ParseCLAsLibDefn.hs revision ea39a854498febb718cbdd6035fb935fd145daac
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : Eugen Kuksa 2011
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable (imports Logic.Logic)
Analyses CommonLogic files.
module CommonLogic.ParseCLAsLibDefn (parseCL_CLIF) where
import Common.Id
import Common.IRI (simpleIdToIRI)
import Common.LibName
import Common.AS_Annotation as Anno
import Common.AnnoState
import Common.DocUtils
import Driver.Options
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
import Logic.Grothendieck
import CommonLogic.AS_CommonLogic as CL
import CommonLogic.Logic_CommonLogic
import CommonLogic.Parse_CLIF (basicSpec)
import Syntax.AS_Library
import Syntax.AS_Structured as Struc
import Control.Monad (foldM)
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.List (sortBy)
import System.FilePath (combine, splitFileName, addExtension)
import System.Directory (doesFileExist, getCurrentDirectory)
import Network.URI
#ifndef NOHTTP
import Network.HTTP
import Network.Stream (Result)
type SpecMap = Map String SpecInfo
type SpecInfo = (BASIC_SPEC, Set String, Set String)
-- (spec, topTexts, importedBy)
-- | call for CommonLogic CLIF-parser with recursive inclusion of importations
parseCL_CLIF :: FilePath -> HetcatsOpts -> IO LIB_DEFN
parseCL_CLIF filename opts = do
let dirFile@(dir,_) = splitFileName filename
specMap <- downloadSpec opts Map.empty Set.empty Set.empty False dirFile
specs <- anaImports opts dir specMap
return $ convertToLibDefN (convertFileToLibStr filename) specs
-- call for CommonLogic CLIF-parser for a single file
parseCL_CLIF_contents :: FilePath -> String -> Either ParseError [BASIC_SPEC]
parseCL_CLIF_contents filename contents =
runParser (many basicSpec) (emptyAnnos ()) filename contents
{- maps imports in basic spec to global definition links (extensions) in
development graph -}
convertToLibDefN :: String -> [(BASIC_SPEC, NAME)] -> LIB_DEFN
convertToLibDefN fn specs =
(emptyLibName fn)
(emptyAnno (Logic_decl (Logic_name
(simpleIdToIRI $ mkSimpleId $ show CommonLogic)
) Nothing nullRange)
: (map convertToLibItems specs)
convertToLibItems :: (BASIC_SPEC, NAME) -> Anno.Annoted LIB_ITEM
convertToLibItems (b, n) =
emptyAnno $ Spec_defn (simpleIdToIRI n) emptyGenericity (createSpec b) nullRange
createSpec :: BASIC_SPEC -> Anno.Annoted SPEC
createSpec b =
let imports = Set.elems $ directImports b
bs = emptyAnno $ Struc.Basic_spec (G_basic_spec CommonLogic b) nullRange
in case imports of
[] -> bs
_ -> emptyAnno $ Extension [
case imports of
[n] -> specFromName n
_ -> emptyAnno $ Union (map specFromName imports) nullRange
, bs
] nullRange
specFromName :: NAME -> Annoted SPEC
specFromName n = emptyAnno $ Spec_inst (simpleIdToIRI $ cnvImportName n) [] nullRange
specNameL :: [BASIC_SPEC] -> String -> [String]
specNameL [_] def = [def]
specNameL bs def = map (specName def) [0 .. (length bs)]
-- returns a unique name for a node
specName :: String -> Int -> String
specName def i = def ++ "_" ++ show i
cnvImportName :: NAME -> NAME
cnvImportName = mkSimpleId . convertFileToLibStr . tokStr
collectDownloads :: HetcatsOpts -> String -> SpecMap -> (String, SpecInfo)
-> IO SpecMap
collectDownloads opts dir specMap (n, (b, topTexts, importedBy)) =
let directImps = Set.elems $ tokStr $ directImports b
newTopTexts = Set.insert n topTexts
newImportedBy = Set.insert n importedBy
in do
foldM (\ sm d -> do
newDls <- downloadSpec opts sm newTopTexts newImportedBy True (dir,d)
return (Map.unionWith unify newDls sm)
) specMap directImps -- imports get @n@ as new "importedBy"
downloadSpec :: HetcatsOpts -> SpecMap -> Set String -> Set String
-> Bool -> (String,String) -> IO SpecMap
downloadSpec opts specMap topTexts importedBy isImport dirFile@(dir,_) =
let filename = (uncurry combine) dirFile in
let fn = convertFileToLibStr filename in
case Map.lookup fn specMap of
Just (b, t, i)
| isImport && Set.member (convertFileToLibStr filename) importedBy
-> error (concat [
"Illegal cyclic import: ", show (pretty importedBy), "\n"
, "Hets currently cannot handle cyclic imports "
, "of Common Logic files. "
, "If you really need them, send us a message at "
, ", and we will fix it."
