Analysis.hs revision 551f1476dea3f969775527cb15fd512e86279307
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : Basic analysis for common logic
Copyright : (c) Karl Luc, Uni Bremen 2010
License : GPLv2 or higher
Maintainer :
Stability : experimental
Portability : portable
Basic and static analysis for common logic
module CommonLogic.Analysis
import Common.ExtSign
import Common.Result as Result
import CommonLogic.Symbol as Symbol
import qualified CommonLogic.AS_CommonLogic as CL
import qualified Common.AS_Annotation as AS_Anno
import qualified Common.Id as Id
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.List as List
import CommonLogic.Morphism as Morphism
import CommonLogic.Sign as Sign
data DIAG_FORM = DiagForm
formula :: AS_Anno.Named CL.SENTENCE,
diagnosis :: Result.Diagnosis
-- | retrieves the signature out of a basic spec
makeSig :: CL.BASIC_SPEC -> Sign.Sign -> Sign.Sign
makeSig (CL.Basic_spec spec) sig = List.foldl retrieveBasicItem sig spec
retrieveBasicItem :: Sign.Sign -> AS_Anno.Annoted CL.BASIC_ITEMS -> Sign.Sign
retrieveBasicItem sig x = case AS_Anno.item x of
CL.Axiom_items xs -> List.foldl retrieveSign sig xs
retrieveSign :: Sign.Sign -> AS_Anno.Annoted CL.SENTENCE -> Sign.Sign
retrieveSign sig = Sign.unite sig . propsOfFormula . AS_Anno.item
-- retrieve CL.Sentence out of BASIC_SPEC
-- retrieveSentence :: CL.BASIC_SPEC -> [AS_Anno.Named (CL.SENTENCE)]
-- | retrieve sentences
makeFormulas :: CL.BASIC_SPEC -> Sign.Sign -> [DIAG_FORM]
makeFormulas (CL.Basic_spec bspec) sig =
List.foldl (\ xs bs -> retrieveFormulaItem xs bs sig) [] bspec
retrieveFormulaItem :: [DIAG_FORM] -> AS_Anno.Annoted CL.BASIC_ITEMS
-> Sign.Sign -> [DIAG_FORM]
retrieveFormulaItem axs x sig =
case AS_Anno.item x of
CL.Axiom_items ax ->
List.foldl (\ xs bs -> addFormula xs bs sig) axs $ numberFormulae ax 0
data NUM_FORM = NumForm
nfformula :: AS_Anno.Annoted CL.SENTENCE
, nfnum :: Int
numberFormulae :: [AS_Anno.Annoted CL.SENTENCE] -> Int -> [NUM_FORM]
numberFormulae [] _ = []
numberFormulae (x : xs) i =
if null $ AS_Anno.getRLabel x
then NumForm {nfformula = x, nfnum = i} : numberFormulae xs (i + 1)
else NumForm {nfformula = x, nfnum = 0} : numberFormulae xs i
addFormula :: [DIAG_FORM]
-> Sign.Sign
addFormula formulae nf _ = formulae ++
[DiagForm {
formula = makeNamed f i
, diagnosis = Result.Diag
Result.diagKind = Result.Hint
, Result.diagString = "All fine"
, Result.diagPos = lnum
f = nfformula nf
i = nfnum nf
lnum = AS_Anno.opt_pos f
-- | generates a named formula
makeNamed :: AS_Anno.Annoted CL.SENTENCE -> Int -> AS_Anno.Named CL.SENTENCE
makeNamed f i = (AS_Anno.makeNamed (if null label then "Ax_" ++ show i
else label) $ AS_Anno.item f)
{ AS_Anno.isAxiom = not isTheorem }
label = AS_Anno.getRLabel f
annos = AS_Anno.r_annos f
isImplies = any AS_Anno.isImplies annos
isImplied = any AS_Anno.isImplied annos
isTheorem = isImplies || isImplied
