Lexer_CLIF.hs revision befbd45c1a4c171f2194b59016590b02bf4df750
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : Parser of common logic interchange format
Copyright : (c) Karl Luc, DFKI Bremen 2010
License : GPLv2 or higher
Maintainer : kluc@informatik.uni-bremen.de
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
Parser of common logic interchange format
Ref. Common Logic ISO/IEC IS 24707:2007(E)
module CommonLogic.Lexer_CLIF where
import CommonLogic.AS_CommonLogic
import Common.Id as Id
import qualified Common.Lexer as Lexer
import Common.Parsec
import Common.Keywords
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec as Parsec
import Data.Char (ord)
pToken :: CharParser st String -> CharParser st Token
pToken p = Lexer.pToken p << many white
oParenT :: CharParser st Token
oParenT = Lexer.oParenT << many white
cParenT :: CharParser st Token
cParenT = Lexer.cParenT << many white
name :: CharParser st String
name = do
x <- identifier
return $ (tokStr x)
quotedstring :: CharParser st String
quotedstring = do
char '\''
s <- (many $ (satisfy clLetters2) <|> oneOf whitec
<|> char '(' <|> char ')' <|> char '\"')
<?> "quotedstring: word"
char '\''
many white
return $ s
enclosedname :: CharParser st String
enclosedname = do
char '\"'
s <- (many $ (satisfy clLetters2) <|> oneOf whitec
<|> char '(' <|> char ')' <|> char '\'')
<?> "word"
char '\"' <?> "\""
many white
return s
-- | parser for parens
parens :: CharParser st a -> CharParser st a
parens p = oParenT >> p << cParenT
-- Parser Keywords
andKey :: CharParser st Id.Token
andKey = (pToken $ string andS) <?> "conjunction"
notKey :: CharParser st Id.Token
notKey = (pToken $ string notS) <?> "negation"
orKey :: CharParser st Id.Token
orKey = (pToken $ string orS) <?> "disjunction"
ifKey :: CharParser st Id.Token
ifKey = (pToken $ string ifS) <?> "implication"
iffKey :: CharParser st Id.Token
iffKey = (pToken $ string iffS) <?> "equivalence"
forallKey :: CharParser st Id.Token
forallKey = (pToken $ string forallS) <?> "universal quantification"
existsKey :: CharParser st Id.Token
existsKey = (pToken $ string existsS) <?> "existential quantification"
-- cl keys
clTextKey :: CharParser st Id.Token
clTextKey = (pToken $ try (string "cl-text") <|> string "cl:text") <?> "text"
clModuleKey :: CharParser st Id.Token
clModuleKey = (pToken $ try (string "cl-module") <|> string "cl:module")
<?> "module"
clImportsKey :: CharParser st Id.Token
clImportsKey = (pToken $ try (string "cl-imports") <|> string "cl:imports")
<?> "importation"
clExcludesKey :: CharParser st Id.Token
clExcludesKey = (pToken $ try (string "cl-excludes") <|> string "cl:excludes")
<?> "exclusion list"
clEqualsKey :: CharParser st Id.Token
clEqualsKey = (pToken $ string "=") <?> "equation"
clCommentKey :: CharParser st Id.Token
clCommentKey = (pToken $ try (string "cl-comment") <|> string "cl:comment")
<?> "comment"
clRolesetKey :: CharParser st Id.Token
clRolesetKey = (pToken $ string "cl-roleset" <|> string "roleset:") <?> "roleset"
seqmark :: CharParser st Id.Token
seqmark = (pToken $ reserved reservedelement2 $ scanSeqMark) <?> "sequence marker"
identifier :: CharParser st Id.Token
identifier = (pToken $ reserved reservedelement $ scanClWord) <?> "name"
scanSeqMark :: CharParser st String
scanSeqMark = do
sq <- string "..."
w <- many clLetter <?> "sequence marker"
return $ sq ++ w
scanClWord :: CharParser st String
scanClWord = quotedstring <|> enclosedname <|> (many1 clLetter <?> "words")
clLetters :: Char -> Bool
clLetters ch = let c = ord ch in
if c >= 33 && c <= 126 then c <= 38 && c /= 34
|| c >= 42 && c /= 64 && c /= 92
else False
clLetters2 :: Char -> Bool
clLetters2 ch = let c = ord ch in
if c >= 32 && c <= 126 then c <= 38 && c /= 34
|| c >= 42 && c /= 64 && c /= 92
else False
-- a..z, A..z, 0..9, ~!#$%^&*_+{}|:<>?`-=[];,.
clLetter :: CharParser st Char
clLetter = satisfy clLetters <?> "cl letter"
reservedelement :: [String]
reservedelement = ["=", "and", "or", "iff", "if", "forall", "exists", "not"
, "...", "cl:text", "cl:imports", "cl:excludes", "cl:module"
, "cl:comment", "roleset:"] ++ reservedcl
reservedcl :: [String]
reservedcl = ["cl-text", "cl-imports", "cl-excludes", "cl-module"
, "cl-comment", "cl-roleset"]
-- reserved elements for sequence marker
reservedelement2 :: [String]
reservedelement2 = ["=", "and", "or", "iff", "if", "forall", "exists", "not"
, "cl:text", "cl:imports", "cl:excludes", "cl:module"
, "cl:comment", "roleset:"]
commentBlockOpen :: String
commentBlockOpen = "/*"
commentBlockClose :: String
commentBlockClose = "*/"
commentLineStart :: String
commentLineStart = "//"
newLinec :: String
newLinec = "\n\r"
whitec :: String
whitec = newLinec ++ "\t\v\f "
whiteSpace :: CharParser st String
whiteSpace = many1 $ oneOf whitec
commentBlock :: CharParser st String
commentBlock =
string commentBlockOpen >> manyTill anyChar (try $ string commentBlockClose) <?> ""
commentLine :: CharParser st String
commentLine =
string commentLineStart >> many (noneOf newLinec) <?> ""
white :: CharParser st String
white =
try commentLine