XPath.hs revision e2ca90217abd35b3d5f98bfe73ecffb34badd837
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : XPath utilities
Copyright : (c) Christian Maeder, DFKI GmbH 2009
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer : Christian.Maeder@dfki.de
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
XPath utilities independent of xml package
module Common.XPath where
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
import Common.Lexer
import Data.Char
import Data.List
data Axis
= Ancestor Bool -- or self?
| Attribute
| Child
| Descendant Bool -- or self?
| Following Bool -- sibling?
| Namespace
| Parent
| Preceding Bool -- sibling?
| Self deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
allAxis :: [Axis]
allAxis = let bl = [True, False] in
[ Attribute
, Child
, Namespace
, Parent
, Self ]
++ [ Ancestor b | b <- bl ]
++ [ Descendant b | b <- bl ]
++ [ Following b | b <- bl ]
++ [ Preceding b | b <- bl ]
showAxis :: Axis -> String
showAxis a =
let s = map toLower . takeWhile isAlpha $ show a
orSelf b = if b then s ++ "-or-self" else s
sibl b = if b then s ++ "-sibling" else s
in case a of
Ancestor c -> orSelf c
Descendant c -> orSelf c
Following c -> sibl c
Preceding c -> sibl c
_ -> s
data NodeTest
= NameTest String -- possibly containing colon
| PrefixTest String
| PINode String
| NodeTest
| CommentNode
| TextNode
pIS :: String
pIS = "processing-instruction"
nodeS :: String
nodeS = "node"
commentS :: String
commentS = "comment"
textS :: String
textS = "text"
paren :: String -> String
paren = ('(' :) . (++ ")")
showNodeTest :: NodeTest -> String
showNodeTest t = let
b = (++ paren "")
in case t of
NameTest s -> if null s then "*" else s
PrefixTest p -> p ++ ":*"
PINode s -> pIS ++ paren s
NodeTest -> b nodeS
CommentNode -> b commentS
TextNode -> b textS
data Step = Step Axis NodeTest [Expr]
showStep :: Step -> String
showStep (Step a n ps) =
showAxis a ++ "::" ++ showNodeTest n ++ concatMap showPred ps
data Path = Path Bool [Step] -- absolute? or relative
showPath :: Path -> String
showPath (Path abso sts) =
if abso then concatMap (('/' :) . showStep) sts
else intercalate "/" $ map showStep sts
data PrimKind
= Var -- leading dollar
| Literal -- single or double quotes
| Number -- digits possible with decimal point
data Expr
= GenExpr Bool String [Expr] -- infix
| PathExpr Path
| FilterExpr Expr [Expr] [Step]
| PrimExpr PrimKind String
showPred :: Expr -> String
showPred e = '[' : showExpr e ++ "]"
showExpr :: Expr -> String
showExpr e = case e of
GenExpr infx op args ->
if infx then
showInfixExpr op args
else op ++ paren (intercalate "," $ map showExpr args)
PathExpr p -> showPath p
FilterExpr pe ps sts ->
(if isPrimExpr pe then id else paren) (showExpr e)
++ concatMap showPred ps
++ showPath (Path True sts)
PrimExpr _ s -> s
isPrimExpr :: Expr -> Bool
isPrimExpr e = case e of
PrimExpr _ _ -> True
GenExpr False _ _ -> True
_ -> False
inOps :: [[String]]
inOps =
[ ["or"]
, ["and"]
, ["!=", "="]
, ["<=", ">=", "<", ">"]
, ["+", "-"]
, ["*", "div", "mod"]
, ["|"]]
showInfixExpr :: String -> [Expr] -> String
showInfixExpr op args = case args of
[] -> op -- cannot happen
[arg] -> -- unary minus
let s = showExpr arg
in op ++ case arg of
GenExpr True aOp _ -> case aOp of
"|" -> s
_ -> paren s
_ -> s
arg : rargs ->
let mi = findIndex (elem op) inOps
padOp = if op == "|" then op else ' ' : op ++ " "
in parenExpr False mi arg
++ concatMap ((padOp ++) . parenExpr True mi) rargs
parenExpr :: Bool -> Maybe Int -> Expr -> String
parenExpr rst mi e =
let s = showExpr e
in case e of
GenExpr True op _ ->
let mj = findIndex (elem op) inOps
putPar = case (mi, mj) of
(Just i, Just j) -> i > j || rst && i == j
_ -> True
in if putPar then paren s else s
_ -> s
tryStr :: String -> Parser String
tryStr = try . string
skips :: Parser a -> Parser a
skips = (<< spaces)
symbol :: String -> Parser String
symbol = skips . tryStr
lpar, rpar, lbra, rbra, slash, dslash :: Parser ()
lpar = forget (symbol "(")
rpar = forget (symbol ")")
lbra = forget (symbol "[")
rbra = forget (symbol "]")
slash = forget (symbol "/")
dslash = forget (symbol "//")
axis :: Parser Axis
axis = choice $ map (\ a -> symbol (showAxis a) >> return a) allAxis
abbrAxis :: Parser Axis
abbrAxis =
(symbol "@" >> return Attribute)
<|> try (axis << symbol "::")
<|> return Child
ncNameStart :: Char -> Bool
ncNameStart c = isAlpha c || c == '_'
-- | rfc3987 plus '+' from scheme (scheme does not allow the dots)
ncNameChar :: Char -> Bool
ncNameChar c = isAlphaNum c || elem c ".+-_\183"
ncName :: Parser String
ncName = satisfy ncNameStart <:> many (satisfy ncNameChar)
literal :: Parser String
literal =
char '"' <:> many (satisfy (/= '"')) <++> string "\""
<|> char '\'' <:> many (satisfy (/= '\'')) <++> string "'"
nodeTest :: Parser NodeTest
nodeTest = fmap PINode (symbol pIS >> lpar >> literal << rpar)
<|> choice (map (\ t -> symbol (takeWhile isAlpha $ showNodeTest t)
>> lpar >> rpar >> return t)
[NodeTest, CommentNode, TextNode])
<|> (symbol "*" >> return (NameTest ""))
<|> do
n <- ncName
(symbol ":*" >> return (PrefixTest n))
<|> fmap (NameTest . (n ++)) (option "" $ char ':' <:> ncName)