| t == topTexts
-> return specMap
| otherwise -> do
let newTopTexts = Set.union t topTexts
let newImportedBy = Set.union i importedBy
let newSpecMap = Map.insert fn (b, newTopTexts, newImportedBy) specMap
collectDownloads opts dir newSpecMap (fn, (b, newTopTexts, newImportedBy))
Nothing -> do
contents <- getCLIFContents opts dirFile
case parseCL_CLIF_contents filename contents of
Left err -> error $ show err
Right bs ->
let nbs = zip (specNameL bs fn) bs
nbtis = map (\ (n, b) -> (n, (b, topTexts, importedBy))) nbs
newSpecMap = foldr (\ (n, bti) sm ->
Map.insertWith unify n bti sm
) specMap nbtis
in foldM (\ sm nbt -> do
newDls <- collectDownloads opts dir sm nbt
return (Map.unionWith unify newDls sm)
) newSpecMap nbtis
unify :: SpecInfo -> SpecInfo -> SpecInfo
unify (_, s, p) (a, t, q) = (a, Set.union s t, Set.union p q)
{- one could add support for uri fragments/query
(perhaps select a text from the file) -}
getCLIFContents :: HetcatsOpts -> (String,String) -> IO String
getCLIFContents opts dirFile@(_,file) =
let filename = (uncurry combine) dirFile in
case parseURIReference filename of
Nothing -> do
putStrLn ("Not an URI: " ++ filename)
localFileContents opts file
Just uri ->
case uriScheme uri of
"" ->
localFileContents opts (uriToString id uri "")
"file:" ->
localFileContents opts (uriPath uri)
#ifndef NOHTTP
"http:" -> getCLIFContentsHTTP filename ""
"https:" ->
simpleHTTP (defaultGETRequest uri) >>= getResponseBody
x -> error ("Unsupported URI scheme: " ++ x)
#ifndef NOHTTP
getCLIFContentsHTTP :: String -> String -> IO String
getCLIFContentsHTTP uriS extension =
let (Just uri) = parseURIReference (uriS ++ extension) in do
res <- simpleHTTP (defaultGETRequest $ uri)
rb <- getResponseBody res
case httpResponseCode res of
(2,0,0) -> return rb
(x,y,z) -> case extension of
"" -> getCLIFContentsHTTP uriS ".clf"
".clf" -> getCLIFContentsHTTP uriS ".clif"
_ -> error $ "File not found via HTTP: " ++ uriS ++ "[.clf | .clif]\nHTTP-code " ++ show x ++ show y ++ show z
httpResponseCode :: Result (Response a) -> (Int, Int, Int)
httpResponseCode res = case res of
Left _ -> (0,0,0)
Right r -> rspCode r
localFileContents :: HetcatsOpts -> String -> IO String
localFileContents opts filename = do
curDir <- getCurrentDirectory
file <- findLibFile (curDir : libdirs opts) filename
readFile file
findLibFile :: [FilePath] -> String -> IO FilePath
findLibFile ds f = do
e <- doesFileExist f
if e then return f else findLibFileAux ds f
findLibFileAux :: [FilePath] -> String -> IO FilePath
findLibFileAux [] f = error $ "Could not find Common Logic Library " ++ f
findLibFileAux (d : ds) f = do
let fs = [ combine d $ addExtension f $ show $ CommonLogicIn b
| b <- [False, True]]
es <- mapM doesFileExist fs
case filter fst $ zip es fs of
[] -> findLibFileAux ds f
(_, f0) : _ -> return f0
-- retrieves all importations from the text
directImports :: BASIC_SPEC -> Set NAME
directImports (CL.Basic_spec items) = Set.unions
$ map (getImports_textMetas . textsFromBasicItems . Anno.item) items
textsFromBasicItems :: BASIC_ITEMS -> [TEXT_META]
textsFromBasicItems (Axiom_items axs) = map Anno.item axs
getImports_textMetas :: [TEXT_META] -> Set NAME
getImports_textMetas tms = Set.unions $ map (getImports_text . getText) tms
getImports_text :: TEXT -> Set NAME
getImports_text (Named_text _ t _) = getImports_text t
getImports_text (Text p _) = Set.fromList $ map impName $ filter isImportation p
isImportation :: PHRASE -> Bool
isImportation (Importation _) = True
isImportation _ = False
impName :: PHRASE -> NAME
impName (Importation (Imp_name n)) = n
impName _ = undefined -- not necessary because filtered out
anaImports :: HetcatsOpts -> String -> SpecMap -> IO [(BASIC_SPEC, NAME)]
anaImports opts dir specMap = do
downloads <- foldM
(\ sm nbt -> do
newSpecs <- collectDownloads opts dir sm nbt
return (Map.unionWith unify newSpecs sm)
) specMap $ Map.assocs specMap
let specAssocs = Map.assocs downloads
let sortedSpecs = sortBy usingImportedByCount specAssocs
-- sort by putting the latest imported specs to the beginning
return $ bsNamePairs sortedSpecs
{- not fast (O(n+m)), but reliable -}
usingImportedByCount :: (String, SpecInfo) -> (String, SpecInfo) -> Ordering
usingImportedByCount (_, (_, _, importedBy1)) (_, (_, _, importedBy2)) =
compare (Set.size importedBy2) (Set.size importedBy1)
bsNamePairs :: [(String, SpecInfo)] -> [(BASIC_SPEC, NAME)]
bsNamePairs = foldr (\ (n, (b, _, _)) r -> (b, mkSimpleId n) : r) []