Print_AS_Annotation.hs revision 2eb84fc82d3ffa9116bc471fda3742bd9e5a24bb
{- HetCATS/Print_AS_Annotation.hs
Author: Klaus L�ttich
Year: 2002
This module contains all instances of PrettyPrint for AS_Annotation.hs
- LaTeX Pretty Printing
module Common.Print_AS_Annotation where
import Data.Char (isSpace)
import Common.AS_Annotation
import Common.GlobalAnnotations
import Common.Id (Id(..),splitMixToken)
import Common.PrettyPrint
import Common.Lib.Pretty
import Common.LaTeX_funs
infixl 6 <\\+>
instance PrettyPrint Annotation where
printText0 _ (Comment_line aa _) =
ptext "%%" <> ptext aa -- <> ptext "\n"
printText0 _ (Comment_group aa _) =
let aa' = vcat $ map ptext aa
in ptext "%{" <> aa' <> ptext "}%"
printText0 _ (Annote_line aa ab _) =
printLine (ptext aa) $ if all isSpace ab then empty else ptext ab
printText0 ga (Annote_group aa ab _) =
let aa' = printText0 ga aa
ab' = vcat $ map ptext ab
in printGroup aa' ab'
printText0 ga (Display_anno aa ab _) =
let aa' = printText0 ga aa
ab' = fcat $ punctuate space $ map printPair $ filter nullSnd ab
in printGroup (ptext "display") $ aa' <+> ab'
where printPair (s1,s2) = ptext s1 <+> ptext s2
nullSnd (_,s2) = not $ null s2
printText0 ga (String_anno aa ab _) =
let aa' = printText0 ga aa
ab' = printText0 ga ab
in printLine (ptext "string") $ aa' <> comma <+> ab'
printText0 ga (List_anno aa ab ac _) =
let aa' = printText0 ga aa
ab' = printText0 ga ab
ac' = printText0 ga ac
in printLine (ptext "list") $ aa' <> comma <+> ab' <> comma <+> ac'
printText0 ga (Number_anno aa _) =
let aa' = printText0 ga aa
in printLine (ptext "number") aa'
printText0 ga (Float_anno aa ab _) =
let aa' = printText0 ga aa
ab' = printText0 ga ab
in printLine (ptext "floating") $ aa' <> comma <+> ab'
printText0 ga (Prec_anno pflag ab ac _) =
let aa' = if pflag then ptext "<" else ptext "<>"
ab' = fcat $ punctuate (comma <> space) $ map (printText0 ga) ab
ac' = fcat $ punctuate (comma <> space) $ map (printText0 ga) ac
in printGroup (ptext "prec") $ braces ab' <+> aa' <+> braces ac'
printText0 ga (Lassoc_anno aa _) =
printGroup (ptext "left_assoc") $ fcat $
punctuate (comma <> space) $
map (printText0 ga) aa
printText0 ga (Rassoc_anno aa _) =
printGroup (ptext "right_assoc") $ fcat $
punctuate (comma <> space) $
map (printText0 ga) aa
printText0 _ (Label aa _) =
let aa' = vcat $ map ptext aa
in ptext "%(" <> aa' <> ptext ")%"
printText0 _ (Implies _) =
printLine (ptext "implies") empty
printText0 _ (Definitional _) =
printLine (ptext "def") empty
printText0 _ (Conservative _) =
printLine (ptext "cons") empty
printText0 _ (Monomorph _) =
printLine (ptext "mono") empty
printLatex0 _ (Comment_line aa _) =
hc_sty_comment ( hc_sty_small_keyword "\\%\\%"
<> casl_comment_latex (escape_latex aa))
-- <> ptext "\n"
printLatex0 _ (Comment_group ls _) =
case ls of
[] -> hc_sty_comment (hc_sty_small_keyword "\\%\\{" <\\+>
hc_sty_small_keyword "\\}\\%")
[x] -> hc_sty_comment (hc_sty_small_keyword "\\%\\{" <>
conv x <>
hc_sty_small_keyword "\\}\\%")
(x:xs) -> vcat (hc_sty_comment (hc_sty_small_keyword "\\%\\{" <>
conv x)
:map (hc_sty_comment . conv') xs)
<> hc_sty_comment (hc_sty_small_keyword "\\}\\%")
where conv = casl_comment_latex . escape_latex
conv' s = casl_comment_latex "~~~~" <> conv s
{- let aa' =
map (casl_comment_latex . escape_latex) aa
(first_l,rem_ls) = case aa' of
[] -> (empty,[])
_ -> (head aa',tail aa')
in hc_sty_comment $ -- TODO: Correct this!!
