PrettyPrint.hs revision 2b4130336e941b7d01c78a6da55449a4c6eca609
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Klaus L�ttich, Christian Maeder and Uni Bremen 2002-2003
Licence : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENCE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
This classes needs to be instantiated for every datastructure in AS_*
for LaTeX and isolatin-1 pretty printing.
module Common.PrettyPrint
( showPretty
, renderText
, PrettyPrint(..)
, PrintLaTeX(..)
, printText
, isChar
, textStyle
, printId
import Common.Id
import Common.Lib.Pretty
import Common.GlobalAnnotations
-- This type class allows latex printing of instantiated Datatypes
class PrettyPrint a => PrintLaTeX a where
printLatex0 :: GlobalAnnos -> a -> Doc
class Gen1PrettyPrint s => Gen1PrintLaTeX s where
gen1PrintLatex0 :: PrintLaTeX a => GlobalAnnos -> s a -> Doc
class Gen2PrettyPrint s => Gen2PrintLaTeX s where
gen2PrintLatex0 :: (PrintLaTeX a,PrintLaTeX b) =>
GlobalAnnos -> s a b -> Doc
class Gen3PrettyPrint s => Gen3PrintLaTeX s where
gen3PrintLatex0 :: (PrintLaTeX a,PrintLaTeX b, PrintLaTeX c) =>
GlobalAnnos -> s a b c -> Doc
-- This type class allows pretty printing of instantiating Datatypes
class Show a => PrettyPrint a where
printText0 :: GlobalAnnos -> a -> Doc
class Gen1Show s where
gen1ShowsPrec :: Show a => Int -> s a -> ShowS
gen1Show :: Show a => s a -> String
gen1ShowList :: Show a => [s a] -> ShowS
gen1ShowsPrec _ x s = gen1Show x ++ s
gen1Show x = gen1Shows x ""
gen1ShowList ls s = gen1ShowList__ gen1Shows ls s
gen1ShowList__ :: Show a => (s a -> ShowS) -> [s a] -> ShowS
gen1ShowList__ _ [] s = "[]" ++ s
gen1ShowList__ gen1Showx (x:xs) s = '[' : gen1Showx x (gen1Showl xs)
gen1Showl [] = ']' : s
gen1Showl (y:ys) = ',' : gen1Showx y (gen1Showl ys)
gen1Shows :: (Gen1Show s, Show a) => s a -> ShowS
gen1Shows = gen1ShowsPrec 0
class Gen1Show s => Gen1PrettyPrint s where
gen1PrintText0 :: PrettyPrint a => GlobalAnnos -> s a -> Doc
-- 2 type parameters
class Gen2Show s where
gen2ShowsPrec :: (Show a, Show b) => Int -> s a b -> ShowS
gen2Show :: (Show a, Show b) => s a b -> String
gen2ShowList :: (Show a, Show b) => [s a b] -> ShowS
gen2ShowsPrec _ x s = gen2Show x ++ s
gen2Show x = gen2Shows x ""
gen2ShowList ls s = gen2ShowList__ gen2Shows ls s
gen2ShowList__ :: (Show a, Show b) => (s a b -> ShowS) -> [s a b] -> ShowS
gen2ShowList__ _ [] s = "[]" ++ s
gen2ShowList__ gen2Showx (x:xs) s = '[' : gen2Showx x (gen2Showl xs)
gen2Showl [] = ']' : s
gen2Showl (y:ys) = ',' : gen2Showx y (gen2Showl ys)
gen2Shows :: (Gen2Show s, Show a, Show b) => s a b -> ShowS
gen2Shows = gen2ShowsPrec 0
class Gen2Show s => Gen2PrettyPrint s where
gen2PrintText0 :: (PrettyPrint a, PrettyPrint b) =>
GlobalAnnos -> s a b -> Doc
-- 3 type parameters
class Gen3Show s where
gen3ShowsPrec :: (Show a, Show b, Show c) => Int -> s a b c -> ShowS
gen3Show :: (Show a, Show b, Show c) => s a b c -> String
gen3ShowList :: (Show a, Show b, Show c) => [s a b c] -> ShowS
gen3ShowsPrec _ x s = gen3Show x ++ s
gen3Show x = gen3Shows x ""
gen3ShowList ls s = gen3ShowList__ gen3Shows ls s
gen3ShowList__ :: (Show a, Show b, Show c) =>
(s a b c -> ShowS) -> [s a b c] -> ShowS
gen3ShowList__ _ [] s = "[]" ++ s
gen3ShowList__ gen3Showx (x:xs) s = '[' : gen3Showx x (gen3Showl xs)
gen3Showl [] = ']' : s
gen3Showl (y:ys) = ',' : gen3Showx y (gen3Showl ys)
gen3Shows :: (Gen3Show s, Show a, Show b, Show c) => s a b c -> ShowS
gen3Shows = gen3ShowsPrec 0
class Gen3Show s => Gen3PrettyPrint s where
gen3PrintText0 :: (PrettyPrint a, PrettyPrint b, PrettyPrint c) =>
GlobalAnnos -> s a b c -> Doc
-- | printText uses empty global annotations
printText :: PrettyPrint a => a -> Doc
printText = printText0 emptyGlobalAnnos
-- | a more pretty alternative for shows
showPretty :: PrettyPrint a => a -> ShowS
showPretty = shows . printText0 emptyGlobalAnnos
textStyle :: Style
textStyle = style {lineLength=80, ribbonsPerLine= 1.19}
-- maximum line length 80 with 67 printable chars (up to 13 indentation chars)
renderText :: Maybe Int -> Doc -> String
renderText mi d = fullRender (mode textStyle')
(lineLength textStyle')
(ribbonsPerLine textStyle')
where textStyle' = textStyle {lineLength =
maybe (lineLength textStyle) id mi}
string_txt_comp td = case td of
Chr c -> showChar c
Str s -> showString s
PStr s -> showString s
-- moved instance from Id.hs (to avoid cyclic imports via GlobalAnnotations)
instance PrettyPrint Token where
printText0 _ = ptext . tokStr
isChar :: Token -> Bool
isChar t = take 1 (tokStr t) == "\'"
instance PrettyPrint Id where
printText0 ga i =
printId printText0 ga Nothing undefined i
printId :: (GlobalAnnos -> Token -> Doc) -- ^ function to print a Token
-> GlobalAnnos -> (Maybe Display_format)
-> ([Token] -> Doc) -- ^ function to join translated tokens
-> Id -> Doc
printId pf ga mdf f i =
let glue_tok pf' = hcat . map pf'
print_ (Id tops_p ids_p _) =
if null ids_p then glue_tok (pf ga) tops_p
else let (toks, places) = splitMixToken tops_p
comp = pf ga (mkSimpleId "[") <>
fcat (punctuate (pf ga $ mkSimpleId ",")
$ map (printId pf ga mdf f) ids_p)
<> pf ga (mkSimpleId "]")
in fcat [glue_tok (pf ga) toks, comp,
glue_tok (pf ga) places]
in maybe (print_ i)
( \ df -> maybe (print_ i) f
$ lookupDisplay ga df i) mdf
instance PrettyPrint () where
printText0 _ga _s = text "()"
instance PrintLaTeX () where
printLatex0 _ga _s = text ""