Parse_CLIF.hs revision 3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : Parser of common logic interchange format
Copyright : (c) Karl Luc, DFKI Bremen 2010, Eugen Kuksa and Uni Bremen 2011
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
Parser of common logic interchange format
Ref. Common Logic ISO/IEC IS 24707:2007(E)
module CommonLogic.Parse_CLIF where
import qualified Common.AnnoState as AnnoState
import qualified Common.AS_Annotation as Annotation
import CommonLogic.AS_CommonLogic as AS
import Common.Id as Id
import Common.IRI
import Common.Lexer as Lexer hiding (oParenT, cParenT, pToken)
import Common.Keywords (colonS, mapsTo)
import Common.GlobalAnnotations (PrefixMap)
import Data.Either (lefts, rights)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified CommonLogic.Tools as Tools
import CommonLogic.Lexer_CLIF
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec as Parsec
import Control.Monad (liftM)
-- | parser for getText
cltext :: PrefixMap -> CharParser st TEXT_META
cltext pm = many white >> (do
try $ oParenT >> clTextKey
(nt, prfxs) <- namedtext
return $ tm nt prfxs
<|> do
(t, prfxs) <- text <?> "text"
return $ tm t prfxs
where tm :: TEXT -> [PrefixMapping] -> TEXT_META
tm t prfxs = emptyTextMeta { AS.getText = t
, prefix_map = Map.toList pm ++ prfxs
namedtext :: CharParser st (TEXT, [PrefixMapping])
namedtext = do
n <- identifier <?> "name after \"cl-text\""
(t, prfxs) <- text
return (Named_text n t nullRange, prfxs)
<|> do
n <- identifier <?> "name after \"cl-text\""
return (Named_text n (Text [] nullRange) nullRange, [])
text :: CharParser st (TEXT, [PrefixMapping])
text = do
phrPrfxs <- many1 phrase
let (phr, prfxs) = unzip phrPrfxs
return (Text (concat phr) nullRange, concat prfxs)
{- remove the try
keys set here to prevent try in more complex parser to get the right
error message in ex. the following text -}
phrase :: CharParser st ([PHRASE], [PrefixMapping])
phrase = many white >> (do
try (oParenT >> clModuleKey)
(m, prfxs) <- pModule
return ([Module m], prfxs)
<|> do
try (oParenT >> clImportsKey)
i <- importation
return ([Importation i], [])
<|> do
try (oParenT >> clCommentKey)
c <- (quotedstring <|> enclosedname) <?> "comment after \"cl-comment\""
(t, prfxs) <- comment_txt <?> "text after \"cl-comment <comment>\""
return ([Comment_text (Comment c nullRange) t nullRange], prfxs)
<|> do
try (oParenT >> clPrefixKey)
pm <- prefix
return ([], pm)
<|> do
s <- sentence <?> "sentence"
return ([Sentence s], [])
prefix :: CharParser st [PrefixMapping]
prefix = do
p <- do
string colonS
return colonS
<|> do
x <- ncname
string colonS
return $ x ++ colonS
many white
i <- iriCurie
return [(p, i)]
comment_txt :: CharParser st (TEXT, [PrefixMapping])
comment_txt = try text <|> return (Text [] nullRange, [])
-- | parser for module
pModule :: CharParser st (MODULE, [PrefixMapping])
pModule = do
t <- identifier <?> "module name after \"cl-module\""
(exs, (txt, prfxs)) <- pModExcl <?> "text in module"
case exs of
[] -> return (Mod t txt nullRange, prfxs)
_ -> return (Mod_ex t exs txt nullRange, prfxs)
-- | parser for
pModExcl :: CharParser st ([NAME], (TEXT, [PrefixMapping]))
pModExcl = many white >> (do
try (oParenT >> clExcludesKey)
exs <- many identifier <?> "only names in module-exclusion list"
tp <- text
return (exs, tp)
<|> do
tp <- text
return ([], tp)
importation :: CharParser st IMPORTATION
importation = do
-- clImportsKey
n <- identifier <?> "importation name after \"cl-imports\""
return $ Imp_name n
-- | parser for sentences
sentence :: CharParser st SENTENCE
sentence = parens (do
ck <- try clCommentKey
c <- (quotedstring <|> enclosedname) <?> "comment after \"cl-comment\""
s <- sentence <?> "sentence after \"cl-comment <comment>\""
return $ Comment_sent (Comment c $ Range $ rangeSpan c) s
$ Range $ joinRanges [rangeSpan ck, rangeSpan c, rangeSpan s]
<|> do
t0 <- try rolesetTerm
nts <- many rolesetNT
return $ rolesetSentence t0 nts
<|> do
at <- atom
return $ Atom_sent at $ Range $ rangeSpan at
<|> do
c <- andKey
s <- many sentence -- joinRanges with s = []?
