Precedence.hs revision 75a6279dbae159d018ef812185416cf6df386c10
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : Christian Maeder and Uni Bremen 2003
Licence : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENCE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : experimental
Portability : portable
precedence check for the mixfix analysis
module Common.Precedence where
import Common.Id
import Common.GlobalAnnotations
import Common.AS_Annotation
-- | 'Id' starts with a 'Place'
begPlace :: Id -> Bool
begPlace (Id toks _ _) = not (null toks) && isPlace (head toks)
-- | 'Id' ends with a 'Place'
endPlace :: Id -> Bool
endPlace (Id toks _ _) = not (null toks) && isPlace (last toks)
-- | check if a left argument will be added.
-- (The 'Int' is the number of current arguments.)
isLeftArg :: Id -> Int -> Bool
isLeftArg op num = begPlace op && num == 0
-- | check if a right argument will be added.
isRightArg :: Id -> Int -> Bool
isRightArg op num = endPlace op && num + 1 == placeCount op
-- | compare precedences of a left or right argument and a top-level operator.
-- (The 'Bool' indicates if the operator is any infix .)
comparePrecs :: GlobalAnnos -> Bool -> AssocEither -> Id -> Id -> Bool
comparePrecs ga isInfixOp ass arg op =
case precRel (prec_annos ga) op arg of
BothDirections -> False
rel -> case (begPlace arg, endPlace arg, isInfixOp) of
(True, True, True) -> case rel of -- arg and op are infixes
Lower -> True
NoDirection -> if arg == op then
isAssoc ass (assoc_annos ga) op
else True
_ -> False
(True, True, False) -> False
-- infix arg binds weaker than non-infix op
(False, True, False) -> ARight == ass
-- prefix arg binds weaker than postfix op
-- (not possible on the right side)
_ -> True
-- | check precedences of an argument and a top-level operator.
-- (The 'Int' is the number of current arguments of the operator.)
checkPrecs :: GlobalAnnos -> Id -> Id -> Int -> Bool
checkPrecs ga arg op num =
if isLeftArg op num
then comparePrecs ga (endPlace op) ALeft arg op
else if isRightArg op num
then comparePrecs ga (begPlace op) ARight arg op
else True