Utils.hs revision dbc98cd8a9a829e020cfa0a9f3aff89de75caaa9
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : utility functions that can't be found in the libraries
Copyright : (c) Klaus Luettich, Uni Bremen 2002-2006
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer : Christian.Maeder@dfki.de
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
Utility functions that can't be found in the libraries
but should be shared across Hets.
module Common.Utils
( joinWith
, keepMins
, splitOn
, basename
, dirname
, fileparse
, stripDir
, stripSuffix
, getEnvSave
, getEnvDef
, filterMapWithList
, composeMap
) where
import Data.List
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import System.Environment
import System.IO.Error
import Control.Monad
import qualified Control.Exception as Exception
-- | composition of arbitrary maps
composeMap :: (Monad m, Ord a, Ord b, Ord c, Show b) =>
Map.Map a b -> Map.Map b c -> m (Map.Map a c)
composeMap in1 in2 = foldM (\ m1 (x,y) -> case Map.lookup y in2 of
Nothing -> fail ("Item " ++ (show y) ++ " not found in target map")
Just z -> return $ Map.insert x z m1) Map.empty $ Map.toList in1
-- | keep only minimal elements
keepMins :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
keepMins lt l = case l of
[] -> []
x : r -> let s = filter ( \ y -> not (lt x y)) r
m = keepMins lt s
in if any ( \ y -> lt y x) s then m
else x : m
{- |
A function inspired by perls join function. It joins a list of
lists of elements by seperating them with a seperator element.
joinWith :: a -- ^ seperator element
-> [[a]] -- ^ list of lists of elements
-> [a]
joinWith sep = concat . intersperse [sep]
{- |
A function inspired by the perl function split. A list is splitted
on a seperator element in smaller non-empty lists.
The seperator element is dropped from the resulting list.
splitOn :: Eq a => a -- ^ seperator
-> [a] -- ^ list to split
-> [[a]]
splitOn x xs = let (l, r) = break (==x) xs in
(if null l then [] else [l]) ++ (if null r then [] else splitOn x $ tail r)
{- |
A function inspired by a perl function from the standard perl-module
File::Basename. It removes the directory part of a filepath.
basename :: FilePath -> FilePath
basename fp = (\(_path,basen) -> basen) (stripDir fp)
{- |
A function inspired by a perl function from the standard perl-module
File::Basename. It gives the directory part of a filepath.
dirname :: FilePath -> FilePath
dirname fp = (\(path,_basen) -> path) (stripDir fp)
{- |
A function inspired by a perl function from the standard perl-module
File::Basename. It splits a filepath into the basename, the
directory and gives the suffix that matched from the list of
suffixes. If a suffix matched it is removed from the basename.
fileparse :: [String] -- ^ list of suffixes
-> FilePath
-> (FilePath,FilePath,Maybe String)
-- ^ (basename,directory,matched suffix)
fileparse sufs fp = let (path,base) = stripDir fp
(base',suf) = stripSuffix sufs base
in (base',path,suf)
stripDir :: FilePath -> (FilePath,FilePath)
stripDir fp =
(\(x,y) -> (if not (null y) then reverse y else "./", reverse x))
(break (== '/') (reverse fp))
stripSuffix :: [String] -> FilePath -> (FilePath,Maybe String)
stripSuffix suf fp = case filter justs $ map (stripSuf fp) suf of
((Just (x,s)):_) -> (x,Just s)
_ -> (fp, Nothing)
where stripSuf f s | s `isSuffixOf` f =
Just (take (length f - length s) f, s)
| otherwise = Nothing
justs (Nothing) = False
justs (Just _) = True
{- | filter a map according to a given list of keys (it dosen't hurt
if a key is not present in the map) -}
filterMapWithList :: Ord k => [k] -> Map.Map k e -> Map.Map k e
filterMapWithList l = filterMapWithSet sl
where sl = Set.fromList l
{- | filter a map according to a given set of keys (it dosen't hurt if
a key is not present in the map) -}
filterMapWithSet :: Ord k => Set.Set k -> Map.Map k e -> Map.Map k e
filterMapWithSet s = Map.filterWithKey selected
where selected k _ = Set.member k s
{- | get, parse and check an environment variable; provide the default
value, only if the envionment variable is not set or the
parse-check-function returns a Left value -}
getEnvSave :: a -- ^ default value
-> String -- ^ name of environment variable
-> (String -> Either b a) -- ^ parse and check value of variable;
-- for every b the default value is returned
-> IO a
getEnvSave defValue envVar readFun = Exception.catch
(getEnv envVar >>= return . either (const defValue) id . readFun)
$ \ e -> case e of
Exception.IOException ie ->
if isDoesNotExistError ie -- == NoSuchThing
then return defValue else Exception.throwIO e
_ -> Exception.throwIO e
-- | get environment variable
getEnvDef :: String -- ^ environment variable
-> String -- ^ default value
-> IO String
getEnvDef envVar defValue = getEnvSave defValue envVar Right