XSimplePath.hs revision f50edf2b633f2d8507621eea57e19467656259df
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : Simplification of XPath-Structure
Copyright : (c) Simon Ulbricht, DFKI GmbH 2011
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer : tekknix@informatik.uni-bremen.de
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable (DevGraph)
break down Common.XPath.Expr into a simpler path description and transfer
into cursor movement.
module Common.XSimplePath where
import Common.XPath hiding (Text)
import Common.XUpdate
import Control.Monad
import Data.List
import Text.XML.Light hiding (findChild)
import Text.XML.Light.Cursor
data SimplePath = PathStep Finder SimplePath
| PathEnd ChangeSel (Maybe String)
{- Finder stores predicate list to locate the element and an index, in case
multiple elements comply with the predicate -}
data Finder = FindBy QName [Attr] Int
-- convert PathExpr into more simple Finder stucture
exprToSimplePath :: Monad m => Change -> m SimplePath
exprToSimplePath (Change csel e) = case e of
PathExpr Nothing (Path True stps) -> anaSteps stps where
anaSteps (stp : r) = case stp of
Step Child (NameTest n) exps -> do
finder <- mkFinder (FindBy (unqual n) [] 1) exps
liftM (PathStep finder) $ anaSteps r
-- should be last step only. return path so-far plus attribute selector
Step Attribute (NameTest n) [] -> return $ PathEnd csel $ Just n
_ -> fail $ "unexpected step: " ++ show stp
anaSteps [] = return $ PathEnd csel Nothing
_ -> fail $ "not a valid path description: " ++ show e
mkFinder :: Monad m => Finder -> [Expr] -> m Finder
mkFinder f [] = return f
mkFinder f@(FindBy qn attrs i) (e : r) = do
f' <- case e of
GenExpr True "and" es -> mkFinder f es
GenExpr True "=" es -> do
att <- mkAttr es
return $ FindBy qn (att : attrs) i
PrimExpr Number i' -> return $ FindBy qn attrs $ read i'
_ -> fail "unexpected (2)"
mkFinder f' r
{- create attribute to locate the element with from expr-data.
this method will fail for many illegal expr-types! -}
mkAttr :: Monad m => [Expr] -> m Attr
mkAttr [e1, e2] = case e1 of
PathExpr Nothing (Path False stps) -> case stps of
Step Attribute (NameTest nm) [] : [] -> case e2 of
PrimExpr _ val -> return $ Attr (unqual nm) val
_ -> fail "unexpected (4)"
_ -> fail "unexpected (5)"
_ -> fail "unexpected (6)"
mkAttr _ = fail "unexpected (7)"
data Direction = Vertical
| Horizontal
| TopElem
changeXml :: Monad m => Element -> String -> m Element
changeXml el diff = let cr = fromElement el in do
cs <- anaXUpdates diff
pths <- mapM exprToSimplePath cs
cr' <- iterateXml TopElem pths cr
case current cr' of
Elem e -> return e
_ -> fail "unexpected content within top element"
iterateXml :: Monad m => Direction -> [SimplePath] -> Cursor -> m Cursor
iterateXml _ [] cr = return cr
iterateXml dir pths cr0 = do
cr1 <- moveCursor dir cr0
(chgs, toRight, toChildren) <- propagatePaths cr1 pths
cr2 <- iterateXml Horizontal toRight cr1
cr3 <- iterateXml Vertical toChildren cr2
applyChanges dir chgs cr3
moveCursor :: Monad m => Direction -> Cursor -> m Cursor
moveCursor dir cr = case dir of
Vertical -> maybe (fail "no more children") return
$ findChild isElem cr
Horizontal -> maybe (fail "no more right siblings") return
$ findRight isElem cr
TopElem -> return cr
isElem :: Cursor -> Bool
isElem cr = case current cr of
Elem _ -> True
_ -> False
-- TODO: using monadic return type to detect remove-Op, thus all error dialog is lost!
applyChanges :: Monad m => Direction -> [SimplePath] -> Cursor -> m Cursor
applyChanges dir pths cr = case foldM applyChange cr pths of
Nothing -> case dir of
Vertical -> maybe (fail "applyChanges(1)") return $ removeGoUp cr
Horizontal -> maybe (fail "applyChanges(2)") return $ removeGoLeft cr
TopElem -> fail "top element cannot be removed!"
Just cr' -> case dir of
Vertical -> maybe (fail "applyChanges(3)") return $ parent cr'
Horizontal -> maybe (fail "applyChanges(4)") return $ findLeft isElem cr'
TopElem -> return cr'
applyChange :: Monad m => Cursor -> SimplePath -> m Cursor
applyChange _ (PathStep _ _) = error "applyChange: unexpected remaining PathSteps"
applyChange cr (PathEnd csel attrSel) = case (csel, attrSel) of
(Remove, Nothing) -> fail "controlled failure: full element removal"
(Remove, Just atS) -> case current cr of
Elem e -> return cr { current = Elem $ e { elAttribs =
filter ((/= atS) . qName . attrKey) $ elAttribs e } }
_ -> error "applyChange(remove)"
(Add pos addCs, _) -> foldM (applyAddOp pos) cr addCs
(Update s, Just atS) -> case current cr of
Elem e -> return cr { current = Elem $ add_attr (Attr (unqual atS) s) e }
_ -> error $ "applyChange(update): " ++ s
_ -> error $ "no implementation for :" ++ show csel
applyAddOp :: Monad m => Insert -> Cursor -> AddChange
-> m Cursor
applyAddOp pos cr addCh = case (pos, addCh) of
(Before, AddElem e) -> return $ insertGoLeft (Elem e) cr
(After, AddElem e) -> return $ insertRight (Elem e) cr
(Append, AddElem e) -> case current cr of
{- TODO: custem version of addChild, see if it works!! -}
Elem e' -> return cr { current = Elem $ e' {
elContent = Elem e : elContent e' } }
_ -> error "applyAddOp(1)"
-- TODO: there shouldn't be an attribute selection here, but there is!
(Append, AddAttr at) -> case current cr of
Elem e -> return cr { current = Elem $ add_attr at e }
_ -> error "applyAddOp(2)"
_ -> error "applyAddOp(3)"
propagatePaths :: Monad m => Cursor -> [SimplePath]
-> m ([SimplePath], [SimplePath], [SimplePath])
propagatePaths cr pths = case current cr of
-- TODO why does Text (CData) even occur?
-- Text _ -> maybe (fail "^,^") (`propagatePaths` pths) $ right cr
Elem e -> let
checkAttrs = all checkAttr
where checkAttr at = case findAttr (attrKey at) e of
Nothing -> False
Just atV -> atV == attrVal at
maybeDecrease pth = case pth of
PathStep (FindBy nm atL i) r | elName e == nm && checkAttrs atL
-> PathStep (FindBy nm atL $ i-1) r
st -> st
(cur, toRight) = partition isAtZero $ map maybeDecrease pths
where isAtZero (PathStep (FindBy _ _ 0) _) = True
isAtZero _ = False
isPathEnd (PathEnd _ _) = True
isPathEnd _ = False
tail' (PathStep _ rPth) = return rPth
tail' (PathEnd _ _) = fail "unexpected PathEnd!" in do
(changes, toChildren) <- liftM (partition isPathEnd) $ mapM tail' cur
return (changes, toRight, toChildren)
c -> fail $ "unexpected Cursor Content: " ++ show c