Prec.hs revision 4561227a776bdf0ab679b19fb92f1eaaed8786f7
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : Christian Maeder and Uni Bremen 2006
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : experimental
Portability : portable
precedence checking
module Common.Prec where
import Common.Id
import Common.GlobalAnnotations
import Common.AS_Annotation
import qualified Common.Lib.Map as Map
import qualified Common.Lib.Set as Set
import qualified Common.Lib.Rel as Rel
-- | a precedence map using numbers for faster lookup
data PrecMap = PrecMap
{ precMap :: Map.Map Id Int
, relWeight :: Int
, maxWeight :: Int
} deriving Show
emptyPrecMap :: PrecMap
emptyPrecMap = PrecMap
{ precMap = Map.empty
, relWeight = 0
, maxWeight = maxBound
mkPrecIntMap :: Rel.Rel Id -> PrecMap
mkPrecIntMap r =
let (m, t) = Rel.toPrecMap r
in emptyPrecMap
{ precMap = m
, relWeight = Map.findWithDefault (div t 2) eqId m
, maxWeight = t
getIdPrec :: PrecMap -> Set.Set Id -> Id -> Int
getIdPrec p ps i = let m = maxWeight p in
if i == applId then m + 1
else Map.findWithDefault
(if begPlace i || endPlace i then
if Set.member i ps then relWeight p else m
else m + 2) i $ precMap p
getSimpleIdPrec :: PrecMap -> Id -> Int
getSimpleIdPrec p = getIdPrec p Set.empty
-- | drop as many elements as are in the first list
dropPrefix :: [a] -> [b] -> [b]
dropPrefix [] l = l
dropPrefix _ [] = []
dropPrefix (_ : xs) (_ : ys) = dropPrefix xs ys
-- | check if a left argument will be added.
-- (The 'Int' is the number of current arguments.)
isLeftArg :: Id -> [a] -> Bool
isLeftArg op nArgs = null nArgs && begPlace op
-- | check if a right argument will be added.
isRightArg :: Id -> [a] -> Bool
isRightArg op@(Id toks _ _) nArgs = endPlace op &&
(isSingle $ dropPrefix nArgs $ filter isPlace toks)
joinPlace :: AssocEither -> Id -> Bool
joinPlace side = case side of
ALeft -> begPlace
ARight -> endPlace
checkArg :: AssocEither -> GlobalAnnos -> (Id, Int) -> (Id, Int) -> Id -> Bool
checkArg side ga (op, opPrec) (arg, argPrec) weight =
let precs = prec_annos ga
assocs = assoc_annos ga
in if argPrec <= 0 then False
else case compare argPrec opPrec of
LT -> False
GT -> True
EQ -> if joinPlace side arg then
case precRel precs op weight of
Lower -> True
Higher -> False
BothDirections -> False
NoDirection ->
case (isInfix arg, joinPlace side op) of
(True, True) -> if arg == op
then not $ isAssoc side assocs op
else True
(False, True) -> True
(True, False) -> False
_ -> side == ALeft
else True
-- | compute the left or right weight for the application
nextWeight :: AssocEither -> GlobalAnnos -> Id -> Id -> Id
nextWeight side ga arg op =
if joinPlace side arg then
case precRel (prec_annos ga) op arg of
Higher -> arg
_ -> op
else op
-- | check precedence of an argument and a top-level operator.
checkPrec :: GlobalAnnos -> (Id, Int) -> (Id, Int) -> [a] ->
(AssocEither -> Id) -> Bool
checkPrec ga op@(o, _) arg args weight =
if isLeftArg o args then checkArg ARight ga op arg (weight ARight)
else if isRightArg o args then checkArg ALeft ga op arg (weight ALeft)
else True