ProofUtils.hs revision ad270004874ce1d0697fb30d7309f180553bb315
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description: functions useful for all prover connections in Hets
Copyright : (c) Klaus L�ttich, C. Maeder, Uni Bremen 2005
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
Functions useful for all prover connections in Hets
Some were moved from Isabelle.Translate and some others from
module Common.ProofUtils where
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Common.AS_Annotation
* generic names are added
* disambiguation of duplicate assigned names
is done by toThSens
* translation of special characters with the aid of the provided function
is done by prepareSenNames
Warning: all sentence names are disambiguated by adding a natural number.
If that does not work for a certain reasoner you can hand in a function
which uses a different alghorithm.
-- | translate special characters in sentence names
prepareSenNames :: (String -> String) -> [Named a] -> [Named a]
prepareSenNames = map . reName
-- | disambiguate sentence names
disambiguateSens :: Set.Set String -> [Named a] -> [Named a]
disambiguateSens =
genericDisambigSens senName ( \ n s -> s { senName = n })
-- | generically disambiguate lists with names
genericDisambigSens :: (a -> String) -> (String -> a -> a) -> Set.Set String
-> [a] -> [a]
genericDisambigSens _ _ _ [] = []
genericDisambigSens sel upd nameSet (ax : rest) =
let name = sel ax in case Set.splitMember name nameSet of
(_, False, _) ->
ax : genericDisambigSens sel upd (Set.insert name nameSet) rest
(_, _, greater) -> let
name' = head $ filter (not . flip Set.member greater)
[name++'_':show (i :: Int) | i<-[1..]]
in upd name' ax :
genericDisambigSens sel upd (Set.insert name' nameSet) rest
-- | name unlabeled axioms with "Axnnn"
nameSens :: [Named a] -> [Named a]
nameSens sens =
map nameSen (zip sens [1..length sens])
where nameSen (sen,no) = if senName sen == ""
then sen{senName = "Ax"++show no}
else sen
-- | collect the mapping of new to old names
collectNameMapping ::Show a => [Named a] -> [Named a] -> Map.Map String String
collectNameMapping n o = Map.fromList (zipWith toPair n o)
where toPair nSen oSen = (senName nSen,
if null oName
then error ("Common.ProofUtils."++
"collectNameMapping: sentence "++
"without name found: "++
show (sentence oSen))
else oName)
where oName = senName oSen
-- | a separate Map speeds up lookup
charMap :: Map.Map Char String
charMap = Map.fromList
[(' ' , "Space"),
('\n', "Newline"),
('\t', "Tab"),
('!' , "Exclam"),
('"' , "Quot"),
('#' , "Hash"),
('$' , "Dollar"),
('%' , "Percent"),
('&' , "Amp"),
('(' , "OBr"),
(')' , "CBr"),
('*' , "x"),
('+' , "Plus"),
(',' , "Comma"),
('-' , "Minus"),
('.' , "Period"), -- Dot?
('/' , "Slash"), -- Div?
(':' , "Colon"),
(';' , "Semi"),
('<' , "Lt"),
('=' , "Eq"),
('>' , "Gt"),
('?' , "Quest"),
('@' , "At"),
('[' , "OSqBr"),
('\\' , "Bslash"),
(']' , "CSqBr"),
('^' , "Caret"), -- Hat?
('`' , "Grave"),
('{' , "LBrace"),
('|' , "VBar"),
('}' , "RBrace"),
('~' , "Tilde"),