Utils.hs revision ad270004874ce1d0697fb30d7309f180553bb315
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : utility functions that can't be found in the libraries
Copyright : (c) Klaus L�ttich, Uni Bremen 2002-2006
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer : luettich@tzi.de
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
Utility functions that can't be found in the libraries
but should be shared across Hets.
module Common.Utils where
import Data.List
import Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import System.Posix.Process
import System.Time
import System.Random
import System.IO
import System
import System.IO.Error
import qualified Control.Exception as Exception
{- |
A function inspired by perls join function. It joins a list of
lists of elements by seperating them with a seperator element.
joinWith :: a -- ^ seperator element
-> [[a]] -- ^ list of lists of elements
-> [a]
joinWith sep = concat . intersperse [sep]
{- |
A function inspired by the perl function split. A list is splitted
on a seperator element in smaller non-empty lists.
The seperator element is dropped from the resulting list.
splitOn :: Eq a => a -- ^ seperator
-> [a] -- ^ list to split
-> [[a]]
splitOn x xs = let (l, r) = break (==x) xs in
(if null l then [] else [l]) ++ (if null r then [] else splitOn x $ tail r)
{- |
A function inspired by a perl function from the standard perl-module
File::Basename. It removes the directory part of a filepath.
basename :: FilePath -> FilePath
basename fp = (\(_path,basen) -> basen) (stripDir fp)
{- |
A function inspired by a perl function from the standard perl-module
File::Basename. It gives the directory part of a filepath.
dirname :: FilePath -> FilePath
dirname fp = (\(path,_basen) -> path) (stripDir fp)
{- |
A function inspired by a perl function from the standard perl-module
File::Basename. It splits a filepath into the basename, the
directory and gives the suffix that matched from the list of
suffixes. If a suffix matched it is removed from the basename.
fileparse :: [String] -- ^ list of suffixes
-> FilePath
-> (FilePath,FilePath,Maybe String)
-- ^ (basename,directory,matched suffix)
fileparse sufs fp = let (path,base) = stripDir fp
(base',suf) = stripSuffix sufs base
in (base',path,suf)
stripDir :: FilePath -> (FilePath,FilePath)
stripDir fp =
(\(x,y) -> (if not (null y) then reverse y else "./", reverse x))
(break (== '/') (reverse fp))
stripSuffix :: [String] -> FilePath -> (FilePath,Maybe String)
stripSuffix suf fp = case filter justs $ map (stripSuf fp) suf of
((Just (x,s)):_) -> (x,Just s)
_ -> (fp, Nothing)
where stripSuf f s | s `isSuffixOf` f =
Just (take (length f - length s) f, s)
| otherwise = Nothing
justs (Nothing) = False
justs (Just _) = True
isSublistOf :: (Eq a) => [a] -> [a] -> Bool
isSublistOf [] _ = True
isSublistOf _ [] = False
isSublistOf ys l@(_:l')
| length ys <= length l = (ys `isPrefixOf` l) || (ys `isSublistOf` l')
| otherwise = False
-- IgnoreMaybe datatype
-- extension to Maybe for use in computations over recursive types
-- that need a "don't care" result
-- RealJust a means result a was computed
-- RealNothing means computation failed
-- IgnoreNothing means the rest of the computation should not be
-- influenced by this result
data IgnoreMaybe a = RealJust a
| RealNothing
| IgnoreNothing
-- drop IgnoreNothing from a list to get Maybe list
dropIgnore :: [IgnoreMaybe a] -> [Maybe a]
dropIgnore [] = []
dropIgnore ((RealJust x):t) = (Just x):(dropIgnore t)
dropIgnore (RealNothing:t) = Nothing:(dropIgnore t)
dropIgnore (IgnoreNothing:t) = dropIgnore t
-- convert from Maybe to IgnoreMaybe
toIgnore :: Maybe a -> IgnoreMaybe a
toIgnore (Just x) = RealJust x
toIgnore _ = RealNothing
-- convert from IgnoreMaybe to Maybe
-- IgnoreNothing is propagated (wrt to the meaning given above) to Nothing
toMaybe :: IgnoreMaybe a -> Maybe a
toMaybe (RealJust x) = Just x
