantsent3 t mg bs [] s rn =
let quantType = if t then Universal else Existential
in case mg of
Nothing -> Quant_sent (quantType bs s) rn -- normal Quant_sent
Just g -> -- Quant_sent using syntactic sugar
let functerm = Atom (Funct_term (Name_term g) (map (Term_seq . Name_term)
$ Set.elems $ Tools.indvC_sen s) nullRange) []
in case t of
True ->
Quant_sent (Universal bs (Bool_sent (Implication
(Atom_sent functerm nullRange) s) rn)) rn
False ->
Quant_sent (Existential bs (Bool_sent (Conjunction
[Atom_sent functerm nullRange, s]) rn)) rn
boundlist :: CharParser st [Either (NAME_OR_SEQMARK, TERM) NAME_OR_SEQMARK]
boundlist = many $ do
nos <- intNameOrSeqMark
return $ Right nos
<|> do
nos <- intNameOrSeqMark
t <- term
return $ Left $ (nos,t)
atom :: CharParser st ATOM
atom = do
Lexer.pToken $ string "="
t1 <- term
t2 <- term
return $ Equation t1 t2
<|> do
t <- term
ts <- many termseq
return $ Atom t ts
term :: CharParser st TERM
term = do
t <- identifier
return $ Name_term t
<|> do
term_fun_cmt :: CharParser st TERM
term_fun_cmt = parens $ do
ck <- try clCommentKey
c <- quotedstring <|> enclosedname
t <- term
return $ Comment_term t (Comment c $ Range $ rangeSpan c)
$ Range $ joinRanges [rangeSpan ck, rangeSpan c, rangeSpan t]
<|> do
t <- term
ts <- many1 termseq -- many1? yes, because it's a functional term
return $ Funct_term t ts $ Range $ joinRanges [rangeSpan t, rangeSpan ts]
termseq :: CharParser st TERM_SEQ
termseq = do
x <- seqmark
return $ Seq_marks $ x
<|> do
t <- term
return $ Term_seq t
rolesetTerm :: CharParser st TERM
rolesetTerm = do
t0 <- term
return t0
rolesetNT :: CharParser st (NAME, TERM)
rolesetNT = parens $ do
n <- identifier
t <- term
return (n,t)
rolesetSentence :: TERM -> [(NAME, TERM)] -> SENTENCE
rolesetSentence t0 nts =
let x = rolesetFreeName t0 nts
in Quant_sent (Existential [Name x] (Bool_sent (Conjunction $
(rolesetAddToTerm x t0) : map (rolesetMixTerm x) nts
) nullRange)) $ Range $ rangeSpan t0
rolesetFreeName :: TERM -> [(NAME, TERM)] -> NAME
rolesetFreeName trm nts =
let usedNames = Set.union (Tools.setUnion_list
(\(n,t) -> Set.union (Tools.indvC_term t) (Set.singleton n))
nts) (Tools.indvC_term trm)
in fst $ Tools.freeName ("x", 0) usedNames
rolesetAddToTerm :: NAME -> TERM -> SENTENCE
rolesetAddToTerm x trm = Atom_sent (Atom trm [Term_seq $ Name_term x]) nullRange
rolesetMixTerm :: NAME -> (NAME, TERM) -> SENTENCE
rolesetMixTerm x (n, t) =
Atom_sent (Atom (Name_term n) [Term_seq $ Name_term x, Term_seq t]) nullRange
-- | Toplevel parser for basic specs
basicSpec :: AnnoState.AParser st BASIC_SPEC
basicSpec = do
bi <- parseAxItems
return $ bi
<|> do
bi <- AnnoState.allAnnoParser parseBasicItems
return $ Basic_spec $ [bi]
-- function to parse different syntaxes
-- parsing: axiom items with dots, clif sentences, clif text
-- first getting only the sentences
parseBasicItems :: AnnoState.AParser st BASIC_ITEMS
parseBasicItems = try parseSentences
<|> parseClText
-- parseClText
parseSentences :: AnnoState.AParser st BASIC_ITEMS
parseSentences = do
xs <- many1 aFormula
return $ Axiom_items xs
-- FIX
parseClText :: AnnoState.AParser st BASIC_ITEMS
parseClText = do
tx <- cltext
return $ Axiom_items (textToAn [tx])
textToAn :: [TEXT_META] -> [Annotation.Annoted TEXT_META]
textToAn = map (\x -> Annotation.Annoted x nullRange [] [])
-- | parser for Axiom_items
parseAxItems :: AnnoState.AParser st BASIC_SPEC
parseAxItems = do
d <- AnnoState.dotT
(fs, ds) <- (AnnoState.allAnnoParser parseAx) `Lexer.separatedBy` AnnoState.dotT
(_, an) <- AnnoState.optSemi
let _ = Id.catRange (d : ds)
ns = init fs ++ [Annotation.appendAnno (last fs) an]
return $ Basic_spec ns
-- | Toplevel parser for formulae
parseAx :: AnnoState.AParser st (BASIC_ITEMS)
parseAx = do
t <- many aFormula
return $ Axiom_items t
-- | Toplevel parser for formulae
aFormula :: AnnoState.AParser st (Annotation.Annoted TEXT_META)
aFormula = do
AnnoState.allAnnoParser cltext