Rel.hs revision a74f814d3b445eadad6f68737a98a7a303698aff
304d15b2ffa9376d78bddcfc63569824381714abDaniel Hausmann{- |
304d15b2ffa9376d78bddcfc63569824381714abDaniel HausmannModule : $Header$
304d15b2ffa9376d78bddcfc63569824381714abDaniel HausmannDescription : Relations, based on maps
304d15b2ffa9376d78bddcfc63569824381714abDaniel HausmannCopyright : (c) Uni Bremen 2003-2005
304d15b2ffa9376d78bddcfc63569824381714abDaniel HausmannLicense : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
304d15b2ffa9376d78bddcfc63569824381714abDaniel Hausmann
304d15b2ffa9376d78bddcfc63569824381714abDaniel HausmannMaintainer :
304d15b2ffa9376d78bddcfc63569824381714abDaniel HausmannStability : provisional
304d15b2ffa9376d78bddcfc63569824381714abDaniel HausmannPortability : portable
304d15b2ffa9376d78bddcfc63569824381714abDaniel Hausmann
304d15b2ffa9376d78bddcfc63569824381714abDaniel Hausmannsupply a simple data type for (precedence or subsort) relations. A
304d15b2ffa9376d78bddcfc63569824381714abDaniel Hausmannrelation is conceptually a set of (ordered) pairs,
304d15b2ffa9376d78bddcfc63569824381714abDaniel Hausmannbut the hidden implementation is based on a map of sets.
304d15b2ffa9376d78bddcfc63569824381714abDaniel HausmannAn alternative view is that of a directed Graph
304d15b2ffa9376d78bddcfc63569824381714abDaniel Hausmannwithout isolated nodes.
304d15b2ffa9376d78bddcfc63569824381714abDaniel Hausmann
304d15b2ffa9376d78bddcfc63569824381714abDaniel Hausmann'Rel' is a directed graph with elements (Ord a) as (uniquely labelled) nodes
304d15b2ffa9376d78bddcfc63569824381714abDaniel Hausmannand (unlabelled) edges (with a multiplicity of at most one).
304d15b2ffa9376d78bddcfc63569824381714abDaniel Hausmann
304d15b2ffa9376d78bddcfc63569824381714abDaniel HausmannUsage: start with an 'empty' relation, 'insert' edges, and test for
304d15b2ffa9376d78bddcfc63569824381714abDaniel Hausmannan edge 'member' (before or after calling 'transClosure').
304d15b2ffa9376d78bddcfc63569824381714abDaniel Hausmann
304d15b2ffa9376d78bddcfc63569824381714abDaniel HausmannIt is possible to insert self edges or bigger cycles.
304d15b2ffa9376d78bddcfc63569824381714abDaniel Hausmann
304d15b2ffa9376d78bddcfc63569824381714abDaniel HausmannChecking for a 'path' corresponds to checking for a member in the
304d15b2ffa9376d78bddcfc63569824381714abDaniel Hausmanntransitive (possibly non-reflexive) closure. A further 'insert', however,
304d15b2ffa9376d78bddcfc63569824381714abDaniel Hausmannmay destroy the closedness property of a relation.
304d15b2ffa9376d78bddcfc63569824381714abDaniel Hausmann
304d15b2ffa9376d78bddcfc63569824381714abDaniel HausmannThe functions 'image', and 'setInsert' are utility functions
304d15b2ffa9376d78bddcfc63569824381714abDaniel Hausmannfor plain maps involving sets.
