Morphism.hs revision e036e115761fe7c09c210c337440a1864d794093
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : Morphism of Common Logic
Copyright : (c) Uni Bremen DFKI 2010
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : experimental
Portability : non-portable (via Logic.Logic)
Morphism of Common Logic
module CommonLogic.Morphism
( Morphism (..)
, pretty -- pretty printing
, idMor -- identity morphism
, isLegalMorphism -- check if morhpism is ok
, composeMor -- composition
, inclusionMap -- inclusion map
, mkMorphism -- create Morphism
, mapSentence -- map of sentences
, mapSentenceH -- map of sentences, without Result type
, applyMap -- application function for maps
, applyMorphism -- application function for morphism
, morphismUnion
) where
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Common.Result as Result
import Common.Id as Id
import Common.Result
import Common.Doc
import Common.DocUtils
import CommonLogic.AS_CommonLogic as AS_BASIC
import CommonLogic.Sign as Sign
-- maps of sets
data Morphism = Morphism
{ source :: Sign
, target :: Sign
, propMap :: Map.Map Id Id
} deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
instance Pretty Morphism where
pretty = printMorphism
-- | Constructs an id-morphism
idMor :: Sign -> Morphism
idMor a = inclusionMap a a
-- | Determines whether a morphism is valid
isLegalMorphism :: Morphism -> Bool
isLegalMorphism pmor =
let psource = items $ source pmor
ptarget = items $ target pmor
pdom = Map.keysSet $ propMap pmor
pcodom = (applyMorphism pmor) psource
in Set.isSubsetOf pcodom ptarget && Set.isSubsetOf pdom psource
-- | Application funtion for morphisms
applyMorphism :: Morphism -> Id -> Id
applyMorphism mor idt = Map.findWithDefault idt idt $ propMap mor
-- | Application function for propMaps
applyMap :: Map.Map Id Id -> Id -> Id
applyMap pmap idt = Map.findWithDefault idt idt pmap
-- | Composition of morphisms in propositional Logic
composeMor :: Morphism -> Morphism -> Result Morphism
composeMor f g =
let fSource = source f
gTarget = target g
fMap = propMap f
gMap = propMap g
in return Morphism
{ source = fSource
, target = gTarget
, propMap = if Map.null gMap then fMap else
Set.fold ( \ i -> let j = applyMap gMap (applyMap fMap i) in
if i == j then id else Map.insert i j)
Map.empty $ items fSource }
-- | Pretty printing for Morphisms
printMorphism :: Morphism -> Doc
printMorphism m = pretty (source m) <> text "-->" <> pretty (target m)
<> vcat (map ( \ (x, y) -> lparen <> pretty x <> text ","
<> pretty y <> rparen) $ Map.assocs $ propMap m)
-- | Inclusion map of a subsig into a supersig
inclusionMap :: Sign.Sign -> Sign.Sign -> Morphism
inclusionMap s1 s2 = Morphism
{ source = s1
, target = s2
, propMap = Map.empty }
-- | creates a Morphism
mkMorphism :: Sign.Sign -> Sign.Sign -> Map.Map Id Id -> Morphism
mkMorphism s t p =
Morphism { source = s
, target = t
, propMap = p }
-- | sentence translation along signature morphism
-- here just the renaming of formulae
mapSentence :: Morphism -> AS_BASIC.SENTENCE -> Result.Result AS_BASIC.SENTENCE
mapSentence mor = return . mapSentenceH mor
mapSentenceH :: Morphism -> AS_BASIC.SENTENCE -> AS_BASIC.SENTENCE
mapSentenceH mor frm = case frm of
AS_BASIC.Quant_sent qs rn -> case qs of
AS_BASIC.Universal xs sen -> AS_BASIC.Quant_sent
(AS_BASIC.Universal xs (mapSentenceH mor sen)) rn -- fix
AS_BASIC.Existential xs sen -> AS_BASIC.Quant_sent
(AS_BASIC.Existential xs (mapSentenceH mor sen)) rn -- fix
AS_BASIC.Bool_sent bs rn -> case bs of
AS_BASIC.Conjunction sens -> AS_BASIC.Bool_sent
(AS_BASIC.Conjunction (map (mapSentenceH mor) sens)) rn
AS_BASIC.Disjunction sens -> AS_BASIC.Bool_sent
(AS_BASIC.Disjunction (map (mapSentenceH mor) sens)) rn
AS_BASIC.Negation sen -> AS_BASIC.Bool_sent
(AS_BASIC.Negation (mapSentenceH mor sen)) rn
AS_BASIC.Implication s1 s2 -> AS_BASIC.Bool_sent
(AS_BASIC.Implication (mapSentenceH mor s1) (mapSentenceH mor s2)) rn
AS_BASIC.Biconditional s1 s2 -> AS_BASIC.Bool_sent
(AS_BASIC.Biconditional (mapSentenceH mor s1) (mapSentenceH mor s2))
AS_BASIC.Atom_sent atom rn -> AS_BASIC.Atom_sent atom rn -- fix
AS_BASIC.Comment_sent cm sen rn -> AS_BASIC.Comment_sent cm sen rn -- unused
AS_BASIC.Irregular_sent sen rn -> AS_BASIC.Irregular_sent sen rn -- unused
AS_BASIC.Predication predH -> AS_BASIC.Predication
$ id2SimpleId $ applyMorphism mor $ Id.simpleIdToId predH
morphismUnion :: Morphism -> Morphism -> Result.Result Morphism
morphismUnion mor1 mor2 =
let pmap1 = propMap mor1
pmap2 = propMap mor2
p1 = source mor1
p2 = source mor2
up1 = Set.difference (items p1) $ Map.keysSet pmap1
up2 = Set.difference (items p2) $ Map.keysSet pmap2
(pds, pmap) = foldr ( \ (i, j) (ds, m) -> case Map.lookup i m of
Nothing -> (ds, Map.insert i j m)
Just k -> if j == k then (ds, m) else
(Diag Error
("incompatible mapping of prop " ++ showId i " to "
++ showId j " and " ++ showId k "")
nullRange : ds, m)) ([], pmap1)
(Map.toList pmap2 ++ map (\ a -> (a, a))
(Set.toList $ Set.union up1 up2))
in if null pds then return Morphism
{ source = unite p1 p2
, target = unite (target mor1) $ target mor2
, propMap = pmap } else Result pds Nothing