Print_AS_Annotation.hs revision 97018cf5fa25b494adffd7e9b4e87320dae6bf47
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Klaus L�ttich, Christian Maeder, Uni Bremen 2002-2004
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
This module contains all instances of PrettyPrint for AS_Annotation.hs
module Common.Print_AS_Annotation where
import Common.AS_Annotation
import Common.GlobalAnnotations
import Common.Id
import Common.PrettyPrint
import Common.Lib.Pretty
import Common.Lexer(whiteChars)
instance PrettyPrint Annotation where
printText0 _ (Unparsed_anno aw at _) =
case at of
Line_anno str ->
(case aw of
Comment_start -> ptext "%%"
Annote_word w -> ptext $ "%" ++ w)
<> (if all (`elem` whiteChars) str
then empty else ptext str)
Group_anno strs ->
let docs = map ptext strs
(o, c) = case aw of
Comment_start -> (ptext "%{", ptext "}%")
Annote_word w -> (ptext ("%" ++ w ++ "("),
ptext ")%")
in case docs of
[] -> empty
[h] -> o <> h <> c
h : t -> vcat ((o <> h) : init t ++ [last t <> c])
printText0 ga (Display_anno aa ab _) =
let aa' = printText0 ga aa
ab' = fcat $ punctuate space $ map printPair $ filter nullSnd ab
in printGroup (ptext "display") $ aa' <+> ab'
where printPair (s1,s2) = ptext ("%" ++ lookupDisplayFormat s1)
<+> ptext s2
nullSnd (_,s2) = not $ null s2
printText0 ga (String_anno aa ab _) =
let aa' = printText0 ga aa
ab' = printText0 ga ab
in printLine (ptext "string") $ aa' <> comma <+> ab'
printText0 ga (List_anno aa ab ac _) =
let aa' = printText0 ga aa
ab' = printText0 ga ab
ac' = printText0 ga ac
in printLine (ptext "list") $ aa' <> comma <+> ab' <> comma <+> ac'
printText0 ga (Number_anno aa _) =
let aa' = printText0 ga aa
in printLine (ptext "number") aa'
printText0 ga (Float_anno aa ab _) =
let aa' = printText0 ga aa
ab' = printText0 ga ab
in printLine (ptext "floating") $ aa' <> comma <+> ab'
printText0 ga (Prec_anno pflag ab ac _) =
let aa' = ptext $ showPrecRel pflag
ab' = fcat $ punctuate (comma <> space) $ map (printText0 ga) ab
ac' = fcat $ punctuate (comma <> space) $ map (printText0 ga) ac
in printGroup (ptext "prec") $ braces ab' <+> aa' <+> braces ac'
printText0 ga (Assoc_anno as aa _) =
printGroup (case as of ARight -> ptext "right_assoc"
ALeft -> ptext "left_assoc") $ fcat $
punctuate (comma <> space) $
map (printText0 ga) aa
printText0 _ (Label [] _) = empty
printText0 _ (Label aa _) =
let aa' = vcat $ map ptext aa
in ptext "%(" <> aa' <> ptext ")%"
printText0 _ (Semantic_anno sa _) =
printLine (ptext $ lookupSemanticAnno sa) empty
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- utilies
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
showPrecRel :: PrecRel -> String
showPrecRel p = case p of Lower -> "<"
Higher -> ">"
BothDirections -> "<>"
NoDirection -> error "showPrecRel"
printCommaIds :: GlobalAnnos -> [Id] -> Doc
printCommaIds ga = fcat . punctuate (comma <> space) . map (printText0 ga)
printGroup :: Doc -> Doc -> Doc
printGroup key grp = ptext "%" <> key <> ptext "(" <> grp <> ptext ")%"
printLine :: Doc -> Doc -> Doc
printLine key line = if isEmpty line then pkey else pkey <+> line
where pkey = ptext "%" <> key
printAnnotationList_Text0 :: GlobalAnnos -> [Annotation] -> Doc
printAnnotationList_Text0 ga l = (vcat $ map (printText0 ga) l)
instance (PrettyPrint a) => PrettyPrint (Annoted a) where
printText0 ga (Annoted i _ las ras) =
let i' = printText0 ga i
las' = printAnnotationList_Text0 ga las
(la,rras) = case ras of
[] -> (empty,[])
| isLabel l -> (printText0 ga l,xs)
| otherwise -> (empty,r)
ras' = printAnnotationList_Text0 ga rras
in las' $+$ (hang i' 0 la) $$ ras'
instance PrettyPrint s => PrettyPrint (Named s) where
printText0 ga (NamedSen{senName = label, sentence = s}) =
printText0 ga s <> if null label then empty else
space <> printText0 ga (Label [label] [])
-- | function to split the annotation to the right of an item
-- * fst contains printed label and implied annotion
-- if any at the begining of the list of annotations
-- * snd contains the remaining annos
splitAndPrintRAnnos :: (GlobalAnnos -> Annotation -> Doc)
-> (GlobalAnnos -> [Annotation] -> Doc)
-> (Doc -> Doc -> Doc) -- ^ a beside with space
-- like <+> or <\+>
-> Doc -- ^ for Latex something to move the label
-- and \/ or implied annotation to the right
-- margin
-> GlobalAnnos -> [Annotation] -> (Doc,Doc)
splitAndPrintRAnnos pf pf_list sepF move ga ras =
case ras of
[] -> (empty,empty)
| isLabel l -> (pf ga l,empty)
| isImplied l -> (move <> pf ga l, empty)
| otherwise -> (empty,pf_list ga r)
| isLabel l && not (isImplied impl)
-> (pf ga l, pf_list ga (impl:xs))
| isLabel l && isImplied impl
-> (pf ga l `sepF` pf ga impl, pf_list ga xs)
| isImplied l
-> (move <> pf ga l, pf_list ga (impl:xs))
| otherwise -> (empty,pf_list ga r)