304d15b2ffa9376d78bddcfc63569824381714abDaniel Hausmann
304d15b2ffa9376d78bddcfc63569824381714abDaniel Hausmann-}
304d15b2ffa9376d78bddcfc63569824381714abDaniel Hausmann
304d15b2ffa9376d78bddcfc63569824381714abDaniel Hausmannmodule Common.Lib.Rel
304d15b2ffa9376d78bddcfc63569824381714abDaniel Hausmann ( Rel(), empty, null, insert, member, toMap, map
304d15b2ffa9376d78bddcfc63569824381714abDaniel Hausmann , union, intersection, isSubrelOf, difference, path
304d15b2ffa9376d78bddcfc63569824381714abDaniel Hausmann , delete, succs, predecessors, irreflex, sccOfClosure
304d15b2ffa9376d78bddcfc63569824381714abDaniel Hausmann , transClosure, fromList, toList, image, toPrecMap
304d15b2ffa9376d78bddcfc63569824381714abDaniel Hausmann , intransKernel, mostRight, restrict, delSet
304d15b2ffa9376d78bddcfc63569824381714abDaniel Hausmann , toSet, fromSet, topSort, nodes, collaps
, transpose, transReduce, setInsert, setToMap
, fromDistinctMap, locallyFiltered
, flatSet, partSet, partList, leqClasses
) where
import Prelude hiding (map, null)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.List as List
data Rel a = Rel { toMap :: Map.Map a (Set.Set a) } deriving (Eq, Ord)
-- the invariant is that set values are never empty
fromDistinctMap :: Map.Map a (Set.Set a) -> Rel a
fromDistinctMap = Rel
-- | the empty relation
empty :: Rel a
empty = Rel Map.empty
-- | test for 'empty'
null :: Rel a -> Bool
null (Rel m) = Map.null m
-- | difference of two relations
difference :: Ord a => Rel a -> Rel a -> Rel a
difference a b = fromSet (toSet a Set.\\ toSet b)
-- | union of two relations
union :: Ord a => Rel a -> Rel a -> Rel a
union a b = fromSet $ Set.union (toSet a) $ toSet b
-- | intersection of two relations
intersection :: Ord a => Rel a -> Rel a -> Rel a
intersection a b = fromSet $ Set.intersection (toSet a) $ toSet b
-- | is the first relation a sub-relation of the second
isSubrelOf :: Ord a => Rel a -> Rel a -> Bool
isSubrelOf a b = Set.isSubsetOf (toSet a) $ toSet b
-- | insert an ordered pair
insert :: Ord a => a -> a -> Rel a -> Rel a
insert a b = Rel . setInsert a b . toMap
-- | delete an ordered pair
delete :: Ord a => a -> a -> Rel a -> Rel a
delete a b (Rel m) =
let t = Set.delete b $ Map.findWithDefault Set.empty a m in
Rel $ if Set.null t then Map.delete a m else Map.insert a t m
-- | test for an (previously inserted) ordered pair
member :: Ord a => a -> a -> Rel a -> Bool
member a b r = Set.member b $ succs r a
-- | get direct successors
succs :: Ord a => Rel a -> a -> Set.Set a
succs (Rel m) a = Map.findWithDefault Set.empty a m
-- | get all transitive successors
reachable :: Ord a => Rel a -> a -> Set.Set a
reachable r a = Set.fold reach Set.empty $ succs r a where
reach e s = if Set.member e s then s
else Set.fold reach (Set.insert e s) $ succs r e
-- | predecessors of one node in the given set of a nodes
preds :: Ord a => Rel a -> a -> Set.Set a -> Set.Set a
preds r a = Set.filter ( \ s -> member s a r)
-- | get direct predecessors inefficiently
predecessors :: Ord a => Rel a -> a -> Set.Set a
predecessors r@(Rel m) a = preds r a $ Map.keysSet m
-- | test for 'member' or transitive membership (non-empty path)
path :: Ord a => a -> a -> Rel a -> Bool
path a b r = Set.member b $ reachable r a
-- | compute transitive closure (make all transitive members direct members)
transClosure :: Ord a => Rel a -> Rel a
transClosure r@(Rel m) = Rel $ Map.mapWithKey ( \ k _ -> reachable r k) m
-- | get reverse relation
transpose :: Ord a => Rel a -> Rel a
transpose = fromList . ( \ (a, b) -> (b, a)) . toList
-- | establish the invariant
rmNull :: Ord a => Map.Map a (Set.Set a) -> Map.Map a (Set.Set a)
rmNull = Map.filter (not . Set.null)
