ParseCLAsLibDefn.hs revision c96c73387a0c41614ba325f737edad6abbf07e79
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : Eugen Kuksa 2011
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable (imports Logic.Logic)
Analyses CommonLogic files.
module CommonLogic.ParseCLAsLibDefn (parseCL_CLIF) where
import Common.Id
import Common.LibName
import Common.AS_Annotation as Anno
import Common.AnnoState
import Logic.Grothendieck
import CommonLogic.AS_CommonLogic as CL
import CommonLogic.Parse_CLIF (basicSpec)
import Syntax.AS_Library
import Syntax.AS_Structured as Struc
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import System.IO
-- | call for CommonLogic CLIF-parser
parseCL_CLIF :: FilePath -> IO LIB_DEFN
parseCL_CLIF filename = do
handle <- openFile filename ReadMode
contents <- hGetContents handle
maybeText <- return $ runParser (many basicSpec) (emptyAnnos ()) "" contents
case maybeText of
Right bs -> return $ convertToLibDefN filename $ reverse bs
Left x -> error $ "Error parsing CLIF-File." ++ show x
-- maps imports in basic spec to global definition links (extensions) in
-- development graph
convertToLibDefN :: FilePath -> [BASIC_SPEC] -> LIB_DEFN
convertToLibDefN filename bs =
let fn = convertFileToLibStr filename
knownSpecs = map (\(i,b) -> specName i b fn) $ zip [0..] bs
in Lib_defn
(emptyLibName fn)
(emptyAnno (Logic_decl (Logic_name
(mkSimpleId $ show CommonLogic)
) nullRange)
: (concat $ foldl (
\r bn -> (convertBS knownSpecs bn : r)
) [] $ zip bs knownSpecs
-- Creates Nodes in the Logic Graph.
-- Also gives each non-named text a unique name in the graph.
convertBS :: [NAME] -> (BASIC_SPEC, NAME) -> [Anno.Annoted LIB_ITEM]
convertBS knownSpecs (b,n) =
let imports = getImports b
in concatMap (downloadIfNotKnown knownSpecs) imports
++ [emptyAnno $ Spec_defn
(createSpec imports b)
++ metarelsBS (knownSpecs++imports) b
-- one importation is an extension
-- many importations are an extension of a union
createSpec :: [NAME] -> BASIC_SPEC -> Anno.Annoted SPEC
createSpec imports b =
let bs = emptyAnno $ Struc.Basic_spec (G_basic_spec CommonLogic b) nullRange
in case imports of
[] -> bs
_ -> emptyAnno $ Extension [
(case imports of
[n] -> cnvimport n
_ -> emptyAnno $ Union (map cnvimport imports) nullRange)
, bs
] nullRange
-- converts an imporation name to a SPEC
cnvimport :: NAME -> Annoted SPEC
cnvimport n = emptyAnno $ Spec_inst n [] nullRange
-- retrieves all importations from the text
getImports :: BASIC_SPEC -> [NAME]
getImports (CL.Basic_spec items) =
concatMap getImports_textMrs $ map textFromBasicItems items
textFromBasicItems :: Anno.Annoted (BASIC_ITEMS) -> TEXT_MRS
textFromBasicItems abi = case Anno.item abi of
Axiom_items annoText -> Anno.item annoText
getImports_textMrs :: TEXT_MRS -> [NAME]
getImports_textMrs (Text_mrs (t,_)) = getImports_text t
getImports_text :: TEXT -> [NAME]
getImports_text (Text ps _) = map impToName $ filter isImportation ps
getImports_text (Named_text _ t _) = getImports_text t
isImportation :: PHRASE -> Bool
isImportation (Importation _) = True
isImportation _ = False
impToName :: PHRASE -> NAME
impToName (Importation (Imp_name n)) = n
impToName _ = undefined -- not necessary because filtered out
-- returns a unique name for a node
specName :: Int -> CL.BASIC_SPEC -> String -> NAME
specName i (CL.Basic_spec []) def = mkSimpleId $ def ++ "_" ++ show i
specName i (CL.Basic_spec [items]) def =
case Anno.item items of
Axiom_items ax ->
case Anno.item ax of
Text_mrs (Text _ _, _) -> mkSimpleId $ def ++ "_" ++ show i
Text_mrs (Named_text n _ _, _) -> mkSimpleId n
specName i (CL.Basic_spec (_:_)) def = mkSimpleId $ def ++ "_" ++ show i
metarelsBS :: [NAME] -> BASIC_SPEC -> [Anno.Annoted LIB_ITEM]
metarelsBS knownSpecs (CL.Basic_spec abis) =
concatMap (metarelsBI knownSpecs . Anno.item) abis
metarelsBI :: [NAME] -> BASIC_ITEMS -> [Anno.Annoted LIB_ITEM]
metarelsBI knownSpecs (Axiom_items (Anno.Annoted (Text_mrs (_,mrs)) _ _ _)) =
concatMap (metarelsMR knownSpecs) $ Set.elems mrs
metarelsMR :: [NAME] -> METARELATION -> [Anno.Annoted LIB_ITEM]
metarelsMR knownSpecs mr = case mr of
RelativeInterprets t1 delta t2 smaps ->
concatMap (downloadIfNotKnown knownSpecs) [t1,delta,t2]
++ [emptyAnno $ View_defn
(mkSimpleId "RelativeInterprets")
(emptyAnno (Union [cnvimport t1, cnvimport delta] nullRange))
(cnvimport t2)
[G_symb_map $ G_symb_map_items_list CommonLogic smaps]
NonconservativeExtends t1 t2 smaps ->
concatMap (downloadIfNotKnown knownSpecs) [t1,t2]
++ [emptyAnno $ View_defn
(mkSimpleId "NonconservativeExtends")
(cnvimport t1)
(cnvimport t2)
[G_symb_map $ G_symb_map_items_list CommonLogic smaps]
downloadIfNotKnown :: [NAME] -> NAME -> [Anno.Annoted LIB_ITEM]
downloadIfNotKnown knownSpecs n =
if elem n knownSpecs then []
else [emptyAnno $ Download_items
(emptyLibName $ tokStr n)
[Item_name $ n]