return $ Bool_sent (Junction Conjunction s)
$ Range $ joinRanges [rangeSpan c, rangeSpan s]
<|> do
c <- orKey
s <- many sentence
return $ Bool_sent (Junction Disjunction s)
$ Range $ joinRanges [rangeSpan c, rangeSpan s]
<|> do
c <- notKey
s <- sentence <?> "sentence after \"not\""
return $ Bool_sent (Negation s) $ Range $ joinRanges [rangeSpan c,
rangeSpan s]
<|> do
c <- try iffKey
s1 <- sentence <?> "sentence after \"iff\""
s2 <- sentence <?> "second sentence after \"iff\""
return $ Bool_sent (BinOp Biconditional s1 s2)
$ Range $ joinRanges [rangeSpan c, rangeSpan s1, rangeSpan s1]
<|> do
c <- ifKey
s1 <- sentence <?> "sentence after \"if\""
s2 <- sentence <?> "second sentence after \"if\""
return $ Bool_sent (BinOp Implication s1 s2)
$ Range $ joinRanges [rangeSpan c, rangeSpan s1, rangeSpan s1]
<|> do
c <- forallKey
quantsent1 True c
<|> do
c <- existsKey
quantsent1 False c
quantsent1 :: Bool -> Token -> CharParser st SENTENCE
quantsent1 t c = do
g <- identifier <?> "predicate after quantifier"
quantsent2 t c $ Just g -- Quant_sent using syntactic sugar
quantsent2 t c Nothing -- normal Quant_sent
quantsent2 :: Bool -> Token -> Maybe NAME -> CharParser st SENTENCE
quantsent2 t c mg = do
bl <- parens boundlist
s <- sentence
return $ quantsent3 t mg (rights bl) (lefts bl) s
$ Range $ joinRanges [rangeSpan c, rangeSpan s]
quantsent3 :: Bool -> Maybe NAME -> [NAME_OR_SEQMARK]
quantsent3 t mg bs ((n, trm) : nts) s rn = -- Quant_sent using syntactic sugar
let functerm = case n of
Name nm -> Atom (Funct_term trm [Term_seq $ Name_term nm] nullRange) []
SeqMark sqm -> Atom (Funct_term trm [Seq_marks sqm] nullRange) []
in if t
then Quant_sent Universal [n] (quantsent3 t mg bs nts (
Bool_sent (BinOp Implication (Atom_sent functerm rn) s) rn
) rn) rn
else Quant_sent Universal [n] (quantsent3 t mg bs nts (
Bool_sent (Junction Conjunction [Atom_sent functerm rn, s]) rn
) rn) rn
quantsent3 t mg bs [] s rn =
let quantType = if t then Universal else Existential
in case mg of
Nothing -> Quant_sent quantType bs s rn -- normal Quant_sent
Just g -> -- Quant_sent using syntactic sugar
let functerm = Atom (Funct_term (Name_term g) (map (Term_seq . Name_term)
$ Set.elems $ Tools.indvC_sen s) nullRange) []
in if t
then Quant_sent Universal bs (Bool_sent (BinOp Implication
(Atom_sent functerm nullRange) s) rn) rn
Quant_sent Existential bs (Bool_sent (Junction Conjunction
[Atom_sent functerm nullRange, s]) rn) rn
boundlist :: CharParser st [Either (NAME_OR_SEQMARK, TERM) NAME_OR_SEQMARK]
boundlist = many (do
nos <- intNameOrSeqMark
return $ Right nos
<|> parens (do
nos <- intNameOrSeqMark
t <- term
return $ Left (nos, t)
atom :: CharParser st ATOM
atom = do
t1 <- term <?> "term after \"=\""
t2 <- term <?> "second term after \"=\""
return $ Equation t1 t2
<|> do
t <- term <?> "term"
ts <- many termseq
return $ Atom t ts
term :: CharParser st TERM
term = do
t <- identifier
return $ Name_term t
<|> term_fun_cmt
term_fun_cmt :: CharParser st TERM
term_fun_cmt = parens (do
ck <- try clCommentKey
c <- (quotedstring <|> enclosedname) <?> "comment after \"cl-comment\""
t <- term <?> "term after \"cl-comment <comment>\""
return $ Comment_term t (Comment c $ Range $ rangeSpan c)
$ Range $ joinRanges [rangeSpan ck, rangeSpan c, rangeSpan t]
<|> do
c <- try thatKey
s <- sentence
return $ That_term s $ Range $ joinRanges [rangeSpan c, rangeSpan s]
<|> do
t <- liftM Name_term $ pToken quotedstring
return $ Funct_term t [] $ Range $ rangeSpan t
<|> do
t <- term
ts <- many termseq
return $ Funct_term t ts $ Range $ joinRanges [rangeSpan t, rangeSpan ts]
termseq :: CharParser st TERM_SEQ
termseq = do
x <- seqmark
return $ Seq_marks x
<|> do
t <- term
return $ Term_seq t
<?> "term or sequence marker in term sequence"
rolesetTerm :: CharParser st TERM
rolesetTerm = do
t0 <- term
return t0
rolesetNT :: CharParser st (NAME, TERM)
rolesetNT = parens $ do
n <- identifier
t <- term <?> "term"
return (n, t)
rolesetSentence :: TERM -> [(NAME, TERM)] -> SENTENCE
rolesetSentence t0 nts =
let x = rolesetFreeName t0 nts
in Quant_sent Existential [Name x] (Bool_sent (Junction Conjunction $
rolesetAddToTerm x t0 : map (rolesetMixTerm x) nts
) nullRange) $ Range $ rangeSpan t0
rolesetFreeName :: TERM -> [(NAME, TERM)] -> NAME
rolesetFreeName trm nts =
let usedNames = Set.union (Tools.setUnion_list
(\ (n, t) -> Set.union (Tools.indvC_term t)
(Set.singleton n))
nts) (Tools.indvC_term trm)
in fst $ Tools.freeName ("x", 0) usedNames
rolesetAddToTerm :: NAME -> TERM -> SENTENCE
rolesetAddToTerm x trm = Atom_sent (Atom trm [Term_seq $ Name_term x]) nullRange
rolesetMixTerm :: NAME -> (NAME, TERM) -> SENTENCE
rolesetMixTerm x (n, t) =
Atom_sent (Atom (Name_term n) [Term_seq $ Name_term x, Term_seq t]) nullRange
intNameOrSeqMark :: CharParser st NAME_OR_SEQMARK
intNameOrSeqMark = do
s <- seqmark -- fix seqmark parser for one
return $ SeqMark s
<|> do
n <- identifier
return $ Name n
-- | Parse a list of comma separated symbols.