-- | make relation irreflexive
irreflex :: Ord a => Rel a -> Rel a
irreflex (Rel m) = Rel $ rmNull $ Map.mapWithKey Set.delete m
-- | compute strongly connected components for a transitively closed relation
sccOfClosure :: Ord a => Rel a -> [Set.Set a]
sccOfClosure r@(Rel m) =
if Map.null m then []
else let ((k, v), p) = Map.deleteFindMin m in
if Set.member k v then -- has a cycle
let c = preds r k v in -- get the cycle
c : sccOfClosure (Rel $ Set.fold Map.delete p c)
else sccOfClosure (Rel p)
{- | restrict strongly connected components to its minimal representative
(input sets must be non-null). Direct cycles may remain. -}
collaps :: Ord a => [Set.Set a] -> Rel a -> Rel a
collaps = delSet . Set.unions . Set.deleteMin
setToMap :: Ord a => Set.Set a -> Map.Map a a
setToMap = Map.fromDistinctAscList . (\ a -> (a, a)) . Set.toList
{- | transitive reduction (minimal relation with the same transitive closure)
of a transitively closed DAG (i.e. without cycles)! -}
transReduce :: Ord a => Rel a -> Rel a
transReduce (Rel m) = Rel $ rmNull $
-- keep all (i, j) in rel for which no c with (i, c) and (c, j) in rel
Map.mapWithKey ( \ i s -> let d = setToMap $ Set.delete i s in
Set.filter ( \ j ->
Map.null $ Map.filter (Set.member j)
$ Map.intersection m $ Map.delete j d) s) m
-- | convert a list of ordered pairs to a relation
fromList :: Ord a => [(a, a)] -> Rel a
fromList = foldr (uncurry insert) empty
-- | convert a relation to a list of ordered pairs
toList :: Rel a -> [(a, a)]
toList (Rel m) = concatMap (\ (a , bs) -> ( \ b -> (a, b) )
(Set.toList bs)) $ Map.toList m
instance (Show a, Ord a) => Show (Rel a) where
show = show . Set.fromDistinctAscList . toList
-- | Insert into a set of values
setInsert :: (Ord k, Ord a) => k -> a -> Map.Map k (Set.Set a)
-> Map.Map k (Set.Set a)
setInsert kx x t =
Map.insert kx (Set.insert x $ Map.findWithDefault Set.empty kx t) t
-- | the image of a map
image :: (Ord k, Ord a) => Map.Map k a -> Set.Set k -> Set.Set a
image f s =
Set.fold ins Set.empty s
where ins x = case Map.lookup x f of
Nothing -> id
Just y -> Set.insert y
-- | map the values of a relation
map :: (Ord a, Ord b) => (a -> b) -> Rel a -> Rel b
map f (Rel m) = Rel $ Map.foldWithKey
( \ a -> Map.insertWith Set.union (f a) . f) Map.empty m
-- | Restriction of a relation under a set
restrict :: Ord a => Rel a -> Set.Set a -> Rel a
restrict r s = delSet (nodes r Set.\\ s) r
-- | restrict to elements not in the input set
delSet :: Ord a => Set.Set a -> Rel a -> Rel a
delSet s (Rel m) = Rel $ rmNull ( (Set.\\ s) m) Map.\\ setToMap s
-- | convert a relation to a set of ordered pairs
toSet :: (Ord a) => Rel a -> Set.Set (a, a)
toSet = Set.fromDistinctAscList . toList
-- | convert a set of ordered pairs to a relation
fromSet :: (Ord a) => Set.Set (a, a) -> Rel a
fromSet = fromAscList . Set.toList
-- | convert a sorted list of ordered pairs to a relation
fromAscList :: (Ord a) => [(a, a)] -> Rel a
fromAscList = Rel . Map.fromDistinctAscList
. ( \ l -> (fst (head l),
Set.fromDistinctAscList $ snd l))
. List.groupBy ( \ (a, _) (b, _) -> a == b)
-- | all nodes of the edges
nodes :: Ord a => Rel a -> Set.Set a
nodes (Rel m) = Set.union (Map.keysSet m) $ elemsSet m
elemsSet :: Ord a => Map.Map a (Set.Set a) -> Set.Set a
elemsSet = Set.unions . Map.elems
{- | Construct a precedence map from a closed relation. Indices range
between 1 and the second value that is output. -}
toPrecMap :: Ord a => Rel a -> (Map.Map a Int, Int)
toPrecMap = foldl ( \ (m1, c) s -> let n = c + 1 in
(Set.fold (flip Map.insert n) m1 s, n))
(Map.empty, 0) . topSort
topSortDAG :: Ord a => Rel a -> [Set.Set a]
topSortDAG r@(Rel m) = if Map.null m then [] else
let es = elemsSet m
