AS_CommonLogic.der.hs revision b87efd3db0d2dc41615ea28669faf80fc1b48d56
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : Abstract syntax for common logic
Copyright : (c) Karl Luc, DFKI Bremen 2010
License : GPLv2 or higher
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
Definition of abstract syntax for common logic
ISO/IEC IS 24707:2007(E)
module CommonLogic.AS_CommonLogic where
import Common.Id as Id
import Common.Doc
import Common.DocUtils
import Common.Keywords
import qualified Common.AS_Annotation as AS_Anno
-- DrIFT command
{-! global: GetRange !-}
newtype BASIC_SPEC = Basic_spec [AS_Anno.Annoted (BASIC_ITEMS)]
deriving Show
Axiom_items [AS_Anno.Annoted (SENTENCE)]
deriving Show
instance Pretty BASIC_SPEC where
pretty = printBasicSpec
instance Pretty BASIC_ITEMS where
pretty = printBasicItems
printBasicSpec :: BASIC_SPEC -> Doc
printBasicSpec (Basic_spec xs) = vcat $ map pretty xs
printBasicItems :: BASIC_ITEMS -> Doc
printBasicItems (Axiom_items xs) = vcat $ map pretty xs
-- Common Logic Syntax
data TEXT = Text [PHRASE] Id.Range
| Named_text String TEXT Id.Range
deriving (Show, Ord, Eq)
data PHRASE = Module MODULE
| Sentence SENTENCE
| Importation IMPORTATION
| Comment_text COMMENT TEXT Id.Range
deriving (Show, Ord, Eq)
data COMMENT = Comment String Id.Range
deriving (Show, Ord, Eq)
data MODULE = Mod NAME TEXT Id.Range
| Mod_ex NAME [NAME] TEXT Id.Range
deriving (Show, Ord, Eq)
data IMPORTATION = Imp_name NAME
deriving (Show, Ord, Eq)
data SENTENCE = Quant_sent QUANT_SENT Id.Range
| Bool_sent BOOL_SENT Id.Range
| Atom_sent ATOM Id.Range
| Comment_sent COMMENT SENTENCE Id.Range
| Irregular_sent SENTENCE Id.Range
deriving (Show, Ord, Eq)
deriving (Show, Ord, Eq)
data BOOL_SENT = Conjunction [SENTENCE]
| Disjunction [SENTENCE]
| Negation SENTENCE
deriving (Show, Ord, Eq)
data ATOM = Equation TERM TERM
deriving (Show, Ord, Eq)
data TERM = Name_term NAME
| Funct_term TERM [TERM_SEQ] Id.Range
| Comment_term TERM COMMENT Id.Range
deriving (Show, Ord, Eq)
data TERM_SEQ = Term_seq TERM
| Seq_marks SEQ_MARK
deriving (Show, Ord, Eq)
type NAME = Id.Token
type SEQ_MARK = Id.Token
-- binding seq
| SeqMark SEQ_MARK
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
data SYMB_MAP_ITEMS = Symb_map_items [NAME_OR_SEQMARK] Id.Range
deriving (Show, Eq)
-- pretty printing using CLIF
instance Pretty SENTENCE where
pretty = printSentence
instance Pretty BOOL_SENT where
pretty = printBoolSent
instance Pretty QUANT_SENT where
pretty = printQuantSent
instance Pretty ATOM where
pretty = printAtom
instance Pretty TERM where
pretty = printTerm
instance Pretty TERM_SEQ where
pretty = printTermSeq
instance Pretty COMMENT where
pretty = printComment
instance Pretty NAME_OR_SEQMARK where
pretty = printNameOrSeqMark
instance Pretty SYMB_MAP_ITEMS where
pretty = printSymbMapItems
printSentence :: SENTENCE -> Doc
printSentence s = case s of
Quant_sent xs _ -> parens $ pretty xs
Bool_sent xs _ -> parens $ pretty xs
Atom_sent xs _ -> pretty xs
Comment_sent x y _ -> parens $ pretty y <+> pretty x
Irregular_sent xs _ -> parens $ pretty xs
printComment :: COMMENT -> Doc
printComment s = case s of
Comment x _ -> text x
printQuantSent :: QUANT_SENT -> Doc
printQuantSent s = case s of
Universal x y -> text forallS <+> parens (sep $ map pretty x) <+> pretty y
Existential x y -> text existsS <+> parens (sep $ map pretty x) <+> pretty y
printBoolSent :: BOOL_SENT -> Doc
printBoolSent s = case s of
Conjunction xs -> text andS <+> (fsep $ map pretty xs)
Disjunction xs -> text orS <+> (fsep $ map pretty xs)
Negation xs -> text notS <+> pretty xs
Implication x y -> text ifS <+> pretty x <+> pretty y
Biconditional x y -> text iffS <+> pretty x <+> pretty y
printAtom :: ATOM -> Doc
printAtom s = case s of
Equation a b -> parens $ equals <+> pretty a <+> pretty b
Atom t ts -> parens $ pretty t <+> (sep $ map pretty ts)
printTerm :: TERM -> Doc
printTerm s = case s of
Name_term a -> pretty a
Funct_term t ts _ -> parens $ pretty t <+> (fsep $ map pretty ts)
Comment_term x y _ -> pretty x <+> pretty y
printTermSeq :: TERM_SEQ -> Doc
printTermSeq s = case s of
Term_seq t -> pretty t
Seq_marks m -> pretty m
-- Binding Seq
printNameOrSeqMark :: NAME_OR_SEQMARK -> Doc
printNameOrSeqMark s = case s of
Name x -> pretty x
SeqMark x -> pretty x
-- Alt x y -> pretty x <+> pretty y
printSymbMapItems :: SYMB_MAP_ITEMS -> Doc
printSymbMapItems (Symb_map_items xs _) = fsep $ map pretty xs
instance Pretty TEXT where
pretty = printText
instance Pretty PHRASE where
pretty = printPhrase
instance Pretty MODULE where
pretty = printModule
instance Pretty IMPORTATION where
pretty = printImportation
printText :: TEXT -> Doc
printText s = case s of
Text x _ -> fsep $ map pretty x
Named_text x y _ -> text x <+> pretty y
printPhrase :: PHRASE -> Doc
printPhrase s = case s of
Module x -> pretty x
Sentence x -> pretty x
Importation x -> pretty x
Comment_text x y _ -> pretty x <+> pretty y
printModule :: MODULE -> Doc
printModule (Mod x z _) = pretty x <+> pretty z
printModule (Mod_ex x y z _) = pretty x <+> fsep (map pretty y) <+> pretty z
printImportation :: IMPORTATION -> Doc
printImportation (Imp_name x) = pretty x
-- keywords, reservednames in CLIF
seqmarkS :: String
seqmarkS = "..."
(...) :: String
(...) = "..."
orS :: String
orS = "or"
iffS :: String
iffS = "iff"