cat [hc_sty_small_keyword "\\%\\{"<> first_l,
nest 6 (vcat rem_ls)] <> hc_sty_small_keyword "\\}\\%" -}
printLatex0 _ (Annote_line aa ab _) =
printLatexLine aa $ if all isSpace ab
then empty
else casl_annotation_latex (escape_latex ab)
printLatex0 _ga (Annote_group aa ab _) =
printLatexGroup aa $
vcat $ map (casl_annotation_latex . escape_latex) ab
printLatex0 ga (Display_anno aa ab _) =
let aa' = printSmallId_latex ga aa
ab' = fsep_latex $ map printPair $ filter nullSnd ab
in printLatexGroup "display" $ aa' <\\+> ab'
where printPair (s1,s2) = la s1 <\\+> la s2
la = casl_annotation_latex . escape_latex
nullSnd (_,s2) = not $ null s2
printLatex0 ga (String_anno aa ab _) =
let aa' = printSmallId_latex ga aa
ab' = printSmallId_latex ga ab
in printLatexLine "string" $ aa' <> smallComma_latex <\\+> ab'
printLatex0 ga (List_anno aa ab ac _) =
let aa' = printSmallId_latex ga aa
ab' = printSmallId_latex ga ab
ac' = printSmallId_latex ga ac
in printLatexLine "list" $ aa' <> smallComma_latex <\\+> ab'
<> smallComma_latex <\\+> ac'
printLatex0 ga (Number_anno aa _) =
let aa' = printSmallId_latex ga aa
in printLatexLine "number" aa'
printLatex0 ga (Float_anno aa ab _) =
let aa' = printSmallId_latex ga aa
ab' = printSmallId_latex ga ab
in printLatexLine "floating" $ aa' <> smallComma_latex <\\+> ab'
printLatex0 ga (Prec_anno pflag ab ac _) =
let aa' = hc_sty_axiom $ if pflag then "<" else "<>"
p_list = (\l -> casl_comment_latex "\\{" <> l
<> casl_comment_latex "\\}")
.(punctuate (smallComma_latex<>smallSpace_latex))
.(map (printSmallId_latex ga))
in printLatexGroup "prec" $ p_list ab <\\+> aa' <\\+> p_list ac
printLatex0 ga (Lassoc_anno aa _) =
printLatexGroup "left\\_assoc" $ fcat $
punctuate (smallComma_latex<>smallSpace_latex) $
map (printSmallId_latex ga) aa
printLatex0 ga (Rassoc_anno aa _) =
printLatexGroup "right\\_assoc" $ fcat $
punctuate (smallComma_latex<>smallSpace_latex) $
map (printSmallId_latex ga) aa
printLatex0 _ (Label aa _) =
let aa' = vcat $ map (casl_annotation_latex . escape_latex) aa
in latex_macro "\\`" <> printLatexGroup "" aa'
printLatex0 _ (Implies _) =
printLatexLine "implies" empty
printLatex0 _ (Definitional _) =
printLatexLine "def" empty
printLatex0 _ (Conservative _) =
printLatexLine "cons" empty
printLatex0 _ (Monomorph _) =
printLatexLine "mono" empty
smallSpace_latex :: Doc
smallSpace_latex = casl_comment_latex " "
smallComma_latex :: Doc
smallComma_latex = casl_comment_latex ","
(<\\+>) :: Doc -> Doc -> Doc
d1 <\\+> d2 = if isEmpty d1
then (if isEmpty d2
then empty
else d2)
else (if isEmpty d2
then d1
d1 <> smallSpace_latex <> d2)
printSmallId_latex :: GlobalAnnos -> Id -> Doc
printSmallId_latex ga (Id tops ids _) =
let ids' = case ids of
[] -> empty
_ -> ((\x -> casl_comment_latex "[" <> x
<> casl_comment_latex "]")
. fcat
. punctuate smallComma_latex
. map (printSmallId_latex ga)) ids
(ts,ps) = splitMixToken tops
pr_tops = hcat . map (printToken_latex casl_annotation_latex)
in pr_tops ts <> ids' <> pr_tops ps
printGroup :: Doc -> Doc -> Doc
printGroup key grp = ptext "%" <> key <> ptext "(" <+> grp <> ptext ")%"
printLatexGroup :: String -> Doc -> Doc
printLatexGroup kw grp =
hc_sty_annotation ( hc_sty_small_keyword ("\\%"++kw++"(")<>grp
<> hc_sty_small_keyword ")\\%")
printLine :: Doc -> Doc -> Doc
printLine key line = if isEmpty line then pkey else pkey <+> line
where pkey = ptext "%" <> key
printLatexLine :: String -> Doc -> Doc
printLatexLine kw line =
hc_sty_annotation (if isEmpty line then kw_d else kw_d <\+> line)
where kw_d = hc_sty_small_keyword ("\\%"++kw)
instance PrettyPrint [Annotation] where
printText0 ga l = (vcat $ map (printText0 ga) l) -- <> ptext "\n"
printLatex0 ga l = (vcat $ map (printLatex0 ga) l) -- <> ptext "\n"
instance (PrettyPrint a) => PrettyPrint (Annoted a) where
printText0 ga (Annoted i _ las ras) =
let i' = printText0 ga i
las' = printText0 ga las
(la,rras) = case ras of
[] -> (empty,[])
| isLabel l -> (printText0 ga l,xs)
| otherwise -> (empty,r)
ras' = printText0 ga rras
in las' $+$ (hang i' 0 la) $$ ras'
printLatex0 ga (Annoted i _ las ras) =
let i' = printLatex0 ga i
las' = printLatex0 ga las
(la,rras) = case ras of
[] -> (empty,[])
| isLabel l -> (printLatex0 ga l,xs)
| otherwise -> (empty,r)
ras' = printLatex0 ga rras
in las' $+$ (hang_latex i' 0 la) $$ ras'
spAnnotedPrint :: (PrettyPrint a) =>
(forall b .PrettyPrint b => GlobalAnnos -> b -> Doc)
-> (Doc -> Doc -> Doc) -- ^ a function like <+> or <\+>
-> GlobalAnnos -> Doc -> Annoted a -> Doc
spAnnotedPrint pf beside_ ga keyw ai =
case ai of
Annoted i _ las _ ->
let i' = pf ga i
(msa,as) = case las of
[] -> (Nothing,[])
(x:xs) | isSemanticAnno x -> (Just x,xs)
xs -> (Nothing,xs)
san = case msa of
Nothing -> empty
Just a -> pf ga a
as' = if null as then empty else pf ga as
in keyw `beside_` san $+$ as' $+$ i'