PrettyPrint.hs revision 47af295501ed5f407848f61b9943d58ccb43be29
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Klaus L�ttich, Christian Maeder and Uni Bremen 2002-2003
Licence : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENCE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
This class needs to be instantiated for every datastructure in AS_*
for LaTeX and isolatin-1 pretty printing. It is only neccessary to
provide one isolatin-1 printing method for prototypes, but for real
nice output you need to implement every method.
module Common.PrettyPrint
( showPretty
, renderLatex
, debugRenderLatex
, renderText
, PrettyPrint(..)
, renderLatexVerb
, startTab, endTab, setTab
, setTabWithSpaces
, printToken_latex
, printDisplayToken_latex
, printText
import Data.Char (isSpace,isAlphaNum,isDigit)
import Common.Lib.State (State(..),evalState,get,put)
import Data.List (isPrefixOf,isSuffixOf)
import Common.Id
import Common.Lib.Pretty
import Common.GlobalAnnotations
import Common.LaTeX_funs
-- This type class allows pretty printing of instantiating Datatypes
-- for infomation on the predefined functions see above
class Show a => PrettyPrint a where
printLatex0, printText0 :: GlobalAnnos -> a -> Doc
printLatex0 ga a = printText0 ga a
-- | printText uses empty global annotations
printText :: PrettyPrint a => a -> Doc
printText = printText0 emptyGlobalAnnos
-- | a more pretty alternative for shows
showPretty :: PrettyPrint a => a -> ShowS
showPretty = shows . printText0 emptyGlobalAnnos
-- two Styles for Formatting (Standard is Style PageMode 100 1.5)
latexStyle, textStyle :: Style
textStyle = style {lineLength=80, ribbonsPerLine= 1.19}
-- maximum line length 80 with 67 printable chars (up to 13 indentation chars)
latexStyle = textStyle { ribbonsPerLine = 1.1
, lineLength = calc_line_length "336.0pt"}
-- a LatexRenderingState
-- field indentTabs : for the number of tab
-- stops set those need to be rendererd after every newline.
-- field recentlySet : number of setTab makros indentTabs is only
-- increased if recentlySet is 0
data LRState = LRS { indentTabs :: ![Int]
, recentlySet
, totalTabStops
, setTabsThisLine
, indentTabsWritten :: !Int
, onlyTabs :: !Bool
, isSetLine :: !Bool
, collSpaceIndents :: ![Int]
, insideAnno :: Bool
deriving (Show)
-- the initial state for using the state based rendering via LRState
initialLRState :: LRState
initialLRState = LRS { indentTabs = []
, recentlySet = 0
, totalTabStops = 0
, setTabsThisLine = 0
, indentTabsWritten = 0
, onlyTabs = False
, isSetLine = False
, collSpaceIndents = []
, insideAnno = False
-- a function that knows how to print LaTeX TextDetails
latex_txt :: TextDetails -> State LRState ShowS -> State LRState ShowS
latex_txt (Chr c) cont
| c == '\n' = do annoBrace <- endOfLine
indent <- getIndent
s <- cont
return (annoBrace . showString "\\\\".
showChar c . indent . s)
| otherwise = do s <- cont
return (showChar c . s)
latex_txt (Str s1) cont
| null s1 = cont
| all isSpace s1 = do s2 <- cont
return (showChar ' ' . s2)
| otherwise = do setOnlyTabs False
s2 <- cont
return (showString s1 . s2)
latex_txt (PStr s1) cont
| s1 == startTab = do indent <- addTabStop
s2 <- cont
return (indent . s2)
| s1 == endTab = do subTabStop
| s1 == setTab = do state <- get
s2 <- cont
let (eAn,sAn) = if insideAnno state
then (showChar '}',
showString startAnno)
else (id,id)
return (eAn. showString s1 . sAn. s2)
| setTabWSp
s1 = do addTabWithSpaces s1
| s1== startAnno = do setInsideAnno True
s2 <- cont
return (showString s1 . s2)
| s1 == endAnno = do setInsideAnno False
s2 <- cont
return (showChar '}' . s2)
| s1 == "\n" = do annoBrace <- endOfLine
indent <- getIndent
s2 <- cont
return (annoBrace . showString "\\\\\n" .
indent . s2)
| "\\kill\n"
s1 = do indent <- getIndent
s2 <- cont
return (showString s1 .
