ProverTools.hs revision 55282ad62e8b6758abec43734ebde0015ac14b89
{- |
Module : ./Common/ProverTools.hs
Description : Check for availability of provers
Copyright : (c) Dminik Luecke, and Uni Bremen 2008
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
check for provers
module Common.ProverTools where
import Common.Utils
import System.Directory
import System.FilePath
missingExecutableInPath :: String -> IO Bool
missingExecutableInPath name = do
mp <- findExecutable name
case mp of
Nothing -> return True
Just name' -> do
p1 <- check4File (takeFileName name') "PATH" ()
p2 <- check4File (takeFileName name') "Path" ()
return . null $ p1 ++ p2
check4FileAux :: String -- ^ file name
-> String -- ^ Environment Variable
-> IO [String]
check4FileAux name env = do
pPath <- getEnvDef env ""
let path = "" : splitPaths pPath
exIT <- mapM (doesFileExist . (</> name)) path
return $ map fst $ filter snd $ zip path exIT
-- | Checks if a file exists in PATH
checkBinary :: String -> IO (Maybe String)
checkBinary name = fmap
(\ l -> if null l
then Just $ "missing binary in $PATH: " ++ name
else Nothing)
$ check4FileAux name "PATH"
-- | Checks if a file exists
check4File :: String -- ^ file name
-> String -- ^ Environment Variable
-> a
-> IO [a]
check4File name env a = do
ex <- check4FileAux name env
return [a | not $ null ex ]
-- | check for java and the jar file in the directory of the variable
check4jarFile :: String -- ^ environment Variable
-> String -- ^ jar file name
-> IO (Bool, FilePath)
check4jarFile = check4jarFileWithDefault ""
:: String -- ^ default path
-> String -- ^ environment Variable
-> String -- ^ jar file name
-> IO (Bool, FilePath)
check4jarFileWithDefault def var jar = do
pPath <- getEnvDef var def
hasJar <- doesFileExist $ pPath </> jar
return (hasJar, pPath)
-- | environment variable for HETS_OWL_TOOLS
hetsOWLenv :: String
-- | check for the jar file under HETS_OWL_TOOLS
check4HetsOWLjar :: String -- ^ jar file name
-> IO (Bool, FilePath)
check4HetsOWLjar = check4jarFileWithDefault "OWL2" hetsOWLenv
checkOWLjar :: String -> IO (Maybe String)
checkOWLjar name =
fmap (\ (b, p) -> if b then Nothing else
Just $ "missing jar ($" ++ hetsOWLenv ++ "): " ++ (p </> name))
$ check4HetsOWLjar name