ml = Map.keysSet m Set.\\ es -- most left
Rel m2 = delSet ml r
rs = es Set.\\ Map.keysSet m2 -- re-insert loose ends
in ml : topSortDAG (Rel $ Set.fold (flip Map.insert Set.empty) m2 rs)
-- | topologically sort a closed relation (ignore isolated cycles)
topSort :: Ord a => Rel a -> [Set.Set a]
topSort r = let cs = sccOfClosure r in (expandCycle cs) $ topSortDAG $ irreflex $ collaps cs r
-- | find the cycle and add it to the result set
expandCycle :: Ord a => [Set.Set a] -> Set.Set a -> Set.Set a
expandCycle cs s = case cs of
[] -> s
c : r -> if Set.null c then error "Common.Lib.Rel.expandCycle" else
let (a, b) = Set.deleteFindMin c in
if Set.member a s then Set.union b s else expandCycle r s
{- | gets the most right elements of the irreflexive relation,
unless no hierarchy is left then isolated nodes are output -}
mostRightOfCollapsed :: Ord a => Rel a -> Set.Set a
mostRightOfCollapsed r@(Rel m) = if Map.null m then Set.empty
else let Rel im = irreflex r
mr = elemsSet im Set.\\ Map.keysSet im
in if Set.null mr then Map.keysSet $ Map.filterWithKey
((==) . Set.singleton) m
else mr
{- |
find s such that x in s => forall y . yRx or not yRx and not xRy
* precondition: (transClosure r == r)
* strongly connected components (cycles) are treated as a compound node
mostRight :: (Ord a) => Rel a -> (Set.Set a)
mostRight r = let
cs = sccOfClosure r
in expandCycle cs (mostRightOfCollapsed $ collaps cs r)
{- |
intransitive kernel of a reflexive and transitive closure
* precondition: (transClosure r == r)
* cycles are uniquely represented (according to Ord)
intransKernel :: Ord a => Rel a -> Rel a
intransKernel r =
let cs = sccOfClosure r
in foldr addCycle (transReduce $ collaps cs r) cs
-- add a cycle given by a set in the collapsed node
addCycle :: Ord a => Set.Set a -> Rel a -> Rel a
addCycle c r = if Set.null c then error "Common.Lib.Rel.addCycle" else
let (a, b) = Set.deleteFindMin c
(m, d) = Set.deleteFindMax c
in insert m a $ foldr (uncurry insert) (delete a a r) $
zip (Set.toList d) (Set.toList b)
{- | calculates if two given elements have a common left element
* if one of the arguments is not present False is returned
haveCommonLeftElem :: (Ord a) => a -> a -> Rel a -> Bool
haveCommonLeftElem t1 t2 =
Map.fold(\ e -> (|| Set.member t1 e && Set.member t2 e)) False . toMap
-- | partitions a set into a list of disjoint non-empty subsets
-- determined by the given function as equivalence classes
partSet :: (Ord a) => (a -> a -> Bool) -> Set.Set a -> [(Set.Set a)]
partSet f = Set.fromList . leqClasses f
-- | partitions a list into a list of disjoint non-empty lists
-- determined by the given function as equivalence classes
partList :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [[a]]
partList f l = case l of
[] -> []
x : r -> let
(ds, es) = List.partition (List.null . filter (f x)) $ partList f r
in (x : concat es) : ds
-- | Divide a Set (List) into equivalence classes w.r.t. eq
leqClasses :: Ord a => (a -> a -> Bool) -> Set.Set a -> [[a]]
leqClasses f = partList f . Set.toList
-- | flattens a list of non-empty sets and uses the minimal element of
-- each set to represent the set
flatSet :: (Ord a) => [Set.Set a] -> Set.Set a
flatSet = Set.fromList . (\s -> if Set.null s
then error "Common.Lib.Rel.flatSet"
else Set.findMin s)
{- | checks if a given relation is locally filtered
* precondition: the relation must already be closed by transitive closure
locallyFiltered :: (Ord a) => Rel a -> Bool
locallyFiltered rel = (check . flatSet . partSet iso . mostRight) rel
where iso x y = member x y rel && member y x rel
check s = Set.null s ||
Set.fold (\ y ->
(&& not (haveCommonLeftElem x y rel))) True s'
&& check s'
where (x, s') = Set.deleteFindMin s