indent . s2)
| otherwise = do setOnlyTabs False
s2 <- cont
return (showString s1 . s2)
-- a function that knows how to print LaTeX TextDetails
debug_latex_txt :: TextDetails -> State LRState String -> State LRState String
debug_latex_txt (Chr c) cont
| c == '\n' = do state <- get
annoBrace <- endOfLine
indent <- getIndent
s <- cont
return (annoBrace "\\\\%"++show (state::LRState)
++c:(indent s))
| otherwise = do s <- cont
return (c:s)
debug_latex_txt (Str s1) cont
| null s1 = cont
| all isSpace s1 = do s2 <- cont
return ( ' ':s2)
| otherwise = do setOnlyTabs False
s2 <- cont
return (s1 ++ s2)
debug_latex_txt (PStr s1) cont
| s1 == startTab = do indent <- addTabStop
s2 <- cont
return (s1 ++ indent s2)
| s1 == endTab = do subTabStop
s2 <- cont
return (s1 ++ s2)
| s1 == setTab = do state <- get
s2 <- cont
let (eAn,sAn) = if insideAnno state
then (showChar '}',
showString startAnno)
else (id,id)
return (eAn s1 ++ sAn s2)
| setTabWSp
s1 = do addTabWithSpaces s1
s2 <- cont
return (s1 ++ s2)
| s1== startAnno = do setInsideAnno True
s2 <- cont
return (s1 ++ s2)
| s1 == endAnno = do setInsideAnno False
s2 <- cont
return ('}' : s2)
| s1 == "\n" = do state <- get
annoBrace <- endOfLine
indent <- getIndent
s2 <- cont
return (annoBrace "\\\\%"++show (state::LRState)
++s1++indent s2)
| otherwise = do setOnlyTabs False
s2 <- cont
return (s1 ++ s2)
setOnlyTabs :: Bool -> State LRState ()
setOnlyTabs b = do state <- get
put $ state {onlyTabs = b}
setInsideAnno :: Bool -> State LRState ()
setInsideAnno b = do state <- get
put $ state {insideAnno = b}
-- a function to produce a String containing the actual tab stops in use
getIndent :: State LRState ShowS
getIndent = do state <- get
let indentTabsSum = foldl (+) 0 (indentTabs state)
put $ state { indentTabsWritten = indentTabsSum
, collSpaceIndents = []
, onlyTabs = True
, totalTabStops = max (totalTabStops state)
(indentTabsSum +
(collSpaceIndents state))
let indent_fun = foldl (.) id (replicate indentTabsSum
(showString "\\>"))
new_tab_line = foldl space_format id
(collSpaceIndents state)
. showString "\\kill\n"
sAnno = (if insideAnno state
then showString startAnno
else id)
return ( (if null (collSpaceIndents state) then
indent_fun . new_tab_line . indent_fun)
. sAnno)
where space_format :: (ShowS) -> Int -> ShowS
space_format sf1 i = sf1 . showString (replicate i '~')
. showString "\\="
endOfLine :: State LRState ShowS
endOfLine = do state <- get
put $ state { isSetLine = False
, setTabsThisLine = 0
return (if insideAnno state then showChar '}' else id)
setTabStop :: State LRState ()
setTabStop = State (\state -> ( ()
, let new_setTabsThisLine =
succ $ setTabsThisLine state
in state
recentlySet = succ $ recentlySet state
, setTabsThisLine = new_setTabsThisLine
, totalTabStops =
max (totalTabStops state)
(new_setTabsThisLine +
indentTabsWritten state)
, isSetLine = True}
addTabWithSpaces :: String -> State LRState ()
addTabWithSpaces s = let delayed_indent :: Int
delayed_indent =
(read . reverse . fst
. span isDigit . tail . reverse) s
in State (\state -> ( ()
, state { collSpaceIndents =
collSpaceIndents state
++ [delayed_indent]
-- increase the indentTabs in the state by 1
addTabStop :: State LRState ShowS
addTabStop = State (\state -> let (new_indentTabs,newTabs) =
let nT = if isSetLine state
then recentlySet state
else 1
in (condAdd_indentTabs nT, nT)
indentTabsSum = foldl (+) 0
condAdd_indentTabs i =
if i + indentTabsSum
(indentTabs state)
totalTabStops state
then indentTabs state
else indentTabs state ++ [i]
new_recentlySet =
if isSetLine state
then 0
else recentlySet state
inTabs nT = foldl (.) id
(replicate nT $ showString "\\>")
new_indentTabsWritten) =
if indentTabsSum
indentTabsWritten state
&& not (isSetLine state)
&& onlyTabs state
then (inTabs newTabs,
newTabs +
indentTabsWritten state)
else (id,
indentTabsWritten state)
in (indent_fun
,state { recentlySet = new_recentlySet
, indentTabs = new_indentTabs
, indentTabsWritten =
-- decrease the indentTabs in the state by 1
subTabStop :: State LRState ()
subTabStop = do state <- get
let l_itabs = last itabs
itabs = indentTabs state
indentTabs' = if null $ indentTabs state
then []
else if l_itabs == 1
then init itabs
else init itabs -- ++ [l_itabs -1]
put (state {indentTabs = indentTabs'})
-- |
-- a constant String for starting a LaTeX indentation with tab stop
startTab :: String
startTab = "\\@begT@"
-- |
-- a constant String for releasing a LaTeX indentation with tab stop
endTab :: String
endTab = "\\@endT@"
-- |
-- a constant String to set a tab stop and enable it
setTab :: String
setTab = "\\="
-- | a constant String indicating the start of a space based indentation
setTabWSp :: String
setTabWSp = "\\@setTS@{"
-- | function to set up a space based indentation macro
setTabWithSpaces :: Int -> String
setTabWithSpaces i = (showString setTabWSp . shows i) "}"
-- functions for producing IO printable Strings
renderLatex,renderText,renderLatexVerb :: Maybe Int -> Doc -> String
renderLatex mi d = ((showString "\\begin{hetcasl}\n") .