-- | Retrives the signature of a sentence
propsOfFormula :: CL.SENTENCE -> Sign.Sign
propsOfFormula (CL.Atom_sent form _) = case form of
CL.Equation term1 term2 -> Sign.unite (propsOfTerm term1)
(propsOfTerm term2)
CL.Atom term ts -> Sign.unite (propsOfTerm term)
(uniteMap propsOfTermSeq ts)
propsOfFormula (CL.Quant_sent qs _) = case qs of
CL.Universal xs s -> Sign.sigDiff (propsOfFormula s)
(uniteMap propsOfNames xs)
CL.Existential xs s -> Sign.sigDiff (propsOfFormula s)
(uniteMap propsOfNames xs)
propsOfFormula (CL.Bool_sent bs _) = case bs of
CL.Conjunction xs -> uniteMap propsOfFormula xs
CL.Disjunction xs -> uniteMap propsOfFormula xs
CL.Negation x -> propsOfFormula x
CL.Implication s1 s2 -> Sign.unite (propsOfFormula s1) (propsOfFormula s2)
CL.Biconditional s1 s2 -> Sign.unite (propsOfFormula s1) (propsOfFormula s2)
propsOfFormula (CL.Comment_sent _ _ _) = Sign.emptySig
propsOfFormula (CL.Irregular_sent _ _) = Sign.emptySig
propsOfTerm :: CL.TERM -> Sign.Sign
propsOfTerm term = case term of
CL.Name_term x -> Sign.Sign {Sign.items = Set.singleton $ Id.simpleIdToId x}
CL.Funct_term t ts _ -> Sign.unite (propsOfTerm t)
(uniteMap propsOfTermSeq ts)
CL.Comment_term t _ _ -> propsOfTerm t -- fix
propsOfNames :: CL.NAME_OR_SEQMARK -> Sign.Sign
propsOfNames (CL.Name x) = Sign.Sign {Sign.items = Set.singleton $
Id.simpleIdToId x}
propsOfNames (CL.SeqMark x) = Sign.Sign {Sign.items = Set.singleton $
Id.simpleIdToId x}
propsOfTermSeq :: CL.TERM_SEQ -> Sign.Sign
propsOfTermSeq s = case s of
CL.Term_seq term -> propsOfTerm term
CL.Seq_marks sqm -> Sign.Sign {Sign.items = Set.singleton $
Id.simpleIdToId sqm}
uniteMap :: (a -> Sign.Sign) -> [a] -> Sign
uniteMap p = List.foldl (\ sig -> Sign.unite sig . p)
basicCommonLogicAnalysis :: (CL.BASIC_SPEC, Sign.Sign, a)
-> Result (CL.BASIC_SPEC,
ExtSign Sign.Sign Symbol.Symbol,
[AS_Anno.Named CL.SENTENCE])
basicCommonLogicAnalysis (bs, sig, _) =
Result.Result [] $ if exErrs then Nothing else
Just (bs, ExtSign sigItems newSyms, sentences)
sigItems = makeSig bs sig
newSyms = Symbol.Symbol
$ Set.difference (items sigItems) $ items sig
bsform = makeFormulas bs sigItems
-- [DIAG_FORM] signature and list of sentences
sentences = map formula bsform
-- Annoted Sentences (Ax_), numbering, DiagError
exErrs = False
inducedFromMorphism :: Map.Map Symbol.Symbol Symbol.Symbol
-> Sign.Sign
-> Result.Result Morphism.Morphism
inducedFromMorphism _ _ = Result [] Nothing
inducedFromToMorphism :: Map.Map Symbol.Symbol Symbol.Symbol
-> ExtSign Sign.Sign Symbol.Symbol
-> ExtSign Sign.Sign Symbol.Symbol
-> Result.Result Morphism.Morphism
inducedFromToMorphism _ (ExtSign _ _) (ExtSign _ _) = Result [] Nothing
-- negate sentence
negForm f = case f of
CL.Quant_sent _ r -> CL.Bool_sent (CL.Negation f) r
CL.Bool_sent bs r -> case bs of
CL.Negation s -> s
_ -> CL.Bool_sent (CL.Negation f) r
_ -> CL.Bool_sent (CL.Negation f) Id.nullRange