Tabular.hs revision aca2ab791cb1945ec9efacc07d68c3c424574f4f
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : parts of the tabular package
Copyright : (c) Eric Kow <>
License : BSD3
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
module Common.Lib.Tabular where
import Data.List (intersperse, transpose)
import Common.Lib.State (evalState, get, put)
data Properties = NoLine | SingleLine | DoubleLine
data Header h = Header h | Group Properties [Header h]
-- |
-- > example = Table
-- > (Group SingleLine
-- > [ Group NoLine [Header "A 1", Header "A 2"]
-- > , Group NoLine [Header "B 1", Header "B 2", Header "B 3"]
-- > ])
-- > (Group DoubleLine
-- > [ Group SingleLine [Header "memtest 1", Header "memtest 2"]
-- > , Group SingleLine [Header "time test 1", Header "time test 2"]
-- > ])
-- > [ ["hog", "terrible", "slow", "slower"]
-- > , ["pig", "not bad", "fast", "slowest"]
-- > , ["good", "awful" , "intolerable", "bearable"]
-- > , ["better", "no chance", "crawling", "amazing"]
-- > , ["meh", "well...", "worst ever", "ok"]
-- > ]
-- > -- Text.Tabular.AsciiArt.render example id
-- > --
-- > -- || memtest 1 | memtest 2 || time test | time test 2
-- > -- ====++===========+===========++=============+============
-- > -- A 1 || hog | terrible || slow | slower
-- > -- A 2 || pig | not bad || fast | slowest
-- > -- ----++-----------+-----------++-------------+------------
-- > -- B 1 || good | awful || intolerable | bearable
-- > -- B 2 || better | no chance || crawling | amazing
-- > -- B 3 || meh | well... || worst ever | ok
data Table rh ch a = Table (Header rh) (Header ch) [[a]]
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | A 'Table' of "FancyCell"
type FancyTable d a = Table (FancyCell d a)
-- | 'FancyCell' @decorations a@ is a table cell that is associated with
-- decorations of your choosing (for example, a cell colour) as well as
-- instructions to merge that cell with its neighbours down or to the
-- right. We include special versions of the rendering functions that
-- recognise the merge instructions, but you will have to supply the
-- code that deals with the decorations.
type FancyCell decorations a = (a, Maybe decorations, Maybe MergeInfo)
data MergeInfo = MergeInfo { mergeDown :: Int
, mergeRight :: Int
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- * Helper functions for rendering
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Retrieve the contents of a header
headerContents :: Header h -> [h]
headerContents (Header s) = [s]
headerContents (Group _ hs) = concatMap headerContents hs
instance Functor Header where
fmap f (Header s) = Header (f s)
fmap f (Group p hs) = Group p (map (fmap f) hs)
-- | 'zipHeader' @e@ @ss@ @h@ returns the same structure
-- as @h@ except with all the text replaced by the contents
-- of @ss@.
-- If @ss@ has too many cells, the excess is ignored.
-- If it has too few cells, the missing ones (at the end)
-- and replaced with the empty contents @e@
zipHeader :: h -> [h] -> Header a -> Header (h,a)
zipHeader e ss h = evalState (helper h) ss
helper (Header x) =
do cells <- get
string <- case cells of
[] -> return (e,x)
s : xs -> put xs >> return (s,x)
return $ Header string
helper (Group s hs) =
Group s `fmap` mapM helper hs
flattenHeader :: Header h -> [Either Properties h]
flattenHeader (Header s) = [Right s]
flattenHeader (Group l s) =
concat . intersperse [Left l] . map flattenHeader $ s
-- | The idea is to deal with the fact that Properties
-- (e.g. borders) are not standalone cells but attributes
-- of a cell. A border is just a CSS decoration of a
-- TD element.
-- squish @decorator f h@ applies @f@ to every item
-- in the list represented by @h@ (see 'flattenHeader'),
-- additionally applying @decorator@ if the item is
-- followed by some kind of boundary
-- So
-- @
-- o o o | o o o | o o
-- @
-- gets converted into
-- @
-- O O X O O X O O
-- @
squish :: (Properties -> b -> b)
-> (h -> b)
-> Header h
-> [b]
squish decorator f h = helper $ flattenHeader h
helper [] = []
helper (Left _ : es) = helper es
helper (Right x : es) =
case es of
(Left p:es2) -> decorator p (f x) : helper es2
_ -> f x : helper es
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- * Combinators
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Convenience type for just one row (or column).