(evalState (fullRender (mode latexStyle')
(lineLength latexStyle')
(ribbonsPerLine latexStyle')
(return id)
initialLRState)) "\n\\end{hetcasl}\n"
where -- d' = ptext "\\begin{hetcasl}" $+$ d $+$ ptext "\\end{hetcasl}"
latexStyle' = latexStyle {lineLength =
(case mi of
Nothing -> lineLength latexStyle
Just l -> l) }
debugRenderLatex :: Maybe Int -> Doc -> String
debugRenderLatex mi d = evalState (fullRender (mode latexStyle')
(lineLength latexStyle')
(ribbonsPerLine latexStyle')
(return "")
where d' = ptext "\\begin{hetcasl}" $+$ d $+$ ptext "\\end{hetcasl}"
latexStyle' = latexStyle {lineLength =
(case mi of
Nothing -> lineLength latexStyle
Just l -> l) }
-- this lacks some environment starting and closing LaTeX commands
renderLatexVerb mi d = renderStyle textStyle' d'
where d' = text "\\begin{verbatim}" $+$ d $+$ text "\\end{verbatim}"
textStyle' = textStyle {lineLength =
(case mi of
Nothing -> lineLength textStyle
Just l -> l) }
renderText mi d = fullRender (mode textStyle')
(lineLength textStyle')
(ribbonsPerLine textStyle')
where textStyle' = textStyle {lineLength =
maybe (lineLength textStyle) id mi}
string_txt_comp td = case td of
Chr c -> showChar c
Str s -> showString s
PStr s -> showString s
-- moved instance from Id.hs (to avoid cyclic imports via GlobalAnnotations)
instance PrettyPrint Token where
printText0 _ = ptext . tokStr
printLatex0 _ = printToken_latex casl_axiom_latex
isChar :: Token -> Bool
isChar t = "\'" `isPrefixOf` tokStr t
isLaTeXmacro :: String -> Bool
isLaTeXmacro s = or ['\\' `elem` s,
'^' `elem` s,
'_' `elem` s]
printToken_latex :: (String -> Doc) -> Token -> Doc
printToken_latex strConvDoc_fun t =
let s = tokStr t
esc = escape_latex s
in if s `elem` map (:[]) "[](),;" then strConvDoc_fun s
else if isPlace t || s `elem` map (:[]) "{}" then strConvDoc_fun esc
else if all isAlphaNum s
|| ('\\' `elem` esc && not ('\\' `elem` s))
|| isChar t
then (\x -> latex_macro "\\Id{"<>x<>latex_macro "}")
$ strConvDoc_fun esc
else (\x -> latex_macro "\\Ax{"<>x<>latex_macro "}")
$ strConvDoc_fun s
printDisplayToken_latex :: (String -> Doc) -> Token -> Doc
printDisplayToken_latex strConvDoc_fun t =
if isLaTeXmacro str && not (isPlace t)
then latex_macro "\\Ax{"<>strConvDoc_fun str<>latex_macro "}"
else printToken_latex strConvDoc_fun t
where str = tokStr t
instance PrettyPrint Id where
printText0 ga i =
printId printText0 ga Nothing i
printLatex0 ga i =
printId printLatex0 ga (Just DF_LATEX) i
printId :: (GlobalAnnos -> Token -> Doc) -- ^ function to print a Token
-> GlobalAnnos -> (Maybe Display_format) -> Id -> Doc
printId pf ga mdf i =
let glue_tok pf' = hcat . map pf'
print_ (Id tops_p ids_p _) =
if null ids_p then glue_tok (pf ga) tops_p
else let (toks, places) = splitMixToken tops_p
comp = pf ga (mkSimpleId "[") <>
fcat (punctuate (pf ga $ mkSimpleId ",")
$ map (printId pf ga mdf) ids_p)
<> pf ga (mkSimpleId "]")
in fcat [glue_tok (pf ga) toks, comp,
glue_tok (pf ga) places]
in maybe (print_ i)
( \ df -> maybe (print_ i)
(glue_tok (printDisplayToken_latex casl_axiom_latex))
$ lookupDisplay ga df i) mdf
instance PrettyPrint () where
printText0 _ga _s = text "()"
instance PrettyPrint String where
printText0 _ga s = text s