symbItems :: GenParser Char st SYMB_ITEMS
symbItems = do
(is, ps) <- symbs
return (Symb_items is $ catRange ps)
-- | parse a comma separated list of symbols
symbs :: GenParser Char st ([NAME_OR_SEQMARK], [Token])
symbs = do
s <- intNameOrSeqMark
do c <- commaT `followedWith` intNameOrSeqMark
(is, ps) <- symbs
return (s : is, c : ps)
<|> return ([s], [])
-- | parse a list of symbol mappings
symbMapItems :: GenParser Char st SYMB_MAP_ITEMS
symbMapItems = do
(is, ps) <- symbMaps
return (Symb_map_items is $ catRange ps)
-- | parse a comma separated list of symbol mappings
symbMaps :: GenParser Char st ([SYMB_OR_MAP], [Token])
symbMaps = do
s <- symbMap
many white
do c <- commaT `followedWith` intNameOrSeqMark
(is, ps) <- symbMaps
return (s : is, c : ps)
<|> return ([s], [])
-- | parsing one symbol or a mapping of one to a second symbol
symbMap :: GenParser Char st SYMB_OR_MAP
symbMap = symbMapS <|> symbMapN
symbMapS :: GenParser Char st SYMB_OR_MAP
symbMapS = do
s <- seqmark
do f <- pToken $ toKey mapsTo
t <- seqmark
return (Symb_mapS s t $ tokPos f)
<|> return (Symb $ SeqMark s)
symbMapN :: GenParser Char st SYMB_OR_MAP
symbMapN = do
s <- identifier
do f <- pToken $ toKey mapsTo
t <- identifier
return (Symb_mapN s t $ tokPos f)
<|> return (Symb $ Name s)
-- | Toplevel parser for basic specs
basicSpec :: PrefixMap -> AnnoState.AParser st BASIC_SPEC
basicSpec pm = parseAxItems pm
<|> do
bi <- AnnoState.allAnnoParser $ parseBasicItems pm
return $ Basic_spec [bi]
{- function to parse different syntaxes
parsing: axiom items with dots, clif sentences, clif text
first getting only the sentences -}
parseBasicItems :: PrefixMap -> AnnoState.AParser st BASIC_ITEMS
parseBasicItems pm = try (parseSentences pm)
<|> parseClText pm
-- parseClText
parseSentences :: PrefixMap -> AnnoState.AParser st BASIC_ITEMS
parseSentences pm = do
xs <- many1 $ aFormula pm
return $ Axiom_items xs
-- FIX
parseClText :: PrefixMap -> AnnoState.AParser st BASIC_ITEMS
parseClText pm = do
tx <- cltext pm
return $ Axiom_items (textToAn [tx])
textToAn :: [TEXT_META] -> [Annotation.Annoted TEXT_META]
textToAn = map (\ x -> Annotation.Annoted x nullRange [] [])
-- | parser for Axiom_items
parseAxItems :: PrefixMap -> AnnoState.AParser st BASIC_SPEC
parseAxItems pm = do
d <- AnnoState.dotT
(fs, ds) <- AnnoState.allAnnoParser (parseAx pm) `Lexer.separatedBy`
(_, an) <- AnnoState.optSemi
let _ = Id.catRange (d : ds)
ns = init fs ++ [Annotation.appendAnno (last fs) an]
return $ Basic_spec ns
-- | Toplevel parser for formulae
parseAx :: PrefixMap -> AnnoState.AParser st BASIC_ITEMS
parseAx pm = do
t <- many $ aFormula pm
return $ Axiom_items t
-- | Toplevel parser for formulae
aFormula :: PrefixMap -> AnnoState.AParser st (Annotation.Annoted TEXT_META)
aFormula pm = AnnoState.allAnnoParser (cltext pm)