-- To be used with combinators as follows:
-- > example2 =
-- > empty ^..^ col "memtest 1" [] ^|^ col "memtest 2" []
-- > ^||^ col "time test "[] ^|^ col "time test 2" []
-- > +.+ row "A 1" ["hog", "terrible", "slow", "slower"]
-- > +.+ row "A 2" ["pig", "not bad", "fast", "slowest"]
-- > +----+
-- > row "B 1" ["good", "awful", "intolerable", "bearable"]
-- > +.+ row "B 2" ["better", "no chance", "crawling", "amazing"]
-- > +.+ row "B 3" ["meh", "well...", "worst ever", "ok"]
data SemiTable h a = SemiTable (Header h) [a]
empty :: Table rh ch a
empty = Table (Group NoLine []) (Group NoLine []) []
col :: ch -> [a] -> SemiTable ch a
col = SemiTable . Header
-- | Column header
colH :: ch -> SemiTable ch a
colH header = col header []
row :: rh -> [a] -> SemiTable rh a
row = col
rowH :: rh -> SemiTable rh a
rowH = colH
beside :: Properties -> Table rh ch a -> SemiTable ch a -> Table rh ch a
beside prop (Table rows cols1 data1)
(SemiTable cols2 data2) =
Table rows (Group prop [cols1, cols2])
(zipWith (++) data1 [data2])
below :: Properties -> Table rh ch a -> SemiTable rh a -> Table rh ch a
below prop (Table rows1 cols data1)
(SemiTable rows2 data2) =
Table (Group prop [rows1, rows2]) cols (data1 ++ [data2])
-- | besides
(^..^) :: Table rh ch a -> SemiTable ch a -> Table rh ch a
(^..^) = beside NoLine
-- | besides with a line
(^|^) :: Table rh ch a -> SemiTable ch a -> Table rh ch a
(^|^) = beside SingleLine
-- | besides with a double line
(^||^) :: Table rh ch a -> SemiTable ch a -> Table rh ch a
(^||^) = beside DoubleLine
-- | below
(+.+) :: Table rh ch a -> SemiTable rh a -> Table rh ch a
(+.+) = below NoLine
-- | below with a line
(+----+) :: Table rh ch a -> SemiTable rh a -> Table rh ch a
(+----+) = below SingleLine
-- | below with a double line
(+====+) :: Table rh ch a -> SemiTable rh a -> Table rh ch a
(+====+) = below DoubleLine
-- * ascii art
-- | for simplicity, we assume that each cell is rendered
-- on a single line
render :: (rh -> String)
-> (ch -> String)
-> (a -> String)
-> Table rh ch a
-> String
render fr fc f (Table rh ch cells) =
unlines $ [ bar SingleLine -- +--------------------------------------+
, renderColumns sizes ch2
, bar DoubleLine -- +======================================+
] ++
renderRs (fmap renderR $ zipHeader [] cells $ fmap fr rh) ++
[ bar SingleLine ] -- +--------------------------------------+
bar = concat . renderHLine sizes ch2
-- ch2 and cell2 include the row and column labels
ch2 = Group DoubleLine [Header "", fmap fc ch]
cells2 = headerContents ch2
: zipWith (\h cs -> h : map f cs) rhStrings cells
renderR (cs,h) = renderColumns sizes $ Group DoubleLine
[ Header h
, fmap fst $ zipHeader "" (map f cs) ch]
rhStrings = map fr $ headerContents rh
-- maximum width for each column
sizes = map (maximum . map length) . transpose $ cells2
renderRs (Header s) = [s]
renderRs (Group p hs) = concat . intersperse sep . map renderRs $ hs
where sep = renderHLine sizes ch2 p
-- | We stop rendering on the shortest list!
renderColumns :: [Int] -- ^ max width for each column
-> Header String
-> String
renderColumns is h = "| " ++ coreLine ++ " |"
coreLine = concatMap helper $ flattenHeader $ zipHeader 0 is h
helper = either hsep (uncurry padLeft)
hsep :: Properties -> String
hsep NoLine = " "
hsep SingleLine = " | "
hsep DoubleLine = " || "
renderHLine :: [Int] -- ^ width specifications
-> Header String
-> Properties
-> [String]
renderHLine _ _ NoLine = []
renderHLine w h SingleLine = [renderHLine' w '-' h]
renderHLine w h DoubleLine = [renderHLine' w '=' h]
renderHLine' :: [Int] -> Char -> Header String -> String
renderHLine' is sep h = [ '+', sep ] ++ coreLine ++ [sep, '+']
coreLine = concatMap helper $ flattenHeader $ zipHeader 0 is h
helper = either vsep dashes
dashes (i,_) = replicate i sep
vsep NoLine = [sep]
vsep SingleLine = sep : '+' : [sep]
vsep DoubleLine = sep : "++" ++ [sep]
padLeft :: Int -> String -> String
padLeft l s = padding ++ s
where padding = replicate (l - length s) ' '