Result.hs revision 0cb5f9c8582ad87ceef1c16b5d92347ae0878019
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Klaus L�ttich, Till Mossakowski, Christian Maeder, Uni Bremen 2002-2004
Licence : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENCE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
This module provides a 'Result' type and some monadic functions
for accumulating 'Diagnosis' messages during analysis phases.
module Common.Result(module Common.Result, Common.PrettyPrint.showPretty) where
import Common.Id
import Common.PrettyPrint
import Common.Lib.Pretty
import Data.List
import Common.Lib.Parsec.Error
import Common.Lexer (fromSourcePos)
-- | severness of diagnostic messages
data DiagKind = Error | Warning | Hint | Debug
| MessageW -- ^ used for messages in the web interface
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
-- | a diagnostic message with 'Pos'
data Diagnosis = Diag { diagKind :: DiagKind
, diagString :: String
, diagPos :: Pos
} deriving Eq
-- | construct a message for a printable item that carries a position
mkDiag :: (PosItem a, PrettyPrint a) => DiagKind -> String -> a -> Diagnosis
mkDiag k s a = let q = char '\'' in
Diag k (s ++ show (space <> q <> nest 2 (printText a) <> q)) $ getMyPos a
-- | check whether a diagnosis is an error
isErrorDiag :: Diagnosis -> Bool
isErrorDiag d = case diagKind d of
Error -> True
_ -> False
-- | Check whether a diagnosis list contains errors
hasErrors :: [Diagnosis] -> Bool
hasErrors = any isErrorDiag
-- | adjust a null position of a diagnosis
adjustDiagPos :: Pos -> Diagnosis -> Diagnosis
adjustDiagPos p d = let o = diagPos d in
d {diagPos = if isNullPos o then p else o}
-- | A uniqueness check yields errors for duplicates in a given list.
checkUniqueness :: (PrettyPrint a, PosItem a, Ord a) => [a] -> [Diagnosis]
checkUniqueness l =
let vd = filter ( not . null . tail) $ group $ sort l
in map ( \ vs -> mkDiag Error ("duplicates at '" ++
showSepList (showString " ") shortPosShow
(map getMyPos (tail vs)) "'"
++ " for") (head vs)) vd
where shortPosShow :: Pos -> ShowS
shortPosShow p = showParen True
(shows (sourceLine p) .
showString "," .
shows (sourceColumn p))
-- | The result monad. A failing result should include an error message.
data Result a = Result { diags :: [Diagnosis]
, maybeResult :: (Maybe a)
} deriving (Show)
instance Functor Result where
fmap f (Result errs m) = Result errs $ fmap f m
instance Monad Result where
return x = Result [] $ Just x
Result errs Nothing >>= _ = Result errs Nothing
Result errs1 (Just x) >>= f = Result (errs1++errs2) y
where Result errs2 y = f x
fail s = fatal_error s nullPos
-- | bind results within the 'IO' monad
ioBind :: IO(Result a) -> (a -> IO(Result b)) -> IO(Result b)
x `ioBind` f = do
res <- x
case res of
Result errs Nothing -> return (Result errs Nothing)
Result errs1 (Just v) -> do
Result errs2 y <- f v
return (Result (errs1++errs2) y)
newtype IOResult a = IOResult (IO(Result a))
instance Monad IOResult where
return x = IOResult (return (return x))
IOResult x >>= f = IOResult (x `ioBind` (\y -> let IOResult z = f y in z))
-- | unpack an IOResult
ioresToIO :: IOResult a -> IO(Result a)
ioresToIO (IOResult x) = x
-- | pack an IO value as IOResult
ioToIORes :: IO a -> IOResult a
ioToIORes = IOResult . (fmap return)
-- | pack a pure result as IOResult
resToIORes :: Result a -> IOResult a
resToIORes = IOResult . return
-- | a failing result with a proper position
fatal_error :: String -> Pos -> Result a
fatal_error s p = Result [Diag Error s p] Nothing
-- | a failing result using pretty printed 'Doc'
pfatal_error :: Doc -> Pos -> Result a
pfatal_error s p = fatal_error (show s) p
-- | a failing result constructing a message from a type
mkError :: (PosItem a, PrettyPrint a) => String -> a -> Result b
mkError s c = Result [mkDiag Error s c] Nothing
-- | add an error message but don't fail
plain_error :: a -> String -> Pos -> Result a
plain_error x s p = Result [Diag Error s p] $ Just x
-- | add an error message using a pretty printed 'Doc' but don't fail
pplain_error :: a -> Doc -> Pos -> Result a
pplain_error x s p = plain_error x (show s) p
-- | add a warning
warning :: a -> String -> Pos -> Result a
warning x s p = Result [Diag Warning s p] $ Just x
-- | add a warning using a pretty printed 'Doc'
pwarning :: a -> Doc -> Pos -> Result a
pwarning x s p = warning x (show s) p
-- | add a hint
hint :: a -> String -> Pos -> Result a
hint x s p = Result [Diag Hint s p] $ Just x
-- | add a hint using a pretty printed 'Doc'
phint :: a -> Doc -> Pos -> Result a
phint x s p = hint x (show s) p
-- | add a (web interface) message
message :: a -> String -> Result a
message x m = Result [Diag MessageW m nullPos] $ Just x
-- | add a failure message to 'Nothing'
maybeToResult :: Pos -> String -> Maybe a -> Result a
maybeToResult p s m = Result (case m of
Nothing -> [Diag Error s p]
Just _ -> []) m
-- | add a failure message to 'Nothing'
-- (alternative for 'maybeToResult' with 'nullPos')
maybeToMonad :: Monad m => String -> Maybe a -> m a
maybeToMonad s m = case m of
Nothing -> fail s
Just v -> return v
-- | check whether no errors are present, coerce into 'Maybe'
resultToMaybe :: Result a -> Maybe a
resultToMaybe (Result ds val) = if hasErrors ds then Nothing else val
-- | adjust positions of diagnoses
adjustPos :: Pos -> Result a -> Result a
adjustPos p r =
r {diags = map (adjustDiagPos p) $ diags r}
-- | Propagate errors using the error function
propagateErrors :: Result a -> a
propagateErrors r =
case (hasErrors $ diags r, maybeResult r) of
(False,Just x) -> x
_ -> error $ unlines $ map show $ diags r
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- instances for Result
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | showing (Parsec) parse errors using our own 'showPos' function
showErr :: ParseError -> String
showErr err
= showPos (fromSourcePos $ errorPos err) ":" ++
showErrorMessages "or" "unknown parse error"
"expecting" "unexpected" "end of input"
(errorMessages err)
instance Show Diagnosis where
showsPrec _ = showPretty
instance PrettyPrint Diagnosis where
printText0 _ (Diag k s sp) =
text "***"
<+> text (show k)
<+> text (showPos sp ",")
<+> text s
instance PosItem Diagnosis where
up_pos fn1 d = d { diagPos = fn1 $ diagPos d }
get_pos = Just . diagPos
instance PrettyPrint a => PrettyPrint (Result a) where
printText0 g (Result ds m) = vcat ((case m of
Nothing -> empty
Just x -> printText0 g x) :
map (printText0 g) ds)
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- debugging
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | add a debug point
debug :: (PosItem a, PrettyPrint a) => Int -> (String, a) -> Result ()
debug n (s, a) = Result [mkDiag Debug
(" point " ++ show n ++ "\nVariable "++s++":\n") a ]
$ Just ()