OMDocExport.hs revision 3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : CommonLogic-to-OMDoc conversion
Copyright : (c) Iulia Ignatov, DFKI Bremen 2009, Eugen Kuksa, Uni Bremen 2011
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : experimental
Portability : portable
Common Logic implementation of the interface functions
export_senToOmdoc and export_symToOmdoc from class Logic.
The actual instantiation can be found in module "CommonLogic.Logic_CommonLogic".
module CommonLogic.OMDocExport
( exportSymToOmdoc
, exportSenToOmdoc
) where
import CommonLogic.AS_CommonLogic as AS
import CommonLogic.Symbol
import CommonLogic.OMDoc
import OMDoc.DataTypes
import Common.Id
import Common.Result
import qualified Data.Map as Map
type Env = NameMap Symbol
-- | Exports the symbol @n@ to OMDoc
exportSymToOmdoc :: Env -> Symbol -> String -> Result TCElement
exportSymToOmdoc _ _ n = return $ TCSymbol n const_symbol Obj Nothing
-- | Exports the text @tm@ to OMDoc
exportSenToOmdoc :: Env -> TEXT_META
-> Result TCorOMElement
exportSenToOmdoc en tm = return $ Right $ exportText en [] $ AS.getText tm
exportText :: Env -> [NAME_OR_SEQMARK] -> TEXT -> OMElement
exportText en vars txt = case txt of
Text phrs _ ->
OMA $ const_and : map (exportPhr en vars) (filter nonImportation phrs)
Named_text n t _ ->
OMA [const_textName, OMV $ mkSimpleName $ tokStr n, exportText en vars t]
where nonImportation p = case p of
Importation _ -> False
_ -> True
exportPhr :: Env -> [NAME_OR_SEQMARK] -> PHRASE -> OMElement
exportPhr en vars phr = case phr of
Importation _ -> undefined -- does not occur
Module m -> OMBIND const_module [modName m] $ exportModule en vars m
Sentence s -> exportSen en vars s
Comment_text c t _ ->
OMA [const_comment, varFromComment c, exportText en vars t]
where modName m = case m of
Mod n _ _ -> exportVar $ AS.Name n
Mod_ex n _ _ _ -> exportVar $ AS.Name n
exportModule :: Env -> [NAME_OR_SEQMARK] -> MODULE -> OMElement
exportModule en vars m = case m of
Mod _ t _ -> exportText en vars t
Mod_ex _ exs t _ -> OMA $ const_moduleExcludes : exportText en vars t
: map (exportVar . AS.Name) exs
exportSen :: Env -> [NAME_OR_SEQMARK] -> SENTENCE
-> OMElement
exportSen en vars s = case s of
Quant_sent q vars2 s2 _ ->
OMBIND (case q of
Universal -> const_forall
Existential -> const_exists)
(map exportVar vars2)
(exportSen en (vars ++ vars2) s2)
Bool_sent bs _ -> case bs of
Junction j ss ->
OMA $ (case j of Conjunction -> const_and
Disjunction -> const_or)
: map (exportSen en vars) ss
Negation s1 -> OMA [ const_not, exportSen en vars s1]
BinOp op s1 s2 -> OMA
[ case op of Implication -> const_implies
Biconditional -> const_equivalent
, exportSen en vars s1
, exportSen en vars s2]
Atom_sent at _ -> case at of
Equation t1 t2 -> OMA
[ const_eq
, exportTerm en vars t1
, exportTerm en vars t2 ]
Atom pt tts ->
OMA $ exportTerm en vars pt : map (exportTermSeq en vars) tts
Comment_sent _com s1 _ ->
OMA [const_comment, varFromComment _com, exportSen en vars s1]
Irregular_sent s1 _ ->
OMA [const_irregular, exportSen en vars s1]
exportTerm :: Env -> [NAME_OR_SEQMARK] -> TERM -> OMElement
exportTerm e vars t = case t of
Name_term n -> if AS.Name n `elem` vars
then exportVar (AS.Name n)
else oms e n
Funct_term ft tss _ ->
OMA $ exportTerm e vars ft : map (exportTermSeq e vars) tss
Comment_term t1 _com _ ->
OMA [ const_comment_term, varFromComment _com, exportTerm e vars t1 ]
That_term s _ ->
OMA [ const_that, exportSen e vars s ]
exportTermSeq :: Env -> [NAME_OR_SEQMARK] -> TERM_SEQ -> OMElement
exportTermSeq e vars ts = case ts of
Term_seq t -> exportTerm e vars t
Seq_marks s -> if SeqMark s `elem` vars
then exportVar (SeqMark s)
else oms e s
exportVar :: NAME_OR_SEQMARK -> OMElement
exportVar (AS.Name n) = OMV $ mkSimpleName $ tokStr n
exportVar (SeqMark s) = OMV $ mkSimpleName $ tokStr s
varFromComment :: COMMENT -> OMElement
varFromComment (Comment x _) = OMV $ mkSimpleName x
oms :: Env -> Token -> OMElement
oms e x =
let s = toSymbol x
err = error $ "oms: no mapping for the symbol " ++ show s
-- printId1 (symName s) ++ "\n" ++ show e ++ "\n\n\n" ++ ""
in simpleOMS $ findInEnv err e s
findInEnv :: (Ord k) => a -> Map.Map k a -> k -> a
findInEnv err m x = Map.findWithDefault err x m
-- transform a NAME_OR_SEQMARK into a symbol.
toSymbol :: Token -> Symbol
toSymbol = Symbol . simpleIdToId