Analysis.hs revision c51d1f5ff88cce030fe543e271ca6b85625b70d8
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : Basic analysis for common logic
Copyright : (c) Karl Luc, Uni Bremen 2010
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : experimental
Portability : portable
Basic and static analysis for common logic
module CommonLogic.Analysis
import Common.ExtSign
import Common.Result as Result
import CommonLogic.Sign as Sign
import CommonLogic.Symbol as Symbol
import qualified CommonLogic.AS_CommonLogic as CL
import qualified Common.AS_Annotation as AS_Anno
import qualified Common.Id as Id
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.List as List
data DIAG_FORM = DiagForm
formula :: AS_Anno.Named (CL.SENTENCE),
diagnosis :: Result.Diagnosis
--retrieve sentences
makeFormulas :: CL.BASIC_SPEC -> Sign.Sign -> [DIAG_FORM]
makeFormulas (CL.Basic_spec bspec) sig =
List.foldl (\xs bs -> retrieveFormulaItem xs bs sig) [] bspec
retrieveFormulaItem :: [DIAG_FORM] -> AS_Anno.Annoted (CL.BASIC_ITEMS)
-> Sign.Sign -> [DIAG_FORM]
retrieveFormulaItem axs x sig =
case (AS_Anno.item x) of
(CL.P_decl _) -> axs
(CL.Axiom_items ax) ->
List.foldl (\xs bs -> addFormula xs bs sig) axs $ numberFormulae ax 0
data NUM_FORM = NumForm
nfformula :: AS_Anno.Annoted (CL.SENTENCE)
, nfnum :: Int
numberFormulae :: [AS_Anno.Annoted (CL.SENTENCE)] -> Int -> [NUM_FORM]
numberFormulae [] _ = []
numberFormulae (x:xs) i
| label == "" = NumForm{nfformula = x, nfnum = i} : (numberFormulae xs $ i + 1)
| otherwise = NumForm{nfformula = x, nfnum = 0} : (numberFormulae xs $ i)
label = AS_Anno.getRLabel x
addFormula :: [DIAG_FORM]
-> Sign.Sign
addFormula formulae nf sign
| isLegal == True = formulae ++
formula = makeNamed f i
, diagnosis = Result.Diag
Result.diagKind = Result.Hint
, Result.diagString = "All fine"
, Result.diagPos = lnum
| otherwise = formulae ++
formula = makeNamed f i
, diagnosis = Result.Diag
Result.diagKind = Result.Error
, Result.diagString = "Unknown propositions "
++ (show $ pretty difference)
++ " in formula "
++ (show $ pretty nakedFormula)
, Result.diagPos = lnum
f = nfformula nf
i = nfnum nf
nakedFormula = AS_Anno.item f
varsOfFormula = propsOfFormula nakedFormula
isLegal = Sign.isSubSigOf varsOfFormula sign
difference = Sign.sigDiff varsOfFormula sign
lnum = AS_Anno.opt_pos f
-- generates a named formula
makeNamed :: AS_Anno.Annoted (CL.SENTENCE) -> Int -> AS_Anno.Named (CL.SENTENCE)
makeNamed f i = (AS_Anno.makeNamed (if label == "" then "Ax_" ++ show i
else label) $ AS_Anno.item f)
label = AS_Anno.getRLabel f
-- annos = AS_Anno.r_annos f
-- isImplies = foldl (\y x -> AS_Anno.isImplies x || y) False annos
-- isImplied = foldl (\y x -> AS_Anno.isImplied x || y) False annos
-- isTheorem = isImplies || isImplied
-- Retrives the signature of a sentence
propsOfFormula :: CL.SENTENCE -> Sign.Sign
propsOfFormula (CL.Atom_sent form _) = case form of
CL.Equation _ _ -> Sign.emptySig
CL.Atom term _ -> propsOfTerm term
propsOfFormula (CL.Quant_sent _ _) = Sign.emptySig
propsOfFormula (CL.Bool_sent _ _) = Sign.emptySig
propsOfFormula (CL.Comment_sent _ _ _) = Sign.emptySig
propsOfFormula (CL.Irregular_sent _ _) = Sign.emptySig
propsOfTerm :: CL.TERM -> Sign.Sign
propsOfTerm term = case term of
CL.Name_term x -> Sign.Sign {Sign.items = Set.singleton $ Id.simpleIdToId x}
CL.Funct_term _ _ _ -> Sign.emptySig
CL.Comment_term _ _ _ -> Sign.emptySig
basicCommonLogicAnalysis :: (CL.BASIC_SPEC, Sign.Sign, a)
-> Result (CL.BASIC_SPEC,
ExtSign Sign.Sign Symbol.Symbol,
[AS_Anno.Named (CL.SENTENCE)])
basicCommonLogicAnalysis (bs, sig, _) =
Result.Result [] $ if exErrs then Nothing else
Just (bs, ExtSign sigItems newSyms, sentences)
-- bsig = bs sig
sigItems = sig
newSyms = Symbol.Symbol
$ Set.difference (items sigItems) $ items sig
bsform = makeFormulas bs sigItems -- [DIAG_FORM] list of sentence
sentences = map formula bsform
exErrs = False