test_parser.hs revision bccea164bdfc2ddc3d1e20749bb5477a46eab3a6
module Main where
import System.Environment
import Data.List
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
import qualified Common.CaslLanguage as L(casl_id, semi, whiteSpace)
import Common.AnnoParser
import Common.DocUtils
import Common.Id
import Common.Token(parseId)
testP :: Show a => (b -> a) -> CharParser () b -> SourceName -> String -> IO ()
testP f p n s = case parse p n s of
Left err -> putStr "parse error at " >> print err
Right x -> print $ f x
cleanP :: CharParser () a -> CharParser () a
cleanP p = do {L.whiteSpace ; res <- p; eof ; return res}
testPL :: Show a => CharParser () a -> String -> IO ()
testPL par inp = testP id (cleanP par) "" inp
parseFile :: Pretty a => CharParser () a -> FilePath -> IO ()
parseFile par name = do
inp <- readFile name
testP pretty (cleanP par) name inp
testFile :: Pretty a => CharParser () a -> FilePath -> IO ()
testFile par name = do
inp <- readFile name
mapM_ (testLine par) $ lines inp
where testLine p line = do
putStr "** Input was: "
print line
putStr "** Result is: "
testPL p line
testFileC :: FilePath -> IO ()
testFileC name = do
inp <- readFile name
mapM_ testLine $ lines inp
where testLine line = showDiff line (test_id L.casl_id line)
$ test_id (parseId []) line
testData :: CharParser () a -> String -> Either ParseError a
testData p s = parse (do {L.whiteSpace ; res <- p; eof ; return res}) "" s
test_id :: CharParser () Id -> String -> IO ()
test_id p inp = case testData p inp of
Left err -> print err
Right ide -> printId ide
-- Comparing Id-Parser and presenting results
testFileCS :: FilePath -> IO ()
testFileCS name = do
inp <- readFile name
((ma,dif),rl) <- return $ mapAccumL testLine (0, 0) (lines inp)
sequence rl
putStrLn $ "------\nMatched: " ++ show ma ++
"\nDiffs: " ++ show dif
where testLine (ma,dif) line =
let res1 = testData L.casl_id line
res2 = testData (parseId []) line
(ma1,dif1,out) = comp res1 res2 line
in ((ma + ma1 :: Int, dif + dif1 :: Int), out)
comp :: Either ParseError Id -> Either ParseError Id -> String
-> (Int, Int, IO ())
comp (Left err1) (Left err2) line =
(0,0,showDiff line (print err1) (print err2))
comp (Left err1) (Right id2) line =
(0,1,showDiff line (print err1) (printId id2))
comp (Right id1) (Left err2) line =
(0,1,showDiff line (printId id1) (print err2))
comp (Right id1) (Right id2) line =
if id1 == id2 then (1 :: Int, 0 :: Int, putStr "")
else if showId id1 "" == showId id2 "" then diff_rep
else diff_parse where
diff_parse = (0,1,putStrLn "Different Parses!" >> diff)
diff_rep = (1,0, putStrLn "Diferent Representations!" >> diff)
diff = showDiff line (printId id1) (printId id2)
showDiff :: String -> IO () -> IO () -> IO ()
showDiff line out1 out2 =
do putStr "** Input was: "
putStrLn line
putStr "** Result(KL) is: "
putStr "** Result(CM) is: "
printId :: Id -> IO ()
printId ide@(Id _ comps _) = do
if null comps then putChar 'M' else putChar 'C'
putStr ": "
putStrLn (showId ide "")
-- call it with "-p {casl_id, casl_id2} <files>"
main :: IO ()
main = do
as <- getArgs
(p,files) <- return (extract_par as)
mapM_ (parseFile' p) files
where extract_par = extract_par' "annotations" []
extract_par' p ac args = case args of
[] -> error
"usage: <prog> -p (annotation|casl_id|casl_id2) <files>"
[_] -> (p,ac ++ args)
x:ltl@(y:tl) -> if x == "-p"
then extract_par' y ac tl
else extract_par' p (ac++x:[]) (ltl)
parseFile' s = case s of
"annotations" -> parseFile annotations
"casl_id" -> testFileC
"casl_id2" -> testFileCS
_ -> error ("*** unknown parser " ++ s)
testId :: IO ()
testId = testPL (sepBy L.casl_id L.semi)
"__++__ ; __+*[y__,a_l'__,4]__ ; {__}[__] ; __a__b[__z]"