toMaybe _ = Nothing
-- map over IgnoreMaybe taking (Maybe a -> b) function
mapIgnore :: (Maybe a -> b) -> [IgnoreMaybe a] -> [b]
mapIgnore _ [] = []
mapIgnore f (IgnoreNothing:t) = mapIgnore f t
mapIgnore f (h:t) = (f $ toMaybe h):(mapIgnore f t)
-- map over IgnoreMaybe taking (a -> b) function
mapIgnoreMaybe :: (a -> b) -> [IgnoreMaybe a] -> [b]
mapIgnoreMaybe _ [] = []
mapIgnoreMaybe f (RealJust x:t) = (f x):(mapIgnoreMaybe f t)
mapIgnoreMaybe f (_:t) = mapIgnoreMaybe f t
-- add element to list as if it were a set
-- addition is to the front if element wasn't already in the list, in which
-- case the list is not modified
setAddOne :: Eq a => [a] -> a -> [a]
setAddOne set x = if (x `elem` set) then set else (x:set)
-- concat two lists as if they were sets
-- adds each element from the second list using setAddOne
setAdd :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> [a]
setAdd set add = foldl setAddOne set add
-- find out whether all the elements of a list occur only once
allUnique :: Eq a => [a] -> Bool
allUnique [] = False
allUnique [_] = True
allUnique (h:t) = ([ x | x<-t, x == h ]==[]) && allUnique t
-- compute members of a list occuring more than once
notUnique :: Eq a => [a] -> [a]
notUnique [] = []
notUnique (h:t) = let
diff = [ x | x<-t, x/=h ]
rest = notUnique diff
case (h `elem` t) of True -> h : rest
False -> rest
-- safe context for graphs
safeContext :: (Show a, Show b,Graph gr) => String -> gr a b -> Node
-> Context a b
safeContext err g v =
case match v g of
(Nothing,_) -> error (err++": Match Exception, Node: "++show v++
" not present in graph with nodes:\n"++
show (nodes g)++"\nand edges:\n"++show (edges g))
(Just c,_) -> c
{- |
filter a map according to a given list of keys (it dosen't hurt if a key is not present in the map)
filterMapWithList :: Ord k => [k] -> Map.Map k e -> Map.Map k e
filterMapWithList l = filterMapWithSet sl
where sl = Set.fromList l
{- |
filter a map according to a given set of keys (it dosen't hurt if a key is not present in the map)
filterMapWithSet :: Ord k => Set.Set k -> Map.Map k e -> Map.Map k e
filterMapWithSet s = Map.filterWithKey selected
where selected k _ = Set.member k s
{- |
advice from <http://haskell.org/hawiki/ThingsToAvoid> use this instead of
direct application of selector function
comparing :: (Ord b) => (a -> b) -> a -> a -> Ordering
comparing selector x y = compare (selector x) (selector y)
{- | get, parse and check an environment variable; provide the default
value, only if the envionment variable is not set or the
parse-check-function returns a Left value
getEnvSave :: a -- ^ default value
-> String -- ^ name of environment variable
-> (String -> Either b a) -- ^ parse and check value of variable;
-- for every b the default value is returned
-> IO a
getEnvSave defValue envVar readFun = do
is <- Exception.catch (getEnv envVar >>= (return . Right))
(\e -> case e of
Exception.IOException ie ->
if isDoesNotExistError ie -- == NoSuchThing
then return $ Left defValue
else Exception.throwIO e
_ -> Exception.throwIO e)
return (either id (\s -> (either (const defValue) id (readFun s))) is)
{- |
create a temp file.
createTempFile :: FilePath -- ^ parent path, but no separator (\/)
-> FilePath -- ^ name of file (prefix)
-> FilePath -- ^ suffix of file (no point)
-> IO Handle
createTempFile parent preName sufName =
do randm <- getRandom
pid <- getProcessID
time <- getClockTime
ctime <- toCalendarTime time
let outTime = show (ctDay ctime) ++ show (ctHour ctime)
++ show (ctMin ctime) ++ show (ctSec ctime)
parentPath = (if length parent == 0
then "/tmp/tmp" ++ show randm
else parent)
separator = "/"
randomName = show pid ++ outTime ++ show randm
abPath = parentPath ++ separator ++ preName ++ randomName ++
(if length sufName == 0 then "" else "." ++ sufName)
openFile abPath WriteMode
where getRandom :: IO Int
getRandom = getStdRandom (randomR (10000, 99999))