Result.hs revision 5516c28f6575b3550029d1d82c6a14f8402ac3a2
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Klaus L�ttich, Till Mossakowski, Christian Maeder, Uni Bremen 2002-2004
Licence : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENCE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
This module provides a 'Result' type and some monadic functions to
use this type for accumulation of errors and warnings occuring
during the analyse phases.
module Common.Result(module Common.Result, showPretty) where
import Common.Id
import Common.PrettyPrint
import Common.Lib.Pretty
import Data.List
import Common.Lib.Parsec.Pos
import Common.Lib.Parsec.Error
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- diagnostic messages
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | maximum number of messages that are output
maxdiags :: Int
maxdiags = 20
-- | severness of diagnostic messages
data DiagKind = FatalError | Error | Warning | Hint | Debug
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
-- | a diagnostic message with a position
data Diagnosis = Diag { diagKind :: DiagKind
, diagString :: String
, diagPos :: Pos
} deriving Eq
-- | construct a message for a printable item that carries a position
mkDiag :: (PosItem a, PrettyPrint a) => DiagKind -> String -> a -> Diagnosis
mkDiag k s a =
Diag k (s ++ " '" ++ showPretty a "'") $ getMyPos a
-- | Check whether a diagnosis list contains errors
hasErrors :: [Diagnosis] -> Bool
hasErrors = any (\d -> diagKind d `elem` [FatalError,Error])
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- uniqueness check
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | errors for duplicates in argument, selector or constructor lists.
checkUniqueness :: (PrettyPrint a, PosItem a, Ord a) => [a] -> [Diagnosis]
checkUniqueness l =
let vd = filter ( not . null . tail) $ group $ sort l
in map ( \ vs -> mkDiag Error ("duplicates at '" ++
showSepList (showString " ") shortPosShow
(map getMyPos (tail vs)) "'"
++ " for") (head vs)) vd
where shortPosShow :: Pos -> ShowS
shortPosShow p = showParen True
(shows (sourceLine p) .
showString "," .
shows (sourceColumn p))
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- the Result monad
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | The 'Result' monad.
-- A failing 'Result' should include a 'FatalError' message.
-- Otherwise diagnostics should be non-fatal.
data Result a = Result { diags :: [Diagnosis]
, maybeResult :: (Maybe a)
} deriving (Show)
instance Functor Result where
fmap f (Result errs m) = Result errs $ fmap f m
instance Monad Result where
return x = Result [] $ Just x
Result errs Nothing >>= _ = Result errs Nothing
Result errs1 (Just x) >>= f = Result (errs1++errs2) y
where Result errs2 y = f x
fail s = fatal_error s nullPos
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- merging for instances of Logic.signature_union
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | merge together repeated or extended items
class Mergeable a where
merge :: a -> a -> Result a
-- diff :: a -> a -> a
-- with if (c <- a `merge` b) then (c `diff' a == b)
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Result with IO
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
ioBind :: IO(Result a) -> (a -> IO(Result b)) -> IO(Result b)
x `ioBind` f = do
res <- x
case res of
Result errs Nothing -> return (Result errs Nothing)
Result errs1 (Just v) -> do
Result errs2 y <- f v
return (Result (errs1++errs2) y)
newtype IOResult a = IOResult (IO(Result a))
instance Monad IOResult where
return x = IOResult (return (return x))
IOResult x >>= f = IOResult (x `ioBind` (\y -> let IOResult z = f y in z))
ioresToIO :: IOResult a -> IO(Result a)
ioresToIO (IOResult x) = x
ioToIORes :: IO a -> IOResult a
ioToIORes = IOResult . (fmap return)
resToIORes :: Result a -> IOResult a
resToIORes = IOResult . return
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- contructing a Result
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | a failing result with a proper position
fatal_error :: String -> Pos -> Result a
fatal_error s p = Result [Diag FatalError s p] Nothing
-- | a failing result, using pretty printed Doc
pfatal_error :: Doc -> Pos -> Result a
pfatal_error s p = fatal_error (show s) p
-- | add an error message but continue (within do)
plain_error :: a -> String -> Pos -> Result a
plain_error x s p = Result [Diag Error s p] $ Just x
-- | an error message, using pretty printed Doc
pplain_error :: a -> Doc -> Pos -> Result a
pplain_error x s p = plain_error x (show s) p
-- | add a warning
warning :: a -> String -> Pos -> Result a
warning x s p = Result [Diag Warning s p] $ Just x
-- | add a warning, using pretty printed Doc
pwarning :: a -> Doc -> Pos -> Result a
pwarning x s p = warning x (show s) p
-- | add a hint
hint :: a -> String -> Pos -> Result a
hint x s p = Result [Diag Hint s p] $ Just x
-- | add a hint, using pretty printed Doc
phint :: a -> Doc -> Pos -> Result a
phint x s p = hint x (show s) p
-- | add a fatal error message to a failure (Nothing)
maybeToResult :: Pos -> String -> Maybe a -> Result a
maybeToResult p s m = Result (case m of
Nothing -> [Diag FatalError s p]
Just _ -> []) m
maybePlainError :: a -> Pos -> String -> Maybe a -> Result a
maybePlainError def p s m =
case m of
Nothing -> plain_error def s p
Just x -> return x
-- | check whether no errors are present, coerce into Maybe
resultToMaybe :: Result a -> Maybe a
resultToMaybe (Result diags val) =
if hasErrors diags then Nothing else val
adjustPos :: Pos -> Result a -> Result a
adjustPos p r =
r {diags = map (\d -> d {diagPos = p}) (diags r)}
-- | Propagate errors using the error function
propagateErrors :: Result a -> a
propagateErrors r =
case (hasErrors $ diags r, maybeResult r) of
(False,Just x) -> x
_ -> error $ unlines $ map show $ diags r
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- instances for Result
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
showErr :: ParseError -> String
showErr err
= showPos (errorPos err) ":" ++
showErrorMessages "or" "unknown parse error"
"expecting" "unexpected" "end of input"
(errorMessages err)
instance Show Diagnosis where
showsPrec _ = showPretty
instance PrettyPrint Diagnosis where
printText0 _ (Diag k s sp) =
text "***"
<+> text (show k)
<+> text (showPos sp ",")
<+> text s
instance PosItem Diagnosis where
up_pos fn1 d = d { diagPos = fn1 $ diagPos d }
get_pos = Just . diagPos
instance PrettyPrint a => PrettyPrint (Result a) where
printText0 g (Result ds m) = vcat ((case m of
Nothing -> empty
Just x -> printText0 g x) :
(map (printText0 g) ds))
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- debugging
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
debug :: PrettyPrint a => Int -> (String,a) -> Result ()
debug n (s,a) =
warning () (show (ptext ("Debug point " ++ show n)
$$ ptext ("Variable "++s++":") <+> printText a))