Result.hs revision 2eb84fc82d3ffa9116bc471fda3742bd9e5a24bb
> HetCATS/hetcats/Result.hs
> $Id$
> Authors: Till Mossakowski, Klaus L�ttich
> Year: 2002
This module provides a Result type and some monadic functions to
use this type for accumulation of errors and warnings occuring
during the analyse phases.
module Common.Result where
import Common.Id
import Common.Lib.Parsec.Pos
import Common.PrettyPrint
import Common.Lib.Pretty
data DiagKind = FatalError | Error | Warning | Hint deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
data Diagnosis = Diag { diagKind :: DiagKind
, diagString :: String
, diagPos :: Pos
data Result a = Result { diags :: [Diagnosis]
, maybeResult :: (Maybe a)
} deriving (Show)
instance Monad Result where
return x = Result [] $ Just x
Result errs Nothing >>= _ = Result errs Nothing
Result errs1 (Just x) >>= f = Result (errs1++errs2) y
where Result errs2 y = f x
fail s = fatal_error s nullPos
ioBind :: IO(Result a) -> (a -> IO(Result b)) -> IO(Result b)
x `ioBind` f = do
res <- x
case res of
Result errs Nothing -> return (Result errs Nothing)
Result errs1 (Just x) -> do
Result errs2 y <- f x
return (Result (errs1++errs2) y)
newtype IOResult a = IOResult (IO(Result a))
instance Monad IOResult where
return x = IOResult (return (return x))
IOResult x >>= f = IOResult (x `ioBind` (\y -> let IOResult z = f y in z))
ioresToIO :: IOResult a -> IO(Result a)
ioresToIO (IOResult x) = x
ioToIORes :: IO a -> IOResult a
ioToIORes = IOResult . (fmap return)
resToIORes :: Result a -> IOResult a
resToIORes = IOResult . return
fatal_error :: String -> Pos -> Result a
fatal_error s p = Result [Diag FatalError s p] Nothing
plain_error :: a -> String -> Pos -> Result a
plain_error x s p = Result [Diag Error s p] $ Just x
warning :: a -> String -> Pos -> Result a
warning x s p = Result [Diag Warning s p] $ Just x
maybeToResult :: Pos -> String -> Maybe a -> Result a
maybeToResult pos err (Just x) = return x
maybeToResult pos err Nothing =
fatal_error err pos
instance Show Diagnosis where
showsPrec _ (Diag k s sp) =
shows k . colonS .
showString "in line " . shows (sourceLine sp) .
showString " at char " . shows (sourceColumn sp) .
colonS . showString s
where colonS = showString ": "
showList [] = id
showList [d] = shows d
showList (d:ds) = shows d . showString "\n" . showList ds
instance PrettyPrint Diagnosis where
printText0 _ (Diag k s sp) =
ptext (show k)
<+> parens (int (sourceLine sp) <> comma <> int (sourceColumn sp))
<+> text s
instance PrettyPrint a => PrettyPrint (Result a) where
printText0 g (Result ds m) = vcat ((case m of
Nothing -> empty
Just x -> printText0 g x) :
(map (printText0 g) ds))