LibName.hs revision 5dc46f6d0fdd8747d730f9e79a93978145ed43bb
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : library names for HetCASL and development graphs
Copyright : (c) Christian Maeder, DFKI GmbH 2008
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
Abstract syntax of HetCASL specification libraries
Follows Sect. II:2.2.5 of the CASL Reference Manual.
module Common.LibName where
import Common.Doc
import Common.DocUtils
import Common.Id
import Common.Keywords
import Common.Utils
import Data.List
import System.Time
omTs :: [Token]
omTs = [genToken "OM"]
mkQualName :: SIMPLE_ID -> LIB_ID -> Id -> Id
mkQualName nodeId libId i =
Id omTs [i, simpleIdToId nodeId, libIdToId libId] $ posOfId i
isQualNameFrom :: SIMPLE_ID -> LIB_ID -> Id -> Bool
isQualNameFrom nodeId libId i@(Id _ cs _) = case cs of
_ : n : l : _ | isQualName i ->
n == simpleIdToId nodeId && libIdToId libId == l
_ -> True
isQualName :: Id -> Bool
isQualName (Id ts cs _) = case cs of
_ : _ : _ -> ts == omTs
_ -> False
unQualName :: Id -> Id
unQualName j@(Id _ cs _) = case cs of
i : _ | isQualName j -> i
_ -> j
libIdToId :: LIB_ID -> Id
libIdToId li = let
path = splitOn '/' $ show li
toTok s = Token s $ getRange li
in mkId $ map toTok $ intersperse "/" path
data LIB_NAME = Lib_version
{ getLIB_ID :: LIB_ID
, libVersion :: VERSION_NUMBER }
| Lib_id { getLIB_ID :: LIB_ID }
data LIB_ID = Direct_link URL Range
-- pos: start of URL
| Indirect_link PATH Range FilePath ClockTime
-- pos: start of PATH
noTime :: ClockTime
noTime = TOD 0 0
-- | Returns the LIB_ID of a LIB_NAME
getModTime :: LIB_ID -> ClockTime
getModTime li = case li of
Direct_link _ _ -> noTime
Indirect_link _ _ _ m -> m
updFilePathOfLibId :: FilePath -> ClockTime -> LIB_ID -> LIB_ID
updFilePathOfLibId fp mt li = case li of
Direct_link _ _ -> li
Indirect_link p r _ _ -> Indirect_link p r fp mt
data VERSION_NUMBER = Version_number [String] Range deriving (Show, Eq)
-- pos: "version", start of first string
type URL = String
type PATH = String
instance GetRange LIB_ID where
getRange li = case li of
Direct_link _ r -> r
Indirect_link _ r _ _ -> r
instance Show LIB_ID where
show li = case li of
Direct_link s _ -> s
Indirect_link s1 _ _ _ -> s1
instance Show LIB_NAME where
show ln = case ln of
Lib_version li (Version_number vs _) ->
shows li $ " version " ++ intercalate "." vs
Lib_id li -> show li
instance Eq LIB_ID where
Direct_link s1 _ == Direct_link s2 _ = s1 == s2
Indirect_link s1 _ _ _ == Indirect_link s2 _ _ _ = s1 == s2
_ == _ = False
instance Ord LIB_ID where
Direct_link s1 _ <= Direct_link s2 _ = s1 <= s2
Indirect_link s1 _ _ _ <= Indirect_link s2 _ _ _ = s1 <= s2
Direct_link _ _ <= _ = True
Indirect_link _ _ _ _ <= _ = False
instance Eq LIB_NAME where
ln1 == ln2 = compare ln1 ln2 == EQ
instance Ord LIB_NAME where
compare ln1 ln2 = compare (getLIB_ID ln1) $ getLIB_ID ln2
instance Pretty LIB_NAME where
pretty l = case l of
Lib_version i v ->
fsep [pretty i, keyword versionS, pretty v]
Lib_id i -> pretty i
instance Pretty LIB_ID where
pretty l = structId $ case l of
Direct_link u _ -> u
Indirect_link p _ _ _ -> p
instance Pretty VERSION_NUMBER where
pretty (Version_number aa _) =
hcat $ punctuate dot $ map codeToken aa