State.hs revision 97018cf5fa25b494adffd7e9b4e87320dae6bf47
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : C. Maeder and Uni Bremen 2002-2005
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : experimental
Portability : portable
State type from Control.Monad.State but no class MonadState
This module may be replaced by the (non-nhc98 module) Control.Monad.State
module Common.Lib.State where
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Our fixed state monad
newtype State s a = State { runState :: s -> (a, s) }
instance Functor (State s) where
fmap f m = State $ \s -> let
(a, s') = runState m s
in (f a, s')
instance Monad (State s) where
return a = State $ \s -> (a, s)
m >>= k = State $ \s -> let
(a, s') = runState m s
in runState (k a) s'
-- put and get are non-overloaded here!
get :: State s s
get = State $ \s -> (s, s)
put :: s -> State s ()
put s = State $ \_ -> ((), s)
modify :: (s -> s) -> State s ()
modify f = get >>= put . f
gets :: (s -> a) -> State s a
gets f = fmap f get
evalState :: State s a -> s -> a
evalState m = fst . runState m
execState :: State s a -> s -> s
execState m = snd . runState m
mapState :: ((a, s) -> (b, s)) -> State s a -> State s b
mapState f m = State $ f . runState m
withState :: (s -> s) -> State s a -> State s a
withState f m = State $ runState m . f