Rel.hs revision 58b671de3fe578346fef9642ffa3c5a0a0edb3cb
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Christian Maeder and Uni Bremen 2003
Licence : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENCE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
supply a simple data type for (precedence or subsort) relations. A
relation is conceptually a set of (ordered) pairs (see 'toList' and
'fromList'). But the hidden implementation is based on a map of sets.
'Rel' replaces a directed graph with unique node labels (Ord a) and
unlabelled edges (without multiplicity higher than one).
Usage: start with an 'empty' relation, 'insert' edges, and test for
an edge 'member' (before or after calling 'transClosure').
It is possible to insert self edges or bigger cycles.
A transitive path can be checked by 'transMember' without computing
the full transitive closure. A further 'insert', however,
may destroy the closedness property of a relation.
Currently, no further functions seem to be necessary:
- deletion
- filtering, mapping
- transposing
- reflexive closure (for a finite domain)
- computing a minimal relation whose transitive closure
covers a given relation
module Common.Lib.Rel (Rel(), empty, isEmpty, insert, member, toMap
, transMember, transClosure, fromList, toList
, image, restrict) where
import qualified Common.Lib.Map as Map
import qualified Common.Lib.Set as Set
newtype Rel a = Rel { toMap :: Map.Map a (Set.Set a) } deriving Eq
-- | the empty relation
empty :: Rel a
empty = Rel Map.empty
-- | test for 'empty'
isEmpty :: Rel a -> Bool
isEmpty = Map.isEmpty . toMap
-- | insert an ordered pair
insert :: Ord a => a -> a -> Rel a -> Rel a
insert a b =
let update m = Map.insert a ((b `Set.insert`) $
Map.findWithDefault Set.empty a m) m
Rel . update .toMap
-- | test for an (previously inserted) ordered pair
member :: Ord a => a -> a -> Rel a -> Bool
member a b r = Set.member b $ getDAdjs r a
-- | get direct right neighbours
getDAdjs :: Ord a => Rel a -> a -> Set.Set a
getDAdjs r a = Map.findWithDefault Set.empty a $ toMap r
-- | get right neighbours and right neighbours of right neighbours
getTAdjs :: Ord a => Rel a -> Set.Set a -> Set.Set a -> Set.Set a
-- transitive right neighbours
-- initial call 'getTAdjs succs r Set.empty $ Set.single a'
getTAdjs r given new =
if Set.isEmpty new then given else
let ds = Set.unions $ map (getDAdjs r) $ Set.toList new in
getTAdjs r (ds `Set.union` given) (ds Set.\\ new Set.\\ given)
-- | test for 'member' or transitive membership
transMember :: Ord a => a -> a -> Rel a -> Bool
transMember a b r = Set.member b $ getTAdjs r Set.empty $ Set.single a
-- | compute transitive closure (make all transitive members direct members)
transClosure :: Ord a => Rel a -> Rel a
transClosure r = Rel $ ( \ s -> getTAdjs r s s) $ toMap r
-- | convert a list of ordered pairs to a relation
fromList :: Ord a => [(a, a)] -> Rel a
fromList = foldr (\ (a, b) r -> insert a b r ) empty
-- | convert a relation to a list of ordered pairs
toList :: Ord a => Rel a -> [(a, a)]
toList = concatMap (\ (a , bs) -> map ( \ b -> (a, b) ) (Set.toList bs))
. Map.toList . toMap
instance (Show a, Ord a) => Show (Rel a) where
show = show . Set.fromList . toList
Image (Added by T.M.)
-- | /n/. Image of a relation under a function
image :: Ord b => (a -> b) -> Rel a -> Rel b
image f = Rel
(\a ra -> Map.insert (f a) (Set.image f ra))
Restriction (Added by T.M.)
-- | /n/. Image of a relation under a function
restrict :: Ord a => Rel a -> Set.Set a -> Rel a
restrict r s =
(\a ra -> if a `Set.member` s
then Map.insert a (ra `Set.intersection` s)
else id)
toMap r